Volume-7, Issue-3

Volume-7, Issue-3

May-June, 2021

Research Paper

1. Design and analysis of auditorium using STAAD Pro software

This project deals with the design and analysis of the auditorium which is located at Aurangabad in Maharashtra State. The auditorium can be used for all types of formal assembly, lectures, seminars, functions, award ceremonies, cultural activities like dramatic plays, singing, and dancing. The Project is based on the limit state concept, the structure is designed to resist and liable to bear all loads liable to act on it. It should satisfy the requirement of serviceability within the limitation of Deflection and Cracking. The analysis done using STAAD-Pro and Structural Detailing had done using AUTO-CAD.

Published by: Akshay K. Ghuge, Durgesh H. Tupe, Gajendra R. GandheResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Aurangabad, MaharashtraKeywords: Slab, Beam, Column, Footing, Auditorium, Dead Load, Analysis, Design, Structural Detailing, Shear Force, Bending Moment, Staad Pro, Auto Cad.

Research Paper

2. Design and analysis of underground water tank using STAAD Pro software

The water tank is a structure used to store water for supplying to households for drinking purposes, for industries as a coolant, and irrigational water for agricultural farming in some areas. Water tanks are classified on basis of their shapes and position of structure. In this paper, we had discussed the design of an underground water tank of Rectangular shape that is Designed and analyzed using Staad pro. Underground water tank faces a different type of loads compared to other structures, they mainly face horizontal or lateral loads due to earth pressure and water pressure or any liquid pressure which is been stored in the tank. The sidewalls of the underground water tank will face greater load at the bottom and the load linearly decreases towards the top.

Published by: Komal K. Wagh, Deepak N. Gaidhane, Gajendra R. GandheResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Aurangabad, MaharashtraKeywords: Water Tanks, Structural Design and Analysis, Loading Applications, Plates Stress Contouring’s, Base Pressure, Hydrostatic Pressure, Soil Pressure

Research Paper

3. Fire and safety in building

The point of this examination was to analyze fire security measures and their practicality in structures, the necessary measures are innovation-based. Structures ought to be planned so that inhabitants can escape without help from anyone else in the event of a fire. In any case, contextual investigations show that inhabitants frequently are discovered unable to escape on schedule and generally subvert precautional estimates needed to stay away from or get away from fire. The investigation approach depended on occurrence assessments what's more, genuine analyses, for example, unannounced clearing drills. The potential outcomes of computer-generated reality for examining human conduct in flames are up until this point scarcely received by specialists. By the by, since in virtual conditions test people can be confronted with the marvel of fire in a protected manner, Data was too gathered from books, magazines, diaries, and related articles, the application of a social evaluation and examination device in augmented simulation is required to be a significant enhancement on the current examination techniques. In everyday little data is thought about genuine human conduct in an occasion of fire flare-up. Thusly, it is smarter to let the fire security of structures be founded on genuine human conduct in the fire. It is critical to edify tenants on security measures to be taken during fire flare-ups in and around their structures and other fire counteraction techniques to embrace for their wellbeing. The investigation suggested reasonable fire security measures in understanding to best practices after due assessment of existing fire security measures as it applies to clients and the adequacy of these actions.

Published by: Amazad Ali JamadarResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: MIT College of Management Pune, Solapur, MaharashtraKeywords: Fire Security, Data, Hazard

Research Paper

4. Digital rupee – dissecting the viability of CBDC in India

Crypto Currencies are gaining widespread attention all around the globe. Given many of the disadvantages and high risks involved in crypto transactions, new emergent mechanisms of exchange like Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) are entering the market domain which seems relatively promising and less risky. Indian economy can be characterized by ever-rising Non Performing Assets (NPA), low money multiplier, tax evasion, poor tax base, the menace of black money, and high currency deposit ratio (CDR); our research finds that CBDC along with effective policy intervention mechanism can act as a panacea towards ebbing out such perplexities which the economy is confronting. Research points out the poor banking habit among the Indian population which is the primary driving force behind the big divorce between theoretical and actual money multiplier in India. Implementation of CBDC has the requisite potential towards developing banking habits in the masses. Akin to two faces of a coin, with charms come concerns and in the same consonance implementation of CBDC also poses some daunting challenges. First and foremost is the concern of data security in the contemporary milieu when the advancement of science and technology is at its zenith and concomitantly cyber crimes have been witnessing a spur. However, CBDC is a form of cryptocurrency which is characterized by the storage of data using blockchain technology. Under the blockchain framework of data storage, pieces of data are stored in a decentralized manner which makes data theft and deletion an arduous task for cybercriminals. The use of mechanisms like ‘Tokenization’ can also contribute towards securing the data of depositors and preventing frauds and scams. Another impediment in the way is the existing digital divide in the economy, however, implementation of CBDC mechanism in a phased and targeted manner can curb out this impediment to a greater extent. The unprecedented economic crisis owing to the pandemic might have devastating implications in the future and in order to rejuvenate and get all cylinders firing for the Indian economy, CBDC implementation is a dire exigency given the implementation is efficient and in a phased and targeted manner.

Published by: Deepansh BhatiResearch Area: Economics

Organisation: Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, New Delhi, DelhiKeywords: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, CBDC, Economy

Research Paper

5. Comparative study of Stainless Steel and Aluminium Alloy for static structural analysis of quick release coupling used in the steering system

The paper presents the design and analysis of Quick release coupling. Finite element analysis is used to evaluate the performance under severe turning of steering wheel conditions by comparing two materials. Aluminium Alloy and stainless steel are used as quick-release materials. DS Solidworks 2020 and ANSYS 19.2 are used to design and carry out the analysis for determining the distribution of forces, variation of stresses, and deformation across the quick release. The most reliable and efficient material of quick release coupling which is required in FSAE competitions is determined. Static structural analysis has been carried out using the axis-symmetric finite elements. To get appropriate results the model is divided into discrete elements so that the forces are applied effectively in each region

Published by: Shweta BasangoudarResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Quick-Release Coupling, Aluminium Alloy, Stainless Steel, Solidworks, Ansys

Research Paper

6. Air conditioning using Peltier effect

The current air-conditioning system does cooling by refrigerant gases such as Freon, CFCs, etc. While these refrigerants provide good output, their major disadvantage is the emission of harmful gases that damage the ozone layer. A way to overcome this issue is by making use of air conditioners that use thermoelectric modules for cooling, which work by the Peltier effect. These models do not emit any harmful agents, thereby protecting the environment. This project discussed in the paper deals with the study of those thermoelectric air conditioners using the Peltier module. Conventional compressor run cooling equipment has more limitations related to energy efficiency and Chloro-Fluro Carbon (CFC) refrigerants use. Both these factors indirectly point to the impending scenario of global warming. As most of the electricity generation relies on coal power plants, which add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere is the more cause of global warming. Thermoelectric air conditioners have multiple advantages over conventional air conditioners, like, they are smaller in size, they weigh less, have high reliability, have no mechanically moving parts, and no working fluid. This paper focuses on a Peltier Based Air conditioner that will be easily portable

Published by: Arsh Anis Khan, Sahil Bhalla, Rushil Rana, Yusuf PalobaResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Chloro-Flouro Carbon, Die-Electric Semiconductors, Peltier Effect, Seebeck Effect, Thermoelectric Module

Research Paper

7. A study on crack propagation and life expectancy

Cracks are the most common flaws that are usually observed occurring on metallic surfaces, however, the existence of a crack on any material deteriorates the overall strength of the component and in turn, becomes the prominent reason for the failure of the component. The purpose of this research is to find out the behavior of a crack when the component is put to undergo cyclic loading. The study of cracks comes under the section of the vast concept of 'Fracture Mechanics’. The concept gives detailed information about the formation and expansion of cracks and also contributes largely in determining the probable failure time of a component under cyclic or fatigue loads. It’s important to know the life of a component keeping the existence of a crack of even the smallest size under consideration. The project uses concepts and information from fracture mechanics and forecasts the process of propagation of cracks on metal and determines its life under a given loaded condition. To determine the life of the component pre-established relations and formulae are used and results are obtained using a numeric and graphical approach.

Published by: Rishikesh Dattatraya Sali, Pushkraj Rohit Rane, Vishal Lahanu SangaleResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Cracks, Crack Propagation, Cyclic Loading, Fatigue, Fracture Mechanics, Expected Life, Failure of Component

Research Paper

8. The intelligent agent-based information security model for cloud

Today’s era is the era of cloud computing and agent-based processing. Data security and integrity are achieved by information security systems, which ensure the continuity of business and protect organizations against potential risks. Information security systems are used to estimate the risks and search the place of the occurrence of the risks. It should also be able to measure the risk consequences associated with cloud organizations. The cloud organizations must analyze the information system processes and they should develop their own information systems based on the analysis. This paper proposes a comprehensive Agent-Based Information Security framework for Cloud Computing. We have considered risk assessment methods for calculating consequences by focussing on potential threats, assets, vulnerabilities, and their associated measures. A decision system for the organizations is created by taking the help of intelligent (smart) and software agents that are used to fetch and group the relevant information used in a framework that decides against threats based on information provided by the security agents. We have used a fuzzy inference system based upon fuzzy set theory for creating a decision system.

Published by: Milind Deshkar, Dr. Manoj KumarResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Department of CEA, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Information Security, Risk Management, Agent-Based Computing, Multi-Agent Systems, Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Set Theory

Research Paper

9. IoT based android application for remote health monitoring

Health care is extremely important to each country. Negligence in health monitoring may result in negative outcomes. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates growth in the digital health care field. The main idea behind the project is to constantly monitor the health condition of a person with the help of sensors and the internet. The core purpose of the project is to develop an android based application that collects the data from a wearable sensor like a smartwatch via Bluetooth and transfer the data to the cloud for data storage and graphical analysis. The stored data can be accessed across various devices connected through the Wi-Fi module. The entire application is developed on the Android Studio platform and Firebase real-time database is used for the back-end services of the application. As the outcome of the project, an application is developed that connects different devices through the internet that helps in monitoring the patient’s health even from a far distance without necessarily approaching the patient and can also be alerted in case of any abnormalities.

Published by: Nithya Sree KusakulaResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Internet of Things(IoT), Firebase, and Android Studio

Research Paper

10. Augmented cut and paste

Augmented reality (AR) is an intelligent involvement of a real-world environment where the objects that dwell inside the world are upgraded by computer-generated perceptual data, now and then over numerous sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. AR is regularly characterized as a framework that fulfills three essential highlights: a blend of genuine and virtual universes, real-time interaction, and exact 3D enlistment of virtual and genuine objects. The overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e. additive to the natural environment), or destructive (i.e. masking of the natural environment). This involvement is consistently interlaced with the physical world such it’s seen as an immersive angle of the vital environment. In human–computer interaction and interface plan, cut, duplicate and glue are related commands that give an inter-process communication method for exchanging information through a computer’s interface. The cut command evacuates the chosen information from its unique position, whereas the duplicate command makes a copy; in both cases, the chosen information is kept in transitory capacity (the clipboard). The information from the clipboard is afterward embedded wherever a glue command is issued. The information remains accessible to an application supporting the highlight, in this way permitting simple information exchange between applications. With modern developments in machine learning, it's possible to accurately detect people and objects around us, remove the background automatically and transfer the result to a computer. To date, AR had been utilized to venture advanced pictures into the genuine world. However, the “AR Cut & Copy” app reverses the process and brings physical things into the digital world.

Published by: Jay Arun Bhoir, Chaitanya Naveen Nawathe, Shubham Ravi Jambekar, Yogita ChavanResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management, Thane, MaharashtraKeywords: Augmented Reality, BASNet, Deeplab, SIFT, Screenprint

Research Paper

11. Is India on the path to achieving agenda 2030 for zero hunger a comparative analysis from a global perspective

This paper examines the UN Sustainable development goal 2, i.e., zero hunger. Here, we review the hunger and the nutrition situation prevailing in India and suggest policy measures for ensuring adequate food security at the household level, particularly for the marginalized groups, destitute people, women, and children. Also, we will analyze the fall of India’s performance in comparison to the other BIMSTEC nations. The main objectives of this study are to critically analyze if India still stands a chance in achieving the targets of Agenda 2030 & to evaluate India’s performance in comparison to other BIMSTEC nations. The study is based on secondary data being collected from the reports being published by United Nations with regard to performance in the sustainable development goals as well as the various reports being published by the respective countries. For the study, the BIMSTEC nations are taken into account which includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand. The study is comparative in nature. And also, the major indicator that is used to derive the interpretation is the GHI. Besides other indicators are used based on the target to be achieved.

Published by: Princy Gogoi, Paras KohliResearch Area: Social Science [Economics]

Organisation: Amity University, Noida, Uttar PradeshKeywords: SDG, Hunger, GHI

Research Paper

12. E-learning resources are economically feasible to a rural area college student in Ahmednagar district

In the competitive world and fastest-growing technology, every student is capturing updated knowledge and growing his skills every time. In traditional learning, this is not possible to every time update. But in modern learning is helps students updating their knowledge and skills every time 24*7 and anywhere. But their point of view is that an e-learning resource is more costly. This study help to the student they are change his attitude negative to positive about e-learning resource is not economically feasible to me because of my parent's income is low in this study we give the suggestion to use more and more e-learning resource and capture updated knowledge. This paper uses the questionnaire, interviews, and using SPSS software for results and findings.

Published by: Kishor Devidas PakhaleResearch Area: Commerce

Organisation: Ashwamedh Arts Commerce Night College, Ahmednagar, MaharashtraKeywords: Elearning, Rural Area, Economically Feasible

Research Paper

13. Co-fuzzy sub ordered finite gamma near rings

In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of co-fuzzy sub ordered finite gamma near rings and L-fuzzy sub ordered finite gamma near rings with maximum and infimum conditions, where L stands for a complete lattice satisfying infinite meet distributive law. We discuss the concept of intersection and union of co-fuzzy sub-ordered finite gamma near rings. We also prove theorems on homomorphism of finite gamma near rings.

Published by: K. Balakoteswara Rao, D. Bharathi, Pakala VenkatraoResearch Area: Mathematics

Organisation: PRR and VS Government Degree College, Vidavalur, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Fuzzy Set, L-fuzzy Set, Co-Fuzzy Sub Ordered Finite Gamma Near Ring, Homomorphism of Finite Gamma Near Rings


14. Email routing automation

To run a company in success way, one needs to satisfy the client requirement in the industry. A lot of companies are hiring people to monitor the requirements of the client is being done or ongoing in production. In order to reduce the process of hiring a lot of managers for monitoring, build a bot to monitor the employee using the centralized mail of the company, in which the director of the company can able to monitor the employee. He is being assigned a task to be completed the module in time and initiate the process to production, the monitoring process is done to all the employees of the company. This will lead to a limitation in the process of hiring the people for monitoring purposes. This also helps to know the current situation of the project to the Director or the HR of the company and can predict the completion date of the project. The data can be accessed in any system by the manager and make the process to be done.

Published by: Clement Maria Prasan A.Research Area: IT Industiries

Organisation: Loyola ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Managers, Employee, Resources, Bot, HR, Director, Hiring, Task ID, Database, Spreadsheets

Research Paper

15. Driver drowsiness detection system

Making insightful systems to prevent minor accidents can be particularly incredible in limiting the difficulty and loss of life. Street crashes and related types of mishaps are a typical reason for injury and death among the human population. One of the elements which assume a significant part in mishaps is the human blunders including driving exhaustion depending on new brilliant methods; this application recognizes the indications of weariness and lethargy despite the individual at the hour of driving. The proposed framework depends on three separate calculations. In this model, the individual’s face is monitored by a camera in the initial step by getting 14-16fps video grouping. At that point, the pictures are changed from RGB space into YCbCr and HSV spaces. The face territory is isolated from different parts and exceptionally precise HDP is accomplished. That the eyes are open or shut in a particular time span is controlled by zeroing in on thresholding and conditions concerning the balance of human appearances. The proposed framework has been carried out in excess of thirty distinctive video successions with normal precision of93.18 and a discovery rate (DR) of 92.71 out of approximately 2500 picture outlines. High precision in the division, low blunder rate, and fast preparation of information recognize this framework from comparable ones. This framework can limit the number of mishaps brought about by drivers’ exhaustion.

Published by: Paneri SahareResearch Area: Image Processing

Organisation: IIIT Nagpur, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Drowsy Detection, Matlab, Viola-Jones Algorithm

Review Paper

16. Review on wireless sensor network routing and topology approaches

The distinct advancement done in the field of wireless technology possibly developed the use of wireless sensor networks (WSN) consisting of small devices which are used for collecting the information with proper cooperation planning with each of its parts. These small types of devices are generally known as the nodes and it consists of memory used for storing the data, CPU for data processing, transceiver enabling the communication signals between the sender and the receiver, and the battery for energy fulfilling requirements a Wireless sensor network is a group of nodes that are connected to each other by wireless connection. These types of networks work on the dynamic topology of the network because the positions of nodes in the wireless network are changing continuously. The nodes in WSN are basically made up of small electronic device which is used for sensing, computing and transmitting the data. The nodes are run on battery power during the communication process.

Published by: Nighat Yaqoob, Madhvi AryaResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Swami Vivekanand Institute of Engineering and Technology, Banur, PunjabKeywords: Self-Efficacy, Locus, Intelligence, Learning Style

Research Paper

17. Task scheduling in the cloud computing using an improved cuckoo search algorithm

Cloud computing is an advanced internet resources network that is used by many users remotely. The resources include software, hardware, and various applications. The main challenge in cloud computing is task scheduling due to numerous requests are generated simultaneously from remote locations. To overcome this challenge, task scheduling algorithms are designed that appropriately arrange the tasks. In the literature, metaheuristic algorithms have been deployed for optimal task scheduling. The most popular algorithms are genetic algorithm, particle swarm, and cuckoo search algorithm. However, if the initial population of these algorithms is properly not defined then it is easily trapped into the local optimal solution and causes low precision. In this paper, we have overcome this issue and designed an improved cuckoo search algorithm. In the proposed method, the initial population is defined using the chaotic map algorithm and after cuckoo search algorithm is applied to determine optimal task scheduling. The experimental results show that the proposed method is superior in terms of convergence rate, makespan, average waiting time, and average turnaround time as compared to the existing algorithm.

Published by: Parminder Kaur, Sarabjeet KaurResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Cloud Computing, Chaotic Map, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Task Scheduling

Research Paper

18. Optimization of bio-composite helmet

The primary aim of our project is to increase the safety of helmet users and also to reduce the usage of plastic. This led us to the idea of BIO-COMPOSITE HELMET. Generally, bio-composite materials are synthesized using natural fibers as reinforcements together with matrix due to their low density with high specific mechanical strength, availability, renewability, degradability. The present work attempts to make an improvement in the existing helmet manufacturing process. The materials that are used have better mechanical properties in order to enhance the compatibility between fibers and the matrix. The biocomposites are prepared using unsaturated polyester matrix and fibers such as coconut coir and areca using hand lay-up method with appropriate proportions to result in helmet shell structure. The fabricated helmets will be evaluated for their mechanical properties such as hardness, impact strength, and compression strength. Thus, we constructed bio-composite helmets that have highly strong and environmentally friendly.

Published by: Sabari Srinivas S., Gokulkrishna R., Hari Prasanth R.Research Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Knowledge Institute of Technology, Kakapalayam, Tamil NaduKeywords: Coconut Coir, Areca, Epoxy Resin, Adhesive Making, Surface Treatment of Fibres, Hand Lay-Up Method, Mechanical Properties

Research Paper

19. Measures of lexical diversity

The “natural” and the “formal” acquisition of a language by a child are best seen as two ends of a continuum. The acquisition of languages involves a combination of formal instruction and natural acquisition. This paper captures an overview of select prominent tools used for measuring vocabulary diversity across first and second language contexts. The tools include type-token ratios (TTR) and the more recent automated measure of VOCD.

Published by: Vijaya Research Area: Second Language Acquisition

Organisation: The English and Foreign Languages University, Lucknow, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Second Language, Vocabulary Measures, Void, Type-Token Ratio, Lexical Diversity

Research Paper

20. Traffic prediction for intelligent transportation system using machine learning

Traffic is the most major issue in an urban area. The most problem comes because of traffic in all developed cities, So people suffer a lot of time in the road traffic. This time is totally a waste for me personally and for society. In most urbanized areas space is a scarce commodity. Therefore, better management of the existing roads to increase or maintain their capacity level is the only solution. So this project is to develop a tool for predicting accurate and also predict time to help the community. Because of accidents, traffic signals, even repairing the roads these problems are causing traffic. If we get information which is near about all above and many more daily life situations which can affect traffic jam then deriver take the decision on the basis of the situation to move or take other decision. In the current situation, traffic data have been generating exponentially. The already some available prediction methods for traffic flow but those are unsatisfactory to handle real-world application. In this project, we proposed to use a machine-learning algorithm to analyze the traffic with better performance

Published by: Dhanashree Dnyaneshwar Raut, Susmita Salvi, Ankita Gupta, Pranali PatilResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management, Thane, MaharashtraKeywords: Random Forest, Decision Tree, SVM (Support Vector Machine), Machine Learning, Traffic Prediction

Research Paper

21. Static and thermo-mechanical analysis of brake disc and pad using finite element analysis

In the automobile, the braking system is a very important part. The brake pad plays important role in braking. Previously Asbestos is used as a brake pad, but asbestos is not good for the environment and human health. So, the use of Asbestos is prohibited. Currently, a lot of research is going on to find out a brake pad material that will replace Asbestos. Some materials selected for the brake pad are Carbon Fibre, Sic, ZrO2, S2 Glass fiber. Out of this material, Carbon Fibre is a material used for Brake pads. The static and thermomechanical analysis is performed in ANSYS Workbench. For this analysis, Carbon fiber is used for the brake pad and the Aluminium alloy is used brake disc. In static analysis, the deformation and stresses are found out and in thermomechanical analysis, Thermal effects are added to find out the deformation and stresses. It found that after the addition of thermal effects, the deformation and stresses are increased considerably. But both stresses and deformation values are within the failure limit

Published by: Akshay Pacharne, Pramod KathamoreResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Finite Element Analysis, Brake Disc, Brake Pad

Review Paper

22. Gender bias at workplace and the remedial measures

Despite the substantial rise in the number of women joining the workforce, gender parity continues to suffer, especially at higher positions. In India, 85% of working women claim to have missed out on a promotion or hike because of their gender. About two-thirds of working women (63%) and working mothers (69%) say they faced discrimination at work due to familial and household responsibilities. It is the need of the hour for organizations to reimagine their diversity practices and offer greater flexibility to caregivers, to increase female participation in the workforce. Reduced and flexible schedules, more sabbaticals, and new opportunities to upskill and learn are critical offerings that can help organizations attract, hire, and retain more female talent. Gender bias is the tendency to prefer one gender over another. It is a form of unconscious bias, or implicit bias, which occurs when one individual unconsciously attributes certain attitudes and stereotypes to another person or group of people.

Published by: Arshyaa SuhagResearch Area: Humanities

Organisation: O. P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, HaryanaKeywords: Gender Bias, Work Place, Discrimination, Remedies

Review Paper

23. A literature review on EELS – Intrinsic characteristic of producing electric current

An eel scientifically known as Anguilliformes is a fish consisting of ray fins which belong to the Actinopterygii family i.e. family of eels in freshwater. It has 8 suborders, 19 families and 119 genera, and somewhere around 800 species. Eels have various intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics which alter and develop when they grow physically. Eels have an elongated structure (long length fish) with a length ranging from 5cm to 4m and weighing from 30g-25kg (in adults). Eels swim by generating waves from their body structure .they can swim in both forward and reverse directions forming body waves. They generally reside in deep waters or sea in holes called “eel’s pit”. Some of the eels may stay at freshwaters but they too will come back to the seas for breeding. There are two types of eels that are commonly seen one is deep-sea spiny eels and the other is the electric eels producing an electric current of high voltage. Both these characteristics of eels help them from protecting themselves from predators. This review paper considers the lather characteristics of the eels of producing electric current using their own intrinsic characters and how they behave during the act of producing current

Published by: Shreyas Bharatharaj Katagal, Rohith R., Sachin B. A., Karthigeyan S.Research Area: Biomimicing

Organisation: JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Eels, Anguilliformes, Actinopterygii, Intrinsic Characteristics, Eels Pit, Electric Eels, Deep Sea Spiny Eels

Research Paper

24. An integrated approach for the smart grid using the data compression and encryption algorithm

Smart Grid network continuously monitors the electricity demand and usage through various smart appliances. Continuous monitoring generates a large amount of redundant data. Besides that, the data is sensitive to attacks. To overcome these challenges, we have designed an integrated approach for a smart grid using the data compression and encryption algorithm. We have used the DRACO algorithm for data compression. Further, we have designed an improved chaotic cubic map algorithm by hybrid it with AES layers to enhance security. For validation purposes, the data is randomly generated and various performance metrics are calculated for it. In the last, the proposed integrated approach is compared with the existing approaches. The results show that the proposed approach is superior to the existing approaches.

Published by: Sukhjinder Singh, Puneet JainResearch Area: Electrical Engineering

Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), DRACO, Chaotic Cubic Map Algorithm, Smart Grid


25. Effectiveness of relaxation therapy on stress among teachers of mentally challenged schools

Stress is an inevitable word in this fast-spinning technical world. Efficient and Effective performance depends on the better psychological well-being of the employees. A study is conducted to assess the Effectiveness of Relaxation therapy on stress among 120 teachers of mentally disabled children. A quantitative research approach with a pre-experimental one-group pre-test post-test design is adopted. Data collected through self-report using the stress Assessment Scale. The findings revealed that there is a significant reduction of stress (t=23.68,p<0.001) and showed that relaxation therapy is effective in reducing stress.

Published by: Dr. Feby G., Dr. Sharmila Jansi RaniResearch Area: Nursing

Organisation: St. Xavier's Catholic College of Nursing, Nagercoil, Tamil NaduKeywords: Stress, Relaxation therapy, Teachers, Mentally Challenged Children

Research Paper

26. Economic load dispatch problem using improved flower pollination algorithm

In this paper, we have designed an improved flower pollination algorithm to find the optimal solution for the economic load dispatch (ELD) problem. The solution to the ELD problem reduces the generation cost and power losses in the smart grid. In the proposed algorithm, we have considered a three-unit system. The performance analysis of the proposed algorithm is done based on generation cost and power losses. Further, it is compared with the popular optimization algorithm such as particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, and flower pollination algorithm. The evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm takes 3602.9 $/h generation cost and 9.3205 power losses which is far lesser than existing optimization algorithms.

Published by: Manpreet Singh, Puneet JainResearch Area: Electrical Engineering

Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Chaotic Map Algorithm, Economic Load Dispatch, Flower Pollination Algorithm, Smart Grid, Generation Cost

Review Paper

27. Role of the Fair-Trade Organisation on the status of women producers with respect to global trade

The fair-trade movement began in the year 1946, in America at the time when handicrafts were being imported. The concept of fair trade soon gained popularity in the U.S. and also spread to Europe. The foundation of the fair trade movement was based on the fact that the producers receive a fair price for their produce. FT program began with the handicrafts and soon expanded to other products like coffee, banana, sugar, tea, wine. It was in the mid-1980s when the model of fair trade came into the picture and at that time, progressive entrepreneurs including Paul Katzeff started importing coffee from Nicaragua so as to support the Sandinista farmers. The plight of the Nicaraguan farmers was such that they were suffering from starvation and malnutrition at the time when the U.S. boycotted their country’s goods. A national standard for fair trade certification came into existence which was founded in the year 1997 as an umbrella organization with the aim to collaborate and coordinate this system of fair trade across the world. In the backdrop of Fair Trade, the study aims to analyze the impact of the Fair-Trade Organization on the status of women producers in the field of global trade. It seeks to understand the role played by FTO in reducing the gender gap by taking into consideration the gender inequalities in global trade. Further, it focuses on the effectiveness of FTO in terms of the participation of women producers in global trade and also the benefits received by the women producers after its establishment. This study will help in better understanding the role played by Fairtrade in addressing the various issues faced by women producers and how effective it has been in reducing gender inequality in global trade.

Published by: Mansha ChawlaResearch Area: Economics

Organisation: Christ University, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Global Trade, Fair-Trade Organisation, Impact, Gender Inequalities, Women Producers

Research Paper

28. Embedded system design for the forced circulation system

In today’s world, most people are shifting towards renewable energy resources like solar which is globally accepted. The Forced Circulation Solar Water Heater System is not well-known but is one of the efficient types of water heater systems. In our country, such a system uses old techniques and is also costly. But we had upgraded it using an Embedded design which is much better in the economical and easy upgrade.

Published by: Suhas D. Gokhale, Udayraj Vasudev Miraje, Shubham Sanjay Miraje, Pratik Sanjeev Mali, Aditya Narayan ShedsaleResearch Area: Electronics Engineering

Organisation: DKTE's Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, MaharashtraKeywords: Solar, Forced Circulation System, Arduino, Renewable Energy

Research Paper

29. Online-Fraud Detection, Web-Scraped Dataset Analysis and Algorithm Performance Evaluation

The volume of online information transfer has raised significantly in past few years. It is mainly due to various online portals that are currently one of the primary sources used by people. It is not always the case that the information found online is correct unless gained through some trusted and verified source. This is the reason why the user falls victim in the hands of false media. The term “Click-Bait” and “Fake News” are heard several times but people are unaware of the harm it is causing. The paper incorporates a Novel Neural Network Approach where Headlines are specifically taken into consideration. The model is tested for various types of headlines included in the Dataset. The proposed system is not only tested for Click-Bait Datasets collected from various news sites but also web-scraped data. Considerable results are obtained in terms of Accuracy, F1-score, Precision and Recall.

Published by: Anam Khan, Dr. Megharani PatilResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Click-bait, FastText, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Neural Network (NN).

Research Paper

30. Underwater image enhancement using improved Particle Swarm Optimization

The underwater images are used for monitoring the underwater pipelines and aquaculture. However, obtaining a clear image is a difficult task due to light scattering and absorption issues. Due to these issues, a very low contrast, blur, and color distortion underwater image is obtained. To overcome these issues, enhancement algorithms have been designed. In the literature, conventional algorithms are used for enhancement purposes are histogram equalization, stretching, and power-law expression. However, these algorithms over-enhance the images if proper parameters are not taken under consideration. Therefore, swarm-based optimization algorithms have been used to determine the optimal values of these parameters. In this paper, we have designed an improved particle swarm optimization-based enhancement algorithm. In the proposed method, initially, pre-processing of the underwater image is done and its channels are extracted. After that, based on the mean values of the channels, the channels are classified into three types, namely, superior, intermediate, and inferior. Based on the superior channel, gain factors are determined and enhance the intermediate and inferior channels. Next, the power-law expression is applied to the inferior and intermediate channels to enhances its gamma value. The gamma value in the proposed algorithm is determined using an improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. In the improved PSO algorithm, the initial population of the PSO algorithm is defined using a chaotic map algorithm therefore PSO algorithm does not fall into the local optimal solution. In the last, contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) for enhancement. The experimental results are performed for the standard dataset images and simulated in MATLAB. Further, qualitative and quantitative analysis is done for the proposed algorithm. The results show that the proposed algorithm is superior as compared to the existing algorithms

Published by: Sanjeev Kumar, Sarabjeet KaurResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering

Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Chaotic Map, Particle Swarm Optimization, Power-Law, Underwater Image Enhancement

Research Paper

31. Evaluation of free radical scavenging activity and skin whitening potential of cyanobacteria

In day-to-day life, our skin is exposed to various chemicals, environmental pollution, and UV radiation which results in the early onset of photoaging and skin darkening. There is increased demand for skin whitening cosmetics for skin protection as well as aesthetic looks. The current skin whitening agents used in cosmetic industries have adverse effects on the skin. There is increased demand for natural active agents as a skin whitening agent. Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous in nature and quickly adopt different environments.1 Alga produce various secondary metabolites like carotenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, MAA (mycosporine-like amino acids) which are antioxidants in nature and have therapeutic potential in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry2. This study focuses on the isolation and characterization of cyanobacteria from different environmental niches. The antioxidant potential of whole-cell extracts of cyanobacteria was evaluated using DPPH inhibition assay and ABTS assay. Their potential application as a skin whitening agent was studied by anti-tyrosinase activity using the mushroom tyrosinase enzyme. The tyrosinase inhibition activity of cyanobacterial isolates was observed in the range of 30 to 40%. They have good antioxidant potential. They are rich in carbohydrate, protein, and lipid content indicate the potential of the cyanobacterial extracts so they have potential in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Published by: Shraddha Ratnaparkhe, Devyani Mali, Dr. Bela NabarResearch Area: Microbiology

Organisation: Chandibhai Himathmal Mansukhani, Ulhasnagar, MaharashtraKeywords: Antioxidant, Cyanobacteria, Skin Whitening, Tyrosinase Inhibition

Research Paper

32. Domination of online education over traditional education

Online versus traditional education

Published by: Dr. Jitendra KaurResearch Area: Computer

Organisation: Independent ResearcherKeywords: E-Learning, Online Education

Research Paper

33. An investigation into the causes behind gender inequality in India with a special focus on possible solutions and analysis of the progress already made

This paper is conceptualized around gender inequality in India. It explores the causes of gender inequality and provides solutions for bridging the gap- one being financial literacy. It and also highlights several government initiatives undertaken to bridge the gap and empower females. It briefly summarises the outcomes gained from the interviews which were conducted with some of the women at senior-most positions in the Corporate sector in India. It explores and discusses the significant progress which has been made in the corporate sector and with the emergence of the service sector as a big contributor to India’s GDP.

Published by: Nehal SanghaiResearch Area: Gender Inequality and Corporate Field in India

Organisation: Independent ResearchKeywords: Gender Inequality, Corporate Field, India, Women Entrepreneurs, Financial Literacy and Education, Government

Research Paper

34. Origin of Universe and Life with the Theory of Stability and Law of Universal Neutrality

There must be a single cause or purpose behind the origin of the universe, the time dilation we observe and the origin of life on earth as well as the single minute activity we see in this universe. The world is chasing for decades these big questions. Hereby trying to explain reasonable answers to all these questions. To explain these questions I have taken all the proposed theories and laws under consideration in all of my thought experiments and the result I have found correlates to all the proposed formulas in different fields of science. The theory of stability and universal law of neutrality explains the valid answers to all these questions. With the help of these laws and the theory proposed, The field of science will be more close to the universe and this will eventually help mankind to build a better world in the future with revolutionary changes in all the fields of science.

Published by: Mithun S. GowardhanResearch Area: Cosmology

Organisation: Christ Hospital, Chandrapur, MaharashtraKeywords: Origin of the Universe, Origin of Life, Laws of Universal Neutrality, Theory of Stability, Universal Neutrality, Fundamental Forces, Survival and Existence, Universal Point of View (UPV)

Review Paper

35. Self-healing concrete: A bacterial approach

Self-healing concrete received an attention in previous few decades. This paper reviews the analysis conducted on self-healing in previous two decades. Self-healing approaches, differing types of healing agents used, incorporating procedures, and analysis techniques square measure highlighted during this paper. The development of cracking and crack- healing, materials used for crack-healing and also the strategies and techniques utilized throughout the method, the outcomes of experiments mentioned by numerous researchers from their work square measure highlighted. From the literature review, it had been terminated that the crack breadth sizes up to 0.1mm can be healed with self-produced self- healing mechanism, whereas, crack scrutinize to 1 mm are often well with autonomous self- healing mechanism. it had been determined that the healing potency was entirely smitten by the concrete exposure to corresponding surroundings, the kind of healing agent used, procedures and techniques followed.

Published by: Vaibhav Tonpe, Nikhil Sawant, Akash Verma, Pushpak Patil, Kiran ThombreResearch Area: Civil

Organisation: A. P. Shah Institute of Technology, Thane, MaharashtraKeywords: Self-healing, Cracks, Self-healing approaches, Durability

Research Paper

36. Sustainable toilets by using lightweight precast concrete panels

With increasing concern over the excessive exploitation of natural aggregates, synthetic lightweight aggregate produced from environmental waste is a viable new source of structural aggregate material. The uses of structural grade lightweight concrete reduce considerably the self-load of a structure and permit larger precast units to be handled. BS EN 12504-4. 2004. Testing concrete. Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity. The mechanical properties of a structural grade lightweight aggregate made with fly ash and clay will be presented. Indicated that water absorption of the green aggregate is large but the crushing strength of the resulting concrete can be high. The 28-day cube compressive strength of the resulting lightweight aggregate concrete with a density of 1590 kg/m^3 and respective strength of 34 MPa. Experience of utilizing the green lightweight aggregate concrete in the prefabrication of concrete elements is also discussed.

Published by: Shinde Bhagyashri VasantResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Precast Concrete, Sustainable Toilet, Polystyrene, Light Weight Concrete

Research Paper

37. Implementation of digital watermarking using hybrid decomposition for cryptography applications

A method of depicting a novel image based on wave discrete conversion (DWT), Hessenberg decomposition (HD), and single-digit decomposition (SVD) is suggested in this paper. The embedding process is done first and in this process, the host image deteriorates into multiple sub-bands with multilevel DWT, and the resulting coefficients are used as inputs for Hessenberg decomposition. Simultaneously, the watermark works on SVD. The watermark is finally attached to the host image with the measurement feature. This proposed method is compared to other research activities under various spoof attacks, such as filter, noise, JPEG compression, JPEG2000 compression, and sharpening of the attack. The test results show that the proposed image display has a good trade-off between durability and invisibility even if the watermarks are large in size.

Published by: Dr. B. Perumal, Idiga Divya Bharathi, Kondamuri Kotappa Naidu, Leti Sri VaishnavResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil NaduKeywords: Discrete Wave Transformation, Singular Value Decomposition, Hessenberg Decomposition

Case Study

38. Fabrication of mini circular saw machine

This research paper explores a Fabrication of a Mini Circular saw machine for cutting material like wood. A circular saw is a power-saw using a toothed or abrasive disc or blade to cut different materials using a rotary motion spinning around an arbor. It is a tool for cutting many materials such as wood, masonry, plastic, or metal and may be hand-held or mounted to a machine. In woodworking the term "circular saw" refers specifically to the handheld type and the table saw and chop saw are other common forms of circular saws. Circular saw blades are specially designed for each particular material they are intended to cut and in cutting wood are specifically designed for making rip-cuts, cross-cuts, or a combination of both. Circular saws are commonly powered by electricity.

Published by: Sohan Sarode, Mrunal Bhole, Suraj Chavan, Jayesh Chavan, Dr. C. M. ChoudhariResearch Area: Mechanical engineering

Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Saw Blade, Circular Saw Machine, DC Motor, Push Button, Shank Adapter

Research Paper

39. An analysis of economic and public policy measures taken by the Indian government to fight COVID-19 and the steps forward

This research paper discussed the economics and public measures taken by the Indian Government and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to fight the COVID-19 in detail. It further highlights the impact of these measures and how the country had shaped up very well with digital adoption and initiatives covering points such as Large inflow of funds through the FPI/PE route, adoption of digital technology, and the vaccination drive. It then explores and elaborates on the plan of action and steps which can be taken to fight and overcome the second wave of COVID which is emerging in the country.

Published by: NehalResearch Area: Economics

Organisation: Independent ResearchKeywords: COVID-19, Indian Government, Economic Measures, Digitalization, Vaccination Drive

Research Paper

40. AMUNET: Advanced multi-utility network evaluation toolkit

Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every individual in the world. In the upcoming years, it might become a serious threat to every person, place, and organization around the globe. During this pandemic situation, hackers exploited the opportunity to attack vulnerable networks of many organizations and breached their data. This proves that we are also in the midst of an epidemic of cybercrime. To solve this problem, we are proposing an AI-powered security device called AMUNET (Advanced Multi Utility Network Evaluation Toolkit). It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect various problems in a network and protects against various vulnerabilities and exploits. It can even monitor live network packets and detect intrusions and take steps to prevent intrusion attacks.

Published by: Karthik S. K., Nikhil Robinson, Asha Shaji, Navaneeth V. H., Preetha S. L.Research Area: Electronics & Communication Engineering

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum, KeralaKeywords: AI in Cybersecurity, IDPS using Machine Learning, Auto Vulnerability Scanner, Network Security

Review Paper

41. Smart car monitoring system

In today’s 21st-century road safety has become a crucial part of a human’s life. Nowadays the number of vehicles is increasing day by day and so the amount of road accidents is also increasing. There are different causes of these accidents such as drunk and drive, overspeeding, the distraction of driver, drowsiness of the driver, avoiding safety gears like seat belts and helmets. So, in order to provide a solution, we have come up with an idea that will help solve this problem. This system has two foremost features. Firstly the system will make sure that if the driver is drunk, a warning message will be displayed on LCD. In spite of the fact if the driver continues to drive a car, there will be fuel cut off which will make the car slow and eventually stop the car. Secondly, if any accident occurs in the middle of the journey then an emergency message will be sent to the nearby Hospital, Police station, and to a relative of the victim. This system provides a way to avoid road accidents which will reduce the number of road accidents.

Published by: Ankita Pawar, Juie Nare, Rohini DeshmukhResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: GSM Module, GPS, ARDUINO UNO R3, MQ3 Alcohol Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor

Research Paper

42. What kind of algorithms are applied in search engines?

This paper aims to make readers understand about types of algorithms used in different search engines and e-commerce websites

Published by: Kush SharmaResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Ryan International School, Ghaziabad, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Computer Science, Data Science, K-NN, K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm, Predictions

Research Paper

43. Modeling and simulation of Load Frequency Controller using Genetic Algorithms Technique

In an interconnected multi-area power system, as a power load demand varies randomly, which results in the variation of frequency, thus leading to load frequency control problem (LFC). The main goals of Load Frequency Control (LFC) are, to hold the frequency and the desired power output in the interconnected power system at the scheduled values and to control the change in the tie-line power flow between control areas. This research involves the load frequency control is done by PI and PID controller, which is a conventional controller. In order to overcome drawbacks, a new Genetic Algorithm-based controller is presented to quench the deviations in the frequency and the tie-line power due to different load disturbances. The proposed controller guarantees the stability of the overall closed-loop system. Simulation results for a real three-area power system prove the effectiveness of the proposed LFC and show its superiority over a classical PID controller and a PI controller.

Published by: Kruti Desai, Jay TandelResearch Area: Electrical Engineering

Organisation: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technical Education and Research Center, Ethan, GujaratKeywords: Load Frequency Control (LFC), Integral Controller, PID Controller, Genetic Algorithm (GA)

Research Paper

44. Generation of different waveforms to stimulate the body mechanism

This paper discusses some of the advances and limitations of the field of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and recent advancements in the field of stimulation and how electrical signals can be utilized for pain relief and to cure other diseases of the human body by using stimulation. This paper aims to create advancement in stimulators and also focuses on their advantages as compared to conventional medicine. More one is also being for it that how on the electrical signal can be utilized for treating various human disorder and disease.

Published by: Shubham Gurav, Vrushabh Gat, Abhishek Patil, Shubham Kambale, Suhas D. GokhaleResearch Area: Electronic/biomedical

Organisation: D.K.T.E.'s Textile and Engineering Institute Ichalkaranji, MaharashtraKeywords: Stimulators, Waveform generation, FES, TENS

Research Paper

45. Micropiles for mitigation of landslide in the residential area of North Sikkim region

The vulnerability of large landslides takes place due to many anthropogenic and natural factors. Frequent collapse and triggering of landslide take place in active foothills of the Himalayan region. The main primary factors causing destabilization of the slope include rainwater infiltration in the topmost weathered layer, earthquake forces, and local inhabitant activities. A vulnerable landslide zone having a residential area is envisaged in ‘Mangan’, North Sikkim, India. An interesting factor affecting the slope stability in the area under study has been noticed that in addition to rainwater and earthquake forces; the other forces being sewer line carrying wastewater outfall of households across sections. The long-term disposal and subsequent accumulation of sewer water caused an increase in pore space and overall density of soil due to saturation, rainwater additionally reduces cohesion of overlying mass causing slip-off from the parent strata. Preliminary stability analysis has been carried out for critical sections using LEM slide software and the effect of intermediate micropiles (Zinc-Chromium coated stainless steel) has been evaluated using the FEM technique. It has been seen that the top 100 m of slant length of the slope is quite unstable. Accordingly, intermediate series of micro piles have been installed with profiled benches in the unstable slope. Superstructure loads from the residential zone lying on the slope profile and vehicular loads at the road level have been considered for severe conditions. Furthermore, the location and length of micropile have been optimized based on concentrated stresses and strength reduction factors. It has been observed that there is a 48.5% and 37.8% increase in safety factors under static conditions and seismic conditions respectively. Analysis shows that micropiles work effectively in controlling local displacements due to sliding and add global stability to the affected region.

Published by: Arghadeep DasguptaResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Road Building International (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, DelhiKeywords: Micropile, Local Displacement, Static Condition, Seismic Condition, Concentrated Stresses, Zinc-Chromium Coated Stainless Steel, Earth Movement, Mass Movement

Review Paper

46. data analysis and IoT based monitoring system for smart agriculture: A review

Agriculture production has a high dependency on soil, water, and climatic factors which increasingly need to be utilized efficiently. The most challenging chore in the agriculture sector is to improve plantation productivity and quality of farming without continuous physical monitoring to meet the rapidly growing demand for food. The smart agriculture can be adopted which offer high precision crop control, collection of useful data and automated farming technique. The paper accentuates the need for the application of IoT and data analysis in India’s agriculture to ensure sustainable development of agriculture with food security. This work presents an intelligent farm monitoring system that monitors the humidity and temperature of the soil. After processing the observed data it takes necessary action based on these values without human mediation.

Published by: Malav Patel, Disha Shah, Dr. B. KanishaResearch Area: Agriculture, Internet of Things

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Smart Agriculture, IoT (Internet of Things), Data Analysis, Intelligent Farm Monitoring System

Research Paper

47. Deep Learning for real applications

In this paper, we provide a new artificial intelligence based deep learning formulation Distributed Artificial Neural Network (DANN) for real applications, AC placement in a room, design of new car doors from existing 15 given car doors, with six orders of magnitute speed up in computational time and need an everyday use laptop, not necessiating high end super computer servers for real application design and analysis. Further, the accuracy of the real application solution showed 99.9% accuracy and comparable to the conventional existing engineering applications software results.

Published by: Vishal NandiganaResearch Area: Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: IITM, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, DANN, Product Design, Generative Design, AIDesign

Research Paper

48. Accepting the students of higher education as a consumer and its impact on the success of educational institutions

The main purpose of this study is to find out the factors related to student satisfaction and dissatisfaction especially with higher studies and to find if these reasons differ in their effect on students who are satisfied with their educational institutes. If we take some examples of various commercial sectors and industries it indicates that there are common factors that affect various employees relative to their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their work.

Published by: Nand Kishore Sharma, Dr. Mansi Mathur Research Area: Management

Organisation: Purnima University, Vidhani, RajasthanKeywords: Student, Consumer, Satisfaction, Education, Higher Studies, Goals, Image, Role of Educational Institutes

Research Paper

49. Cash flow analysis of Khadim India Limited and Liberty Shoe Limited: A comparative study

The analysis of the cash flow statement is an important part in the evaluation of a financial statements, in order to analyze its financial performance, position and thereby make informed decisions. The main focus of this study is to analyze the cash flow statement of KHADIM INDIA LIMITED and LIBERTY SHOES LIMITED. To analyze the same Mean, Cash Flow based Ratios and Trend Analysis were used as research tools. From the analysis of the companies for a period of 5 years since 2015 to 2020, it has been observed that the cash flow of both the companies are fluctuating over the period. Although both the companies had shown a good cash flow position throughout the observation, but certainly there is room for improvement in the forthcoming years. The overall study has revealed that the cash flows of Khadim India Limited is slightly at a better position when compared to Liberty Shoes Limited during the five-year comparison.

Published by: Dr. G. Lakshmi, Nivethitha S., Shebhani Shri A K, Vijayshree A.Research Area: Commerce

Organisation: PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Cash flow, Financial, Performance, Decisions

Research Paper

50. Teacher and student relationship for student’s career choice

The relationship between teacher and student plays a key role in laying a clear and congruent path for a student in choosing their career. The teacher understands each of the student o the maximum extent and the influence of teacher have an impact on the career choice of students. The observation of teachers about students’ behavior and attitude helps the teacher to guide the students for their career choice.

Published by: Sreedevi NagireddyResearch Area: Psychology

Organisation: Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences, Pachama, Madhya PradeshKeywords: Leadership, Teacher, Student

Research Paper

51. Customer relationship management: Existing challenges and software-based solutions

The world is growing faster than ever and to keep up with the times, businesses have to keep up with their ever-evolving clients. This is difficult when there are a multitude of technologies to choose from and none of them offer the precise control that is essential. The aim is to provide a level of convenience to businesses (small to large scale) to save time and have an integrated environment for purchase, inventory, and sale. Completely customizable without a technical background to match the required workflow.

Published by: Ruchir Harbhajanka, Shah Faisal, Dr. B. KanishaResearch Area: Software Engineering

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Customer Data, Service, Management, Relationship, Business, Efficiency, Relationship Management

Research Paper

52. Observations on the Pell Equation x2=3(y2+y)+1

This paper concerns with the problem of obtaining non-zero distinct integer solutions to the positive pell equation represented by the binary quadratic equation x^2=3(y^2+y)+1. A few interesting relations among the solutions are presented. Further, by considering suitable linear combinations among the solutions of the considered hyperbola, the other choices of hyperbolas, parabolas, order Ramanujan numbers, sequence of diophantine 3-tuples with the suitable property are presented. A general formula for generating a sequence of integer solutions based on the given solution is illustrated.

Published by: M. A. Gopalan, A. Vijayasankar, Sharadha KumarResearch Area: Number Theory

Organisation: Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil NaduKeywords: Positive Pell Equation, Binary Quadratic, Hyperbola, Parabola, 2^Nd Order Ramanujan Numbers, Sequence Of Diophantine 3-Tuples

Research Paper

53. Deep Learning for Turbulence Modeling

In this paper, we provide a new artificial intelligence based deep learning Distributed Artificial Neural Network (DANN) for turbulence modeling applications, including flow past triangle, laminar flow, flow past cylinder, turbulence dynamics modeling, and flow past a real 3D product, sedan car, of real product design geometry and dimensions. The results showed six orders of magnitute speed up in computational time and need an everyday use laptop, not necessiating high end super computer servers for turbulence dynamics simulations for 3D product design industry geometries. The accuracy of the DANN use showed 99.9% accuracy and comparable to the conventional existing engineering applications software results. The DANN use software is patented and industries approved and commercially available over https://aidesign.today for product design and analysis real world product industrial use. The software is AIDesign software.

Published by: Vishal NandiganaResearch Area: Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: IITM, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Turbulence modeling, Sedan car simulations, Artificial Intelligence, DANN, AIDesign

Research Paper

54. Sustainable toilets by using lightweight precast concrete panels

The objective of this project is to designing and managing a self-sustaining toilet for implementation in rural areas of India, the toilet will be built out of low-cost and readily accessible materials and require little to no water, no electricity, and minimum maintenance cost and management. I work for reducing the total cost of the toilet and making the proper management of sensitization in the rural areas. Cast in-situ construction is time taking process as compared to precast concrete panel construction so precast concrete panels are very useful for time-saving and overall cost reduction of toilet construction.

Published by: Shinde Bhagyashri Vasant, N. V. KhadakeResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Precast Concrete Panel, Light Weight Concrete, Cost Reduction, Setting Time, Time Management

Research Paper

55. Deep Learning for engineering applications

In this paper, we formulate a new artificial intelligence based deep learning formulation to solve engineering applications in domains, heat transfer (2D,3D), strength of materials (2D,3D), design of machine elements, 3D component analysis, 3D assembly analysis, fluid dynamics (2D,3D), Kinematics/Vibrations/control (2D, 3D). Our deep learning based Distributed Artificial Neural Network (DANN) formulation showed six orders of magnitute speed up in computational time and needed an everyday use laptop, not necessiating high end super computer servers for engineering applications analysis. Further, the accuracy of the engineering solution showed 99.9% accuracy and comparable to the conventional existing engineering applications analysis results.

Published by: Vishal Nandigana, Ananyananda Dasari, Deepak Somasundaram, Arivoli AnbarasuResearch Area: Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Applications, Software

Research Paper

56. Solar panel embedded window blinds integrated with battery energy storage for home systems

India along with the world is facing an ‘Energy Crisis’. There is a significant gap in the demand and supply for electricity. In order to meet this situation, a number of options are being considered with a large focus on renewable energy research & development. Solar energy is the idle solution amongst the plethora of renewable energy sources available. Solar energy can be used to meet the demand for electricity with the help of photovoltaic systems. One of the major constituents of a photovoltaic system is the photovoltaic modules, also called solar panels, which help convert the energy obtained from sunlight into electricity. Photovoltaic System installations across the globe have accelerated dramatically in the past but at the same time are facing the challenges like land scarcity and solar irradiance. The proposed system focuses on increasing the number of solar panels installed to generate electricity within a building without modifying the existing resources. Apart from harvesting solar energy from the panels installed on the roofs, the same can also be done using windows and hence eliminating space scarcity. The proposed system consists of solar panels embedded on window blinds. The system aims to automatically track the sun’s position throughout the day. The position of the solar panels attached to the blinds is adjusted to optimal angles to generate electricity. The obtained energy is then stored in a battery and further converted to alternating current for various applications.

Published by: Shashank Shekhar, Brinda Bhowmick, Abhay Sahu, Ramamoorthy KumarResearch Area: Multidisciplinary

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Module, Window Blinds

Research Paper

57. Integrated aquaculture with animal components and horticulture crops: Role of women in integrated aquaculture for household.

Integrated farming system is a valuable approach to addressing the problems of sustainable economic growth for farming communities. The integration of aquaculture with duck and poultry birds in pond site along with crop farming offers greater efficiency in resource utilization with production of addition food and income. The system involves recycling of waste or by products of one farming system as inputs for another compatible system and ensures efficient utilization of available farm space for maximising production. Women’s role and participation has often been ignored partly due to socio-cultural taboo against them. The present paper therefore, highlights that fisherwomen play a critical role in sorting of fish fingerlings, feeding of animals reared in ponds and of vegetable and fruit trees. Active help from local governments and mass literacy campaigns are very much needed to upgrade the knowledge of fisherwomen and skill.

Published by: Tanushree Chakrabarti, Mainak BanerjeeResearch Area: Aquaculture

Organisation: University of Burdwan, Bardhaman, West BengalKeywords: Aquaculture, Fisherwomen, Fingerling, Fertilizer, Animal husbandry

Research Paper

58. Automatic sanitizer dispenser with temperature screening

As the whole world is dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic the most significant solution to this is to sanitize hands and monitor the temperature. We have designed a system where we can sanitize our hands and monitor the temperature without any contact with the machine. Also, sanitizing spray is inserted for the objects sanitization

Published by: Nawaz Abass, Ashwini parab, Ruchita Vaidya, Rutuja Satav, Dr. J. JeyavelResearch Area: Embedded Systems

Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Arduino Nano, MLX90614 Sensor, IR Sensor, Covid-19, Sanitizer

Research Paper

59. A survey paper on cross-language information retrieval

As of now, the quantity of individuals getting to data over the web is expanding quickly step by step. An immense measure of data on the web is prepared in various dialects which can be gotten to anyone across anyplace whenever required. Looking for data is not any more restricted to the local language of the client, more outstretched to different dialects. This is been the reason for Cross-Language Information Retrieval. Here it manages to recover relevant data put away in a language that is unique in relation to the languages of the client's question. Multi-lingual data is flooding absurd these days. This variety of pages, almost in each famous language on the planet empowers the client to get to data in various languages on their decision. Yet, now and again the client is trying to compose their solicitation in a language they are familiar with, this is the reason that gives Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) for web applications useful. In this paper, we will discuss the issue identified with language interpretation. We in the paper display a strategy to certainly resolve ambiguities utilizing dynamic gradual grouping in Kannada to English cross-language data recovery. In this system, an inquiry in Kannada is first converted into English by looking into Kannada-English word reference, at that point reports are recovered dependent on space vector recovery for deciphered question terms.

Published by: Navya D. S., Kavya N., Noor AyeshaResearch Area: Information Retrieval

Organisation: Presidency University, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Query Translation, Ambiguity, Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Dictionary Translation, Dual Translation, Inquiry, Clusters

Research Paper

60. Secondary traumatic stress and subjective well-being among frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has deeply affected one’s mental as well as physical health. The front-line healthcare workers have been adversely impacted while having to work in a high-stress and trauma-exposed environment. They faced emotional and physical strain and the study attempts to understand the secondary traumatic stress in times of a global emergency and its impact on their subjective well-being. The researchers of the current study contended that secondary traumatic stress was inversely related to positive affect in frontline health care workers. A positive correlation was also expected between secondary traumatic stress and negative affect. This was studied among a sample of 200 front-line healthcare workers. The results of the current study provided significant evidence to support the proposed hypothesis. A highly significant regression was found between secondary traumatic stress and negative affect.

Published by: Soumita Ramesh, Vrishti Jain, Kanira Sand, Sanjana Barot, Roshni Parti, Anjini KochharResearch Area: Psychology

Organisation: Mithibai College of Arts, Science, and Commerce, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Secondary Traumatic Stress, Subjective Well-Being, Covid-19, Pandemic, Frontline Workers, Positive Affect, Negative Affect

Research Paper

61. Traffic sign recognition and classification using CNN

We investigate the present status of traffic sign classification and recognition talking about what makes it a particular issue of visual item characterization. With noteworthy cutting-edge results, it is not difficult to fail to remember that the area stretches out past explained datasets and ignore the issues that should be looked at before we can begin preparing classifiers. We talk about such issues, give an outline of past work done, go over openly accessible datasets, and present another one. Following that, arrangement tests are directed utilizing a solitary CNN model, further than utilized beforehand and prepared with dropout and softmax. We apply it over different datasets from Germany and Belgium, their convergences and association, beating people, and other single CNN designs for traffic sign characterization.

Published by: Rahul P. Shinde, Sourav Chidanand, Dileep Kumar T., Rajveer Singh, Shweta SinghResearch Area: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Organisation: Presidency University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Traffic Sign Classification, Traffic Sign Recognition and Classification, Traffic Sign Classification Using CNN, Road Sign Classification, Traffic Road Sign Detection

Research Paper

62. Automatic temperature sensing with detail collection system using LabVIEW

In this situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is advised by the government to check the body temperature as well as a collection of details of every person before entering the building. The conventional method for doing so is by manually checking the temperature using an infrared thermometer and the details are collected on a register. This system involves the risk of transmission of infection. In order to overcome the above-mentioned problem, this paper proposes the way in which the temperature and the details are collected automatically without any physical contact. MLX90614 is an infrared temperature sensor that is connected to the gate of the building in order to grant access or denial of entry. The details of people are collected using LabVIEW software. This paper comprises three sections: Data collection using LabVIEW, Temperature sensing using MLX90614, and Door access control using DC Motor and driver unit.

Published by: Sooraj S., Sanjana S. N., Adithya S. Nair, S. Akshara Priya, Sony S.Research Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Thiruvananthapuram, KeralaKeywords: Covid-19, Infrared Thermometer, Arduino UNO, MLX90614, DC Motor, LabVIEW

Research Paper

63. Glacial lakes outburst floods GLOF in the Indian Himalayas – A geotechnical resilient exemplification of hazard assessment

A glacial lake outburst flood occurs when the dam blocking the glacier's path collapses. The dam may comprise glacier ice or a terminal moraine, eroded material from the sides and bottom of a valley, which the glacier pushes to the front. The collapse may occur due to erosion, build-up of water pressure, an avalanche, heavy snow, earthquake, volcanic eruption under the ice, or if a large portion of a glacier breaks off and massively displaces the waters in a glacial lake at its base. When the outburst occurs, water dammed by a glacier or a moraine is released. Glacial lakes may hold millions to hundreds of millions of cubic meters of water. Catastrophic failure of the containing ice or glacial sediment can release this water over a period of minutes or a few days.

Published by: Arghadeep DasguptaResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Road Building International (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, DelhiKeywords: GLOF, Glacial Lake Outburst Flood, Moraines, Glacial Lake Outburst Hazard Assessment, JöKulhlaup

Review Paper

64. A comparative study and classification on different underwater image enhancement techniques

Underwater images play a vital role in marine engineering, marine research etc. These images can be used for control of underwater vehicles, study of corals, fishes and other specious. Underwater images suffer poor visibility and some important details may loss because of scattering and absorption. Obtaining a clear underwater image is very important and it is difficult too. Underwater image enhancement has been an active research topic over many years and several techniques has been proposed. This paper introduces a study on various techniques used to enhance the underwater images and classified the techniques into four categories.

Published by: Swathy N.Research Area: Computer and Information Science - Image Processing

Organisation: College of Engineering, Kidangoor, KeralaKeywords: Underwater Images, Image Enhancement, Enhancement Techniques

Research Paper

65. Design and fabrication of thermosyphonic water purification system

Lack of clean drinking water in rural areas is a huge problem during the occurrences of floods and other environmental disasters. Often, it takes a long time to transport potable water to these areas resulting in health issues for the residents. In this research, a solar power-based water purification system using PCM to produce clean drinking water in flood-affected areas or remote areas where potable water is difficult to obtain is proposed. The purification system available is not easy to get for poor people. So we are using a different technique for water purification system is Thermosyphon solar distillation technique, which is very cheap and convenient. These Thermosyphon purification system is a modification of conventional solar still but the efficiency achieved is much higher then the conventional solar still.

Published by: Kartik Balkrishna Patil, Shrikant Tarinicharan Patro, Siddhart Sunil Patil, Aditya Vishnu Phadke, Akhtarhusen MominResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Theem College of Engineering, Maan, MaharashtraKeywords: PCM-Phase Changing Material, Purification, Parabolic Concentrator, Evaporation Solar energy, Thermosyphon loop.

Research Paper

66. Hysteresis Current Control Technique for STATCOM to Operate and Mitigate the Power Quality Issues for Grid Interfaced with Wind Power System

Power quality can be considered by the appropriate supply voltage and an effective and reliable process for electrical energy delivery to consumers. Owing to increased sensitivity of applied receivers and power controls processes, many customers may experience severe electrical and technical consequences of poor power quality. Low power factor, harmonic pollution, load imbalance, fast voltage variations are some common issues that are caused due to insufficient power supply. Capacitor banks, FACTS devices, harmonic filters, Static Voltage Compensators, STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) are the solutions to achieve enhanced power quality. The proposed scheme mainly focuses on injecting wind power into an electric grid as a method of running a wind generating system. This paper proposes STATCOM - Control scheme connected to PCC (Point of Common Coupling ) with BESS (Battery Energy Storage System ). This model’s simulation is conducted in MATLAB/ Simulink. The simulation results disclose enhanced power quality, improvement in voltage profile, and less distortion in the harmonic waveform.

Published by: Mamta Rathod, Prof. Rahatullah Khan, Krupesh VedpathakResearch Area: Electricals

Organisation: Theem College of Engineering, Maan, MaharashtraKeywords: Power Quality, Renewable Energy, PCC (Power of Common Coupling), STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator), BESS (Battery Energy Storage System).

Research Paper

67. The Physiological Challenges of Yeong-Hye In Han Kang’s “The Vegetarian”

“The Physiological Challenges of Yeong-hye in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian” discusses on how a protagonist’s sudden decision to stop eating meat altered her own-self physically. It was the recurring dream that occurred to Yeong-hye continuously and strenuously, that made her avoid eating meat and food altogether. Throughout the novel, she spoke nothing but her act of defiance spoke louder than anything else. Yeong-hye had to battle her wars physiologically in The Vegetarian against vegetarianism, eroticism, sexual harassment, familial conflicts, violence both internally and outwardly, misinterpretations, schizophrenia, social, cultural and the traditional norms in order to conquer in becoming a full-fledged plant. The protagonist fought the battles strenuously, with determination and consistency. She might have failed, but not her resolution. It was rather a searing, scary, bizarre, terrific and an upsetting novel, in which the loss of appetite of the protagonist to eat food increases the appetite of the readers to ponder upon the lives’ choices on a phenomenal level.

Published by: Ann E. Irene, Dr. E. Arokya ShylajaResearch Area: English

Organisation: CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Physiological, Challenges, Vegetarian, protagonist, Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Mongolian Mark, Metamorphoses, Eroticism.

Review Paper

68. The three horizons of stage-gated growth and innovation to future-proof the businesses

The Three Horizons of Innovation model, known as the “gold standard” strategy framework by McKinsey brings growth and innovation together. It also helps organizations to manage the varying visions and guide their teams to know about the goals that are planned over time including what can they expect in terms of results or profits. The model is a great fit for portfolio management as the framework visualizes the company’s future and provides a common language to convey the innovation culture in a simple way. On the other hand, the Stage-Gate® model leads to faster and better innovation with its subset “Scrum” framed inside a structured innovation process benefitting the internal and external stakeholders. It helps to approach the new product development (NPD) with an accelerated model that is adaptive and flexible for managing products. The purpose of this review is to provide a constructive framework for the companies to respond based on market expectations. Furthermore, the paper critically presents several theoretical and practical implications linking the underlying business strategy. The details of this multi-characteristic approach are outlined in this article.

Published by: Vijay SekarResearch Area: Innovation and Product Development

Organisation: Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil NaduKeywords: Growth, Innovation, Strategy, NPD, Horizon, Stage-Gate, Agile, Scrum, Ideation, Launch

Research Paper

69. A comparative analysis of interior-point methods in convex optimization

Interior point methods or sometimes called Barrier methods are a class of optimization algorithms that are useful in solving inequality constrained linear or nonlinear programming problems. The optimization problem with inequality constraint is solved by using the Newtons method by converting it into series of equality constraints or KKT conditions. This paper presents the comparative study of the classical logarithmic barrier method and the primal-dual interior-point method along with their convergence analysis. A kernel function-based interior point method for second-order cone problems is also examined. The computational complexity of the algorithms is also discussed along with the implementation issues.

Published by: Mohd AquibResearch Area: Engineering Optimization

Organisation: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Interior Point Methods, KKT Condition, Kernel Function

Research Paper

70. Neural Networks based solution for Door Automation

Face Recognition is one of the most common biometric strategies which has gained popularity because of the accuracy and security. This paper presents the implementation of a Convolution Neural Network architecture for door automation. This model is devised to overcome the disadvantages of a traditional door system and other methods such as door automation using Bluetooth, figure prints, passwords, or retinal scans. It allows the authorized people to gain access to the house by face recognition. The proposed system makes use of convolution neural network architectures and RaspberryPi. The ResNet architecture [6] is used to implement face recognition and runs on RaspberryPi. The images of the residents of the house will be used to train the model. If the person is a resident of the house, the face will be recognized and the lock will open, else it will be recognized as a human and an alarm will ring and an email alert consisting of the image of the person in front of the door will be sent to the owner. It has numerous advantages as it is user-friendly especially for senior citizens, lesser maintenance, does not require the residents to carry the keys, and reduces the threat of robbery

Published by: Monalika Padma ReddyResearch Area: Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, KarnatakaKeywords: Convolution Neural Network, face recognition, Smart Door Automation, ResNet architecture

Research Paper

71. Design and implementation of panic alarm during disaster in extreme situations using Proteus Software

This paper presents the design and implementation of panic alarm used in this project during disaster in extreme situations. It is used for observing of sudden problems which can come from different types of natural as well as man-made disaster. The aim of this project is to observe the different emergencies and to locate the place through panic alarm device. The stimulation has also been done by using proteus software.

Published by: Shuvam Shaw, Deshna Chowdhury, Diksha Yadav, Priti Kumari Ranjana, Sangita RoyResearch Area: Electronics and Communications Engineering

Organisation: Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, West BengalKeywords: Buzzer, IC-555, Proteus Design Suite 8.10

Research Paper

72. Mechanical Characterization of Al 8011 Aluminium alloy reinforced with Silicon carbide and fly ash

Aluminium metal matrix composites are gaining widespread acceptance for automobile, aerospace, agriculture farm machinery, defence sector and many other industrial applications because of their essential properties such as high strength, low density, good wear resistance, ease of production and adaptability to modification compared to any other metal. The present study deals with the addition of reinforcements such as fly ash, silicon carbide to the Aluminium matrix in various proportions. Each reinforced material has an individual property which when added improves the properties of the base alloy. An effort has been made to review the different combinations of the composites and how they affect the properties of the different alloys of aluminium. Comprehensive knowledge of the properties is provided in order to have an overall study of the composites and the best results can be employed for the further development of the Aluminium reinforced composed. The investigation shows that Al metal matrix composites can be replaced with other conventional metals for better performance and longer life

Published by: Devanathan G., Dineshkumar G., Ganesan R., Hariharan A., Dr. S. ThirunanamResearch Area: Composite Materials

Organisation: SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Aluminium; Reinforcement; Stir Casting; Silicon Carbide; Fly Ash.

Research Paper

73. Design and optimization of Aluminium alloy wheel used in automobiles

Wheels are the main component of the car. The wheels with the tyre provide the better cushioning effect to the car without an engine car may be towed but without wheels, the car cannot be towed. The main requirement of the vehicle is it must be perfect to perform its all function. Reverse engineering is not a method to redesign the old component. The wheels have to pass the different test for best performance like static and vibration analysis etc. design is an important manufacturing activity which provides the quality of the product the 3-D model of alloy wheel design using the technology reverse engineering and CATIA V5 software and further, it was imported to ANSYS. The static fatigue and dynamic analysis were performed. This was constrained in all degrees of freedom at the bolt. Similarly based on the weight, the thickness of the rim and spoke are varied to attain different mos. Also changing the number of spoke wheel models is prepared and analysis is done. From the analysis done in the project, it can be concluded that the wheel made of magnesium alloy is better as compared to Al alloy1 wheels. As the stresses developed in the magnesium wheel are less as well1 as the S-N1 curve of the Mg wheel is better under load condition.

Published by: Lakhan Suryawanshi, Gaikwad S. M., Kulkarni P. D.Research Area: Engineering

Organisation: Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, MaharashtraKeywords: Alloy wheel, CATIA V5, ANSYS, Stress analysis, reverse engineering.

Research Paper

74. Intelligent Electronic Toll Collection System on Highway (Android App)

In few years, the number of vehicles is getting increased day by day due to this the amount of traffic in most of the roads are increased. There are some of the highway roads, where the people need to pay the toll tax. Most of the toll plazas are manually worked which is time consuming process and increases heavy traffic, fuel wastage and other issues. To automated this process, we propose a new Toll Collection Android App which uses to pay the toll tax using them mobiles and simply scan generated QR code on toll plaza. The proposed system provides fast result as compare to traditional systems. Thus, the vehicles won’t have to stop at toll plaza to pay toll which would save the time and efforts and reduces long queues on toll plaza and traffic.

Published by: Manasi Patil, Vrushali Pawar, Priya Gunjal, Nandita Shama, Pravin HoleResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Android Application, toll plaza, QR code, cashless transaction

Research Paper

75. Speech based Emotion Recognition using CNN Classifier

Communication through voice is one of the main components of affective computing in human-computer interaction. In this type of interaction, properly comprehending the meanings of the words or the linguistic category and recognizing the emotion included in the speech is essential for enhancing the performance. In order to model the emotional state, the speech waves are utilized, which bear signals standing for emotions such as boredom, fear, joy and sadness. This project is aiming to design and develop speech based emotional reaction (SER) prediction system, where different emotions are recognized by means of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifiers. Spectral features extracted is mel-frequency cepstral (MFCC). Librosa package in python language is used to develop proposed algorithm and its performance is tested on taking Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS) samples to differentiate emotions such as happiness, surprise, anger, neutral state, sadness, fear etc. Feature selection (FS) was applied in order to seek the most relevant feature subset. Results show that the maximum gain in performance is achieved by using CNN.

Published by: B. Sandeep, Dr. R. Sivaranjani, R. Mourya, J. Sai Vinay, Y. VineelaResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: CNN, Audio Feature Extraction, Librosa, RAVDES, SER, MFCC

Review Paper

76. Analyzing the sentiment through Twitter data

Social media is widely used for interactions among people in which they create, share, exchange information, opinions, and thoughts. Some social media websites as emerged as one the platforms to raise users’ opinions and influence the way any business is commercialized. These days, the applications of such analysis can be easily observed using public elections, movie promotions, brand endorsements, and many other fields. Opinions of people matter a lot to analyze how the propagation of information impacts the lives in a large-scale network like Twitter. In this paper, we can see different feature sets and machine learning classifiers to determine the best combination of sentimental analysis of tweets. The primary aim is to explore possible methods for analyzing sentiment scores in a noisy Twitter stream. This paper reports on the design of sentiment analysis, extracting vast twitter data such as tweets. We can also see various techniques to carry out a sentiment analysis on Twitter data in detail.

Published by: Pooja B.Research Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Twitter, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Machine Learning

Research Paper

77. Real Estate Recommendation System

Technology has advanced in the field of Online Real Estate Marketing, market trends and advances in various techniques such as data science, editing and filtering algorithms, machine learning is growing rapidly These days, however, web sites for sale are paying a lot of money to get their services. Our proposal The web site overcomes this problem and provides customers with free services so that they can access the information you need and to measure future market trends and technologies in a friendly manner. Ours The website is basically an online service where the user will be able to buy / rent / sell properties as they wish Focus on building an easy-touse web application. This can help people to communicate easily with buyer / seller / employer, as this program uses the KNN process to process user queries, to identify the key words, align them with Knowledge Base and respond with real results. To make the answers more understandably, answers are made using classification techniques and produce non-textual responses to can be easily seen by users. The program also uses machine learning capabilities to process data such as price of buildings for years to come based on previous data records

Published by: Bhaumik Kesalikar, Mayank Doshi, Hardik DoshiResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Universal College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Real Estate Recommendation

Research Paper

78. Employing project work to enhance aspects of learner autonomy for tertiary EFL learners

The study aims to explore the enhancement of learner autonomy through the integration of the project work in the existing syllabus. The study was conducted with thirty-four first-year non-English majors in a university in the north of Vietnam. In the study, learner autonomy is conceptualized as a multi-faced concept with four aspects: technical, psychological, political-critical, and socio-cultural. Learner autonomy was researched based on the empirical evidence of its benefits to learners in language learning. Meanwhile, project work was argued to be potential to promote learner autonomy. As a result, eight different projects created by the students were implemented in the learning process. The study employed action research approach with three different data collection tools (questionnaires, interviews, and the teacher’s diary). Content analysis was applied for the data in the study. The findings reveal that the enhancement of learner autonomy was evident in all the four aspects. Technically, the students were found to have more access to the learning resources and used more learning strategies. Psychologically, the students were identified to exhibit highly positive attitudes and to be motivated in learning. Political-critically, the students reported that they had more choices in learning contents and methods. Socio-culturally, the students demonstrated more interaction and collaboration.

Published by: Pham Duc ThuanResearch Area: Learner Autonomy In EFL

Organisation: Hoa Lu University, Ninh Bình, VietnamKeywords: Learner Autonomy, Aspects of Learner Autonomy, Promoting Learning Autonomy, Project Work, Action Research, Non-English Majors, English as a Foreign Language

Research Paper

79. IoT based smart home security system

The research paper based on home & industrial security ,the system are already installed in various industries but they have some drawback. We are all the student of final year computer technology we are try to overcome the problem that are facing the industry in any accident or harmful damage like gas leakage & fire.

Published by: Titesh Aglawe, Sudhanshu Raut, Sunny Fofse, Atharva Hawale, Suraj DeshkarResearch Area: Computer Technology

Organisation: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Home and Industrial system, Arduino MEGA 2560, GSM Module 800A, Fire Sensor, DHT 11, MQ 5 Sensor, Interfacing

Research Paper

80. Factors of Realism and Idealism in Indian Foreign Policy

Actors, Factors and Dynamics are the driving force of International Relations (IR). Ideologies often work as a beacon, shield or a guide for a nation while making of its foreign policy. Idealism and realism have been two most dominant ideologies of IR during 19th and 20th century. Both of them are continuously contesting to hegemonies each other since then. This research paper is an attempt to explain the continuity and explore the changes and examine the future implications of theory of idealism and realism on Indian foreign policy. The post independent Nehruvian Foreign Policy which was predominantly idealist with the pinch of realism in few instances like adopting mixed economic model and leadership of Non- Alignment Movement (NAM). The research work passes through Mrs. Indira Gandhi era, which was absolutely an era of realism in Indian foreign policy. Then Rajiv Gandhi government believed in a balance of both the ideas and maintained a status – quo. During 1990s despite of political turmoil foreign policy was guided with realism which opened Indian economy and doors of globalization. Economic considerations remained predominant factor to determine national interest. After 1998 the government under A. B. Vajpayee also followed realism as the guiding principal of foreign policy, which was continued by UPA government under Dr. Manmohan Singh till 2014. The change of regime in 2014 brought NDA government led by a strong and most popular leader Narendra Modi in power. He has made foreign policy and IR a vibrant policy area. Through his extensinve outreach to nations, leaders and people he left inedible footprints of realism in Indian foreign policy. This paper has looked into role of realism and idealism as a guiding principal in Indian foreign policy in its core (SAARC), periphery (Asia) and intruder (America, AU, EU, Latin America etc.) areas. It culminates with a possibility of extensive research in this area in future.

Published by: Ravi Rameshchandra Durgadevi ShuklaResearch Area: General Research

Organisation: R. D. and S. H. National and S. W. A. Science College, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Realism, Idealism, Indian Foreign Policy, post-independence, South Asia, China, US

Research Paper

81. IoT based early flood detector and avoidance

Flooding may be a phenomenon which has attracted global attention as a results of its negative impact on the society. Developing nations like India are predicted to experience increased flood occurrences within the coming decade. The events of flooding are unlikely to vary , however, its impact on our society are often alright reduced. There are some places that are more susceptible to flooding than other places, the implementation of flood alert systems near any major water area or body of water provides critical information which will protect property and save lives.

Published by: Manish Gawande, Manthan Admane, Krunal Waghaye, Shilpa KatreResearch Area: Electronic And Telecommunication Engineering

Organisation: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Wanadongri, MaharashtraKeywords: Arduino, Android, BLYNK IOT, ESP8266 Wifi Module, Moisture Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor

Research Paper

82. Water desalination using P-N sandwiched nanofluidic membranes

In this paper, a novel P-N sandwiched nanofluidic membranes, with two reservoirs connected to the P-N sandwiched nanofluidic membranes is simulated for near 100% multi-ions desalination to result clean water at fast transport of ~ 1 km/hr velocity that keeps the clean water supply going in a city. The P-N sandwiched nanofluidic membrane is electrically driven by Pt electrodes to drive the water and multi-ions similar to reverse electrodialysis (RED) method.

Published by: Vishal NandiganaResearch Area: Nanofluidics, Water Desalination

Organisation: IITM, Chennai, IndiaKeywords: Nanofluidics, water desalination, nanopores, P-N nanofluidic membranes


83. Temperature based fan speed controller

This project is a standalone automatic fan speed controller that controls the speed of an electric fan according to the temperature . It may also be used for monitoring changes in environment . The LM-35 Analog Temperature devices interfaced to analog pin of Arduino board, where it has built in ADC which convert these analog reading and displaying it on a LCD, which indicate the temperature of the device .This project is useful in process industries for maintenance and controlling of boilers temperature . This project is a self-contained automatic fan speed controller that regulates the speed of an electric fan to our specifications. This is closed due to the use of embedded technologies. The loop feedback control system is a highly effective and dependable system. A microcontroller (ATMega8 / 168 / 328) allows for dynamic and interactive control. Regulation is more rapid. The device is made possible by a liquid crystal display (LCD).pleasant to the consumer The fan and the temperature that was sensed

Published by: Ayush Patel, Deepanshu Shah, Kunal Salaskar, Manish BhelandeResearch Area: Internet of Things

Organisation: Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Potholes, Accidents, Detect Potholes, Roads of Mumbai, Ultrasonic Sensor, GPS Module, Avoid Potholes.

Review Paper

84. Website for online Stock Market Trading tips analysis

The website aims for analyzing the accuracy of tips given by the Financial Advisor to the Investors investing in the shares of the Stock Market. The stock market plays a crucial role in the financial aspects of the nation's growth, but Stock Market is highly Complex and risky. On every day's business, millions of traders invest in Stock Market. Most of these Investors either gain or lose money. With the ease of availability of top-notch gadgets, superior technology, and the high-speed internet, youngsters today are adapting the quick and efficient option of Stock Market Trading as an additional source of income.With this Online Trading Platform created by using the Agile Model of SDLC, this website provides tips to the new Investors to invest in the right shares based on the detailed analyzed tips given by the Financial Advisors.

Published by: Naomi Mhatre, Palash Waghmare, Renuka Chaudhari, Shalaka Gathibandhe, Surekha JanraoResearch Area: COMPUTER

Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Stock Markets, Financial Advisors, Tips, Investors

Research Paper

85. Tunnel Boring Machine Technology: A review

In this modern era of “Construction Technology", the industry is parting with old techniques, researching for better alternatives and opting the state-of-the-art techniques for better and satisfactory output. In this review study, the various tunnel construction techniques have been discussed with special attention to TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) technology. The study highlights the importance and practicability of modern TBM in contrast with traditional methods of tunnel boring/ underground excavations. Timeline of the technological advancements in TBMs have been discussed in detail. The study describes different types of TBMs, components, applicability in different geological conditions. The study explores, the history of TBM, its various types, excavation tools, muck management, tunneling works like tunnel lining, tail-skin seal and grouting, surveying and guidance systems, comparison of tunnel boring machine and conventional excavation techniques, various risks it is exposed to during transport, assembly, erection, testing, boring of a tunnel and disassembly. Apart from this, various challenges involved while working with TBMs have also been discussed and suitable corrective measures have been suggested. It has been observed that if the geological conditions are not identified or if known to be poor, construction workers need to carefully consider whether to use the TBM method or follow a more traditional approach. An optimal scheme should be suggested after analyzing geological conditions, construction progress, economic benefits and environmental impact. However, a number of tunnel boring machines are available with very high advancing speed and do not have many limitations. TBM technology has revolutionized underground space creation under the cities and allows easy construction of metro systems, water and sewage systems, and underground cable networks while maintaining safe and sustainable built environment. However, as different types of TBM are available, their suitability for different soil conditions revolves around the correct choice of TBM and the level of experience of the operator.

Published by: Rajesh Kumar Bhagat, Sandeep Sharma, Upain Kumar BhatiaResearch Area: Civil Engineering,

Organisation: Amritsar College of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar, PunjabKeywords: Underground structures, Tunnel, Tunnel Boring Machine, Risk Assessment of Projects, Hazards

Research Paper

86. Design and Analysis of Tidal Compressed Air Electricity Generator

This project aims to extract as much energy as possible from ocean waves/ tides to shift the dependency of power generation from conventional sources. With the world now veering to electric vehicles, the electricity demand will increase rapidly. A Mechanical system is designed to utilize tidal or wave energy to compress air. The system includes a reciprocating compressor (piston contained in a chamber including an air intake port). This unit is connected to a storage tank with a non-return valve. The piston is driven by a lever arm which on the other end is attached to a movable power transfer shaft. A float is present on the lower end of the rod and is set in the ocean. As the float is displaced upwardly by waves, so are the rod and the lever arm compelling the piston at another end to compress air. The compressed air is stored at a high pressure in a storage tank. Multiple compressor units will aid in filling the tank faster and reducing the load on the compressor. The compressed air is then transferred from the storage tank to a turbine, where electricity is generated. The calculations are carried out for the complete setup while taking standard turbine data. The project mainly focuses on the design and analysis of Storage Tank (structural), buoy (structural and Hydrodynamic simulation) and motion study on the entire setup. The aim is to produce 3 MW power in one cycle (approx. 12 hours).

Published by: Siddhesh Sandeep Thakur, Rohit Shetty, Kartik Shah, Prathamesh Swami, Vinayak PatilResearch Area: Mechanical

Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Buoy, Design, Finite element analysis, Renewable energy, Storage Tank, Wave energy

Research Paper

87. Quantum theories in science and technology

In this paper, we forth universal quantum theories in science and technology, relevant to mechanics and dynamical systems of multi-body grand canonical bodies. The quantum theories are generalizable to millions to billions of interactive bodies of different properties, interactions and science and technological applications from quantum computing, Q-LEDs, Q-heat transfer, Q-hydrodynamics, Q-EHMD, spintronics, Q-engineering and measurement with the theory laid here for quantum science and technology.

Published by: Vishal NandiganaResearch Area: Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Dynamics

Organisation: Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Theory, Applications, Technology

Research Paper

88. Implementation of Sliding Window Protocol over lossy connections

– In the Lossy Networks, the loss of data packets is very prominent and concerns of worries for efficiency and sustainability of the system. However, by using Sliding Window Protocol both the sender and receiver keeps a window of acknowledgement. The sender keeps the knowledge about expected acknowledgement and receivers keeps the knowledge about receiving frames. Due to which, loss of transmission of data is minimal and efficiency of the system is improved.

Published by: Yash Deshpande, Rucha Tirodkar, Piyush Verma, Arjun Bhardwaj, Nayana VaityResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Terna College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Lossy Networks, Data packets, Acknowledgements, Sliding Window Protocol

Research Paper

89. Patient’s Health Checkup System based on IOT using Raspberry Pi.

Now-a-days, Health has become one of the global challenges for humanity. Due to covid-19 pandemic people are significantly more worried about their health as cases are rising rapidly. Hence it is crucial to monitor the physical health of the patient. Due to several problem timely patient’s health monitoring is very essential. This paper presents a design and implementation of patient’s health monitoring system which includes several sensors. The patient’s physique will be monitored constantly, and the doctor can know about the patient’s condition continuously in front of a computer screen or on smartphone. Whenever the condition of the patient goes abnormal Doctor can analyze the problem immediately which can help to save patient’s life. The main motive of this project is to update. the doctor about the patient’s health condition timely and if any abnormality occurs, the doctor can take the best step immediately.

Published by: Adesh Vairagade, Aamod Deshpande, Renuka chinchamalatpure, Manisha KhorgadeResearch Area: Electronic And Telecommunication Engineering

Organisation: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Raspberry Pi, Temperature Sensor LM-35, Heartbeat and ECG sensor AD8232and pulse oximeter.

Research Paper

90. Voltage based control of Induction Motor using Advanced Voice Recognition and Command System

It is difficult to work in dangerous environment in numerous of the businesses. Human can survive as it were certain sum of temperature, weight etc. To work in environment over a run will cause risk to human life. Thus the framework is planned to diminish hazard of human life as well is more precise and computerized to alter itself to commanded parameters. The framework has highlight of voice command-based control of IM Drive for mechanical purposes through strategy of voltage variety. Moreover, it has essential highlights of drive assurance based on warm and over current security of drives. Gadget is having closed input circle framework based on tachometer speed sensor to alter speed precisely and keep up it indeed in the event that stack shifts. The voice acknowledgment gadget utilized is Alexa by Amazon and it communicates to custom planned drive control through wi-fi utilizing Hub MCU.

Published by: Mayur B. Deokate, Dr. G.H. AgrawalResearch Area: Electrical Engineering

Organisation: Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar Engineering College, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: 3 Phase Induction Motor, Voice Controlled Induction Motor, Voice Recognition Module, Microcontroller, Speed Control, AC Motor, Alexa Echo Device, Voice Reorganization and Command System, Variable Frequency and Variable Voltage Drive (VFD)

Research Paper

91. Efficacy: Project-based blended learning in acquiring micro-teaching skills among B.Ed student-teachers

The study enlightens the effectiveness of Project Based Blended Learning in Learning Micro teaching skills among the student-teachers of B.Ed level. Traditional methods challenged to enhance the teaching of Micro-teaching skills among the student-teachers. The researcher endeavoured to practice Project Based Blended Learning for enrich the knowledge and understanding the teaching of Micro-teaching skills. .Objectives of the study: 1.To find out the effectiveness of Project Based Blended Learning in acquiring Micro teaching skills..2.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the pre test of control group and the post test of control group.3.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the pre test of Experimental group and the post test of Experimental group. Methodology: Parallel group Experimental method was adopted in the study. Sample: Thirty Student-Teachers of B.Ed, Paramveer College of Education, Dharmapuri were selected as sample for the study. Thirty students-teachers were considered as Controlled group and another thirty were considered as Experimental group. Tool: Researcher’s self-made achievement test was used as a tool for the study. Validity of the tool was established by the opinion of the juries. Reliability of the tool was established by the split-half method. Statistical technique:’t’ test was used to analyse the study. Findings: Project Based Blended Learning is more effective than traditional methods in acquiring Micro teaching skills. .Educational implications: It can be implemented for preparing lesson plan and other teaching-learning activities.

Published by: N. Kamaraj, Dr. P. Janardhana Kumar Reddy, Dr. G. SingaraveluResearch Area: Education

Organisation: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Project-Based Blended Learning, Micro-Teaching Skills, Traditional Methods

Review Paper

92. PCB fault detection using Artificial Intelligence

PCB (Printed circuit board) is that the fundamental carrier in electronic devices on which a number of small electronic components are placed. The performance of devices is affected largely by a fault in PCB. To overcome the inefficiency of manual detection, time, and cost, automated optical inspection (AOI) supported machine vision has been widely utilized in the industry. As PCB designs get more and more complicated, the tasks like detection and classification also get more harder than before. For the purpose of solving the above problems, we have proposed a PCB fault detection system using machine learning. The system will automatically detect the PCB with the help of computer vision and compare it with the working PCB image which will be already saved in the database. After comparison, the application will be able to tell whether PCB is working or faulty and likewise generate a report. It will also recommend a solution to faulty PCB.

Published by: Sarang Kulkarni, Divya Jadhav, Nirmal Gurav, Surabhi Pansare, Sarika AundhakarResearch Area: Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Organisation: Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology (PVPIT), Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Printed Circuit Board, Machine Learning, Algorithm, Django Framework, Python, Computer Vision.

Research Paper

93. Survey on lane detection techniques

Every year, a large number of persons are killed in highway departure crashes due by driver inattention. Because safety is the primary goal of these systems, lane detecting systems can help prevent accidents. Such systems are designed to detect lane markings and alert the driver if the vehicle is drifting out of its lane. Several lane identification systems have been proposed and effectively proven in recent years. The hybrid median filter was used in this study to provide a noble strategy for lane detecting. Lane detection is used in a variety of intelligent vehicle applications, including lane trip recognition and warning boards, intelligent journey control, and autonomous driving. The majority of previous research has ignored the use of image filtering algorithms.

Published by: Govind Kotecha, Renuka SuryawanshiResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: MIT World Peace University, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Lane Detection, Modified Hough Transformation, Edge Detection, Hybrid Median Filter (HMF)

Research Paper

94. Automatic categorization of Journal Submission System: An approach based on Cosine Similarity

In this paper, we have designed the automatic categorization of electronic journal submission system. Hence, eliminating the manual identification/selection of category and subsequently uploading the paper under that category. The proposed system reads the content, process it, removes the stop words and compares the remaining words with already set aside words for categorization/classification. From the extensive experimentation, it was revealed that the proposed system is robust and eliminates the manual involvement of submission administrator.

Published by: Wazhma Ahmadi, Dr. Hanumanthappa J.Research Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Department of Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore, KarnatakaKeywords: Categorization/Classification, Submission System, Stop Words, Administrator


95. Smart Resource Alert

As technology is becoming more advanced, the world is heading to a state of huge energy scarcity. The existing resources are depleting at an alarming rate and people are struggling to find alternative sources of energy.On the contrary, a lot of valuable energy is getting wasted too in the form of a fault or leakage, commonly seen at our households.We propose an approach to keep track of energy and water usage at our households and thus alerting the consumers in the form of an application. The energy sensor ACS712 and the flow sensor YFS201 are used to measure the amount of energy and water consumed. The signals are sent as interrupt to the microcontroller where calculations are processed. A Wi-Fi module ESP8266 is used to upload the data to the cloud which can then be accessed by the user in the form of an application which keeps track of the usage and notifies the consumer. Extra features like gas leak detection can also be included in the application.

Published by: Sruthi Savithri Vijayakumar, Anish M. V., Pranav P., Alben Joseph, Minnu Jayan C.Research Area: Electronics

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum, KeralaKeywords: Technology, Energy sensor, Flow sensor, Microcontroller, Wi-Fi module, Application

Research Paper

96. Design and development of embedded system using CAN Protocol

Automobiles have been an inextricable feature of daily life. The impacts that cars with improved safety systems require in order to compensate for deadly fiascos. Therefore, the present work cites a system based on the protocol Controller Area Network (CAN) which provides an effective and real-time information transfer solution between nodes, is used for preventing vehicle failures and assists drivers with information and message-based instructions. The proposed framework, which uses the CORTEX ARM LPC 1768 chip, specifies four key objectives related to automobile protection in this article. The proposed device uses the CAN protocol, which only requires two wires to communicate, rather than complex wiring.

Published by: Bharath M. S., Dr. Padmashree T.Research Area: Embedded System ( Can Protocol)

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: CAN (Controller Area Network), Embedded C, GSM (Global System for Mobile (communication)), Sensors.

Research Paper

97. Alarm switch for security

The design and implementation of a switch alarm for security used in this project to prevent the number of crimes from increasing every day are presented in this document. Something must be in place to keep us safe. We're all aware of the high-end security systems available on the market, but they're not for everybody. As a result, we hope to provide a solution by constructing a cost-effective electronic device capable of detecting intruder motion and activating the alarm. The main goal of this project is to incorporate a security framework that will provide users with increased privacy, protection, and peace of mind.

Published by: Piya Chakraborty, Pratik Paul, Roni Rakshit, Dipanjan Maiti, Arnima Das, Swati BaruiResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, West BengalKeywords: Arduino UNO, PIR Sensor Module, GSM Module, Programming using C language


98. Digital door lock system using OTP

Nowadays providing security to houses is necessary. securing houses became one of the concerning issues that facing many people. This paper aims to propose a security door lock system based on raspberry pi technology where cameras, keyboards are used to providing authorization and notification to the owner. In this system, the authorized person is the only one who will get permission to access the door. This system generates an OTP and sends it to the owner which can be shared by the owner to the unauthorized person by which he/she will get access. The proposed system can be extended to be used for different areas like banks, offices.

Published by: Saloni Samal, Shriniwas Narayan, Rupali Chaudhari, Kashinath Rathod, Saloni SamalResearch Area: Electronics and Telecommunication

Organisation: Keystone School of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Raspberry Pi, Home Automation, Door Lock

Research Paper

99. Web development architectural design and its components

Intergroup and terms of inter collaborations have arisen from the exponential development of e-commerce and production systems. Orthodox software products seem unable in able to keep pace only with the entropy development of the new ERP system platform. A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is an engineering platform that assists developers in the building of interactive services such as internet applications, browser plugins, and web APIs. Social networks are a mandatory document for developing and implementing internet software. Network architectures seek to minimize the downtime involved with traditional digital marketing practices. Many design patterns, for starters, offer repositories including memory management, encapsulation protocols, and security configuration, and they also encourage development time. While they are often used to create unique postings, there often are useful to web blogs.

Published by: Anusha D., Vanishree K.Research Area: Web Development

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Web Application Framework, Web Framework, MVC Model, Web Architecture

Research Paper

100. Remote Work Monitoring and Work Submission System

In this modern era of technology to enhance performance, many electronic organizations have started increasingly using electronic performance monitoring systems. Efficient surveillance is the use of real-time images of ongoing construction sites. This paper based on 'remote work monitoring and submission system'. In today's world monitoring and surveillance system plays a vital role to increase productivity and efficiency of employees; the main objective of the proposed system is to reduce the number of employees that required only for surveillance purpose, this will give the ability to monitor various work sites from one place using this system and also reduce the company's expenditure. The proposed system is made for employees of an electrical company, this system provides a platform to submit their work from the remote site to the server from which the supervisor of that particular organization can monitor actual work. This system is useful for collecting data from the owner of the company. By satisfaction of this gathered information/data owners can decide how much work and which type of work/jobs are requested in particular dates of the year, they can even make a good schedule by which they can use their manpower more effectively.

Published by: Komal S. Hatagare, Krutika R. Thombre, Mrunali R. Meshram, Neha S. Ramteke, Aman A. Lingayat, Nilesh J. Deshbhratar, Dr. Snehal GolaitResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Surveillance System, remote monitoring system, electro works.

Research Paper

101. Cell Phone detector and its design

The utilization of phones is broad on the planet. In spite of the fact that individuals should be connected to each other, there are times and areas where this is prohibited, either for security reasons or in light of the fact that it represents a wellbeing hazard. There is a squeezing need to confine cell phone use in explicit areas and at explicit occasions. Thus, the utilization of a brilliant cell indicator is guaranteed. Regardless of whether the telephone is in quiet mode, the circuit will identify approaching and active calls, SMS, and video transmission. At the point when the Bug detects a functioning phone's RF transmission signal, it sounds a blare cautioning and the LED squints. In The production of techniques to take out assessment place negligence in all instructive establishments is a significant field of study. At the point when a GSM recurrence signal is distinguished, the gadget would have the option to stick it, keeping the communicated signal from arriving at the client's cell phone.

Published by: Suchetana Sarkar, Rimpi Datta, Trisha Ghatak, Anirban Saha, Susmita DebResearch Area: Electronics And Communication

Organisation: Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, West BengalKeywords: Mobile, Phone, Student, Intelligent Detector, Cheating

Research Paper

102. Pivot influence: CEO change and their focal domain

The paper assesses how a CEO change of a firm and his/her respective focal domain influences the intensity of the firm’s pivot. During the research, we derive two hypotheses based on a pivot and the various associated parameters. The first hypothesis is that a CEO change in the firm will create higher intensity to pivot within the firm. The second being that a higher intensity to pivot will occur if the CEO of a firm is a domain outsider rather than a domain insider. Furthermore, in examining the United States (US) photovoltaic (PV) industry, we found that contrary to the first hypothesis, there is a lower intensity to pivot for a firm when a CEO change occurs. For the second hypothesis, if the CEO is categorized into a focal domain (domain insider and domain outsider), we find that a firm has higher intensity to pivot if the CEO is a domain outsider.

Published by: Aryan Tanwar, Prem SagarResearch Area: Business , Economics

Organisation: National Public School, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Focal Domain, Pivot, Bussiness Fundamentals

Research Paper

103. Employee attrition prediction

The success of major corporations/organizations depends on the employees working in it. These employees leave the jobs due to a variety of reasons ranging from personal problems, unsatisfactory working conditions to being fired for not meeting the requirements of the job. This leaving of employees is affecting the organizations in terms of cost as well as lost productivity. In this paper, we attempt to develop a system to predict employee attrition dependent on the data within the organization.

Published by: Varshit Jain, Ansh Aya, Dhairya DesaiResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: St. Francis Institute of Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Employee Attrition, Classification, Random Forest, Management

Technical Notes

104. Credit card fraud detection

Credit card Fraud has emerged as a bigger problem with an increase in online transactions and e-commerce. A credit card fraud happens when a fraudster uses your credit card information to make unauthorized purchases in your name. Credit card companies need to address these fraudulent transactions so that customers are not charged for the goods they did not buy. In this paper, we aim to tackle such fraudulent transactions by identifying them using various machine learning algorithms like Logistic Regression, Random Forest and, eXtreme Gradient Boosting. The results of the algorithms are based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The algorithms are compared, and the algorithm that has the greatest accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score is considered as the best algorithm that is used to detect fraudulent transactions.

Published by: Vadlamudi Tony Titus, Lakshmi Choudari, Shashank, GunavardhanResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Credit Card Transactions, Fraudster, SMOTE, Machine Learning

Research Paper

105. Dual axis solar tracking system using Arduino UNO

Solar photovoltaic cells generates the energy by approximately following the intensity of light and using the light energy to create an electric current. There are many PV cells within solar panels and the current created by all of the cells together adds up to enough electricity. A dual axis solar energy system using “Arduino UNO” works as an automatic tracking system and controls the elevation and orientation angles of solar panels such that the panel always maintained perpendicular to sunlight. The measured variable of our automatic dual axis solar tracking system is low cost, reliable and efficient. As a result of experiment, by using monocrystalline solar panel and following the intensity of sunlight, the energy generated by dual axis solar tracking system increases consumption of energy up to 8%-25% more than fixed PV system.

Published by: Samiksha Sharad Ranpise, Aditya Bhagwaan Kadam, Tejesh Prabhakar Shinde, Viabhav Raghunath Mhatre, Manisha BhendaleResearch Area: Renewable Energy Source

Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Photovoltaic Cells, Arduino UNO, Monocrystalline Solar Panel, PV System

Research Paper

106. Human activity recognition system

Understanding the activities of human from videos is demanding task in Computer Vision. Identifying the actions being accomplished by the human in the video sequence automatically and tagging their actions is the prime functionality of intelligent video systems. The goal of activity recognition is to identify the actions and objectives of one or more objects from a series of examination on the action of object and their environmental condition. The major applications of Human Activity Recognition vary from Content-based Video Analytics, Robotics, Human-Computer Interaction, Human fall detection, Ambient Intelligence, Visual Surveillance, Video Indexing etc. The Experimental Evaluation of various papers are observed efficiently with the various performance metrics like Precision, Recall, and Accuracy.

Published by: Akash Kumar, Varshini Shenoy, Puneet TiwariResearch Area: Computer Vision

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Activity Recognition, Deep Learning, Training Dataset, ResNet, OpenCV.

Case Study

107. Post-operative rehabilitation of fracture of the distal end of the humerus: A case study

Intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus constitute 0.5%–7% of all fractures and 30% of elbow fractures. Over 25% of such fractures develop significant complications during treatment and a few of them may need further surgery. Intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus can be treated by open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Methodology: This case study was conducted on Mr. Rangaswamy during the first week of March 2021 at ESIC hospital. The patient was treated with gentle range of motion mobilization for elbow flexion, extension to the patient’s pain tolerance level. He was also given wrist and hand ROM mobilization. Conclusion: During the 6 days of Physiotherapy sessions, we had with the patient, we both could see the improvement from day 1 until our last session together. He improved greatly during the course of treatment. The improvement came after joint mobilizations, functional exercises, and the patient’s positive attitude, and the willingness to get back to normalcy.

Published by: Sandesh Rao, Kangkana Goswami, Subarna Rabha, Diker Dev JoshiResearch Area: Physiotherapy

Organisation: Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Intra-Articular Fracture, Open Reduction Internal Fixation, Mobilization, Case Report

Research Paper

108. Prediction of plant leaf disease using image pre-processing and filter based optimal feature selection for KNN classifier

In plants, disease detection is a significant task related to the agricultural production of a country. The major economy of a country is linked with agricultural production which is very important for the development of a nation. Any kind of infection on the leaves of the plants leads to a loss in crop production and puts down the effort of farmers which in turn hits the economy and livelihood of the country. In this paper, we propose an image processing and filter-based feature selection method which distinguishes the disease of the plant leaf and classifies them using a KNN classifier. Using the feature selection process the unwanted redundancy and irrelevant data is filtered which helps the classifier to learn and classify the data more precisely.

Published by: Komala T., Ashwini S. S., Dr. M. Z. KurianResearch Area: Image Processing

Organisation: Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, KarnatakaKeywords: Lant Leaf, Disease, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Agriculture

Research Paper

109. The effect of air pollution on APTI values of some plant species and their comparative study

Air pollution is one of the serious problems faced by people globally due to its transboundary dispersion of pollutants over the entire world. But, whatever mode, whether natural or artificial, is a major concern in to-days developing countries like India. The present research is aimed at assessing the air pollution tolerance index of plants at two different locations. The locations selected were Maheshwari Udayaan, Mumbai, India (located at the center of four signals routes (location 1), and Khalsa College garden, Mumbai, India (location 2). Plants available commonly in both locations were selected for the present research. Four physiological and biochemical parameters which are relative water content, leaf pH, Ascorbic acid, and total chlorophyll were used to compute the APTI. Plants' responses towards air pollution are assessed by the air pollution tolerance index (APTI) value. The plant species having higher APTI value can be given priority for plantation programs in urbanize and industrial areas; so as to reduce the effects of air pollution and to make the ambient atmosphere clean and healthy. The present study was conducted for evaluating the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) value of six plant species i.e., 1. Mangifera Indica 2.Polyathia longifolia 3. Ixora 4. Codiaeum variegatum 5.Canna Indica 6.Phyllanthus amarus.

Published by: Dr. Ranjeet KaurResearch Area: Chemistry

Organisation: G.N. Khalsa College, Matunga, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: APTI, Ascorbic Acid, Chlorophyll, Relative Water Content, pH

Research Paper

110. E-Commerce Website

Building a single page web application for ecommerce, to create a platform over online portals that facilitates online transactions of goods and services through transfer of information and trade over the Internet. In this project we are going to build a dynamic webpage which is different from the usual website, where in we are introducing to a website which dynamically loads the content and details of the products and services to the user in which he is interested in. Users will have a great experience while surfing on the web site because in a dynamic web page user need not load the entire page. Single page applications are fast and responsive because it does not load the entire page which significantly increases the website’s speed and efficiency

Published by: Harshadi Hansora, Sneha Bendale, Natraj Varanmala, Vinay SolankiResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: E-Commerce

Research Paper

111. Cloud technologies in healthcare industry

The term “Cloud Computing” is a buzzword in the IT world and has been a major topic of conversation as of late and is emerging as one of the most important technologies of this decade. A distributed computing administration utilized by medical care suppliers for putting away, keeping up, and backing up close to home wellbeing data (PHI). Cloud services are capable of storing significantly more data than an on-site physical server, particularly when it involves the massive image files common in radiology departments. Also, medical care distributed storage costs are a small portion of these for on-location workers; in any case, the progress requires an undeniable worker virtualization execution. Numerous doctors and medical care associations are hesitant to utilize medical services cloud administrations because of a paranoid fear of enduring an information break infringing upon the protection Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Because of the delicate idea of the data being put away and gotten too, numerous medical care associations are picking to keep away from public cloud benefits and carrying out an individual cloud administration in-house all things being equal.

Published by: Omkar ChavanResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Keraleeya Samajam Dombivli Model College, Dombivli, MaharashtraKeywords: Cloud Services, Medical Care Suppliers, Cloud Computing, HIPAA, PHI

Review Paper

112. HPLC method development and validation - A review

High-Performance liquid chromatography analytical tool used to qualitative and quantitative the drug product and drug stability, impurities. The separation is done by column, detection wavelength and other composition (organic & PH) for analysis of the drug. The analytical method development and validation play an important role in drug discovery and development. The validations are done by [Accuracy, Precision, Repeatability, Specific limit, etc.] the review articles are discussed by the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method Development and Validation of the drug.

Published by: D. Satheeshkumar, M. Gokul, S. Shalini, M. Ukeshraj, M. MullaivendanResearch Area: Pharmaceutical Analysis And Medicinal Chemistry

Organisation: P.S.V. College of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Orappam, Tamil NaduKeywords: HPLC, Instrumentation, Method Development, Method validation

Review Paper

113. Credit card fraud detection

In today's world, due to the rapid increase of technology many countries in the world encouraging cashless transactions. Credit cards are the easiest and fastest mode of payment both in offline as well as online transactions. So, credit cards are becoming a more popular mode of transaction in modern-day life. This also increases fraud cases in credit card transactions. Peoples and companies face a huge amount of loss of money due to these increasing cases of fraud transactions. This also affects the liability of the bank systems and service providers. This is why it becomes very important to detect fraud transactions and avoid financial loss. The good thing is fraud tends to occur in patterns so machine learning algorithms can help us to predict them. Our objective is to reduce the tedious work of the fraud detection process with the help of machine learning and data science.

Published by: Pratik Prashant Borkar, Ankita Vijay Munj, Prathmesh Prakash Risbud, Sahil Ganpat SarangResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, MaharashtraKeywords: Credit Card, Fraud Detection, Machine Learning, Data Science

Research Paper

114. MartShop – An E-Commerce Portal

With the increasing popularity of ecommerce, it is very essential to involve every minuscule vendor who is innovating sundry products and selling them at a plausible price. The proposed system is implemented utilizing the latest technology flutter and with the firebase, which makes this system platform amicable and independent. The system is for all the minute vendors who are selling and earning through their hard work. Here utilizer has to register first without any registration fees and can integrate their store with rudimentary info needed for establishing the online store. After the successful registration the utilizer can upload a number of products with description and pricing additionally. Features like managing order history, contacting customers, sharing product images, sharing shop details, receiving payment, and updating shop details is given to vendors. For users features like view products, integrate products to wish list or cart, contact sellers directly, share products, and make payment is available. Utilizing the latest technology makes this shopping app more flexible and utilizer amicable. All these processes are done through data mining and using a data warehouse to collect multiple data for processing. Analysis of the data is done by K-Means algorithm and unsupervised ML.

Published by: Charul Mehta, Anisha Ninawe, Dipti Deoke, Aditi Pidurkar, Janvi Ghate, Dr. Snehal GolaitResearch Area: Computer Technology

Organisation: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Laptop, Flutter, Firebase, Android Studio, data mining, data warehouse, data collection.

Research Paper

115. Optimal Strong Password Authentication Protocols

The process or action of proving or showing something to be true, genuine, or valid is called authentication. The proper functioning of OSPA (Optimal Strong Password Authentication) has been explained that how it functions and how the OSPA can improve the authentication process for obtaining mutual communication between user and server and the secure transfer of data between them. Two major techniques can be used for the sa

Published by: Sanya Jain, Avani KasatResearch Area: Networking

Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Cryptography, Authentication

Research Paper

116. A study on Cloud Benchmarking

Sharing of files is a common functionality in cloud storage systems, which enable many users to concurrently use files in shared folders or workspaces. Current cloud storage systems, on the other hand, can deliver unexpected results to end users in the face of concurrency. Our research's aim is to identify the findings provided by existing cloud storage systems in concurrent environments and make these results publicly available, which could help both cloud storage end-users and service providers. Because of the large number of cloud computing providers and the various services each provides, cloud users need benchmark data that addresses the unique characteristics of the cloud computing world, such as dynamic scaling. Cloud Cmp, Cloud Stone, Hi Bench, YCSB, and Cloud Suite are five common tools that present workloads and/or methods for quantitatively comparing cloud computing offerings.

Published by: Suman M. J., Sharadadevi K.Research Area: Cloud Computing

Organisation: R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Cloud computing, Benchmarking, Performance evaluation

Review Paper

117. Hardware Implementation of Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Vehicle

this paper proposes a design variant of obstacle avoidance and voice control for the automobile’s car unit. The future advancement in this technology will help us in for the handicapped ones who cannot drive the vehicle on their own, transportation purposes, hazardous environment places where human interaction might be impossible and so on. Also, the use of sensors will provide greater safety from sudden hits. A Bluetooth module is used to create a communication link between the car and human voice commands via Android Application. The RF transmitter of the module can take human voice commands through the application which will then be converted into encoded digital data up to an adequate range of 100 meters from the robot. The receiver of the module decodes the input data before feeding it to the microcontroller to drive DC motors via motor driver L298D for necessary movements. An Arduino UNO which is the brain of our system is programmed to read voice commands and respond accordingly. Obstacle detection can be done by ultrasonic sensors interfaced with the Arduino UNO. Considering this feature, in the future it might prove a milestone in vehicle automation. Further the project can be developed using the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence technology where a user can control the car from any corner of the world.

Published by: Abhishek Bhikule, Shubham Mankame, Sanika Khot, Yogiraj Nhawkar, Shrikant BasteResearch Area: Robotics and Mechatronics

Organisation: New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management, Thane, MaharashtraKeywords: Obstacle detection, Voice command, Ultrasonic Sensors, Bluetooth module, Motor Driver, Infrared sensor, Arduino UNO

Research Paper

118. Robot Automation Framework for Implementing and Developing the Requirements of Network Elements

Telecommunication industry is growing exponentially with the network elements and its operation. As a result, managing network elements and its behaviors has become a challenging task and even time consuming. Integrating and verifying the network elements manually requires more time and human efforts to perform, therefore to increase the efficiency and decrease the efforts, time and errors, robot automation can be used. In this paper, the process, usage and importance of robot automation for network elements is explained. This keyword driven framework is highly extensible with reusable keywords, simple library packages are available in both python and java. In the output of the process, a detailed report and log files are generated in XML format for easy understanding and analysis. These features of robot framework help in getting quick and efficient result. The primary integration process is performed in the NetAct application that can be used for monitoring, analyzing and managing the network element operation and functionality verifications in all the phases. In this context, summary of robot automation framework utilization for integrating and verifying different types of network elements is discussed.

Published by: Yashaswini H. R., Poornima KulkarniResearch Area: Telecommunications Management Network

Organisation: R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Network elements, Integration, Robot automation framework, NetAct, Telecommunication management network

Research Paper

119. Obstacle detection in automated driving using stereo vision images

Automated driving systems guarantee a protected, agreeable and effective driving experience. The effectiveness and uses in the business of self-driving/driverless/automated/robotized vehicles will reduce human work. Quite possibly the main highlights for any keen ground vehicle depend on how it is reliable and feasible to get the data about the environment. This paper surveys the critical innovation of a self-driving vehicle. In this, there are four key advancements in self-driving vehicles, to be specific, path planning, environmental perception for vehicle control, are tended to and overviewed. By getting the environmental factors precisely and rapidly is perhaps the most fundamental and testing undertakings for the independent framework. Obstacle avoidance information is gotten from the highly resolute cameras and profoundly exact sensors. The most widely recognized detecting frameworks, for example, RADAR and LIDAR are utilized for insight on self-driving vehicles today give a full 360◦ view to the vehicle making it more educated about the environmental factors than a human driver. In this, a strategy to utilize two 360◦ cameras to see obstacles all around the self-sufficient vehicle. By utilizing vertical direction, instead of the horizontal direction and camera displacement. The Key thought for obstacle identification is to focus on the points in the 3D medium dependent on height, width, and slope comparative with neighboring points. The obstacle points that are mapped to the planes help in planning the motion of the vehicle. And also describes the robot operating system middleware and its importance.

Published by: Apoorva K. R., Arjun BhatResearch Area: Computer Vision

Organisation: R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Obstacle Detection, Stereo Vision, Automated Driving, Sensors

Research Paper

120. Green cloud computing

Cloud computing is emerging technology as a critical information communication technology to heavily impact our day-to-day life in the future. As computing becomes increasingly pervasive, the energy consumption attributable to computing is climbing that marked the foundation of Green Cloud Computing. Green Cloud Computing', the word green with cloud computing denotes that this is environment-friendly. The concept is to reduce energy consumption and reduce the waste disposed to the environment. To reduce energy consumption, cloud computing is exploring energy-efficient ways of working. A Green Cloud System responds to peak utilization periods and adjusts the availability of resources based on expanding or shrinking the cloud as needed.

Published by: Kumar Kishan ChandraResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: R.D and D.J. College, Munger, BiharKeywords: Green Cloud Computing, Security, Internet Data Center (IDC)

Research Paper

121. College Enquiry Chat-Bot

In colleges the existing system it is difficult to get proper information to users due to lack of communication.In this pandemic we have using lots of technology for learning the system of colleges still have to improve our proposed system “College Enquiry chat-Bot” is an agent like a real person is talking with users nowadays many service websites using chatbots for solving queries of users. “College Enquiry Chatbot” is a web based application where students can ask questions through text or voice and agent replies from stored databases.The system is very easy to operate for students and also for college staff.

Published by: Asmika Selvarajan Pillay, Bhagyeshree Meshram, Dhammajyoti Lale, Bhumika Patankar, Diksha Narnaware, Nitesh GodichorResearch Area: Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Java, Spring boot, Chat-Bot , Angular, Rest-API, Dialog Flow

Research Paper

122. Fin-Tech in India

Fintech is financial technology; FinTech is about the introduction of recent technologies into the application and financial services of digital technology from the financial sector. The research topics are studied theoretically. the data has collected by KPMG, PwS, SSRN and RBI. The paper provides the historic evolution of FinTech and size of Market and growth. additionally, the advantages and disadvantages of FinTech, FinTech hub, and FinTech regulation of India.

Published by: Shreyas BargeResearch Area: Technology

Organisation: Keraleeya Samajam (Regd.) Dombivli’s Model College, Dombivli, MaharashtraKeywords: Fintech, E-Commerce, Digital Finance, Financial Technology, Fintech Hub.

Research Paper

123. Opinion Mining for restaurant reviews using Naive Bayes Algorithm

A wealth of unstructured opinion data exists online. Every day, millions of consumers add to this data when they share their opinion on a range of things, including feedback about their experiences with products and services. This feedback is volunteered, it contains the raw, unsolicited views and opinions about a brand, individual or event. Opinion Mining finds out the drivers behind the sentiment. By understanding what is driving the sentiment and how one is performing based on Net Sentiment, opinion data can be used to expose critical areas of strength and weakness. This data allows decision-makers in business, from customer experience and marketing to risk and compliance teams, to make the targeted, strategic overhauls needed to reinvigorate profitability or reclaim slipping market share. It is practically impossible to analyze all this reviews manually, so and automated aspect-based opinion mining approach is used. This paper focuses on aspect level, shows a comparative study amongst existing algorithm and proposes a new syntactic based approach which uses dictionary, aggregate score for opinion words. The dataset used was for restaurant reviews. The proposed method achieved a total accuracy of 87.06%.

Published by: Rutik Pravin Ambre, Abhishek SandResearch Area: Information Technology and Software Development.

Organisation: Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Sentiment Analysis, Prediction, Data Extraction, Data Pre-Processing, Opinion Mining, Parts of Speech

Review Paper

124. Mobile cloud computing – Literature review

The high-speed development and renaissance in mobile devices have produced a fast-growing market. The remarkable progress made within the mobile applications allows the users to accomplish most of their tasks such as shopping, social networking, information gathering, and business through their mobile devices. However, there are some limitations in the mobile environment, which reduce the utmost benefits of using mobile devices. These devices are not as powerful as personal computers and lack high-level computational storage capabilities. Therefore, mobile cloud computing has been introduced as a possible enhancement for mobile services. Cloud computing is integrated into the mobile environment in order to beat the restrictions of mobile devices. In the paper, we describe the privacy and security issues faced by the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) technology. The issue faced in integrating green computing technology is discussed in this research paper.

Published by: Jai Mehta, Vishant Mehta, Onkar Sanap, Rachit Mehta, Viraj JoshiResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Framework, Features, Privacy, Security, Green Computing, Service, Future

Research Paper

125. Palm detection and tracking project

Hand gesture recognition is a technology that is becoming increasingly relevant, given the recent growth and popularity of Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies. It is one key aspect of HCI, allowing for two-way interaction in virtual spaces. However, many instances of such interaction are currently limited to specialized uses or more expensive devices such as the Kinect and the Oculus Rift. In this paper, we explore the methods for hand gesture recognition using a more common device – the laptop web camera. Specifically, we explore and test methods of segmenting the hand. We will also cover one method for hand gesture recognition.

Published by: Aman Khan, Nafisa Mapari, Ramiz Ur Rahman Khan, Ayaz Idrisi, Mohd Umar KhanResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Mumbai University, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), PTM, VGC

Review Paper

126. Overview of fast dissolving tablets of Bisoprolol Fumarate and its patented products

Recently, fast-dissolving drug delivery systems have started gaining popularity and acceptance as one such example with increased consumer choice, for the reason of rapid disintegration or dissolution, self-administration even without water or chewing. Various formulations were prepared by direct compression method using different concentrations of crospovidone (2-8%) and croscarmellose sodium (2-8%) as super disintegrants. Formulations were evaluated for precompression parameters and post compressional parameters like uniformity of weight, thickness, hardness, friability, drug content, wetting time, the water absorption ratio, in vitro disintegration time, and in vitro dissolution study. These kinds of dosage forms are also convenient for children, elderly patients with swallowing difficulties, and in the absence of potable liquids. Zydis products are packed in blister packs to protect the formulation from moisture in the environment. Nano-crystal technology avoids manufacturing processes such as granulation, blending, and tableting, which is more advantageous for highly potent and hazardous drugs. Flash Tab Technology involves the preparation of a rapidly disintegrating tablet, which consists of an active ingredient in the form of microcrystals. Oraquick utilizes taste-masking microspheres technology called a micro mask, which provides superior mouth feel, significant mechanical strength, and quick disintegration/dissolution of product. Flash Dose Technology consists of a self-binding shear form matrix termed as "floss". Shearform matrices are prepared by flash heat processing.

Published by: Saroja S. Naubade, Kailash V. Vilegave, Suryakant Hanmantrao Gond, Pratibha M. ChandankarResearch Area: Pharmacy

Organisation: Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Bisoprolol Fumarate, Fast Dissolving Tablet, Crospovidone, Croscarmellose Sodium

Research Paper

127. Pothole and object detection with respect to the speed of a vehicle using sensors in Arduino UNO board

Pothole detection is important while driving a car to reduce the number of accidents. This will also in turn prevent the vehicle from severe damage in terms of tire. In a densely populated country like India, it is also important to track whether any human being or any object is coming across a vehicle in high road and notifying its driver to reduce the speed and prevent road accidents. In order to detect the pothole and to track any human being or an object, the primary necessity is to have GPS for obtaining the location of the vehicle. This paper aims at proposing a pothole detection and object indicator system in a vehicle which will indicate the presence of potholes or any other object within a range of 20m.

Published by: Sayan Ghosh, Abhishek Singha, Sanchari Majumdar, Shweta Kumari, Subhrakanti Samanta, Sangita RoyResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, West BengalKeywords: Potholes, Accidents, Ultrasonic sensors, Buzzer, GPS

Research Paper

128. A critical analysis of wage inequalities in urban and rural sectors in India

we examine that there is an enormous gap among rural and urban areas regarding wage disparities in India. We study the time frame 1983-2005 utilizing family unit study information from progressive rounds of the National Sample Survey. We locate that this period has been described by a huge narrowing of the distinctions in schooling, occupation, dissemination, and wages between people in country India and their metropolitan partners. We locate that singular attributes don't seem to represent quite a bit of this union. Our outcomes recommend that approach mediations preferring country zones may have been key in initiating these time arrangement designs. The investigation likewise recommended a similarly a high gender wage gap in different classifications of exercises. It is astounding to locate that in India the compensation divergence exists essentially due to huge pay distinction inside the different classes of laborers. Further, the assessment of the wellsprings of pay contrast uncovers that gender wage gap is a part of the result of separation in compensation dispersion against women laborers. wage differentials are available among different gatherings and areas of the economy. The essential inspiration of this paper is to research the design of pay imbalance and work in India with the 60th cycle (2005-06) family unit review on business and joblessness directed by the National Sample Survey Office. The examination gauges completely various components of pay disparity as seen in the Indian work market by utilizing the Gini imbalance file. In breaking down the design of compensation imbalance it thinks about three significant areas, people in general, private formal and casual areas. Compensation disparity in the private conventional area is higher than the imbalance even in the casual area. Pay differentials in India are higher in rural areas when contrasted with metropolitan regions, and are higher among ladies than among men laborers.

Published by: Ronit Rohtagi, Manisha RajResearch Area: Social Cause

Organisation: Amity University, Noida, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Wage inequalities, gender disparities, urban areas, rural areas.

Research Paper

129. Alcohol sensing engine locking system

Nowadays consuming alcohol and driving is the leading cause of many road accidents. The driving person is not in stable condition so the driving is also inconvenient for the other drivers and it is also question to damage of life of person, property and for others too. In this project, we are developing a system that will automatically lock the engine whenever it senses the person is drunk. The input for the system is in the form of a sensor i.e alcohol sensor which is attached to the controller. Our proposed system would be constantly monitoring the driver’s breath by placing it on the driver steering or somewhere the driver's breath can be constantly monitored by it. So if the driver is drunk and tried to drive, the system detects alcohol presence in his/her breath and locks the engine so that the vehicle fails to start. In another case, if the driver is not drunk while he starts the vehicle and the engine is started but he/she drinks while driving, the sensor still able to detect alcohol in his breath and stops the engine so that the car would not further accelerate and the driver can steer it to the roadside. In this project, we have used an Arduino microcontroller interfaced with an alcohol sensor and a dc motor to demonstrate the working of this project.

Published by: Panthangi Sai Lohith, Gundoji Shivasai, Laggoni Vignan Goud, CH Lowkya, Dr. SI KhanResearch Area: Engineering

Organisation: Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: Arduino UNO, Alcohol Sensor, Dc Motor, Automated Control System, Driver Monitoring System

Research Paper

130. Design and Simulation of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna Array (2×2) for S-Band Wireless Applications

Latest trends and advancements in wireless communication require high-performance antenna designs with low profile characteristics like low cost, ease of fabrication/ handling/ maintenance, simple design, lightweight, etc. A microstrip patch antenna is best suitable for such applications due to its low-profile characteristics. A wireless local area network (WLAN) is a short-distance communication network mostly used for linking two or more wireless devices within a limited range. WLANs follow the IEEE802.11 standards which have listed the frequencies used in five different frequency bands i.e., 2.4 GHz, 3.6 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 5 GHz, and 5.9 GHz. This paper consists of the design and simulation of high gain antennas for 2.4GHz frequency band applications using High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software.

Published by: Adithi Prasad, Rinitha S., Shilpa G. D., Dr. Sreelakshmi K.Research Area: Telecommunication Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), S-11, VSWR, Gain, Directivity, S-Band

Research Paper

131. Importance of Technology in Facility Management

Facility management (FM) is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality, comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology. Today the FM Focus is on the trends of changing Business Strategy & Environment, emphasis on the frame work to create and adopt Business & support model to align to the current market trends in Corporate Real Estate, Facility management, Work Place solution, Communication, Environmental, Renewable, Sustainability, Health, Safety, Technology, Innovation, Global trends, Industry bench marking practices.

Published by: Dr. Abhijit SarkarResearch Area: Technology

Organisation: Sharekhan By BNP Paribas, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Facility Management, Technology, IoT, Robotics, Customer Experience. Future Trend, Business Continuity

Review Paper

132. Footstep power generation

The Invented device acts as a converting tool that generate electricity using pressure. This can be used for public locations like malls, shopping centers, railway stations, bus stations etc. Therefore, these devices can be installed publicly in situations where people are walking, and that they need to run or step on this device so as to pass or enter/exit their destination. This systems will then produce voltage about each and every move of the feet. For this reason piezoelectric sensor is often usually used to calculate power, stress and vibration via its transformation into electrical signals. This method provides voltmeter for measurement of performance, led lamps, mass measuring device and batteries for better demonstration of machine. If pressure is exerted on a piezoelectric sensor, it can transform the pressure into electrical energy. The current voltage within the motion is stored in batteries. The output power generated from its sensor is used to move the DC charges. Here we have used AT89S52 to show how much battery gets charged. Also, a Wifi-enabled IoT system determines how often voltage is generated from the source of the signal. Using the users\' IoT-based tracking, the data can be used to gain power that is intended.

Published by: Parag Punwatkar, Pranay Sonkusare, Mohit Kumbhare, Vibhor MalhotraResearch Area: Electronics Engineering

Organisation: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Wanadongri, MaharashtraKeywords: IoT, Power, Stress, Piezoelectric Sensor

Research Paper

133. Autonomous object detection and following robot

The surveillance due to jeopardy has been one of the important aspect in terms of security which is why there have been many solutions designed to encounter it. Surveillance solutions by military services are exquisite and substantial. Battlefield awareness is one of the modern military technique which include various sensors that provide information in terms of pictures of the surroundings. There are many solutions which indicate the presence of enemy. So the technique of object detection in image processing is used in this project for the purpose of surveillance. The robot is made autonomous so that there would be no need of human intervention. The robot uses raspberry pi camera for image acquisition and raspberry pi board for image processing and laser to shoot if the object is suspicious. Contrary to the traditional methods this autonomous robot has significantly showed a good accuracy in perception of surroundings, decision making and actuation.

Published by: Chaganti Sai Revanth, Manoj Kumar Pandey, Manjeet KaurResearch Area: Robotics

Organisation: Amity University, Gurgaon, HaryanaKeywords: Surveillance, Image Processing, Raspberry Pi, Object Detection

Technical Notes

134. Hybrid automated lawnmower

The project's goal is to build an automated hybrid lawn mower that runs on IoT and solar energy instead of fuel, which will help with energy-saving. The goal of this project is to build a hybrid automated lawnmower with a DC motor, rechargeable battery, solar panel, blade, and an IoT-based control system. The system has two modes: automatic and manual. The system is powered by a 12-volt battery. The solar lawn mower is controlled by a switch on the board that shuts the circuit and allows electricity to pass to the motor that drives the blade to move. During manual mode, we can operate the robot via a Bluetooth controller. For programming, the Arduino IDE software is utilized. Obstacles are detected using an ultrasonic sensor. Solar charging is used to recharge the battery.

Published by: Nisari MD, Ramola Joy, Amritha MR, Bency Babu, Ramees NRResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Thiruvananthapuram, KeralaKeywords: Solar, Grass Cutting Machine, Hybrid Power Supply, Remote Controlled, Temperature, and Humidity Sensor

Research Paper

135. Training Effectiveness Program of different Companies

The training program is conducted in every company irrespective of the type of business, it helps every employee to understand the company’s objectives, culture, expectations, and what role the employee has to play towards the company. The company provides On-Job training or Off-job training i.e some companies provide On-Job training in which they train their employees while allotting the task and train them simultaneously whereas some companies provide pre-training to the employees before assigning them the actual task. The training program towards employees has various advantages like it help them to understand the job role, improve performance, increase employees engagement, improves employees retention & growth, brush-up skills and so on. Training is important because it represents a good opportunity for employees to grow their knowledge base and improve their job skills to become more effective in the workplace. The research describes what are the different types of methods companies use to measure how effective the training program is and what percentage of response the company gets after the training program is conducted

Published by: Pranav TolpunuriResearch Area: Management

Organisation: Thakur Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Training Program, Training Effectiveness Methods, On-Job Training, Off-Job Training, Feedback Form, Percentage of Response

Research Paper

136. A Study on Development Operations for Continuous Integration using Jenkins

DevOps is a new way of thinking for software design that intends to break down the barriers between developers and operations team to provide quick delivery and immediate response to changing requirements throughout the software development Process. Each programmer or testing team will be allocated to different project, so it would be critical to test and build the modules to ensure they operate working efficiently and without flaws. One of the important techniques among software developers is Continuous Integration (CI), in which developers integrate their work into a baseline on a regular basis. Automating the process like build and testing is the important way to make Continuous Integration more powerful and quicker. This paper examines the challenges faced during traditional Integration and the advantages of CI using Jenkins.

Published by: Deepika R., Sharadadevi KaganurmathResearch Area: Devops

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Continuous Integration (CI), DevOps, Jenkins, Software Development, Version Control System.

Research Paper

137. Battery Operated Forklift

Forklift is a machine that brought revolution in a mechanical industries and all heavy engineering company uses it. Forklifts had changed the way loading and unloading of heavy weight cargo. Fork lift made it possible for a person to move thousands of kilograms of heavy load from one place to another without many efforts. To enhance the tech this prototype is constructed with remote technology, so that the person working on it can walk along with the forklift so that he can accurately place the container which, in end will increase the safety.

Published by: Jayesh Patil, Nikam ruturaj, Hritik Kanse, Dhananjay Sarawade, Nitin GholapResearch Area: Automobile

Organisation: Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, MaharashtraKeywords: Forklift, Battery Operated, Remote Controlled

Review Paper

138. Cement Concrete Road Construction with Geogrid Material

In road construction the existing soil has many inherent flaws including various problems such as non-uniform consistency, unstable soil, moisture problems, tensile strength and loose soil.This study was considered with the use of geogrid to strengthen the rigid pavement .Weaker soils are generally clayey and expansive in natures which are having lesser strength characteristics. Technique of improving the soil with geogrid increase the stiffness and load carrying capacity of the soil through fractional interaction between the soil and geogrid material improving black cotton soil. The load coming on the road crust is transferred to the underlying soil. If the soil supporting the road crust is weaker, the crust thickness of road increases, which leads to the more cost of construction. To achieve the economy and for proper performance of road, it is necessary to improve the soil. Geogrid benefits include ease construction, increased life of the structure and reduce maintenance requirement and also reduce cost of construction, easy to repair or easy to installed.

Published by: Samata Thakare, Ankita Pailkar, Shradha Sanap, Utkarsh Andhere, Sarvesh Palkar, Vivek Ubhare, Vaibhav Bhoir, Dr. S. R. Bhagat, P. P. MahajanResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, MaharashtraKeywords: Inherent flaws, Non-uniform consistency, Tensile strength, Geogrid, Stiffness, Road crust.

Research Paper

139. E-Pedagogy

E-pedagogy can generally be defined as 'learning design that integrates educational content, values and effectiveness of technology-supported teaching, learning and evaluation activities. According to UNESCO, one and a half billion students around the world have been participating in remote learning since March 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The increasing availability of online learning has gained its popularity among students. Because of this pandemic, everything has become online, it is difficult for teachers to have different software that performs various tasks such as marking attendance, scheduling meetings, sending notes, assignment and conducting examinations. With all the enhanced software, hardware, and mostly the Internet access, provides more options for online education which will become available. With all the student enrolments increasing in the universities faster than classrooms can be built, students becoming more proficient with technology, and students pursuing an education that meets their needs, the future of online education will continue to grow. Online education programs will become more widely accepted since they have become a more common practice. We therefore need a full all-in-one online education solution. This provides features such as the submission of online assignments, the scheduling of meetings, the maintenance and management of individual student marks, the attendance marking system and the conducting of exams on a single platform. In online education, applications that can include therapy sessions or arrange extra classes for students can also play an important role.

Published by: S. Nagarjun, Anushree T., Ashwin Xaviour W.Research Area: Computer Science Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Online Education, Technology, Classroom, Students and Teachers, Assignment Submission, Grading, Prediction, Counselling Sessions

Research Paper

140. ClipIT app like Tik-Tok

Users are consuming content via their mobile devices while they're on the go, the shorter the content is, the better. Short video content is streamed to us in a range of formats on a variety of social platforms-15-second Instant videos on Instagram, 2 to 3-minute videos on Facebook and news feed videos on Google+. This application has been created for people who want a platform to express user's every mood

Published by: Vishwajeet Vatte, Rahul Surve, Amey Mulye, Shudhodhan BokefodeResearch Area: IT

Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Tik-Tok , Registration login, Instagram

Review Paper

141. RPM Measurement using Image Processing

Accurate and reliable measurement of rotational speed is desirable in a variety of industries. This paper presents a rotational speed measurement system based on a low-cost imaging device with a simple marker on the rotor. Sequential images are pre-processed through denoising, histogram equalization and circle Hough transform and then processed by similarity evaluation methods to obtain the similarity level of images. Finally, the rotational speed is obtained through Chirp-Z transform on the restructured signals. The measurement principle, structure design, and performance assessment of the proposed system are presented. The effects of different influence factors, including frame rate, marker shape and size, an algorithm for image similarity evaluation, illumination conditions, shooting angle, and photographic distance, on the performance of the measurement system are quantified and discussed through a series of experimental tests on a laboratory test rig. Experimental results suggest that the system is capable of providing constant rotational speed measurement with a maximum is 200 RPM.

Published by: Aman Shikalgar, Pranav Dattatray Zende, Anagha kumbhar, Dattatray ManeResearch Area: Electronics Engineering

Organisation: D.K.T.E. Society Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, MaharashtraKeywords: RPM, Image Processing, Chirp-Z Transform

Research Paper

142. Solar Powered Floating Trash Collector with Water Purifier

Water is essential for our life, and there is no life without water on earth. It is important to maintain its cleanliness as it is the basic need for all living organisms on Earth. Water gets polluted due to many reasons such as waste from industry, garbage waste, sewage waste etc. This makes water unfit for drinking and other human activities. All urban water bodies in India are enduring a direct result of contamination and this results in scarcity of clean water. We have to incorporate technology such that cleaning work is done efficiently and effectively. This project helps in reducing pollution of water bodies thereby serves as a helping hand in removing scarcity of clean water. The main aim of our project is to collect trashes from water bodies together with purification of water. The system is made as a floating apparatus, when powered, it starts to float through water body and collect trashes. Along with trash collection a considerable amount of water is purified using filters. To make the boat self-sustainable, two solar panel are used which would charge the battery. When the Micro-controller is powered, it will drive the DC motors; motor for conveyer belt mechanism and motor for purification. Ardupilot, an open-source unmanned vehicle Autopilot software suite is used for autonomous vehicle control. Finally, a Wi-Fi module is used for visualising the status of micro-controller working. Thus, by incorporating this technology water scarcity and water purification can be overcome.

Published by: Raja Lekshmi R. S., Roniya R., Albin Yesudasan, Rahul T., Vinitha B. ElzaResearch Area: Electronics Engineering

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum, KeralaKeywords: Trash Collector, Floating Mechanism, Purifier, Solar Energy, Remote Controlled.

Research Paper

143. Virtual Reality for Online Classes

The COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented and challenging leading us to explore alternative thinking in every aspect of our daily life. One such area is the educational environment which is undergoing a transformation due to the need for remote contactless teaching. While existing web platforms like MOOCs and Youtube have been able to offer a one-way communication channel, video conferencing tools like GoogleMeet, Zoom has built upon it to provide a nominal degree of human interaction. This paper discusses our project which uses virtual reality technology to enhance this even further and further improve the online classroom experience.

Published by: Sarang Chouguley, Ashwini Thool, Manaswi Ghormare, Shantanu NagmoteResearch Area: Virtual Reality

Organisation: St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Virtual Reality, Online Classroom, Google Cardboard

Review Paper

144. Revolution of technology in the new normal

Technology has become a part and parcel of life in the ‘new normal. Life in the ‘new normal’ is using technology for daily affairs. The COVID-19 pandemic spread expeditiously across the world leaving nothing but devastation along its way. Apart from causing medical complications and deaths, it has left the world in economic despondency. The pandemic compelled the people to put a stop to their daily schedules, hunker down in their homes, and limit all social contact to protect themselves and their loved ones. The ongoing crisis has thrown into sharp focus, the importance of digital connectivity in daily life. It has become crucial for schools, governments, corporates, as well as consumers to rely on digital channels for accessing education, goods, services, information, and entertainment. Apart from work, technology has ingrained itself in our personal lives. Socializing, streaming movies, listening to music, entertainment all lean on technology. We now happen to see more of our phone’s blue light than the sunlight! The technology generates solutions for everyday life and contributes to resolving the conundrums of the universe. Technology has an array of functions for the prosperity of society which includes bringing into light new knowledge, bettering education, and increasing the quality of life of all living beings. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” - Socrates This research paper covers the evolution of technology and its heightened importance in the ongoing and post-pandemic life of people in all sectors and fields.

Published by: Anushka NayakResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Scottish High International School, Gurgaon, HaryanaKeywords: New Normal, COVID-19, Operations, Connectivity, Solutions, Pandemic


145. Extricate the Indigent

Many people are under the threat of domestic abuse, or health care emergencies. People are afraid to talk about this outside but at the time of suffering, they will only think to make someone help them from the pain. To avoid the helpless issues in life as no people should suffer from the unprotected or defenseless situation. The system can we setup in house wall or used as a wearable outdoor device, in case if a person is in risk they can provide triggering through the wireless switch and let the neighbors know the details of this specific house is in need for emergency help. The alarming setup can be linked within the range of 1km. The alarming can be stopped only by the secure RFID tag by the neighbor to make sure that help is assured.

Published by: Abhirami R. V., Abhijith B., Sharanya Lawrence, Steni Stellus, Ann MathewResearch Area: Electronics

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Kazhakuttom, TrivandrumKeywords: Home Security, Alarm System, Safety, Emergency Help, Alert

Research Paper

146. Digital Supply Chain Network – Is it a pre-requisite for Joining the Global Supply Chain for Automotive Industry

Advancements in computing processing and memory are spurring enterprises to come up with innovative digital technologies and a capabilities-paving way for Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. The emergence of distributive technologies, cognitive computing and machine learning (artificial intelligence), and modern sensor networks is creating a foundation for business analytics and the communication between the physical and digital worlds. This has transformed the ancient linear supply chains into more intelligent, connected, customizable, scalable, and nimble digital supply chain networks. The management of the digital supply chain network now constitutes a collection of insights from connected assets, sensors, and distributed data to steer applicable advancements through digital and analytical solutions.

Published by: Akshay KaushalResearch Area: Operation Management

Organisation: Great Lakes Institute of Management, Gurgaon, HaryanaKeywords: Supply Chain, Network, Automotive, Manufacturing

Research Paper

147. Management system to minimize loss of data and time wastage in library

Manually managing library operations wastes time and adds needless tension to the situation. In light of the above, the computerized framework for managing library activities allows the best possible use of available library manpower and resources for the benefit of users. The aim of this design is to provide solutions to the challenges that manual library systems face. The Library Management System and the Online Library System are also included in this comprehensive design. It's a website that makes it simple for students and staff to use the library while also automating library processes by keeping track of library resources and automatically allocating them.

Published by: Souvik Biswas, Neha Bhattacharya, Ananya Samanta, Nitin Gupta, Sangita RoyResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering

Organisation: Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, West BengalKeywords: Libraries, human stress, backend, frontend, html, MySQL


148. Morse code based Secured Authentication System using Eye Blink through Haar Cascade and Facial Landmark Algorithm

Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) are widely used for user authentication and safety for security reasons. Users must enter a physical PIN to use PIN-based password authentication, which can be susceptible to password cracking or hacking. This model includes a real-time application for gaze-based PIN input, eye recognition and tracking, and a smart camera for Morse code PIN identification. To overcome the existing limitation, we proposed a security system in two features, one is PIN authentication using eye blinks PIN entry with Morse code, and other one is provides a safer password entry alternative. Finding the eye blinks through the Morse code, in which numbers are represented in points and dashes, which will be used to make the password authentication and creating the PIN is referred to as eye blinks-based authentication. Enhancing the conventional PIN entry by adding eye-blink based PIN entry with Morse code to provide an additional level of security is the motivation behind this work.

Published by: Renuka N., Devaraju B. M.Research Area: Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Artificial Intelligence, Authentication System, Eye Blink, Morse code, Personal Identification Numbers.


149. Timely Detection of Fire and Animal Intrusion in Agricultural Land Using IoT and CNN

Agricultural fields near forest areas often become the centre of human-animal conflict. Due to increased deforestation and destruction of wild-life habitat, animals venture out of forest areas in search of food. Other major consequence of deforestation is forest fire and poaching. As solution to the issues specified, technology can help to detect and warn potential human-animal interference near forest areas. On detection of fire near the agricultural land, pump is turned on automatically to put off the fire. On detection of movement through IR sensor, camera is turned on to identify the animal or human intruder using YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm. If an animal is detected, animal specific sound repellent is played to drive the animal away. If any human with weapons is identified, then an alarm is raised to alert neighbours of possible poacher and intruder. The farmer is alerted by means of an alert message.

Published by: Sambhavi K. P., Dr. Girijamma H. A.Research Area: IoT And Convolution Neural Network

Organisation: RNS Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Arduino, Flame sensor, Gas Sensor, IoT, IR sensor


150. Automated framework for detection of Face mask and Social distancing

COVID-19's global pandemic has had a massive effect on global health, impacting over 139 million people worldwide. Wearing face masks and keeping a 2-meter gap between each other will help to avoid the spread. We propose a computer vision-based pathogen for creating a protected environment that contributes to public safety that focuses on real-time automatic surveillance of people in public places in order to recognize face masks, healthy social distance, and normal body temperature. When any of the above conditions are breached, the device sends out an alert to the authorized person. As a result, the proposed method saves time and slows the spread of the corona virus, all of which are beneficial to society. It may be useful in the current case, where the lockout is being eased to allow people to be inspected in public areas, shopping malls and other locations.

Published by: Sandhya M. S., Dr. Bhavanishankar K.Research Area: CNN and IoT

Organisation: RNS Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Covid-19, Deep Learning, Euclidean Distance, Haar Cascade, Public Safety

Research Paper

151. Evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding breast feeding technique among primipara postnatal mother

Breast feeding immediately after delivery encourages the “bonding” of the mother to her infant. Initiation of breastfeeding, it is the first contact and first breastfeed. Objectives- To assess the knowledge and practice of primipara postnatal mothers regarding breast feeding technique in terms of pre and post –test scores in experimental groups and control groups. To evaluate the effectiveness of the video assisted teaching programme by comparing pre –test and post test knowledge and practice scores. To assess the correlation between knowledge and practice. Methodology-.A quantitative approach and quasi-experimental research design (pre-test, post-test, control group) was used for the study. Sample size was 60 primi para postnatal mothers 30 in control group and 30 in experiment group and sampling technique used was non probability sampling (Purposive sampling) technique Independent variables video assisted teaching breast feeding technique. Self Structured Knowledge Questionnaire was prepared with 40 questions and observation checklist for practice Questionnaire was prepared with 30 questions to collect the data and data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results-In pre test experimental group 17(56.7%) , 13(43.3%) had average ,good knowledge and none of them having below average and very good knowledge . In post test experimental group 20(66.7%), 8(26.7%) and 2(6.7%) good , very good average knowledge and none of them having below average. In pre - test control group 19(63.3%), 11(36.7%) had average, good knowledge and none of them having below and very good knowledge. In post - test control group 15(50.0%), 15(50.0%) average, good knowledge and none of them having below average and very good knowledge In pretest experimental group 24 (80.0%), 6(20.0%) had adequate, inadequate practice. In pretest control group 17(56.7%), 13(43.3%) had inadequate moderate adequate practice regarding. In post -test experimental group 23 (76.7%),7(23.3%) had adequate moderate adequate practice and0(0%)had inadequate practice. In pretest control group 19(63.3%) 11(36.7%) had moderate inadequate practice and 0 (.0%) had adequate practice The comparing pre and post test knowledge and practice in experimental group was found in the pre test 20.27 ± 3.45 and post test 28.50 ± 3.79.the pre vs post paired t ‘test value 36.877.In control group on knowledge was found in the pre test 19.97± 3.01 and post test 0.767± 0.86 pre vs post paired t ‘test value 4.892. In experimental group on practice score of mothers was found in the pre test 14.60 ± 3.69 and post test 22.90 ± 3.60. the pre vs post paired t ‘ test value 28.027.In control group on practice score of mothers was found in the pre test 11.43±3.29 and post test 12,20±.49 .The pre vs post paired t ‘ test value 6.185.There was no correlation coefficients were not significant in pre-post knowledge and practice in experiment and control group.

Published by: Jaswinder Kaur, Dr. Rajwant Kaur Randhawa, Dr. Priyanka ChaudharyResearch Area: Nursing

Organisation: Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh, PunjabKeywords: Effectiveness of Video Assisted Technique, Knowledge, Practice Regarding Breast Feeding Technique

Research Paper

152. Blockchain based data privacy preservation for financial sector

Whenever people want to store information over the internet in cloud storage, security is the primary thing that comes to mind. There are more chances that anyone will leak such data if we store a data as it is or transfer a data as it is over the internet.In request to decrease the demand of monetary item data update among multi organizations, oversee multi-dimensional and broadened monetary information encryption, improve the traceback capacity, we propose a blockchain-based financial area.

Published by: Prathiba K. C., S. G. Raghavendra PrasadResearch Area: Software Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Cloud storage ,Data Encryption, blockchain, monetary multidimensional

Research Paper

153. Design of autonomous line follower robot with obstacle avoidance

This paper shows the design and implementation of the Line Follower Robot and its ability to select the desired line among the black and white lines. This can be combined with different colors. Since each color has its own distinct property, the robot can therefore easily differentiate among different colors and possess the ability to detect the presence of an obstacle and choose the other path to find its target. It is programmed in such a way that instructions are given to the robot which senses a line and attempts to move towards the target. The robot can easily move along very congested curves as it continuously data from the sensors. This robot avoids collision and it can detect collision with an obstacle sensor and hence reaching the target. The proposed system can be implemented in any commercial, industrial, medical, and also in educational labs

Published by: Kumar RishabhResearch Area: Robotics

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Arduino, IR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Motor

Research Paper

154. The need for digital transformation in business

There was a time in business, where business as usual was good enough. Now no more. Where we are going good enough is dead and dying. In a world where everything is connected, there is only one major space to innovate, which is the digital transformations inside the organization. The organizations which are not digitally transforming are getting out of business. The research paper aims to identify, describe the impact of digital transformation of business in India and describe the key drivers of strategic business management development in the light of the recent waves of digital transformation. This research paper presents an overview of the existing literature, which is there concerning digital transformation. The research results from professional associations as well as the existing body of the recognized publishers were considered for making the research. Furthermore, we have conducted expert interviews as well as the market data where it was available.

Published by: Sajan MathewResearch Area: Management

Organisation: Alliance University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Digital Transformation, Digital Transformation Framework, Innovation

Research Paper

155. Communication using VLC

Visible Light Communication technology is considered complimentary to Radio Frequency (RF) technology. The current Wi-Fi network uses Radio Frequency waves, but the usage of the available RF spectrum is limited. Therefore, a new technology, Li-Fi has come into the picture. Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) based Visible Light Communication system appears to have enhanced wireless capability to realize IoT, 5G Cellular Systems, and many more. Li-Fi is a recently developed technology.

Published by: P. Sai Sravya, B. Nilesh, Ch. Naresh, D. Shashank, B. Balaji NaikResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: Light Fidelity or Li-Fi system, Arduino Uno, Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), VLC, Photodiode, ASCII

Review Paper

156. Recent trends in microfluidics-based skin-on-a-chip models and applications

Skin in the human body plays a major role being a dermal barrier, maintains homeostasis, and is a vital route for the administration of cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulations. Currently, skin diseases are also posing a threat globally, being ranked fourth among non-fatal diseases. Preclinical studies of drugs and therapeutics are required to be performed at a faster rate and ensure that the results obtained are accurate. Using conventional methods of animal testing is leading to high failure rates and an expensive drug development process. To circumvent these limitations, miniaturized microfluidic devices are gaining immense popularity with respect to diagnostics, biomedical research, and drug testing. Skin-on-Chip is one of the micro-engineered biomimetic platforms that can be used as an alternative to animal testing in preclinical studies. This review gives a brief overview of the limitations in the conventional drug development process. It gives clear insights into the general designing of the skin-on-chip device and collates recent developments that skin-on-chip models are subjected to, with an overview of the side effects testing of sorafenib using the skin-on-chip model. Integration of microsensors is also summarized in this review. The use of iPSCs and Skin-on-Chip in a combination resulting in better in vitro skin models is also highlighted. Further, this review gives information about the utilizations of Skin-on-a-Chip models in diffusion studies, wound healing, and progress in precision medicine tailored to the person. Finally, the potential challenges that have to be overcome for its widespread utilization are elucidated.

Published by: Shravani K. S., Pushpa Agrawal, Raksha M.Research Area: Biomedical Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Animal Testing, Microfluidic Devices, Skin-on-Chip, Sorafenib, Microsensors, IPSC, Wound Healing, Precision Medicine

Review Paper

157. Recent advancement in adipose stem cell-based bone tissue engineering

Adipose stem cells (ASCs), a variety of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an essential element within bone tissue engineering (BTE). ASCs offer several advantages in isolation, culturing, maintenance, differentiation, repair, etc. Because of all these advantages of ASCs along with high paracrine activity, lacking major histocompatibility complex class II expression autologous ASCs are attracted towards treatment for organs damaged due to disease or injury and also in regenerative medicine. Bone is a very compound tissue and it takes part in various processes which include endocrine functions, hematopoiesis, mineral homeostasis and storage, body movement. Bone tissue engineering approaches involve combining cells and engineering materials with signaling molecules which is crucial for effective bone repair. ASCs are a vital element in BTE. BTE requires 3 important elements: (1) osteoprogenitor cells, (2) bioactive factors, (3) scaffold. In this review, we will be focusing on the recent discoveries which have employed the use of scaffolds, ASCs, bioactive factors in BTE. This review first outlined the advantages of ADCs in terms of isolation, culture, differentiation, etc. The different Growth factors involved in osteogenesis, which are the key segments in BTE. The available and recent innovations in the biological, mechanical, and structural necessities in the design of a profitable scaffold and their effects, which is succeeded by a summary of regular materials intended for scaffold fabrication were then briefed.

Published by: Raksha M., Shravani K. S.Research Area: Cell Therapy

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Adipose Stem Cells, Cell Therapy, Bone Tissue Engineering, Growth Factors, Scaffolds

Review Paper

158. Microporous Modified Atmosphere Packaging of food stuffs

MAP is broadly used globally to withhold the quality and to prolong the shelf-life of vegetables and fruits. It also helps in lowering processing cost and adaptable air permeability. By the progress and growing demand of fresh foods industry, the partial porousness of film in MAP can’t encounter the fresh-keeping desires of foods, specially vegetables and fruits. Microporous film can adaptably regulate the gas absorptivity in line with metabolic physiological characteristics of foods stuffs, which has slowly become a prominent fresh-keeping technology in the field of food industry. Various methods used to prepare microporous films. This paper is especially targeting the applying of environmentally friendly degradable film materials in fruits and vegetables preservation. Investigation has revealed that the bio-degradable material can upsurge the fresh-keeping outcome of microporous modified atmosphere packaging. Broad range of application of microporous modified atmosphere packaging is used in various foodstuff packages. Current and future trends of microporous MAP are briefly discussed.

Published by: Akshaya A., Dr. Neeta ShivakumarResearch Area: Food Packaging

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Microporous Map, Shelf-Life, Packaging, and Biodegradable

Review Paper

159. Artificial Intelligence in weed control and management

Weed control and management play a vital role in the economic system. As the presence of weeds along with the crops have the power to decrease the yield, hamper the harvest and also lessen the quality of the crop which could lead to increment in the production cost and also decrease the market value of the crop in case weeds are not controlled. Weeds also hinder with the application of pesticides and interfere with irrigation. Automation in weed control is an emerging technology. Sturdy weed management technology will control the weeds despite the variables in the field. This paper mainly focuses on the mechanisms of weed control and management and their future scope.

Published by: Pavitra Rajur, Dr. Neeta ShivakumarResearch Area: Agriculture

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Weed Plants, Crops, Weed Control Technology, Weed Control, and Management

Research Paper

160. COVID Detection using X-ray

As we know about the Covid-19 virus that has shaken everyone around the globe. People get affected to this deadly virus physically & mentally and due to bad medical facilities in some countries it has become difficult to handle this large crowd of patients rushing to the hospitals. COVID-19 tests kits were hard to come by, there are simply not enough of them and they cannot be manufactured fast enough, which is causing panic. When there’s panic, there are nefarious people looking to take advantage of others, namely by selling fake COVID-19 test kits after finding victims on social media platforms and chat applications. Since COVID-19 attacks the epithelial cells that line our respiratory tract, we can use X-rays images to analyse the health of a patient’s lungs. And given that nearly all hospitals have X-ray imaging machines, it could be possible to use X-rays to test for COVID-19 without the dedicated test kits. This project uses TensorFlow and Keras and deep learning using CNN algorithm to train the model.

Published by: Kartikey, K. PramilaraniResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Covid-19, TensorFlow, Keras, Deep Learning, CNN

Research Paper

161. Women discrimination in Vijay Tendulkar's plays

Vijay Tendulkar is one of India’s most influential playwrights. He is the most prolific and controversial dramatist among the Post-Independence Indian play writer. Vijay Tendulkar is one of the significant dramatists of the Indian English genre. He is realistic in showing the problems of the common man, the conflict between human relationships,s, and discrimination against women in the patriarchal society. Vijay Tendulkar (1928-2008) is a leading contemporary Indian playwright who writes in Marathi about emerging issues in globalization. His prolific writing over a period of five decades includes thirty full-length plays, twenty-three one-act plays, eleven children’s dramas, four collections of short stories, two novels, and five volumes of literary essays and social criticism. His female characters are mainly from lower and middle-class families such as housewives, teachers, mistresses, daughters, slaves, and servants. The issues of gender discrimination, greed for money, sexual norms, violence, man-woman relationship, social issues, power, and morality have been featured prominently in his plays. He deals with all the problems and conspiracies, of contemporary society. The conspiracies are discussed in this paper under the heading – Woman Discrimination

Published by: Milind B. Patil, Vinod S. WaghmareResearch Area: English

Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Women Discrimination, Gender Inequality, Violence

Research Paper

162. Modal analysis of jute reinforced structures

Recently the use of natural fibers as reinforcement has increased in many polymers showing in industrial applications and research work. As per today's environmental scenario, natural fibers are playing an important role due to their biodegradability, high strength, low cost, and corrosion resistance as compared with conventional materials. In this paper, the study is carried out on jute fibers as the best natural fiber. Due to jute fibers having superior properties jute has gained interest in composites. Jute fibers are better compared with synthetic fibers like glass, Kevlar, etc. which are made manually. This article presents the modal analysis of jute reinforced composite with resin as a matrix material.

Published by: Revannath P. Nale, P. D. Kulkarni, S. M. GaikwadResearch Area: Mechanical

Organisation: Sinhagad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, PuneKeywords: Natural Fibres, Reinforcement, Epoxy Resin, Composite

Review Paper

163. A review on SARS-COVID-2 (Coronavirus-2019) virology, diagnosis, treatments, and control measures

In late December 2019, Chinese health authorities reported an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Wuhan This coronavirus was provisionally named 2019-nCoV, now SARS-COVID-2 according to the Coronavirus Study Group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. SARS-COVID-2 belongs to the Coronaviridae family, Betacoronavirus genus, subgenus Sarbecovirus. Since its discovery, the virus has spread globally, causing thousands of deaths and having an enormous impact on our health systems and economies. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the epidemiology, phylogenesis, homology modeling, and diagnostics of SARS-COVID-2.

Published by: K. Kirubakaran, G.Ramesh, R.Harieshkumar, V.Baskaran, M.Elakiya, M.RamasamyResearch Area: Virology

Organisation: P.S.V. College of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Krishnagiri,Tamil NaduKeywords: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS),Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), receptor binding domain[RBD], SARS-COVID-2, Ribavirin, Niclosamide, Netikriya –VataNeti, Jalaneti, nucleocapsid

Research Paper

164. Solar fan with BLDC Motor

Lately, there is a need to come up with the latest and most efficient designs for any electrical appliance. The following is a design of a brushless DC fan running based on solar power, which is expected to run using a small 12 V battery and solar pv panel. A brushless DC motor (BLDC) is a synchronous motor powered by electrical communication system than mechanical commutator and brushes. This fan is implemented via Arduino UNO that generates the pulses and has an in-built analog comparator. The BLDC motor is enabled with a hall effect sensor that senses the pulses of the inverter and controls the fan. This assembly provides an alternative to conventional fan models with minimal energy use. .

Published by: Yasaswini Kilaru, Vaishnavi Vatti, Pratulya IyerResearch Area: Engineering

Organisation: Mahindra University, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: BLDC motor, Solar energy, Arduino UNO, Hall effect

Research Paper

165. The importance of information in Supply Chain Management

There is a lot of change that is happening in business and that change is reflected even in the supply chain. Business, as usual, is dead and dying, similarly in supply chains, if the business is not digitally transformed, it becomes very difficult for the business to survive in the next era. With proper digitization and digital transformations in the supply chain, you get the better of the supply chain flexibility. This supply chain flexibility is the key for the success of most of the business. Supply chain flexibility is perceived as an upper hand in the present business, and supply chain information system is a basic instrument to encourage flexibility. The greater part of this research looks into the importance of information in the supply chain flexibility, supply chain information system, and supply chain management.

Published by: Dr. Sajan MathewResearch Area: Management

Organisation: Alliance University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Information, Information Systems. Supply Chain Information System, Supply Chain Management

Research Paper

166. Tesla Coil – The Wireless Power Transmission Device

Electrical power is significant to trendy systems. From the littlest of sensors and bionic implants to satellites, remote controlled airplanes/cars/robots and oil platforms, it's necessary to be able to deliver power by means that apart from wires or transmission lines. the employment of wireless power transmission, on a scale larger than employed by magnetic induction devices, would yield systems to work remotely while not the requirement for comparatively massive energy storage devices or routine maintenance. it'll even be used in cases wherever across wires is inconvenient, unsafe or not possible like in wet environments, rotating or moving joints in addition as powering remote telecom equipment. This paper explores this wireless power transmission schemes and their practicableness. It additionally delves into theory, style and construction of a way to transmit power through house. to the present finish, the solid-state transformer configuration is employed because the basis to get high voltage, high frequency electric power.

Published by: Aksh Yadav, Advay Surve, Harsh Singh, Siddhant Singh, Poonam VengurlekarResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Tesla Coil, Magnetic Induction Device, High Voltage, Tesla Nikola, Conductor, Capacitor

Research Paper

167. Sign Language to Text and Speech Conversion

Sign language is one of the oldest and most natural forms of language for communication. Since most people do not know sign language and interpreters are very difficult to come by, we have come up with a real-time method using Convolution Neural Network(CNN) for fingerspelling based American sign language(ASL). In our method, the hand is first passed through a filter and after the filter has applied the hand is passed through a classifier that predicts the class of the hand gestures.

Published by: Bikash K. Yadav, Dheeraj Jadhav, Hasan Bohra, Rahul JainResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: CNN, ASL

Research Paper

168. Earthquake Prediction using Machine Learning

Earthquake forecasting is one of the most significant issues in Earth science because of its devastating consequences. Current earthquake forecasting scientific studies focus on three key points: when the disaster will occur, where it will occur and how big it will be. Scientists can predict where an earthquake will occur but it has been a major challenge to predict when it will occur and how powerful it will be. When the earthquake happens, we must fix this project. Specifically, you predict the time left before laboratory earthquakes occur from real-time seismic data that will have the potential to improve earthquake hazard assessments that could save lives and billions of dollars in infrastructure.

Published by: Madhumita Kulkarni, Chaitralee Mulay, Swarali Marathe, Prashant ItankarResearch Area: Computers

Organisation: Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Ad boost classifier (Random Forest Classifier and Decision Tree Classifier), XG Boost, Machine Learning, Earthquake Dataset

Review Paper

169. Online Grocery Web Application for Creating and Managing Grocery List

Online looking has been called a speedily growing business, and though on-line grocery looking has not followed these same growth patterns within the past, it's currently being recognized for its potential. As such, the main target of previous on-line looking analysis has rarely encompassed this specific retail market, with the present studies focusing primarily on consumers’ motivations and attitudes, instead of however customers really buy groceries on-line. Therefore, this thesis has the target of uncovering a number of the small print of shopper higher cognitive process processes for this specific on-line retail market, details which may facilitate more each tutorial analysis and social control information.

Published by: Monark Modh, Krish shukla, Prajwal Rai, Samir Gosavi, Vaishali RaneResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Design, Types of Users, Use Case for Online Grocery, Pros, Cons.

Review Paper

170. Color Theory and Psychology

Color psychology occupies a pivotal position in the art of design. Summarize previous research results and ideas of color, do exploratory research from the color of mental physical, physiological mechanism and color psychology color psychology and its application in the design of the three-part art, we want to increase the clarity of color theory, science and practicality, the color theory in the practice of the art of design in more scientific applications contribute.

Published by: S. Sanjana GracyResearch Area: Interior Design

Organisation: Inter National Institute of Fashion Design, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: Interior Design, Colors, Color Theory, Color Psychology

Research Paper

171. Sequences of Gaussian Diophantine 3-Tuples

This paper deals with the study of constructing sequences of diophantine triples through Gaussian integers such that the product of any two elements of the set added by a non-zero integer or a polynomial with integer coefficients or Gaussian integer is a perfect square.

Published by: Sharadha Kumar, M. A. Gopalan, A. VijayasankarResearch Area: Number Theory

Organisation: National College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil NaduKeywords: Diophantine 3-tuple, Gaussian 3-tuple

Survey Report

172. Research on Functional Test Automation Tools for API, Web and Mobile application

Industry 4.0 is reshaping every aspect of production. This modern industry necessitates a faster-than-ever evolution of all aspects of the networks. In this case, validation and verification occur as critical phases in the life cycle of software projects. A software failure could have devastating effects, so it is critical that all applications function correctly in development. Without automation, testing cannot be effective in today's world. We need automation to minimize repetitive work and to ensure that the time from development to production is shortened while maintaining high quality. As a result, automated testing is critical in the software testing phase. This study aims at exploring and comparison of few popular tools in the realm of Web UI automation, API automation, mobile app test automation.

Published by: Sneha Sharanappa Musti, B. K. SrinivasResearch Area: Software Testing

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: QTP- Quick Test Professional , UI- User Interface, CI- Continuous Integration, CD- Continuous Deployment

Review Paper

173. A study of computing paradigms: Cloud, Edge, Multi-Access Edge Computing

Internet of Things, Edge computing, Cloud computing, and Multi-edge computing are booming in the education and business. MEC, or mobile edge computing, is a critical technology that can maximize mobile resources by hosting compute-intensive applications, processing massive data before transferring it to the cloud, and providing user with cloud computing capabilities. A straightforward and concise overview of these computing paradigms and their relationships and each paradigm like cloud computing evolution from edge computing is addressed with its key points and relationships. This survey provides a holistic description of MEC technology and its possible applications along with different computing paradigms.

Published by: T. S. Harshitha, Merin MeleetResearch Area: Cloud Computing

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Mobile Edge Computing

Research Paper

174. Interaction of Law and Gender in India: A jurisprudential analysis from Feminist Perspective

Feminists’ efforts in the last decade have led to the passing of much legislation including the laws on: abortion, rape, maternity benefits, equal remuneration, sexual harassment, domestic violence. In context of India, laws prohibiting sati, child marriage, dowry, right to property and other have been passed. Despite these legislations, socio-economic status of women has shown little improvement resulting from a gap between women’s formal legal rights and their continuing substantive inequality. The assumption working here is that either law is an instrument of change or that of oppression

Published by: Apoorva TomarResearch Area: Law And Society

Organisation: Alliance University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Law, Gender, Woman, Feminism, Criminal Law

Research Paper

175. IoT based remote railway signaling system

Cancellation and delay of trains is a very common problem that the Railways faces during heavy fog in winters especially in Northern Regions of India. One of the key reasons for the delay is the inability of the engine drivers to see the light signals from a faraway distance. The solution aims to provide a feasible way to overcome this problem by implementing an IoT based remote railway signaling system which is highly reliable, cost efficient, scalable, and robust for practical Indian conditions. The system is divided into three phases. In the first phase, wireless transmitters (NRF modules) are installed in the signal posts along with corresponding receivers in the train engines. Therefore when the signal turns red or green, the wireless transmitter will send the signal to the train on that track approaching towards the signal. The train will receive the signal and a red or green bulb will be switched on in the engine control dashboard inside the driver’s cabin itself. The driver will thus know that the status of the signal ahead without depending on the visibility of distant light signals. The second phase couples the signal posts with a GPRS module (SIM900A) to provide internet connectivity and a connection to the AWS cloud through an IoT technology stack. This will allow Railways to set up centralized control rooms and control the signals in real time remotely. The third phase is a proposal to increase the efficiency of the system by connecting multiple signal posts to one GPRS gateway module through an ad-hoc network through LoRa technology. This phase is just a proposal for future work. The system aims to be designed to suit Indian conditions. Hence it has been made cost efficient by using only minimal components while being easy to use and scalable so that it can be implemented on a national level.

Published by: Prajwal M. Kisan, Pranal Kokate, Rahul BadhkalResearch Area: Electronics Engineering

Organisation: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: IoT, Railway Signalling System

Research Paper

176. Human Following Robot

In Robotic industry has evolved so much and has been a revolutionary in helping human being to complete certain task. Without the help of industrial robotics to produce car, cell phone or a computer, productions will suffer as time is a very important factor for businesses. Researchers around the world understand this, and there is already an artificial intelligent robot being produced. Each year, there will be new findings to create a robot that may one day behave similarly like a human being. However, this project deals with only a human following robot which makes use of a metal and an RFID to distinguish the owner of the robot and follow the person. In an environment such as hospitals, schools, and shopping malls. Having a robot assistant surely seems like a dream for most of us. A robot that can help us carry items, accompany us at shopping malls, or during a jogging session at the park. A robot that can help nurses at hospital or bringing the medical supplies during war to injured soldiers. There are so many advantages of having such robot, that in the future, it will most likely be the trends. There are a lot of research surrounding this topic. Person detection and tracking using diverse image features and classifications method. Most of this research use a fixed camera, because when using a moving camera, there is a problem with background/foreground separation. Metal detectors and RFID tags are commonly used for person detection and tracking for this type of robots. The RFID tag is used to tag the owner of the robot and follow the person without getting mislead by any other person. The human following robot can be provided with sensors like Ultra sonic and IR sensor for obstacle detection. It can be connected through RFID to receive the commands.

Published by: Ileni Abhinav Theja, Gudur Chandrakanth, Ravvula Akhil, Shaik AreefResearch Area: Electronics and Communication

Organisation: Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, TelanganaKeywords: Arduino, Human Following Robot, RFID, Robot, Ultrasonic sensor

Review Paper

177. Frequency controlled variable speed drive for Single Phase Induction Motor

Induction motors with a single phase are commonly utilised in household goods and industrial control. Controlling the speed of these motors allows for multispeed and multifunctional operation. The variable speed drive of an induction motor utilising the frequency control approach is the subject of this research article. It is to build a solid-state control system that is both dependable and cost-effective for usage with fractional horse power motors. The proposed variable speed drive contains a power conversion section (AC to DC and DC to AC), which employs an IRF 840 N-channel MOSFET as the switching element. To give alternating current to the motor, four IRF 840 MOSFETS are employed as H-bridge inverters. In this drive, C124 transistors and MJE 13002 transistors are used as driver circuits to drive the H-bridge inverter. In this drive, there is two power supply. The frequency control circuit and driving circuit both need a 12 V power supply. For the H-bridge inverter, a 300 V power source is employed. The frequency is controlled by a pulse width modulation SG3525A IC in this drive. For altering the speed of an induction motor, the designed variable drive circuit has a frequency range of 16 Hz to 56 Hz at a constant voltage. The driving schemes of single-phase induction motors are discussed in this research study, as well as the principle actions of components utilized in variable speed drives, as well as the design calculations needed to build this drive, are supplied. Furthermore, the experimental testing of this drive when running a single-phase induction motor with a fractional horsepower is presented.

Published by: Dr. Ali Ahmed RazzaqResearch Area: Electricity Engineering

Organisation: Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Driver Circuit, Frequency Control Circuit, Induction Motors, Switching Element, Variable Speed Drive


178. Wireless health monitoring and hospital accessing system

The COVID-19 epidemiological situation and death counts are breaking daily records. New cases are reporting everywhere and hence a situation of examining health of an affected emerges. But most of the people (especially elders) are afraid of being affected if they are approaching a health centre (or hospitals) and so back up with the decision. In addition to this, those who are suffering with severe respiratory issues are to be monitored continuously. In this project, a prototype of wireless health monitoring system capable of sending information related to the health status of the patient is developed. The project can be divided into two stages of data acquisition & processing, and Communication stages. Data acquisition & processing stage consists of sensors and microcontroller. Sensors monitor temperature, BP, SPO2 etc of the patient. The output of sensors are converted to digital form and processed by the microcontroller. The details are viewed by the patient on the display and at the same time by the software user who is linked with the microcontroller WiFi. Critical value of the measured data can be set. When they exceeds threshold, it will alert the whole system. Once abnormalities are detected, the system transmits the information to the hospital database.

Published by: Arya A. V., Sneha S. Christopher, Ashik Muhammed, Elza Elezabeth Joseph, Nurul HidayaResearch Area: Electronics and Communication

Organisation: Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum, KeralaKeywords: Covid -19, Spo2, Wi-Fi, Health Monitoring System

Research Paper

179. Contagion buster contact tracing with app Integration

Some of the recent developments in data science for worldwide disease control have involved research of large-scale feasibility and usefulness of digital contact tracing, user location tracking, and proximity detection on users’ mobile devices or wearables. A centralized solution relying on collecting and storing user traces and location information on a central server can provide more accurate and timely actions than a decentralized solution in combating viral outbreaks, such as COVID-19. However, centralized solutions are more prone to privacy breaches and privacy attacks by malevolent third parties than decentralized solutions, storing the information in a distributed manner among wireless networks. Thus, it is of timely relevance to identify and summarize the existing privacy-preserving solutions, focusing on decentralized methods, and analyzing them in the context of mobile device-based localization and tracking, contact tracing, and proximity detection. Wearables and other mobile Internet of Things devices are of particular interest in our study, as not only privacy, but also energy-efficiency, targets are becoming more and more critical to the end-users. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of user location-tracking, proximity-detection, and digital contact-tracing solutions in the literature from the past two decades, analyses their advantages and drawbacks concerning centralized and decentralized solutions, and presents the authors’ thoughts on future research directions in this timely research field.

Published by: Ankita Sonilal Neware, Shivani Anil Talmale, Nisha Suresh Mahure, Diptee Sheshrao Yerkhede, Vrushali Suklal Baghele, Dr. Pravin RautResearch Area: Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering

Organisation: Yeshwantrao Chavhan College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Covid-19, Android application, QR code, QR based tracking, Bluetooth interface, RF circuit, PHP interface, Wireless communication.

Research Paper

180. Client management and client interaction model for law office

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most potent business strategies to emerge in recent years. Its allure is rooted in common sense which dictates that the more an organization knows about its customers and the closer the relationships it can forge with them, the better it can serve their needs and the more it can sell

Published by: Abhishek SrivastavaResearch Area: Law

Organisation: Alliance University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Client Management

Review Paper

181. Stream indicator for 10th pass

This project is taken by looking forward to the current scenario of the world. In this project we gave a brief about what is career guidance and why it is important to make a career plan. As we are going through a tough situation, we thought that this topic will be useful for the students who will be giving their boards this year. In this situation guidance plays an important role to curve one’s career. As it is an online platform it will be feasible for everyone to reach it easily. Stream guidance and student is an extremely broad and a comprehensive concept, in order to implement this task effectively there are number of factors that need to be taken under consideration. The guidance regarding one’s career and the counselling of students involves a conversation between a stream counsellor; who should be an expert in his field, he should possess all the skills, abilities, knowledge and information regarding the job openings, prospects, opportunities that are available and possess the ability to effectively communicate with the person who is seeking counselling and guidance. Due to this pandemic situation as 10th students have been promoted, they need a proper guidance to select their stream. So as we are not able to move out of our door steps one can take benefit of these online consultation and choose their stream wisely. In this project, we have conducted research in order to recognize the significance of stream guidance and student counselling; the main areas that have been underscored in this project is how in this pandemic online counselling as gained importance and why is it so mandatory to go for online consultation.

Published by: Ankita Mudhale, Vrushali Jagtap, Rutuja Kotkar, Bhagyashree Mhatre, Manish SalviResearch Area: Student

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Design, Types of Users, Use Case Diagram for Counseling, Pros, Cons.

Research Paper

182. A novel approach to improve Chat Bot accuracy using Natural Language Processing

Chat bots are finding increasing usage these days in applications ranging from simple automated FAQ’s to sophisticated e-commerce buying recommendations. The technology powering these bots has undergone tremendous improvements thanks to new age sciences such as Machine Learning, AI and Natural Language Processing. Although chat bots have come quite far in effectiveness and imitating real humans, there’s still lapses and areas where they can be improved in order to make them much more powerful and closer to human interaction. This is the main aim of the proposed work where one such limitation has been considered and attempt to address it by utilizing Natural Language Processing.

Published by: Karan Heranjal, Haripriya V., Dr. Anilkumar T. V.Research Area: Artificial Intelligence

Organisation: Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Chatbot

Research Paper

183. RFID-based health services for remote areas

Nowadays healthcare technology is aiming towards empowering people to live a healthier life with the help of IoT. The health care industry has been adopting and utilizing information and communication technologies (ICT) for efficient health care administration. Recent developments in wireless sensors, communication and information network technologies have created a new era of the Internet of things (IoT)1. The concept of the automated health care system and smart medical devices bears enormous potential for the well-being of people majorly in remote areas. Patients who can not visit the hospitals regularly can be constantly monitored using IoT-driven monitoring. This type of solution includes sensors to collect comprehensive symptoms as well as information and uses gateways and send the analyzed data wirelessly for further analysis and review if needed. It replaces the process of having a health professional come by at regular intervals to check the patient’s vital signs, instead of providing a flow of information at certain intervals. The main aim of our project is to provide an alternative to the current system in rural areas and providing basic level diagnosis as well as prescriptions and ambulance support if needed by the use of technology.

Published by: Rajeshree Vilas Pohokar, Dr. Pradnya Mathurkar, Rani Pawar, Krishna SandelResearch Area: Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering

Organisation: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Wanadongri, MaharashtraKeywords: RFID, PIC Microcontroller, Healthcare Device, GSM Module

Research Paper

184. AR based smart education in android platform using unity

Augmented reality is a rapidly growing subject of computer science and technology study. AR brings technology to life by allowing users to interact with their surroundings in real time. Information and communication technology now supports the growth of human contact with physical, computer, and virtual environments in fields such as science, commerce, banking, and education. This technology is a part of computer science that concerns with the merging of reality and computer-related data. It is common knowledge that our existing educational system falls short in several areas. We still follow the traditional blackboard method of teaching which fails to provide every student with proper guidance. By introducing Augmented reality into the education system, teachers can convey their knowledge more precisely and in a very attractive manner. Some concepts are difficult to understand and even harder to properly depict and present in a textbook. However, augmented reality serves as a new medium where it is much easier to achieve. In this application the topics can be observed in 3D graphical image and video format replacing the traditional 2D view. This system is designed to provide virtual training to the hyperactive person as well to conduct intelligent assessment to the same person. Therefore this deployment can also be done for creating a classroom environment for all the learners, which initiates more interaction to learners via MQTT protocol , and they can see all practical implementation of their subject through a virtual mode, reducing learners' stress in understanding a subject. This system will help the students to view the 2D images in 3D which gives students better visualization and helps it easier to understand various layers, structures which otherwise is difficult to understand based on just a 2D structure.

Published by: Devika Vinod, Aishwarya C., Vinmathi M. S., Dr. Kavitha SubramaniResearch Area: Computer Science And Engineering

Organisation: Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Augmented Reality, Marker Detection, Rendering

Research Paper

185. An Inclusive design approach for visually challenged

Fashion designers and brands have been developing garments taking specific consumers, including people with some sort of disability. The main purpose of this project is to analyse the challenges faced by visually challenged young women and develop inclusive design approach to non-discriminate them from experiencing fashion through the research of elements, aspects and concepts that can be useful for this cause. During research, informative papers, articles, studies were found to address inclusive design approach as a useful tool for the development of inclusive products for the physically challenged.

Published by: Niveathita S., Sanjuvikasini G. S., Vinita S.Research Area: Visually Challenged

Organisation: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Inclusive Design, Visually Challenged, Inclusivity

Research Paper

186. Effects of addition of Carbon Nanotubes on the properties of concrete

Nowadays, Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems the world is facing which is causing grave & the damage which is not reparable to the world & about 40% humans have died due to air, water & soil pollution. India is now the 4th country in the world to generate nearly 2,454,938 kilo tonnes is carbon dioxide per year. To reduce the carbon emission we can use a material which is called carbon nanotubes (CNT's ). Carbon nanotubes are the materials which have special properties & great potential in various Civil engineering structure. We can convert the waste gases coming from the industrial & automobile or vehicular exhaust or furnace into nanoparticles called carbon nanotubes which is almost three thousand times stronger than steel & one-sixth of its weight. Carbon nanotubes are currently receiving more interest because is their’s extremely good mechanical properties & are now know to be materials of the 21st century. In the present study the effect of the addition of carbon nanotubes on the properties of concrete to be studied. And the comparison between carbon nanotubes & conventional concrete will carry out.

Published by: Tejas S. Alurkar, Prashant D. Waghmare, Swapnil S. Jagtap, Prabhu H. More, Baliram R. WarvateResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Carbon Nanotubes (CNT’s), Carbon Dioxide, Nano-material, Durability, and Strength

Research Paper

187. Condition monitoring of single-stage gear pair using vibration analysis

In this study, an involute gear pair is designed and fabricated. A test rig is assembled to carry out the experiment in which the driving gear is subjected to different crack levels and its vibrational signatures are studied using vibrational analysis. Generation of a two-level severity root crack on the gear model for the simulation segment is done using SOLIDWORKS, and cracks of the same dimensions are replicated on the fabricated gear using a Wire-Cut Electrical Discharge Machine. The vibrational properties of the motor are then recorded under different speeds and loads for both crack severities and are compared to that of a flawless gear of the same properties and dimensions. This further allows us to observe the effect of operational parameters on the vibrational properties of the motor that runs the defective gears. This study reveals the relationship between the waveforms of the vibration and cracks severity of the gears along with parameters such as varying speeds and loads.

Published by: Arko Banerjee, Vaibhav Radhakrishnan, Rajkaran Singh BhatiaResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Gear Pair, Test Gear Assembly, FEM, Vibrational Analysis, Time Waveform, PSD, TSA, MATLAB

Review Paper

188. Body-on-a-chip: Microfluidic based futuristic approach for Drug Screening

Preclinical testing using animal models has been crucial in drug development process, but issues of ethical factors and species variances still remain. However, human derived in vitro cell-based assays are being actively practised to study drug’s pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Although, current in vitro cell assays give the drug's potential therapeutic benefits, it is only specific to a tissue but not to an entire body to accurately predict the compound’s efficacy, toxicity and inter-organ interactions. In recent years, ever-growing scientific research and innovative advancements in microfabrication technologies have impacted notably on bioengineering and biomedical engineering. One such approach is ‘Microfluidics’ that has emerged as a powerful tool to provide the opportunity to stimulate different organs. The technology of organ-on-a-chip has made it probable to physically and chemically recapitulate the in-vivo conditions by utilising microfluidic approach. Till now, in vitro models of multi-organs including the gut, liver, kidney, lung, heart, and bone have been developed to mimic the organ physiology. Likewise, an integration of multiple organs on a microfluidic platform known as body-on-a-chip model has also been proposed to replicate organ cross talk. This review provides a overview on cell culturing within microfluidics systems, design, fabrication of biochips, organ and body on a chip models, and its applications in the coming future.

Published by: Aishwarya Rajan, Neeta ShivakumarResearch Area: Biomedical Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Microfluidics, organ-on-a-chip, body-on-a-chip, microfabrication, drug screening.


189. Design and optimization of passenger car tie rod by using numerical and experimental approach

In Today's world, increasing competition & innovation in automobile sector which tends to modify the existing products or replacing old products by new and advanced material products is in lower price. Hence, every organization is striving for cost effective product at a lower price and within minimum period of time to market. Engineer keeps pressure for consistently strive to design the most effective products at lower price. In this paper, the work is focus on functioning of the tie rod, the methods of its performance evaluation and its optimization using numerical & experimental approach. Wheels alignment is ensured through Tie Rod which results the adjustment of wheel alignment that keeps the inner and outer edges of the tires from wearing. Hence, the tie rod functioning is most important for steering and suspension performance of vehicle. After analysis, hollow Tie rod with 11.0mm ID is select which gives 12.12% less weight than solid tie rod, without failure.

Published by: Rohit Manikrao Doke, P. D. Kulkarni, S. M. GaikwadResearch Area: Automotive

Organisation: Sinhagad Institute of Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Tie Rod, Weight optimization, Transient Dynamic Analysis

Review Paper

190. Network security and cryptography

With the outcome of smart technologies from the World Wide Web and the emergence of ecommerce applications and social networks, organizations across the world generate a large amount of data daily. Information security is the most extreme basic issue in guaranteeing safe transmission of data through the web. Also network security issues are now becoming important as society is moving towards digital information age. As more and more users connect to the internet it attracts a lot of cyber-attacks. Its required to protect computer and network security i.e. the critical issues. The pernicious hubs make an issue in the system. It can utilize the assets of different hubs and safeguard the assets of its own. In this paper we provide an overview on Network Security and various techniques through which Network Security can be enhanced i.e. Cryptography.

Published by: Santanu Mukherjee, Rumman Ahmed Ghizali Fazil, Soumya Sharma, Ekalvya SahuResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology, Raipur, ChhattisgarhKeywords: Security, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Threats

Research Paper

191. Intrusion detection through face detection

The aim of this paper is to develop a security system for remote employing a small computer. Surveillance is becoming a requirement in any public or private area to cope up with increasing number of threats ranging from burglary, robbery to terrorist activities. the normal methods for monitoring are commonly confined within the use of CCTV cameras. Technology takes a neighbourhood of our lifestyle, it also became a confidant of our privacy like the surveillance camera which is out there everywhere and its presence has prevented many cases of robberies and crimes. IP cameras are key devices for a video closed-circuit television. This paper introduces a price effective, power efficient and low-profile IP camera.

Published by: Sanil Gokarn, Krish Surti, Manish Singh, Ankush Yadav, Poonam VengurlekarResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Face Detection, Python, Tkinter, Open-CV, Haar-Cascade

Review Paper

192. A review of decentralized storage and sharing system using blockchain

A Decentralized application that would help in storing any type of files online without using any third-party software. Important documents are good to be stored online so that one can access them from anywhere in the world from any device having an internet connection, but would be helpful only when it is stored on some trusted third-party software. These third parties may peep into the documents and can use them as data for personal use. There is also a chance of restricted service or the downtime of the software. This would turn out to be a nightmare. This system proposed a solution to this problem by using Decentralized applications using Ethereum Blockchain. This Dapp stores any type of files keeping any third party away from the process of storing data. As long as this Dapp is based on Blockchain technology, it is resistant to any kind of attack because of the use of the Ethereum platform having a default hashing algorithm.

Published by: Hardik Ravindra Kajne, Rubana Khan, Yashwant Sharma, Manali Rahangdale, Shivang Verma, Avnish KarwaResearch Area: Blockchain

Organisation: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Decentralized Storage System, Decentralized Sharing System, Blockchain

Research Paper

193. Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller

This project is will provide information about An Autonomous Car which is developed by using Arduino Uno Micro Controller with UltraSound technology supported with a servo motor. This robot will be able to move on its own and can turn left and right if it detects an object in front of it. The robot and its components get commands from a program written in C++ language. The robot is initially at rest and sends ultrasonic sounds from its sensor and receives it and returns the distance it founds in front of it. If the distance is not enough or it's is very less the robot moves a little back and then the servo motor rotates the ultrasonic sensor first to the right of the robot and then the ultrasonic sensor calculates the distance of the right. Then servo motor again gains its original position the turns left. The ultrasonic sensor again calculates the left distance and returns both left and right distance. then the robot to the direction in which it gets maximum distance.

Published by: Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish SalviResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Microcontroller, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino, Encoder

Review Paper

194. Machine Learning applied to Cervical Cancer Data

World Health Organization (WHO) calls cancer a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Sometimes it could be the cause of the loss of patients. Cancer mortality can be reduced if cases are detected and treated early. In this fact, it is important to determine someone has a high cancer risk by using a survey. In this study, a classification of patients due to their answers to a survey has been done to determine someone who has highly cervical cancer risk

Published by: Soumya Mishra, Rupali Sapkal, Kirti Giramkar, Rutuja Shinde, Pragati LatelwarResearch Area: IT

Organisation: D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: SVM, Risk, WHO)

Research Paper

195. Street Light Monitoring System

As of now, in the entire world, gigantic electric energy is devoured by the streetlamp; our venture for fostering a brilliant streetlamp framework is evaluated. The streetlamp framework, in which lights on when required and light-off when not required to diminish power utilization. They are naturally turn on when it gets dim within the sight of vehicles or walker otherwise turn off and furthermore turn off when it turns out to be brilliant. Streetlamp observing framework comprises of LED lights, Light Dependant Register (LDR), Ultrasonic Sensor, and so forth The framework additionally keeps up data set to store helpful data from every streetlamp like force utilization, complete number of consuming hours, all out number of interferences, count the real force utilization with the force provided and subtleties of issue location. Subsequently keeping up the framework with ideal force utilization giving business advantages to business and the thriving of the city all in all.

Published by: Purnima Gaupale, Kirti Tandulkar, Karishma Alone, Ajay BhivgadeResearch Area: Engineering

Organisation: Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: LDR, LED, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino UNO

Research Paper

196. Indian National Movements the Role of Women of Odisha

The paper investigates the role of women of Odisha in various Indian National Movements, and doing so, specifically those women have been analyzed whose contribution is rarely discussed and debated in mainstream discourses. In this historical investigation, the question of patriarchy will also be evaluated that curbs the path of women’s development in the state.

Published by: Janklin ParidaResearch Area: Sociology

Organisation: Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, PunjabKeywords: Odisha, Women, Indian National Movement, Patriarchy

Review Paper

197. World Atlas

This paper describes a package configuration and information used for make an interactive world atlas. The result’s an easy interactive world atlas. The information area unit are divided into 3 levels of detail that area unit sometimes found in written atlases that area unit the globe, continents and countries. The likelihood of information in one level of detail is explored, too. Special care was given to map projections in information presentation. The result’s that each map is made in line with information on projection choice for various geographical areas. Altas helps users to find out basic information regarding the country of the world. That includes a clean computer programme.

Published by: Vansh Jain, Ujwal Ranka, Abhishek Gupta, Suarabh Zite, Poonam VengurlekarResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Flow of method, Process, Android Studio, JSON, API

Research Paper

198. Reliability improvement in Z-source inverter with redundancy

The proposed work deals with the evaluation and improvement of a Z-source inverter using simulation. A Z-source inverter is a type of power inverter, a circuit that converts direct current to alternating current. It functions as a buck-boost inverter without making use of a DC-DC converter-bridge due to its unique circuit topology. MIL-HDBK-217F (Military handbook) is used to evaluate the reliability of this Z-source inverter. We have proposed a system that has been theoretically proved to have the lowest failure rate leading to reduced system repairing because of the use of redundant switches. The MTBF (mean time between failure) is high for redundant switches which will increase the life of the inverter. Simulation of the proposed system is done on MATLAB and a comparison of the reliability of the Z-source inverter is done with the results found theoretically. In a conventional inverter if one switch of inverter fails the complete leg will fail. Whereas in our case that is in Z-source inverter, because of the intermediate shoot through stage redundant switch will replace the failed switch thus saving it from failure.

Published by: Sharayu Raut, Sonal Pandey, Vaishnavi Bhonde, Switi Rangari, Soumya Hakke, Bhushan Warjurkar, Ruchi PajaiResearch Area: Electrical

Organisation: Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering (YCCE), Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Z-Source Inverter, MIL-HDBK-217F, MATLAB, Redundant Switch

Review Paper

199. Study of Molecular Markers in Agroforestry

Agroforestry is the combination of agriculture and forestry on farms and agricultural lands. The primary goal is to create a healthy and harmonious symbiosis with forest trees and agricultural crops using conventional farming techniques. Agroforestry is highly beneficial as it is a sustainable food production method. The main advantage of planting trees in between crops is to prevent water runoff and soil erosion. Plants undergo several unfavorable conditions during their growth cycle. Such conditions include abiotic stresses like drought, temperature, scarcity of nutrients and high levels of salt in the soil. This adversely affects the yield and productivity of crops. Molecular markers play a significant role in identifying stress tolerant genes in many crops. This helps in enhancing crop production, yield and most importantly improving food and nutrition security. Thus, it helps in improving the income of farmers. In this article, we will be studying the use of molecular markers to improve Agroforestry. Molecular markers are the most effective tools for the analysis of gene tags, genetic variability, phylogenetic evaluation and improvement of new and exquisite cultivars. The markers used in tree improvement are RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA), RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), AFLP (Amplified Fragment length Polymorphism), SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) or Microsatellites and SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism). There are numerous advantages of using molecular markers in tree improvement as they been placed on the tree population, and it is been screened for a wide range of variety of physiological and quality traits. They play an important role in enhancing genetic gain for quantitative traits. With the help of molecular markers, they can do phenotyping, genotyping and also the construction on the tree populations. The selective markers are used to capture the extent of the genetic variation, as the diversity at the phenotypic level which is larger than the diversity at the marker level. Screening of controlled crosses in Neem tree, markers like M13, AP-PCR are used for germplasm identification; genetic mapping and breeding purposes are few among them. This project focuses on the molecular markers in tree improvement.

Published by: Neeta Shiva Kumar, Varshini V., Preethi A., Sushma C., Prabanch M. M., S. MrudulaResearch Area: Biotechnology

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Agroforestry, Gene Tags, Genetic Variability, Genotyping, Molecular Markers, Phylogenetic Evaluation.

Research Paper

200. Food wastage reduction

There is growing evidence that a significant share of global food is thrown away, with concomitant detrimental repercussions for sustainability. Reducing food waste is a key sustainability challenge for the foodservice industry. Despite the significance of this issue to the global foodservice industry, the link between innovation practices and food waste management has received limited attention in the academic literature. This paper uses innovation management and social constructionism to investigate the interrelationships of foodservice provisions and innovations in waste management. It is based on the evaluation of food waste solutions and innovations that combine strategic dimensions of waste management with practice-driven initiatives, including incremental (processes and technologies) and radical innovations. The paper presents a range of waste management initiatives, showing that their implementation in the foodservice sector varies depending on management’s beliefs, knowledge, goals, and actions. The concepts discussed here could help practitioners to become more aware of the factors that drive the adoption of food waste innovations. The prevalence of food waste has been a subject of interest and discussion in recent years and researches is being done to find effective ways to curb it. It has been identified as a primary issue in the sustainability of food production and consumption, in addition to the sustainability of food supply chains. Food waste can be divided into avoidable and unavoidable waste. Avoidable waste includes edible food and spoiled/damaged edible food, while unavoidable waste consists of inedible food like bones, fruit peels, and eggshells among others. Research shows that in Finland, 5% of purchased food is wasted in households, and an average person wasted about 20-30 kg of food in a year. The average total amount of food wasted in households yearly is about 120-160 million kilograms. Household wastage could be intentional or not. Many of the food wastage in households could be a result of forgetfulness or negligence for the food expiry date. In countries like Finland with the high cost of living, consumers are inclined to buy food nearing its expiry date due to the discount shop sellers attach periodically.

Published by: Reshma A. Babu, Kavya G., Harshitha B. R.Research Area: Computer Science Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Online Booking, Food Service Industry, Waste Management Initiative, Adoption of Food Waste Innovation, NGO's

Research Paper

201. Lung Cancer Detection using Image Processing and CNN

Cancer is known to be one of the most dangerous health problems in the world and among it, lung cancer is known to be the most serious cancer with the smallest survival rate. The lung cancer risk population is also very high as compared to other deadly diseases, for example, cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, early detection of lung cancer is a must for survival. Nowadays, a lot of research has been done using Convolutional Neural Networks in the medical field. Image classification is one of the methods to detect cancer at early stages. First, the datasets for CT Scans are accessed from Kaggle. Images are refined with the pre-processing method. The image dataset will be trained on two different models namely~ Manual CNN and AlexNet. Further, the model producing the highest accuracy will be chosen and the processed images will be used to predict whether the CT scan image is malignant (cancerous), benign (non-cancerous), or normal.

Published by: Anubha Gupta, V. L. Karthikeya Manda, B. Ida SeraphimResearch Area: Medical Science

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, ChennaiKeywords: Lung Cancer Classification, Image Data Augmentation, 2d Convolutional Neural Network, Alexnet CNN

Review Paper

202. Medical image encryption using DNA cryptography

This paper proposed a novel cryptographic method for enhancing the security while transmission of image. Image which covers highest percentage of multimedia data, its protection is at most important. In image encryption methodologies, the pixels of original images are either manipulated or information is laid inside the image using the image as a cover to protect the data from undesired receivers. Scope of the project is to ponder on different ways of securing image data. Being a part of this digital world security becomes the most toughest and important things to handle. On the other hand hacking is also a growing domain which is used to track out a lot of information to solve a lot of digital criminal issues. DNA (Deoxy Ribonucleic acid) molecules, having the capacity to store, process and transmit information, inspires the idea of DNA cryptography. This combination of the chemical characteristics of biological DNA sequences and classical cryptography ensures the non-vulnerable transmission of data. In this paper review has been made about the present state of art of DNA cryptography.

Published by: Rohan N. Kalpavruksha, Roshan N. Kalpavruksha, Bhavani ShankarResearch Area: Image Encryption

Organisation: PES University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Cryptography, DNA Cryptography, Cloud Security, User level security, Strong Key Generation, Data Encryption, Data Decryption.

Research Paper

203. Efficient Low Power FIR Filter Design

A filter may be required to have a given frequency response, or a specific response to an impulse, step, or ramp, or simulate an analog system. Depending on the response of the system, digital filters can be classified into Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters & Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. The thesis deals with design of generic 30-tap FIR filter on FPGA. The thesis is focused on Design structure and occupied silicon space, needed for implementation of filter in FPGA. The results are IP macros of simple FIR filter that are full configurable using generic parameters. Both macros were verified in a verification environment which consists of test blocks (VHDL) and a comparative model (Matlab). A design of generic FIR filter is described in this work. Next there are described final designs of the IP macros, results and process of the verification, implementation and gate-level verification Design of area and power-efficient high-speeddata path logic systems are one of the most substantial areas of research in VLSI system design. In digital adders, the speed of addition is limited by the time required to propagate a carry through the adder

Published by: Rashmi Kisanrao Bhojane, G. D. DalviResearch Area: Master Of Engineering

Organisation: P. R. Pote Patil Education and Welfare Trust's Group of Institutions, College of Engineering and Management, Amravati, MaharashtraKeywords: Multipliers, FIR, Buffer, Adder, Low power

Research Paper

204. Self Help Health Care Chatbot

Chabot can be described as software that can chat with people using artificial intelligence. These software are used to perform tasks such as quickly responding to users, informing them, helping to purchase products and providing better service to customers. In this paper, we present the general working principle and the basic concepts of artificial intelligence based Chabot’s and related concepts as well as their applications in various sectors such as telecommunication, banking, health, customer call centers and e-commerce. Additionally, the results of an example Chabot for donation service developed for telecommunication service provider are presented using the proposed architecture.

Published by: Shraddha Shailesh Gawade, Kanika Rajendra Pasi, Sailee Mestry, Sanvi Sopan PatilResearch Area: Google

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Chatbot, E-commerce, Health Care

Review Paper

205. An automated system to limit Covid-19 using facial mask, temperature and age detection

COVID-19 pandemic caused by novel corona virus is spreading until now all over the world. The impact of COVID-19 has been fallen on all sectors of development. The healthcare system is going through a crisis. Many precautionary measures have been taken to reduce the spread of corona virus where wearing a mask is one of them. In this paper, we propose a system that restrict the spreading of COVID-19 by finding people who are not wearing facial mask in a smart city network where all the public places are monitored with cameras and also detecting the age and temperature of the persons who are entering in public places like malls, restaurants, etc.. While a person without mask is detected, the corresponding authority is informed through the proposed system. This paper presents a simplified approach to achieve this purpose using some basic Machine Learning packages like TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV and MobileNet. It is hoped that our study would be a useful tool to reduce the spreading of this disease for many countries in the world.

Published by: Gajanan Kalambate, Shubham Dhamale, Rohit Jadhav, Lav PatilResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, Machine Learning, Face Mask Detection, MobileNet, TensorFlow, OpenCV

Research Paper

206. Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Plantar Flexor Spasticity by using H reflex

A spastic ankle reduces walking velocity and mobility resulting in impaired gait and difficulty in ambulation. Increased plantar flexor spasticity has a devasting effect on the dorsiflexion range and also contributes to increased energy consumption during gait. H amplitude as the objective measurement is more accurate in assessing spasticity by using the H reflex. Objective: To determine the effect of various types of tDCS on plantar flexor spasticity by using H reflex and also to know which type of tDCS is more efficient in the reduction of plantar flexor spasticity Methods: A total of 30 participants were included in the study with plantar flexor spasticity. patients were randomized into 4 groups using the chit method. All Patients were evaluated for spasticity grade by using the modified Ashworth scale (MAS). H reflex was assessed for all patients followed by application of Cathodal tDCS for group 1 (n=8), Anodal tDCS for group 2 (n=7), Bi-hemispheric tDCS for group 3 (n=7) and sham tDCS for group 4 (n=8) for about 20 minutes. Post tDCS intervention all patients were reassessed for plantar flexor spasticity by H reflex and MAS scale Results: All the groups have shown significant reduction of spasticity post cathodal tDCS. The mean improvement of cathodal tDCS was found to be -0.9275 anodal tDCS was found to be -0.5229, bi-hemispheric tDCS was found to be -0.3357 and sham tDCS was found to be -0.4988. Conclusion: cathodal tDCS application has shown a reduction of spasticity after tDCS application in plantar flexor spasticity patients. This study concludes that cathodal tDCS over the ipsilesional hemisphere is a treatment modality.

Published by: Dr. Shilpa Khandare, Dr. Sai Priyanka Nerusu, Dr. Tushar J. PalekarResearch Area: Physiotherapy

Organisation: Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Pimpri-Chinchwad, MaharashtraKeywords: Cathodal tDCS, Anodal tDCS, Bi-Hemispheric tDCS, and Sham tDCS, Spasticity, H Reflex

Research Paper

207. Design and development of Electromagnetic Braking System

These are totally friction less. Electromagnetic brakes are the brakes working on the electric power & magnetic.An Electromagnetic Braking system uses Magnetic force to engage the brake, but the power required for braking is transmitted manually. Electromagnetic braking system is a modern technology braking system used in light motor & heavy motor vehicles. This system is a combination of electro- mechanical concepts.It also reduces the maintenance of braking system. An advantage of this system is that it can be used on any vehicle with minor modifications to the transmission and electrical systems. An Electromagnetic Braking system uses Magnetic force to engage the brake, but the power required for braking is transmitted manually. The disc is connected to a shaft and the electromagnet is mounted on the frame .When electricity is applied to the coil a magnetic field is developed across the armature because of the current flowing across the coil and causes armature to get attracted towards the coil. As a result, it develops a torque and eventually the vehicle comes to rest. These brakes can be incorporated in heavy vehicles as an auxiliary brake. The electromagnetic brakes can be used in commercial vehicles by controlling the current supplied to produce the magnetic flux. Making some improvements in the brakes it can be used in automobiles in future.

Published by: Md Baha uddin, Mohammed Ehtesham Hadi, Mohammed Nabeel Ahmed, Mohd Azeem uddinResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: ISL Engineering College, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: Components, Electro Magnetism, Fade

Review Paper

208. Web Based Network Element Resource and Information Tool

Web based network element resource and information tool (NERIT) which is the new technical way to maintain and keep track the network elements (NE) information It also keeps on updating NE information like software version, allocation period, NE connection details and NE health status. Users can access all the NE information details in a single window interface. NERIT is helpful for network service providers which reduces the network operation costs. While traditionally different solutions were available in the market for manual maintenance of NE details, but it is a tedious process and time consuming. In our proposed system, user can view all the required NE information. Proposed methodology, created an graphical user interface (GUI) for the NERIT with the help of web technologies and tools and it allows user to interact directly with the application. To maintain and monitor the NE’s MySQL database management system is used. To connect the GUI and database management system Nodejs Express framework is used. The data will be stored in the remote server. The Admin or Superuser should be a register user. The admin or superuser can login into their account through the application itself and update the network elements information like NE IPs, credentials, their allocation period, availability, reachability, hardware details, software details, location etc. In NERIT application users have easy access for viewing and searching all the NE information. The application will check user authentications. Users are not permitted to manipulate any data only admin and superuser can manipulate the data. Other than this the advanced features are: Bulk addition of NE’s ,automating the allocation process and software version update .In case of any NE allocation is about to expire means it will send notification to the user for whom NE is allocated, so they can take required actions. The users can download the NE information file which includes all the NE details NERIT also has the feature for user feedback, which will enable to further enhance the functionality of the platform and add many more features to it. Performance of the application can be improved and speed up by using HTTP/2 , optimizing the MySQL query and clustering the NodeJS.

Published by: Tejamallik K. S., Suma B.Research Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Network Elements, Web application, MySQL, NodeJS, feedback and performance

Research Paper

209. Sentiment analysis using Supervised Learning Methods

As the organisations are getting bigger and bigger the need to make well informed decisions are ever more important. To do that however you need data. But is data enough. How is one to interpret the data to their advantage? How is one meant to sift through all of the data to find the specific ones that are meant to be relevant to the task at hand. For that you need a all-in-one solution. One that can handle all of that for us. This project targets the online product reviews. For an organisation that aims to sell products through online platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and other require a way to analyse all the product reviews to get information on what is performing well and what isn’t. For that it is important that the sentiments are analysed where it predicts where the review is positive or negative and what aspects of the review are negative or positive. It needs to give a numerical and visual representation which is helpful when it required to present the data to someone. All of these issues are addressed with the help of this application. It is built in python using pre-existing well-known libraries. Which also means that it is verified by many.

Published by: Tushar BaratamResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: GITAM Institute of Science, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Sentiment Analysis, Opinion mining, Logistic Regression, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Research Paper

210. TravelBRAT – WEB application

Inspired by the idea of changing the world of travel websites, we thought there hasn’t been an evolution when it comes to websites. Normal websites don’t provide enough exposure to what the user wants and provide only limited amount of functionality. This project was solely focused to make the user like the concept of this application and would expose them to the idea of new destinations in a better interactive manner than the current travel websites.

Published by: Bhavya Gor, Tanya Mistry, Rajkaran Shukla, Adheesh Salian, Chintamani ChavanResearch Area: IT

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic. Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Itinerary, Application Programming interface, Attractions, Booking.

Research Paper

211. Plight of the Subaltern woman in Mahasweta Devi’s “Draupadi”

ABSTRACT Europeans identify them with ‘Eurocentrism’ and observe themselves as dominant and superior, and their colonized land as inferior to them. The colonizers are concerned about the possibility of being contaminated by the interaction with the colonized people and have always been frightened of this interaction, thereby leaving behind their supremacy and power over the colonized, consequently, the colonizers consider the interaction as a menace and disguised their fear. This study examines Mahasweta Devi’s “Draupadi” which reflects the Subaltern concept which is one of the significant concepts of Postcolonialism. It was popularized by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s essay titled, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” (1985). The status of women in the society, predominantly marginalized is engrossed with the sense of negligence. These marginalized women are suffering in terms of their gender, class and caste discrimination. These women are not provided any authority with regard to their own self and existing. The marginalized women live on the edge of the domination and anguish. This paper persistently attempts to re-examine the marginalization of the tribal woman with reference to Mahasweta Devi’s “Draupadi”, which is a metanarrative, capturing the life and times of its protagonist Dopdi Majhen, a Santhal tribal, at the intersection of modern developmental state and subsistent subaltern survival. It raises the issues of class, caste and colonialism, and their collusion in the formation of hegemonic patriarchal nation state and how this mainstream formation maintains itself through violent ‘othering’ of the margins. Mahasweta Devi is one of the contemporary woman writers who deal with the forms of oppression in her works. She is considered as one of the boldest of Bengali female writers whose works are associated with the rural tribal community of West Bengal, women and dalits. Feministic aspect is observed in her works through the sympathetic portrayal of women and their consequent revolt. She exemplifies the sufferings of women, miseries and their power of enduring and resistance. She also deals with the women issues like loneliness, separation, women’s fight for survival, exploitative situations like rape, marital violence, death and its loss and female slavery. Critics like Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak view Mahasweta Devi’s works as rich sites of feminist discourse.

Published by: S. KarthickaResearch Area: English Literature

Organisation: Vellalar College for Women, Erode, Tamil NaduKeywords: Postcolonialism, Eurocentrism, colonizer, colonized land, marginalization, subaltern, hegemonic patriarchal, ‘othering’ of the margins, feminist discourse.

Research Paper

212. Combined Sine-Logistic chaotic map and its application in an image encryption scheme

With the rapid growth of technology, Information Security has become a significant concern in the contemporary world. Today, many new-fangled methods have been developed to transmit data in a fast and secure way. Among all the data that is being transmitted, digital images play a vital role. About 60 percent of the data that is being transmitted is in the form of digital images. These digital images require a safe and concealed method of transmission. Researchers have developed many concepts to execute image encryption like chaos theory, data encryption standard (DES), image filtering technology, advanced encryption standard (AES), neural network-based image encryption, DNA coding, fractional Fourier transforms, quantum theory, and compressive sensing. In the late years, additional scholars have focused on executing chaos theory in image encryption schemes due to large key space’s advantages and high-level security. In the project, we have provided a new logic for digital image encryption. This method combines the usage of the logistic map and sine map to create a new chaotic map. By doing this, the randomness, sensitivity and robustness are further increased. The proposed system used row by row and column by column confusion and diffusion mechanisms, which increases the security multi-fold. Unlike conventional methods, this method uses scrambling pixels from their actual rows and columns and applies bit-level manipulation to each pixel. This disrupts the interrelationship between adjacent pixels of the ciphered image. Further, the security and simulation analysis show that 1DSP-1E has a greater level of reliability than the other encryption schemes

Published by: Aasha SureshResearch Area: Image Security

Organisation: SASTRA Deemed To Be University, Thanjavur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Encryption, Decryption, Key Space, Logistic Space, Sine Map

Research Paper

213. Preliminary phytochemical screening and Invitro antioxidant activities of “Antidesma alexitera L.” leaf extract

There is no plant in the world that is non-medicinal, or which cannot be used as medicine is used as medicine. Folk or traditional systems of medicines always played an imperative role in the global healthcare system. Antidesma alexiteria L (Thalimaram), belongs to the Phyllanthaceae family. Antidesma species has been used in many traditional medicines to treat diarrhea, skin complaints, hemorrhages, and abdominal disorders. The present study focuses on the preliminary Phytochemical screening and evaluation of the antioxidant potential of Antidesma alexiteria L. For qualitative analysis, standard tests were used to identify phytochemicals present in the extract and confirmed the presence of carbohydrates, coumarins, glycosides, saponins, phenols, and phytosterols. Leaf extracts were also subjected to total phenolic content(TPC), total tannin content (TTC), and total flavonoid content(TFC). In quantitative estimation, the TPC content of each extract was 24.13, 32.65 & 3.89 mg of GA/g extract, TFC was 230.38, 493.85 &217.15 mg of Ru/g extract and total tannin were 613, 503 &39.67 mg of CTN/g extract respectively. Antioxidant properties of the three extracts were evaluated using DPPH assay, Nitric oxide scavenging activity, and total antioxidant activity. Ascorbic acid was used as standard. In DPPH free radical scavenging assay IC50 value of alcoholic, hydroalcoholic, and aqueous root extracts were found to be 650.7,534.1 and 7704.18μg/mL respectively. For the Nitric Oxide Radical Scavenging assay IC50 value of alcoholic, hydroalcoholic, and aqueous root extracts was found to be 928.9, 354.6, and 380.24 μg/mL respectively. The total antioxidant activity of the plant extracts was calculated from the calibration curve of ascorbic acid, and the results showed 49.76, 44.97 and84.14 mg of AA/g activity for ethanolic, hydroethanolic, and aqueous extracts respectively

Published by: Noreen Grace George, Dr. S. R. Suja, Meera T. S., B. S. BijuKumar, R. Prakash KumarResearch Area: Ethnopharmacology and Ethnomedicine

Organisation: Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, KeralaKeywords: Antidesma Alexiteria L, Antioxidant Potentials, Leaf Extracts, Phytochemical Constituents

Research Paper

214. Ban on Chinese apps

India and China were maintaining good relationships with each other in several ways economically, politically, culturally etc. Both are members of several international cooperation bodies like the United Nation system organizations, BRICS etc. Chinese troops attacked Galwan Valley at Ladakh and in this face off 20 Indian army personnel were killed. Also, several news came regarding compromise with privacy of data of the Indian users who were using Chinese applications. So in light of these burning issues and the losses that Indian citizens suffered, government of India after thinking pros and cons and all the aspects legally, financially and economically banned 59 Chinese apps to safeguard the, sovereignty and integrity of India invoking powers under 69A of the Information Technology act read with relevant provisions of the Information Technology Procedure and Safeguards for blocking of access of information by Public Rules, 2009).

Published by: Felix Wilson, Sooraj NairResearch Area: Apps

Organisation: Keraleeya Samajam’s Model College, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Chinese Apps, Ban

Research Paper

215. The Economics of Disarmament and Arms Control through the Gorbachev era

The paper examines the economic crisis in the Soviet Union and, in this context, analyses why arms control was so important from the Soviet point of view. It further discusses the organic relationship between disarmament and development and rounds with a case for conversion of Soviet military economy. The ‘administered’ economy of the Soviet Union was in glaring contrast to the ‘market economies of the West. Unlike the Soviet-type command economy, the Western capitalist economy had capital-intensive production, private proprietorship, competition between firms, production for the market and global reach.

Published by: Dr. Soumen Dhar ChoudhuryResearch Area: International Politics/Soviet Politics

Organisation: Jawaharlal Nehru College, Pasighat, Arunachal PradeshKeywords: Gorbachev, Soviet economy, military expenditure, disarmament, arms control, defence expenditure, defence industry, military spending, conversion

Review Paper

216. Online car rental system using PHP

Our aim is to design and create a data management system for a car rental company. This enables the admin can rent a vehicle that can be used by a customer. By paying the money for a specified period of time. This system increases customer retention and simplifies vehicle and staff Management in an efficient way. This software, Supercar Rental System has a very user-friendly interface. Thus the users will feel very easy to work on it. By using this system admin can manage their rental, Bookings, customer issues, and vehicle issues, etc…. The Supercar information can be added to the system. or existing supercar information can be edited or deleted too by the Administrator. The transaction reports of the car rental system can be retrieved by the admin when its required. Thus, there is no delay in the availability of any car information, whenever needed the supercar information can be Captured very quickly and easily.

Published by: Karishma S. Avhad, Yukta Chaubal, Ritesh Awalkar, Adarsh Tripathi, Kashif ShaikhResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: PHP, MySQL, Car-rental, Admin.

Research Paper

217. Smart Agriculture with Internet of Things

Now a days in market, the sensors used in agricultural sectors are not integrated together, they are individually available. So, we have developed a system where these sensors are integrated, and all the data is shown on a Mobile App. Some of the sensors used in our system are in house designed and fabricated. The system provided by us is more sensitive than some of the readymade sensors available in the market leading in precise values of the parameters of the agricultural land. And, the idea is to develop a multilingual mobile application which will communicate with on field hardware to show real-time data to user. The application will also show the trends and crop suggestions to farmer. With Animal intrusion detection system, farmers will be able to protect their crops from harm caused by wild animals. In the further part of the paper, the components and the software systems are discussed which were used in the development of the system, and at last, the challenges and future scope of “Smart Agriculture System”.

Published by: Apoorva Shitole, Sarthak Shaha, Pranav Surana, Aditya Mandekar, Salil Srivastava, Vidula Meshram, Gajanan ChavhanResearch Area: Internet of Things

Organisation: Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Internet of Things, Precipitation Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, Raindrop Sensor Module, Animal Intrusion System, NPK Module

Research Paper

218. Smart banking machine using ATM card

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) services measure a lot of widespread attributes like flexibility and easiness for banking systems. Individuals measure wide maltreatment their ATM cards for immediate cash transfer, money withdrawal, checking balance etc. To acquaint with excessive protection, we generally tend to introduce face reputation-primarily based totally consumer authentication gadget. The main objective of this project is to develop high secured system for ATM services for multiple bank accounts. It reduces the value of put down banking transactions as interfacing completely different bank databases may be a resource overwhelming issue. In this security system, the authorized person will swipe the RFID card and enters the PIN, two level of security is implemented throught Iris recognition module. A telegram app is applied to ship OTP to offer authorization to perform the transactions. The developed system affords multi banking facility through smart card so that high level of security, flexibility and economic executions are brought in. This gadget is of better convenience, low-cost and consumer friendly.

Published by: Supriya B. S., Bhoomika R., Sowmya Shree R., Bhaskar S. V.Research Area: Computer Science And Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Access Control, Security, Iris recognition, User Friendly

Research Paper

219. Harvesting Energy Through Rotation of Doors

This paper deals with the designing, manufacturing, and working of a mechanical-electrical device that will convert the rotational energy produced by doors to electrical energy. This device will use a planetary gear system, generator, batteries, and other electrical appliances. This device will not only convert the rotational energy into electrical energy but can also store the generated electrical energy to be appropriately used.

Published by: Neel Malwatkar, Gaurav Mekhe, Eshaan Menkar, Husein Moitwala, Parth MukadamResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Batteries, Electricity, Gear train, Generator, Regenerative energy, Rotational energy.

Research Paper

220. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) – A Case Study in Manufacturing Industry

Value is needed performance at minimum cost. Each activity must add value in the organization. If there is no Value addition, then it in Non-value addition activity which is treated as Waste. Waste is undesirable & results in organization’s downfall. This paper applies the principal of lean in manufacturing facility with a purpose to eliminate waste. Value Stream Mapping tool was used to expose the waste in the process flow and identify the kaizen activities required for improvement. The results achieved in the proposed plan showed significant improvements in the productivity and better utilization of resources with high quality service.

Published by: K. Mallikharjuna Rao, Dr. Geeta S. LathkarResearch Area: Engineering

Organisation: M.G.M. College of Engineering, Nanded, MaharashtraKeywords: Lean Methodology, Value, VSM, Current state VSM, Future state VSM, etc

Research Paper

221. Logotherapy as a framework of a cure for COVID-19

At times, human existence is resisted by certain external forces and affirms that there exists a meaning in suffering similar to the meaning in life. Suffering is an integral part of life like fate and death, without which life is incomplete. An external force, be it a war or a dreadful pandemic outbreak, may possibly hem in people for an unknown period of time. Such provisional existence in a confined space affects balance in the psychological state of mind. The decline in the belief in the future predominantly lingers in the minds of people. This paper attempts to view the ongoing pandemic period of COVID-19 through the lens of Logotherapy, a theory propounded by Viktor Frankl in his book Man’s Search For Meaning. It also highlights that holding on to the inner self is the only way out of suffering.

Published by: AkshayaResearch Area: Literature

Organisation: Pondicherry University, Kalapet, PuducherryKeywords: Human Existence, Sufferings, Logotherapy, COVID-19

Research Paper

222. Women’s education- society’s pride: The context of Arunachal Pradesh

The gender bias in educational attainment results from the discriminatory attitudes towards the girl child and their education. A number of studies have shown that societies and families are immensely benefitted when women are educated. In Arunachal Pradesh, educational infrastructures continue to be inadequate, however, its expansion, particularly since the 1980s, has been remarkable. Though gender bias can’t be denied in the case of Arunachal’s education the recent trend and progress in women’s education in the state show great promises in the days to come. The present paper is an attempt towards understanding the status, problems, opportunities, challenges, and viable measures related to women’s higher education in Arunachal Pradesh- a tribal-dominated state of mountainous eco-system. The basic consideration of the paper stands at “women’s education: society’s pride”.

Published by: Dr. Shiva Nand JhaResearch Area: Social Science

Organisation: Jawaharlal Nehru College, Pasighat, Arunachal PradeshKeywords: Gender Issues, Higher Education, HEIs, Status of Women

Research Paper

223. DWT based on watermarking for palmprint recognition

Human palm print can also additionally be a extensive spreading biometric feature that has been accustomed find out a person identity. During our implementation we are enforced a strong palm print recognition and copyright safety supported 3-stages a can reproduction photo with useful resource of using treatment alpha blending approach. Alpha Blending Technique is a procedure which renders extra than one photographs proper into an unmarried ancient past photo in separate passes and makes into one very last photo. The acquired photo ought to be tons like the virtual photo which become given as an input. All the outcomes acquired for the recovered photographs and the watermark are same to the procedure set of rules generated with the watermark are similar to the process algorithm brought on with the watermark explains the experimental by having the recovered image and the watermarked image both have acceptable quality as compared.

Published by: A. Muthukumar, K. Bhavani Sankar, K. Uma Mahesh, V. Vinay Kumar ReddyResearch Area: Digital Image Processing

Organisation: Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil NaduKeywords: Watermarking, Embedding, DWT, Alpha Blending, Palm Print Recognition

Research Paper

224. MRI brain image segmentation using soft computing techniques

A brain tumor is an assortment, or mass, of strange cells in your cerebrum. MRI scan is usually used to help in analyzing brain tumors. Sometimes color might be infused through a vein in your arm during your MRI study. Any development inside a particularly limited space can cause issues. Brain tumors can cause cancerous or noncancerous in our cerebrum. Tumors are treatable whenever distinguished at the beginning phase. Generally, diagnosing or analyzing a brain tumor typically starts with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When MRI image shows that there is a tumor in the brain, the most widely recognized approach or method to decide the sort of cerebrum tumor is to take a gander at the outcomes from an example of tissue after a biopsy or medical procedure. X-rays make more nitty-gritty pictures than CT examines (see underneath) and are the favored method to analyze a brain tumor. The MRI image may be of the cerebrum, spinal line, contingent upon the kind of brain tumor suspected and the probability that it will spread in the CNS. In this project, our goal is to recognize the cerebrum tumor from the MRI pictures by utilizing Soft Computing. Picture Segmentation is done to remove important highlights and performing examination dependent on the division of pictures utilizing K methods bunching. Picture decrease is accomplished for quick handling of pictures utilizing the FCM method. The proposed framework can be generally utilized for the therapy of brain tumors utilizing clinical picture handling.

Published by: Dr. A. Lakshmi, Yemireddy Chandu Vardhan Reddy, Gangineni Vinay Kumar, V. V. BhogachariResearch Area: Digital Image Processing

Organisation: Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil NaduKeywords: Tumor, MRI Image, K Means Algorithm, FCM Method, Utilized Therapy

Research Paper

225. Alternate-storage hydroelectricity project & risk assessment with bot models in the Indian context- A report

Alternate-storage hydroelectricity is an arrangement to store water in addition to the main reservoir in the nearby catchment area of the dam. This is an arrangement wherein hydroelectric energy stored in the alternate reservoir can be used by an electric generator for load balancing during the peak summer season when the demand is high. The method stores energy in the form of the potential energy of water-induced with gravitational force, stored in an alternative reservoir in the close proximity of the main reservoir. During periods of high electrical demand, the stored water in the alternate reservoir is released into the main reservoir through an intake tunnel and released through turbines to produce electric power. The cost incurred in the construction of an alternative reservoir with a series of water-retaining structures in the form of a weir or dam can be collected by generating revenue from selling more electricity during periods of peak demand when electricity prices are highest and also demand is more throughout the project life cycle.

Published by: Arghadeep DasguptaResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Road Building International (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, DelhiKeywords: Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity, PSH, Alternate Water Storage Reservoir, Storage Dam, Green Battery, Run-of-the-River Power Project etc.

Research Paper

226. Helmet Safety using IoT

The most common prey of a road accident is a person who is having a two-wheeler vehicle and the persons who lost their lives in these accidents are the ones who don’t wear helmets. There are many laws made but the result is null and void. To lessen the number of death and to make an efficient system, we have come up with the idea that if you will not wear a helmet you are unable to start your vehicle.

Published by: Pushpak Goswami, Smit Ramteke, Rohish Zade, Fardeen Sheikh, Sumesh ChaureResearch Area: Internet of Things

Organisation: Anjuman College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Helmet, Two-wheeler, E-vehicle

Research Paper

227. Development of bricks using textile sludge

Now a days the bricks are commonly consumed as a construction material. The textile sludge we are making the experiment of it for construction brick purpose for solid waste management .so there are lack of clay in the earth, so we consumed textile sludge to subsititute the clay this will lower the uses of clay in production of bricks . we have compared the sludge like 5%,10%, 15%, 20%

Published by: Mayur Kumbhare, Krunal GhatoleResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Firing temperature, Textile sludge, Compressive strength, Water absorption

Research Paper

228. Voice based home automation

Automation is a trending topic in the 21st century making it play an important role in our daily lives.The main attraction of any automated system is reducing human labour,effort,time and errors due to human negligence.With the development of modem technology ,smart phones have become a necessity for every person on this planet.Applications are being developed on android systems that are useful to us in various ways.Another upcoming technology is natural language processing which enables us to command and control things with our voice.Combining all of these,our paper presents a micro controller based voice controlled home automation system using smart phones.Such a system will enable users to have control over every appliance in his/her home with their voice.All that the user needs is an android smartphone ,which is present in almost everybody's hand nowadays,and a control circuit.When the first computers came around,achieving the level of sophistication so as to narrate commands using voice to a machine was only realised in science fiction.However with tremendous breakthrough in the field,we are at the precipice of truly using voice to interface with devices.

Published by: Abhinayreddy, Niteesh Naidu, Satyanarayana, Vivek, Ch. K. Rupesh KumarResearch Area: IoT

Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Voice Recognition, Home Automation, Aurdino, Bluetooth,12v 4channel Relay, Connecting Wires

Research Paper

229. Viral vs Bacterial Pneumonia Image Classification using Transfer Learning

The Purpose of this Project is to Develop a Project to Detect Covid-19 Viral and Bacterial Pneumonia using Transfer Learning form Medical images. Covid 19 2nd wave is spreading Rapidly and more deadly than the first wave we need effective and accurate models to Detect Covid-19 using AI and the challenges are quite big we don’t have that big datasets so instead of building model from scratch we used prebuild CNN Model and Transfer Learning for accurate prediction on test Dataset. This one is just Binary Classification model which uses images Bacterial and viral pneumonia images for the training

Published by: Shekhar Gaikwad, Yogita Shinde, Arti Vadavale, Nilam Gaikwad, Sunil S. KhatalResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Tensorflow, Keras, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, covid-19

Research Paper

230. Google Loon: Balloon Powered Internet for All

The world has acknowledged the opportunities and possibilities the Internet offers. The Internet has been considered as a global community that is not only convenient, but genuinely helps to improve many different and important aspects of life including education, health, and economy. Sadly, only around 1/3rd of the global population at present has access to it. Providing cost-effective and efficient connectivity to rural areas is a very challenging task that has been given many different solution models over the years. One solution model that seems to offer a substantial business case is based on the Google Loon project, which provides many advantages. In this paper, we’ve tried to give an overview of the Loon project and also highlighted some key finds and observations.

Published by: Nisha Maria Shaji, Flavia GonsalvesResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: UAV, Google Loon, LTE, Internet for all

Research Paper

231. Trickle Impregnation for insulating motors

This is a method of insulating the windings of a motor with epoxy resin. There are different processes involved- preheating the windings, dispensing of resin and curing the resin by heating. Here only the trickling process has been performed where the resin is dispensed on the winding coil with help of pneumatic motor at a designated flow rate.

Published by: Aditya Dhamale, Vaijayanti Deshpande, Suhas ChikaleResearch Area: Engineering

Organisation: Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pimpri-Chinchwad, MaharashtraKeywords: Impregnation, Trickle, Dispensing, Resin, Pneumatic gripper

Research Paper

232. A study on consumer behaviour towards UPI (Unified Payment Interface) payment application based in Nilgiris District

It is imperative in the current period that digital payment is one important area where all the consumers and customers should be aware. The reasons are enormous like digital India and mechanization of e-documentation. Nowadays the physical payment mode becomes critical due to various reasons like time and safety. This enabled e-payment methods like internet banking and this again made simpler with android mobile phones. Keeping this concept the research work framed based on the consumer behavior towards UPI (Unified payments interface). The objective of this study is to know the Consumer awareness, Consumer Perception, and Consumer Satisfaction. The research design used in this study is descriptive research design, with the primary data collection method along with a structured questionnaire which constitutes 105 respndents and the statistical techniques used are chi-square, ANOVA analysis and Multiple Regression. On UPI payment application, the study was restricted only to the village Erumadu, Nilgiris district.

Published by: Dr. M. Bhuvaneswari, Dr. S. Kamalasaravanan, V. KanimozhiResearch Area: Marketing

Organisation: Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: UPI, Mobile phone, digital payment mode

Review Paper

233. A Practical approach for Firmware Reverse Engineering

Embedded products have become widely used entities in the network of households and enterprises. The exponential increment in its use has resulted in a lapse in security measures taken while building these products, leaving them vulnerable to security attacks. An important feature is that embedded devices work on what is commonly known as Firmware, Firmware, a piece of software that helps the embedded devices to work on the shared task. Securing the firmware will be an important step in securing the embedded product setup. To secure the firmware one needs to understand how the firmware works. One way to do so is to reverse engineering. Through reverse engineering, one can attempt to understand the device architecture, functionality, and potential vulnerabilities present in the device. A better understanding of the firmware implementation also helps in adding features if needed. This project aims to apply several types of reverse engineering techniques to increase the efficiency of reverse-engineering the firmware and find the vulnerabilities in a firmware-based setup. Also, estimate the level of damage the identified vulnerabilities can cause through rigorous penetration testing.

Published by: Akash C. Koturwar, Dr. V. K. Pachghare, Sharad HangeResearch Area: Reverse Engineering

Organisation: College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Reverse Engineering Firmware Security


234. Detection and identification of high-quality cereals

Agricultural product grading is helpful in assessing the quality of a product and classifying it into categories. Presently, the grade analysis procedures involve the manual analysis of grains which is highly subjective and is influenced by human factors and the working environment. Thus, determining the quality of grains is a big challenge. In this paper, we have proposed a system that determines the quality of grains using image processing techniques. A variety of approaches were utilized to automate the screening process through machine vision approaches. Initially, the grain samples run on the conveyor belt, and then random images of grains are captured by the camera. The image processing algorithm is applied to the grain samples through MATLAB. Quality analysis of rice grains is determined by morphological features of rice grains. Various standards and procedures are then used to determine grades for the sample under test. The process of grading helps farmers to get the value for their produce, particularly rice, depending upon the results of quality inspections. Deep learning and machine learning models involving image processing has been tried in this paper to observe the computational accuracy

Published by: Aiswarya K.Research Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology, Ottapalam, KeralaKeywords: Image Processing, Machine Learning, KNN, Deep Learning, RNN

Research Paper

235. 64-bit Vedic multiplier with modified architecture and improved performance using Verilog

Vedic Maths is the ancient system of Indian mathematics. It has been extracted from 16sutras. Out of these 16 sutras, only one of these sutras named Urdhva Tiryagbhyam is used in this project. Urdhva is meant for Vertical and Tiryagbhyam is meant for the Crosswise multiplication process. This project is about designing of 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit Vedic multiplier with modified architecture and improved performance in comparison with a recent journal on 32-bit Vedic multiplier. And also 64-bit Vedic multiplier according to the reference journal is designed. The design of the proposed 64-bit Vedic multiplier consists of three stages, the first stage consists of four 32-bit Vedic multipliers, second stage has 96-bitcarry save adder and 95-bit modified carry skip adder in which internal stages consists of 8-bit and 16-bit Sklansky adders. and this design is implemented in XilinxISE14.7 and obtained a delay of 19.707ns, number of Slice LUT’s of 6989, power consumption of 111mW. The selected device in Xilinx14.7ISE is xc7k70t-3fbg484 from the Kintex-7 family. And also the reference design(64-bit Vedic multiplier) is calibrated using XilinxISE14.7 with the same device and obtained a delay of 36.630ns, number of Slice LUT’s of 8113, power consumption of 115mW.

Published by: Madhabhatthula Prem Kumar, Shiva Nand SinghResearch Area: VLSI

Organisation: National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, JharkhandKeywords: MCSKA (Modified Carry-Skip Adder), CSA(Carry-Save Adder), CSLA(Carry- Select Adder), SKA(Sklansky adder)

Research Paper

236. Costing and Rate Analysis of GFRG And Conventional Structure

This research paper is about costing and rate analysis of GFRG structure and conventional structure. Being an engineer is our first priority calling for solutions that work for our customers. Increasingly prices, housing is affordable at current rates technology which is why we needed to explore other types of construction plans to reduce construction costs. This paper an effort made to give an idea of how we can do that reducing construction costs and reducing construction time uses pre-design technology. GFRG construction technology also known as Rapid wall construction technology in India. Glass reinforced with gypsum panels, as they are ready-made gypsum building panels have empty holes. This is Rapid wall employed in residential and commercial buildings-built institutions. GFRG walls can be used as part of the structure such as walls and slabs, without outer columns and beams are required.

Published by: Snehal Ashok Salvi, Janhavi Deshpande, Vishal Jadhav, Nandini Pate, Vaishali Kamade, Aniruddha ChavanResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, MaharashtraKeywords: GFRG, Hollow panels, Cost Comparison, New Construction Technology, Affordable Housing.

Review Paper

237. Simple Borders Creating National Complexities

National borders are lines that separate one nation’s physical area from another nation. These borders usually help out in distinct identification of the nation’s location and prevent misunderstanding of the ownership of a piece of land or a distinct location. Most of the times, the airspace, land borders and coastlines are exploited by neighbours to create new crisis for capturing national boundaries. The extreme terrains present in the Indo Pakistan and Indo Bangladesh borders are dense sites of illegal activities like smuggling and, illegal drugs, weapons and human trafficking. The borders shared by India with Pakistan and Myanmar are hotspots of terrorism and cross border attacks for land capturing. The Indo Bangladesh borders has areas of high political sensitivity as there are many misunderstandings and problems related to ownership of a particular area. This paper discusses about the Indian border issues and existing solutions to solve these complexities and future solutions to resolve these issues.

Published by: M. D. SabarinathResearch Area: Defence

Organisation: Mahindra World School, Chengalpattu, Tamil NaduKeywords: Indian Boundary complexities, Land Borders, Coast Lines

Research Paper

238. Roommate Finder

Accommodation in today’s world has been soaring at high rates. In addition, getting a shelter that matches one’s preference, budget, interest, and proximity is a challenge. This problem becomes, even more, bigger if the person looking for accommodation is a student. For students, factors like affordability, proximity to the university, a similar company, etc. matter the most. There are a number of websites and mobile apps that provide facilities for finding a suitable roommate and vacant apartment, but as of now, there is no such mobile app that helps to find roommates or apartments for a specific university. This application is aimed at trying to solve the major accommodation problem for university students. This application consists of a variety of features like sending messages, searching based on university name and address, potential match based on user’s preferences, and shortlisting. This application is developed using Android API for the front end and Spring MVC for creating Restful web service and Google Maps API for location-based services.

Published by: Sanchita Mehetre, Kirti Kamath, Shalakha ShereResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Android, App, Front End, Roommate Finder, Potential Match, Preferences, Room

Research Paper

239. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of cactus stem extract

The phytochemical screening of aqueous solution of OpuntiaCochenillifera and CereusRepandus revealed the presence of certain important secondary metabolites. The preliminary phytochemical screening of the selected items was found to possess Proteins, Tannins, Carbohydrates, Phenols, Flavonoids, Saponins, Glycosides, Steroids, Terpenoids, and Alkaloids. It was concluded that this study clearly indicated that aqueous extract showed an elaborate qualitative analysis of the stem extract.

Published by: Gladiyarani S., Dr. N. GunavathyResearch Area: Corrosion

Organisation: Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Opuntia Cochenillifera (OC), Cereus Rapandus (CeR), Phytochemicals

Review Paper

240. Use of humor in personal selling

Every marketing strategy needs to be creative and new. Depending on the company’s long and short-term goals, target market, and resources, it chooses what kind of marketing and advertising works best. Whether the company chooses Tele-marketing or billboards, the end sale usually happens through personal selling. Some of the most memorable advertising campaigns in recent history, regardless of company size and marketing budget, and whether broadcast, print, or online-only, have involved humor – so it is high time that personal selling incorporates humor too. The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the usage of humor in personal selling.

Published by: Sivani KatragaddaResearch Area: Marketing

Organisation: Christ (Deemed to be) University, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Personal Selling, Humour in Marketing, Unconventional Marketing, Sales Pitch

Research Paper

241. Catia customization for Design and Modeling of Two stage spur Gearbox

In this paper, we describe how the customization of design task, in solid modeling with CATIA V5 for two stage spur gearbox can be approached, by means of macros (piece of code) and with GUI form. The user has to supply some basic requirements of the gearbox and rest of the different parameters for design of gearbox is calculated by formulas. And then with the help of these parameters, part model of gearbox is created.

Published by: Mayuresh V. Patwardhan, Uddhavrao NimbalkarResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering

Organisation: Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sakharale, MaharashtraKeywords: CAD, Catia, GUI, Macros, Design, Parametric modeling, two stage spur gearbox

Survey Report

242. Literature survey on Hyperspectral Image Compression Techniques

Hyperspectral images are the only type of images where we can verbalize about spectral resolution. The spectral resolution is defined as the interval or disseverment between different wavelengths quantified in a concrete wavelength range. Conspicuously, the more spectral channels acquired in a more diminutive wavelength range, the higher the spectral resolution will be in the scenario. Moreover, when a hyperspectral image is acquired, it is stored in a file where the spectra must be injuctively authorized in a logical manner in order to be able to reconstruct the data cube in any software. To store the file in the board or any device, have to use an algothirm to compress it in proper way to retrieve it again without any loss. In this paper, going to see and discuss about the various algorithms and techniques used to compress the hyperspectral images proposed by experts in this field, which may helpful for the future scholars in this area to see a glance around compression techniques applied on hyperspectral images for better performance of the captured data.

Published by: Santhoshini S.Research Area: Hyperspectral Image Compression

Organisation: Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Hyperspectral images, Hyperspectral sensors, Algorithms, Spectral Resolution, CCSDS-123 Compression Standard, Lossless Compression, lossy compression, compression techniques, Reconstruction and FPGA Board

Research Paper

243. Stress detection using machine learning algorithm

The longer the exposure to stress serious the health issues may occur. Many of those issues are related to the immunity, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, and many more. Once established in the body, these problems require a substantial investment of time, money, and efforts for recovery. With early detection and treatment, however, these health issues may be nipped within the bud, thus improving quality of health and hence life. Stress impairments are one of the common issues among working professionals in the tech or non-tech giants today. With changes in lifestyle, work cultures, and working schedules, there is an increase in the risk of being affected by stress among the employees working in companies. Though many industries provide psychological issues-related schemes and try to ease the workplace environment, the issue is far from control. In this paper, we would like to apply machine learning techniques to analyze stress patterns in adults and to retrieve the factors that strongly determine stress.

Published by: Muskan Jodhwani, Amita Jajoo, Ankit Chaudhary, Sahera Jamadar, Madhav SagareResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Stress Detection, Arrhythmia, ECG Derived Respiration (EDR), Machine Learning, MATLAB

Review Paper

244. Happy Home’s Application

Our goal with Happy Home’s Services Application is to be the go-to destination for millions of customers looking to research their home services. We will have a company that will provide home services. we will provide a certified services person. We will be providing experienced people. We help customers hire trusted professionals for all their service needs. We are staffed with young, passionate people working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of people by catering to their service needs at their doorsteps. We provide housekeeping services which consist of Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters, Cleaning and Pest Control. We also provide personal services like beauty, spa, mobile, and other appliance repairs, etc. Be it getting a plumbing job done, improving your fitness through yoga, learning to play the guitar, decorating your home, or getting candid photos of your wedding clicked, we are a sure-shot destination for your service needs.

Published by: Chintan Devani, Saurabh Singh, Anuj Sawant, Smita DandgeResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Java, Firebase, Android Studio

Research Paper

245. Sarcasm Detection in English and Hindi Sentences

In the growing advancement of Natural Language Processing, sarcasm detection, a part of sentiment analysis is still a challenge. It is important to detect sarcasm in the statement, especially in open platforms where people are free to express themselves, to identify the correct intended meaning of the statement mentioned. Sarcasm is an important processing problem in the NLP field of sentiment analysis, as it serves as an interface between communicating humans and machines, also such sentences can change the polarity of a sentence, which might result in wrong sentiment analysis. Here, in this project, we going to work upon sarcasm detection in news headlines, which we can get online or in news articles. We made use of LSTM[1][4], an artificial recurrent neural network architecture used in the field of deep learning[8], built around our collected dataset. The model is trained over the pre-processed dataset, cleaned with the help of the nltk library enabling it to create word embeddings, remove stopwords, etc.

Published by: Aakash Kumar, Pashmeen Kaur, M. L. Sharma, K. C. TripathiResearch Area: Aritificial Intelligence

Organisation: Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, DelhiKeywords: Sarcasm detection, Sentiment analysis, NLP, Neural networks, RNN, LSTM

Research Paper

246. Green Computing

Green Computing is the process of producing certain parts such as monitors, storage devices, computers keeping the environment in mind. Green computing also known as Green Technology aims to reduce the use of materials that are hazardous to the surroundings or environment. The amount of energy that is consumed in today’s world is huge, and hence to reduce the amount of energy consumed Green Computing is implemented to design and build energy-efficient materials. . Green Computing came into the picture in 1992 when it was encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as it launched Energy Star Program. Ultimately this technology is going be the savior of we humans in the coming future

Published by: Rohan PatilResearch Area: Master of Computer Application

Organisation: University of Mumbai, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Green Computing, Recycling, Energy, Eco-Friendly, Reuse

Research Paper

247. Scraping of Job Portal

"Scraping of Job Portal” is an online Job Searching Web application, a web application through which job seekers can register and apply for jobs. A job seeker must find jobs through advertisements, college fairs, job fairs etc., and the employers must put in much effort to find the right candidate for a vacant position. This application addresses such shortcomings and is a convenient platform for job seekers to find and apply for jobs. Candidates can search for jobs in any field through advanced search techniques. Basically our scraper scraps the data from various job portals and then provides job options to the user or job seeker according to their needs such as location, salary, working time, technical skills etc. They can upload their basic information related to job search which is stored in a database. Candidates can use this portal without any geographical barrier, from any part of the world. Also our portal will notify the registered users through email notifications which consists of basic information about jobs and also the apply link for that job.

Published by: Shubham B. Gulik, Akash R. Gharat, Jayesh L. Choudhary, Sujata KolheResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Web Application, Web Scraping, Job Portal, Apply Link, Email Notifications, Django, Beautiful soup, SMTP, Authentication

Research Paper

248. Bacteriological analysis of different types of fresh fruit juices from market

Bacteriological analysis of samples of fresh orange and pineapple juices collected from different shops confirmed the presence of bacteria. The isolated bacteria were identified as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by employing techniques like Microscopy, Culture and Biochemical Reactions. The presence of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli may be interpreted respectively as contamination of fruit juices by the bacteria present on the skin surface of the juice maker or by the bacteria present on the water used for preparing those fresh juices. It has been proved that Staphylococcus aureus can exist as commensals on skin. Similarly E.coli being a common water contaminant can easily contaminate fresh juice. Hence it is advised to take necessary precautions to avoid bacterial contamination of juices during the preparation of fresh juices without preservatives. This can be achieved by proper hand washing techniques before juice preparation and also by using filtered cold water for juice preparation. In order to suggest a suitable therapeutic regimen in case of infections occurred during the consumption of such contaminated juices, antibiotic susceptibility testing of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was done using antibiotics like Amoxicillin, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline and Streptomycin. From the results obtained it has been assumed that Amoxicillin was more effective against both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The antibacterial effects of Amoxicillin, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline and Streptomycin against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli showed the biocide effects of these antibiotics against the Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.

Published by: Annamma Alex, Athira Omanakuttan, Renji VargheseResearch Area: Microbiology

Organisation: CMS College, Kottayam, KeralaKeywords: Bacteriological, Juices, Contamination, Preservatives, Antibiotics

Research Paper

249. Pneumonia: Medical Image Analysis

Pneumonia is an infectious and deadly illness in the respiratory tract that is caused by bacteria, fungi, or a virus that infects the human lung air sacs with the load full of fluid or pus. Chest X-rays are the common method used to diagnose pneumonia and it needs a medical expert to evaluate the result of X-ray. The troublesome method of detecting pneumonia causes a life loss due to improper diagnosis and treatment. With the emerging computer technology, development of an automatic system to detect pneumonia and treat the disease is now possible especially if the patient is in a distant area and medical services are limited. This study intends to incorporate deep learning methods to alleviate the problem. Convolutional Neural Network is optimized to perform the complicated task of detecting diseases like pneumonia to assist medical experts in diagnosis and possible treatment of the disease.The result achieved a 93 percent accuracy rate for CNN with Gamma and the lowest rate is 79.9 %percent achieved by the CNN model. Convolutional neural network (CNNs) has achieved state-of-the-art performance for automatic medical image segmentation. However, they have not demonstrated sufficiently accurate and robust results for clinical use. In addition, they are limited by the lack of image-specific adaptation and the lack of generalizability to previously unseen object classes. Medical datasets are often highly imbalanced with over representation of common medical problems and a paucity of data from rare conditions. We propose simulation of pathology in images to overcome the above limitations.

Published by: Shubham Sharma, Shubham Kamble, Shlok HegdeResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: CNN, medical, Pneumonia

Research Paper

250. A study on WiTricity (Wireless Electricity Technology)

Here we are going to discuss on , Wireless Electricity Transmission which is a valuable innovation that can be utilized to gather sun-based energy(solar energy) and focus on the earth surface in the absence of the wire association called a sunlight based force satellites (SPS) Since the remote force transmission consolidates numerous hypotheses and clarified by numerous techniques, here we are discussing about the various strategies utilized for the remote power. This connector is associated with a waveguide ferrite circulator which shields the microwave source from the reflected force. In their benefits, drawbacks and conservative thought will likewise be introduced.

Published by: Shubham Sunil Tambade, Lavina JadhavResearch Area: Electrical

Organisation: Mumbai Education Trust, Bandra, MaharashtraKeywords: Electromagnetic field, Remote Electricity, Witricity

Research Paper

251. Enriching Indoor and outdoor Fire Detection through CNN

Fire is a highly useful as well as a dangerous resource that has been utilized by humans since centuries. The only type of fire that is highly useful is the type of fire that is controlled and the energy generated can be used for different purposes. But not all fires are like that and some fires can be extremely devastating. These fires can become large and take down acres and acres of forests leading to extreme death and destruction. There have been recent and highly devastating fires that have rocked major rainforests and decimated a lot of wildlife close to extinction and endangerment. These fires can be stopped if detected when they are in their starting stages and lead to effective reduction in the destruction. There are several techniques such as sensors and other equipment that have been useful in the detection of the fire, but they have not been highly effective and efficient in the deployment. Therefore, an image processing based approach is defined in this research article to achieve effective realization of the fire detection. The proposed approach utilizes Convolutional Neural Networks along with Decision Tree to achieve the effective Fire detection. The experimental results confirm the accurate deployment of the fire detection mechanism.

Published by: Swapnali Kamble, Vaishnavi Sade, Rutuja Kamble, Sumedh Patil, Shubhangi Ingale, Shalaka DeoreResearch Area: CNN

Organisation: Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Video surveillance, fire detection, Convolutional Neural Networks, Decision Tree.

Research Paper

252. ERP system for large scale business vs small & mid-scale business

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) System is being used for the last 15 to 20 years and This research paper attempts to identify and explore the main issues affecting large scale businesses as well as small and medium scale businesses regarding the implementation of ERP System in enterprises. In this paper manufacturing companies are ranging in size from million dollars to over billion dollars as per their annual turnover. Basically, this research paper highlights the main issues where the different methods or solutions are to be applied according to the organization's scale. Except this also the benefits get differed by company size as small and medium companies gets some limitations compared with large companies. Large companies get financial improvement and economically better results whereas these smaller and mid-size organizations get better results in Production as well Logistics and manufacturing sectors.

Published by: Savita Virkar, Lavina JadhavResearch Area: All Scale Organizatins

Organisation: MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Implementation, Enterprise Resource Planning, Small & Mid-Size Enterprises, Organizational Size, Large Scale Enterprise, Comparison Techniques.

Research Paper

253. Self-wound analysis using Machine Learning and Image Processing

The significance of powerful surgical wound care can never be underestimated. Poorly managing surgical wounds may reason many critical complications. As a result, it increases. The necessity to broaden a patient-friendly self-care device which can assist both sufferers and clinical specialists to ensure the Nation of the surgical wounds without any unique medical equipment. On this paper, a surgical wound evaluation gadget for Self-care is proposed. The proposed machine is designed to allow patients seize surgical wound pictures of themselves with the aid of the usage of a cellular tool and add these pix for evaluation. Combining Image-processing and gadget-gaining knowledge of strategies, the proposed approach consists of four levels. First, photos are segmented into superpixels wherein each superpixel carries the pixels within the comparable shade distribution. 2nd, these superpixels corresponding to the pores and skin are recognized and the area of related skin Superpixels is derived. 1/3, surgical wounds can be extracted from this place primarily based on the statement of the texture distinction between skin and wounds. Ultimately, country and signs and symptoms of surgical Wound may be assessed. Full-size experimental effects are Conducted. With the proposed method, greater than 90% of country evaluation consequences are correct, and greater than ninety one% of symptom evaluation results consistent with the real analysis. Furthermore, case studies are furnished to show the benefit and trouble of this machine. Those results display that this device should perform

Published by: Varun Ganesh, U. NomeshResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Classification, Health Care Service Systems


254. Design of a Micro-controller based programmable voltage source for process automation

Automated control of processes are emerging in all spheres as it saves time and energy by providing a significant improvement in productivity and accuracy when compared to the manual methods of controlling processes which require constant human intervention. This paper presents a design of a voltage source that can be programmed using a micro-controller board to control the voltage that needs to be generated. The design is achieved by interfacing the electronic components required along with necessary software tools as a part of an embedded system consisting of the input/output peripherals and a microcontroller. There are two approaches of design, the first approach is based on a Digital to Analog converter and an Operational amplifier, the second approach is based on a MOSFET driver circuit. The circuits are constructed based on the design methodology which is developed with all the components chosen according to desired requirements. The circuits are simulated in Proteus in order to evaluate their performance and the readings are tabulated. The accuracy of both the approaches are computed and it is found that both the approaches have high levels of accuracy.

Published by: Rahul Desingh S., Sindhu RajendranResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Arduino Microcontroller, Digital to Analog converter (DAC), Duty cycle, Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) protocol, MOSFET, Programmable Voltage Source, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM

Research Paper

255. RICA: Real-Time Image Captioning Application

Automatically describing the content of an image is a fundamental problem in artificial intelligence that connects computer vision and natural language processing. Image caption generator is a task that involves computer vision and natural language processing concepts to recognize the context of an image and describe them in a natural language like English. The recent advances in Deep Learning-based Machine Translation and Computer Vision have led to excellent Image Captioning models using advanced techniques like Deep Reinforcement Learning. While these models are very accurate, these often rely on the use of expensive computation hardware making it difficult to apply these models in real-time scenarios, where their actual applications can be realized. In this paper, we carefully follow some of the core concepts of Image Captioning and its common approaches and present our simplistic encoder and decoder-based implementation with significant modifications and optimizations which enable us to run these models on low-end hardware of hand-held devices. We also compare our results evaluated using various metrics with state-of-the-art models and analyze why and where our model trained on the MSCOCO dataset lacks due to the trade-off between computation speed and quality. Using the state-of-the-art TensorFlow framework by Google, we also implement a first-of-its-kind Android application to demonstrate the real-time applicability and optimizations of our approach.

Published by: Suraj Dahake, Aditya Ohekar, Shubham Ilag, Aasim ShahResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Real-Time, Captioning, Image, CNN, Tensorflow

Research Paper

256. Work Efficiency Prediction Analysis and Optimal Path Finding Algorithm

A correct prediction of a contractor’s work can lead to many important things like keeping corruption in check, determining whether that particular is fit for the job or not. Frequently, it is brought that prediction is chaotic rather than random, which means it can be predicted by carefully analysing the history of respective contractor. Machine learning is an efficient way to represent such processes. It predicts a value close to the tangible value, thereby increasing the accuracy. The vital part of machine learning is the dataset used. The dataset should be as concrete as possible because a little change in the data can perpetuate massive changes in the outcome. It consists of variables like name of contactors, previous projects that he worked on, budget of that project, estimated lifespan of the project and actual life of the project. Due to the serious problem of bad road construction and maintenance, the real-time road situation and the possibility of road conditions in the next time period should be taken into accounts through the vehicle navigation system, in order to provide the optimal routing plans for vehicles in routing optimization. To solve the ignoring of real-time travel information and historical travel information in the existing navigation systems during routing optimization, this paper compares the existing navigation system to a prototype system which considers the conditions of the roadways as one of the factor in the recommendation and optimization system of the path finding and navigation process.

Published by: Rohit Pillai, Vipul Bhangale, Bishal Anand, Adarsh KumarResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: DR. D.Y Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, PuneKeywords: Road Resistance Prediction; Real-Time Navigation; Historical Travel Information

Research Paper

257. Improvement of Rigid Pavement with Geogrid Material

We have seen the non uniformity, non consistency, loose soil, unstable soil while construction of roads. We have experimentally examined that geogrid can be added as an additional reinforcement. The benefit of Geogrid is that the geogrid increases the bearing ability of construction and reduces the spreading of gravels and soil. The Geogrid is also economical so the cost of construction can be reduced. Geogrid gives strength to the construction and increases life span of construction. Geogrid reinforcement is a method used in permanent paved roadways in two major application areas. They are: base reinforcement and subgrade stabilization. The strength and life of pavement is greatly affecting the type of sub- grade, sub base and base course materials. But in India most of the flexible pavements are mainly constructed over weak and problematic sub-grade. In base reinforcement, the geogrids are placed at the bottom of unbound layers of a flexible pavement system and improve the load-carrying capacity of the pavement under repeated traffic. In subgrade stabilization applications, the geogrid is used to build construction platform over weak subgrade to carry equipment and facilitate the construction of the pavement system without over deformations of the subgrade.

Published by: Samata Devanand Thakare, Ankita Kanhaiya Pailkar, Shradha Sanjay Sanap, Utkarsh Rajesh Andhere, Sarvesh Sudhakar Palkar, Vivek Sahadev Ubhare, Vaibhav Vinod Bhoir, Dr. S. R. Bhagat, P. P. MahajanResearch Area: Civil Engineering

Organisation: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, MaharashtraKeywords: Non-uniformity, consistency, Loose soil, Stabilization, Subgrade, Sub base, Deformation.

Survey Report

258. A study on network intrusion detection system

In this study, we have tried to survey the methods to detect network intrusions. The Intrusion detection system is important in computer networks for protecting the data. There are several algorithms using neural networks, deep learning, and machine learning to detect intrusion detection in the system. There are many methods for detecting intrusions by ensemble methods, classifiers, anomaly detection giving accuracy according to the methods. The goal of the study is to give a comparison of the methods for an accuracy rate of low rate false alarm and high detection rate. Also, the data sets used in the methods.

Published by: Vasumathi A. K., V. BanupriyaResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, Tamil NaduKeywords: Network Intrusion Detection System, Machine Learning Ensemble Method, Dataset, Classifiers

Research Paper

259. SQL injection and XSS

SQL Injection is a vulnerability that influences the Structured Query Language (SQL) [1] queries that an application passes to a back-end database. By exploiting what is given to the database, the attacker can leverage the syntax and capabilities of SQL itself and the power and flexibility of supporting database functionality and operating system functionality available to the database. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a Code Injection attack executed on the client-side of an internet Application. The foremost common method of stealing cookies or hijacking sessions is to introduce JavaScript with a browser-supported html cryptography technique. [2] Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities ordinarily enable AN aggressor to masquerade as a victim user, to hold out any actions that the user is ready to perform, and to access any of the user’s knowledge. If the victim user has privileged access at intervals the applying, then the aggressor could be able to gain the full management over all the application’s practicality and knowledge. [3] The CWE/SANS Top 25 software errors place SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting at the very top. Additionally, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) lists Injection Flaws (SQL injection) as the most severe security vulnerability affecting Web applications in its Top 10 list. This highlights how common and very relevant in the domain of Web security. As developers, we should be aware of the consequences and prevention measures of these attacks. This report mentions a brief survey on the real-world attacks of SQL Injection and cross-site Scripting. Additionally, the paper highlights some defenses one can use to mitigate these attacks. Index Terms—SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, Defenses

Published by: Devashish Agarwala, Bhanu Pratap Yadav, Vanishree K.Research Area: SQL, XSS

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: XSS, SQL

Review Paper

260. Financialization of housing

Essay supporting the United Nations Human Rights Council's 2017 report on the financialization of housing

Published by: Keshav BajajResearch Area: Finance

Organisation: Independent ResearcherKeywords: Indispensable Asset, Behavioral Economy, Logical Fallacy, Paramountcy

Review Paper

261. D Flip Flop circuits: Review of different architectures

A detailed architectural study of different types of flip flop designs is presented. This includes the conventional transmission gate flip flop topology (TGFF), Sense amplifier-based flip flop architecture (SAFF), Clock pulse-based Flip Flop design, and the Dynamic Flip Flop architecture. The fundamental working principles of each topology are discussed along with the operation principles. Important comparisons are made between the architectures and are also presented as a part of this work.

Published by: Nagaraj N., Nithin M.Research Area: Electronics and Communication

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Setup time, Clock-to-Q delay


262. Social distancing indicator and alarming system

One way of limiting the spread of an infectious disease, for instance, Covid-19, is to practice social distancing. This is not a new concept, as most societies have been aware of the value of keeping away from people who are suffering from an infection for many generations. The objective is to reduce transmission, delaying the epidemic peak, reducing the size of the epidemic peak, and spreading cases over a longer time to relieve pressure on the healthcare system

Published by: Vaishnavi Shantaram Gujar, Divya Shinde, Trupti KherdeResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Social Distancing, COVID-19, People Detection, Python, Sensor, WHO

Research Paper

263. Seismic Response of Irregular Structures

The main objective of earthquake engineering is to analyze, design and build a structure in such a way that the damage to the structure and its structural component during an earthquake is minimized. A large number of papers have focused to study the effect of irregular structures. Being inspired from the work contributed in the study on effect of earthquake on irregular shaped building this research work presents effect of plan and shape configuration on irregular shaped structures. Building with irregular geometry responds differently against seismic action. Plan geometry is the parameter which decides its performance against different loading conditions. This research work aims to evaluate the behaviour of irregularity (plan and shape) on structure under seismic effect. To workout the performance of structure, equivalent static analysis and response spectrum analysis has been adopted. For achieving this objective by using structural based software ETABS 19. Estimation of response such as: lateral displacement, storey drift, and base shear are carried out. Based on these parameters we have compared response of each model. Results are expressed in form of graphs and bar charts. From research it is observed that to minimize the effect of earthquake simple plan and configuration like regular shape must be adopted at the planning stage.

Published by: Jayant Janardhan Sahare, Dr. Milind V. MohodResearch Area: Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)

Organisation: Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Amravati, MaharashtraKeywords: ETABS, Irregular plan, Irregular shape, Equivalent static analysis, Response spectrum analysis, Lateral displacement, Storey drift and Base shear

Research Paper

264. Impact of upliftment of the ban on cryptocurrency in India

Money is something that has great value in the life of any human being on this planet and its history dates back to the ancient times when gold, silver, and other metal coins were used for buying goods and other essential items. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is created for the purpose of transactions like a normal currency. It uses Cryptography and Blockchain technology to secure its exchanges and limit the production of a particular type of cryptocurrency and keep track of each and every transaction in the network.

Published by: Arnav ShahResearch Area: Math And Economics

Organisation: Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Cryptocurrency, Primary Data, Secondary Data, Upliftment of The Ban, Analysis, Sampling

Review Paper

265. Analysis of the effects of temperature and RC pairs on Li-ion battery models

Electric Vehicles have become the need of time to reduce the pollution from the transportation sector. Not only they reduce pollution but they are also excellent products of renewable energy. Two of the most eminent parts of any electrical vehicle are the Battery and Battery management systems(BMS). Modeling and testing of the systems using simulation is an effective method alternate to hardware testing since it reduces the cost and increases the efficiency of testing. The hardware testing of the battery also affects the safety of the system and any errors may lead to permanent damage to the components and sometimes affecting the people operating them. To model and simulate any component it is necessary to analyze the effects of the parameters which influence it. In this paper, the effect of temperature and the number of RC pairs taken to model the equivalent circuit of the battery is considered as the key factors. The results are used for the analysis of their effects in real-time using the simulation models.

Published by: Purushottam Joshi, Sindhu RajendranResearch Area: Power Management for Electric Vehicles

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Battery Management Systems, C-Rating, Equivalent Circuit, Open Circuit Voltage, Parameter Estimation, State of Charge

Research Paper

266. OTT and growth of India’s OTT Platform

Over - the -Top (OTT) video streaming platforms, are growing as one of the most popular entertainment providing sectors and it is also considered as necessary commodity to have. In India, there is an growth in number of users using OTT. While Indian OTT platforms like Voot, Hostar and ZEE5 has earned stronger customer base, global OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime have started growing their market share in India[2]. This paper is to understand the OTT workflow various OTT services, growth factors, technology background, audience distribution, content, censorship. to study the government rules and regulations on OTT and also how OOT’s are getting popular day by day in India and the reason behind it

Published by: Sunil Gowda, Omprakash MandgeResearch Area: Computer And Science

Organisation: MET Institute of Computer and Science, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: OOT Growth, Types of OTT, censorship, competition, Telecommunications, rules and regulations, content consuming

Research Paper

267. Mini CNC Plotter machine using Arduino

CNC Machines are Computerized Numerical Control Machines that are used to draw anything or design any mechanical part according to the design program fed into their controller unit. The controller unit can be either computer or microcontroller. CNC machines have stepper and servo motors to draw the design as per the fed program. After researching on CNC machines, we decided to build my own CNC machine using locally available materials. There are so many CNC machines in the world, some of which are much technical and complex to make or even operate properly. For this reason, I decided to make a simple CNC Plotter Machine based on Arduino which is by far the simplest to make. You can also use this as an Arduino CNC drawing machine with little modifications. This Arduino CNC Machine can draw most of the basic shapes, texts, and even cartoons. Its operation is similar to the way a human hand writes. It’s faster and more accurate compared to the way a human being can write or draw

Published by: Atharva Gosavi, Prathamesh Koli, Aditya Gotmare, Padmanabh Girase, Varun Fate, Shital PawerResearch Area: Engineering

Organisation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Scrap DVD Drive, Arduino, Servo & Stepper Motors, Mini CNC machine, Plotter, Drawing

Research Paper

268. Voice Assistant: A revolution in technology

A virtual assistant is basically a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual based on commands or questions. Traditionally if you have to get some information over the internet you would need a desktop/laptop/mobile device of some sort with an internet connection, manually go to the WEB portal and search for what you need to get a result which is a little time-consuming. Voice-based internet access uses rapidly advancing speech recognition technology to give users any time, anywhere communication and access to the web through the Human Voice over a mobile or home phone. The objective of this research paper is to describe the various technical factors that are making voice assistants the next big opportunity to the various approaches service providers and developers of voice portal solutions can follow to maximize this exciting technology.

Published by: Kedar Dhamankar, Dr. Abhijit BanubakodeResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Virtual Assistant, Voice Recognition Technology, Alexa, Siri, IoT

Technical Notes

269. Authentication Protocol for Anti Counterfeiting System using NFC

Counterfeit medicines are defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as those that are fraudulently and deliberately unlabelled with identity. Various products that are counterfeited, cause problems to various manufacturing companies such as automotive parts, jewelry, cosmetics, software food and beverage, etc. Pharmaceutical products have serious threats from it. Counterfeit medicines do not offer any countermeasure to diseases, that is why the people, who use these medicines, suffer a lot. This problem poses a threat to lawful manufacturing companies since it results in revenue loss.

Published by: Fahmeeda Roohi, B. K. SrinivasResearch Area: Internet of Things

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Counterfeit Medicines, Pharmaceuticals, Admin

Research Paper

270. Prediction and Categorization of Heart Arrhythmia

Heart arrhythmia is a state of the heart in which the heartbeat is unbalanced which can be too fast, too slow, or unstable. Electrocardiography (ECG) is used for the recognition of Heart arrhythmia. It registers the electrical activities of the heart of a patient for a period with electrodes attached to the skin. Due to the ECG signals that reflect the physiological conditions of the heart, medical specialists tend to utilize ECG signals to detect and analyze heart arrhythmia. The most important skill of medical doctors is being able to identify the dangerous types of heart arrhythmia from ECG signals. In spite of this, interpretation of the ECG waveforms performed by professional medical doctors manually is proven to be monotonous and time-consuming. As an end result, it was found that the development of automatic systems for identifying abnormal conditions from diurnal recorded ECG data is of primary importance. In addition to that, suitable timely medical treatment measures can be effectively applied when such irregular heart conditions can be identified instantly using health monitoring equipment and tools which internally use machine learning algorithms. Therefore, an important role in this regard would be machine learning.

Published by: Nishitha Doris Rebecca, Dr. S. N. PrasadResearch Area: Machine Learning

Organisation: REVA University, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Atrial Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia, Denervation, Nerve Stimulation, Neuromodulator

Research Paper

271. Fake news detection using NLP

All Counterfeit news is the purposeful spread of deception or promulgation by conventional news media and through online media. Such news stories can come in numerous structures, including accidental mistakes submitted by news aggregators, inside and out bogus stories, or the tales which are created to deceive and impact per user's assessment. Using NLP and machine learning to predict fake news can help resolve the spread of such news.

Published by: Akintya Nigam, Aradhya DhruvResearch Area: Data Science

Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Fake News, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Text Preprocessing

Review Paper

272. Hand Gesture using Arduino

The modern world is filled with new things and technology. As we can see in present time most of the things are becoming gesture control. Gesture based interaction is becoming a necessity at home, office, gardens etc. This build will detect hand gesture from the motion sensor connected to Arduino. The hand gesture will work as an input which will act with PC or laptop. One of the key area of implementation of code using Python. We feel that we can help a little with our little contribution

Published by: Manthan Shah, Jay Pandya, Jenil Shingala, Pushkar Jain, Vaishali RaneResearch Area: Computer Engineering

Organisation: Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Hand Gesture, Arduino UNO, Hand Gesture, Sensors, Ultrasonic Senor, Multimedia Player Control

Research Paper

273. Helicopter Parenting and Psychological Well-being among Indian and United States Adolescents

Parents play an important role in a child’s life. Parents’ style of raising their children can largely determine a child’s overall development. In addition to the various parenting styles such as authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting styles (Baumrind,1966), helicopter parenting has become a common parenting style for raising children. Helicopter parenting is a parenting style that involves parents who are potentially over-involved in their child's lives (Padilla-Walker & Nelson,2012). Parents have high expectations about providing their children the best resources possible to make their life easier and often get over-involved in this process. Parents who adopt this type of parenting style often believe that it can help their children to flourish in life. Psychological well-being describes the important aspects of human functioning ranging from positive relationships to feelings of competence, to having meaning and purpose in life (Diener et al., 2010). This research aims to study the relationship between helicopter parenting and psychological well-being among Indian and United States of America (USA) adolescents. A sample of Indian and US adolescents (n=60) ranging from 16-21 years were chosen for this study. The adolescent’s perception of their parent’s helicopter parenting behaviour was measured using Helicopter Parenting Instrument and the adolescent’s psychological well-being was measured using the Flourishing Scale. The study results indicated no significant relationship between perceived helicopter parenting and psychological well-being among Indian and US adolescents.

Published by: B. Krishna Priya, S. ThenmozhiResearch Area: Psychology

Organisation: University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Adolescents, Helicopter parenting, psychological well-being,


274. Simulation of Message Queuing Telemetry Protocol in IoT Environment

IoT has recently emerged as the most popular Internet advancement and has become a trending technology that incorporates M2M communication. Device-to-device communications in IoT are handled via the Pushing or Polling protocols. There are numerous protocols available for IoT, including AMQP, MQTT, and XMPP, with MQTT being the most widely used. MQTT's main advantage is its lightweight and high bandwidth efficiency. This paper mainly simulates MQTT and describes the importance of MQTT in IoT, and the terminologies related to it. Finally, we analyzed the performance of MQTT in terms of data transmission rate.

Published by: Sharadadevi Kaganurmath, Siddharth Sharma, Mohammed Asif, Sheikh Shehzad AhmedResearch Area: Information Science And Engineering

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: MQTT, Broker, Client, Publisher, Subscriber, TCP, Internet of Things (IoT)

Research Paper

275. Static Structural Analysis of SAE Baja Chassis

The roll cage of Baja vehicle can be of various types, comprising a tubular structure of various dimensions, but all complying with the official rulebook issued by Baja SAE India. Since the vehicle is expected to perform in off-road conditions, various static and dynamic forces are applied on the chassis, and during these off-road conditions, the main motive of roll cage is to ensure total safety of the driver and to assemble and mount other vehicle components. The chassis of the vehicle is first designed in Solidworks 2018 and then analysed in ANSYS 2019.

Published by: Siddh ShahResearch Area: FEA of Baja Vehicle Chassis

Organisation: Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Baja Chassis, FEA, Roll Cage, Analysis, ANSYS

Research Paper

276. Effectiveness of 3% Citric Acid dressing on diabetic wound status among patients with diabetic foot ulcer

Background of the study: India is the country with the second-largest number of diabetic patients in the world. Research Methodology: Pretest Posttest Control Group Research Design was adopted. Thirty Research participants were recruited using the Simple Random Sampling technique. The wound was assessed using Modified Bates Jensen Wound Assessment Tool. 3% citric acid dressing was applied to the interventional group once a day for 15 days. Results: The study findings stated that the pretest means and standard deviation of an interventional group and routine care group were 41+4.34 and 20.6+4.63. The calculated “t” value (46.31) was greater than the table value (3.66) at the level of p<0.001. Conclusion: 3% Citric acid dressing was effective for patients with a diabetic foot ulcer.

Published by: Deepika S., Leena J., Dr. Vimal Kumar Govindan, Dr. A. JayasudhaResearch Area: Nursing

Organisation: Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Effectiveness, 3% Citric acid, Diabetic foot ulcer, Diabetic wound status, Diabetes mellitus

Research Paper

277. Organizational Analysis using Mckinsey’s 7S Model

This paper aims to analyze the organizational model of VSK University Ballari of Karanataka state in India using Mckinsey’s 7 S model of organizational effectiveness. The population comprised faculty of VSK University Ballari. Convenient sampling was used to select the sample from the population, and the sample size was determined as per Cohcaran formula, which was 42. Questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. To analyze data T-test was used. The results of the research showed that organizational effectiveness factors of Mckinsey’s 7S Model of VSK University is unaligned. As per the findings, it is recommended to focus alignment of soft elements of the model to realize organizational effectiveness.

Published by: Dr. K. C. Prashanth, Veena MResearch Area: Management

Organisation: VSK University, Ballari, KarnatakaKeywords: Organizational Effectiveness, Shared Values, Style, Skills, Staff

Research Paper

278. Interpretation and co-relation of vapor-liquid equilibrium data in distillation by using salt effect for the propanol-water system

Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), is a condition where a liquid and its vapor (gas phase) are in equilibrium with each other or more precisely a state where the rate of evaporation equals the rate of condensation on a molecular level such that there is no overall vapor-liquid interconversion. In this paper, we study the azeotrope breaking of binary 1propanol-water system with a salt-added method to recover the purity of water by using batch distillation and to investigate the concentration of salt added to break the azeotrope of the lprapanol-water system in the batch distillation process. The objective of this paper was to study physical properties with different measurement methods and to supply thermodynamic data for several chemical systems.

Published by: Arvind Kapte, Dr. Gopal ZamreResearch Area: Chemical Engineering

Organisation: College of Engineering and Technology, Akola, MaharashtraKeywords: Distillation, 1Propanol, Binary System, Thermodynamic Modeling

Research Paper

279. Smart Scan – Text Recognition System

In today’s world, every piece of information is in digital form. Technology has made things much easier. Digitization is the process of transforming information into a digital format. Ancient record, personal documents are scanned to store as images. Such scanned images of documents are modified and characters are recognized for further processing. Documents can contain either typed characters or handwritten characters. Extracting the characters in scanned images of documents helps for easier access to contents that need to be further modified. In this project, the models are built to recognize the printed text as well as handwritten text from images. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology can be used for printed text recognition and models using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) can be created to extract handwritten characters. The mode of storage of the information plays a major role. This system allows the users to store the recognized text in desired formats.

Published by: Divya S.Research Area: Computer Science and Engineering

Organisation: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Machine Learning, Optical Character Recognition, Neural Networks, Handwritten Text, Python

Review Paper

280. Should the world run on a cashless economy? : A Review

In this changing era, the rapid growth in technology has led us towards the digital world. With this digital world due to the constant level of technological infrastructure and policy changes, there has been an increase in the number of modes of payment. In this growing era, it is necessary to go along with modern technological methods, one of them is changed in the means of making and receiving payments. The cashless economy seems synonymous to Canada and Sweden as manifested in the study of Forex Bonuses 2017. A cashless economy is an economic system where a small amount of cash is used in transactions. The cashless economy is based on transactions made by credit cards, debit cards, wallets, Or digital modes. A cashless economy is cost-effective, growth-friendly, business-friendly, pro-financial inclusion, etc. It has various challenges-escaping the attitudes of people, poor transactions security mechanism, insufficient infrastructure, etc. It is a boon to industries like UBER and OLA. Pros and Cons about the cashless economy will help us to find whether really the world should run on a cashless economy or not? Covid-19 had a really big impact on the economy, also how it became a pillar for the cashless economic system will help us to better understand the cashless economic system concept. A cashless economic system in this era has its own significant importance. The questionnaire and the hypothesis mentioned in this report will help us to understand the point of view of the people on the cashless economic system. Further analysis will be done on secondary data.

Published by: Nayan Rathod, Dr. Shabnam S. MahatResearch Area: Innovations

Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Cashless Economy, Digital payment, Cashless Society, GDP of Economy, OLA & UBER Industries

Review Paper

281. A review on regulatory affairs

Regulatory affairs professional play significant roles in the pharmaceutical industry as it concerns the lifecycle of the healthcare product, it offers operational direction, tactical and strategic, and assistance for working within the regulation to accelerate development as well as distribution of healthcare products safe and efficient to expedite the development role of regulatory affairs, a regulatory strategy is developed and implemented, to guarantee that the collective actions of the team of drug development lead to products which are approved by the Global Regulator but is also differentiated in certain ways from the competition and is also to assure promotion, are carried out in according to the guidelines and regulation founded by a regulatory authority. Regulatory affairs (RA) are an interesting career option for science graduate students who enjoy communication and teamwork, comfort with multi-task, and want to develop their knowledge in the broader area of the pharmaceutical sector. RA is a rewarding, intellectually stimulating, as well as highly respected profession in a pharmaceutical company.

Published by: Dr. J. Bhavani, K. Kokila, M. Agil Kumar, A. Tamil Selvan, R. HariprakashResearch Area: Pharmaceutics

Organisation: P.S.V. College of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Orappam , Tamil NaduKeywords: Worldwide Regulatory Agencies, Regulatory Affairs Professionals, Regulatory Bodies, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Industries, FDA, Ethical Considerations

Survey Report

282. Design and Develop ERP System for S.M.A.R.T. Hub using Angular PWA

ebsite means customers are always able to find you – anytime, anywhere. Even outside of business hours, your website continues to find and secure new customers.Web Application which integrates the website as well as the ERP system for both the User and Administrator which includes User Friendly Design and Implementation of the system which is Easy to Manage, Maintain database with the help of Query Optimization and is Available on Multiple platforms.

Published by: Shaunak Kapadne, Kalpak Kulkarni, Hardik Walekar, Sadhana Pansare, Shraddha ShindeResearch Area: IT

Organisation: Late G. N. Sapkal College of Engineering, Nashik, MaharashtraKeywords: PWA, FireBase, Angular JS, JS, Server Handling

Research Paper

283. Li-Fi Technology

We all have been using Wifi technology extensively for data in our day to day life, this paper presents how Li-fi technology will enhance user experience with its capability of providing a secure and as well as higher data access rate. A Lifi is a wireless technology and its a type of Visible Light Communication (VLC) which makes use of LED lights for data transmission

Published by: Ganesh S. GirganiResearch Area: Information Technology

Organisation: Mumbai Education Trust, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Visible Light Communication, Lifi, Harald Haas, LED

Research Paper

284. Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Machine Learning

The growth of various social networking sites has enabled people to express their opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. are filled with opinions and thoughts. The enormous data gathered using these platforms can help to analyze the sentiment of people. Sentiment analysis is the method to interpret and classify emotions into categories viz positive, and negative.. Data mining is harnessed to uncover relevant information from web pages. The main emphasis of this research is to classify which machine learning algorithm gives better accuracy. Python language is used to implement the proposed system. Machine learning classifiers such as Naïve Bayes, SVM, and Decision Tree are applied to categorize the tweets as positive or negative.

Published by: Disha C. Kini, Harshali PatilResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Twitter, sentiment analysis, machine learning, Naïve Bayes, SVM, Decision Tree

Research Paper

285. Smart IoT based chicks brooding system

Brooding is the most critical period in the life of a chicken. During brooding period, day old broiler chicks do not have the capability to warm themselves, and if not properly monitored chicks would die because of the change in weather. This would mean a big loss to the poultry farmer or owner. So to be able to address this issue, this study aimed to explore smart sensing during brooding period. This process could help monitor the temperature and humidity of the chicken coop easily during brooding period and notify the farmer immediately. The researcher developed a prototype using DHT22 sensor with Arduino Microcontroller and GSM Module. The prototype was tested and evaluated in terms of reliability. The Brooding is the most crucial period in the life of a broiler chicken. This period is when the systems are still in the development stage and the immune system is still delicate and cannot fight diseases. The feathers are not yet fully grown and the chicks are still learning to eat and drink. Since day old chicks do not still have the capabilities to keep their body warm. They are very in danger to the environmental conditions like temperature and humidity level. It leads to sickness and worst death of if they are exposed to colder temperature.

Published by: Shravan Savagave, Omkar Uday Gavali, Ashutosh Arvind Gaikwad, Arbaz Rajmuhammad Mujawar, Vishwajit Ajit Gaikwad, Arvind M. BhandareResearch Area: Electrical Engineering

Organisation: Sanjeevan Engineering and Technology Institute, Panhala, MaharashtraKeywords: Smart IoT Based Global System, Fully Automated System, Less Electricity Consumption, Less Human Efforts

Research Paper

286. Remodeling of Aluva bus terminal

The study consists of two parts. The first part was devoted to the preparation of a new plan for the Aluva bus terminal and the second part consists of 3D modeling of the building. The proposed site is at Aluva. It consists of G+ 3 story building. The typical plan of the building is given below. The building is planned according to the requirements of the users by conducting a questionnaire survey. Visits to various construction sites were conducted. These site visits helped me to be aware of the latest construction methods that are adopted and being practiced in the construction industry.

Published by: Balendhu Shaji, Muhammed Nihal V N, Aneena Nizar, Zameel Unus, Bizmi MolResearch Area: Structural Engineering

Organisation: Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Mulavoor, KeralaKeywords: 3D Modeling, Revit Drawing, Autocad Drawing, Sectional View, Perspective View

Research Paper

287. Artificial intelligence in today’s challenging world

Artificial Intelligence refers to any machine that shows features similar to the human mind just like learning and problem-solving. AI can take actions that have the best chance of solving specific issues in an efficient way. Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence and refers to the idea of automatically learn and adapt new facts without getting any help from humans. Artificial Intelligence is developing day by day and performing Multitasking and making human work easy and helping humanity in a fast and efficient way and gives better solution for complex problems. This paper will describe how AI is helping today’s world and also see what problem is also creating by AI in today’s world. This paper also describes the AI technologies uses in different areas in today's world. We also discuss how AI is useful in many fields but also damaging our environment and the damage is hard to fix and we also get the humans are the main problem. We have to change ourselves to fix a problem.

Published by: Abhishek Negi, Mohit SemwalResearch Area: Computer Science

Organisation: Uttaranchal Institute of Management, Dehradun, UttarakhandKeywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Humans, Database, Expert System

Research Paper

288. Agriculture field monitoring and analysis using Wireless Sensor Networks

India is largely an agricultural country. Agriculture is the most pivotal occupation for most Indian families. It plays a vital role in the development of India. In India, agricultural income contributes about 16% of total GDP and 10% of total exports. Water is the central resource for Agriculture. Irrigation is one method to supply water, but there will be a lot of water wastage in some cases. IoT technology can help in collecting information about conditions like moisture, temperature, and humidity. Wireless sensor networks are used to monitor the farm conditions and micro-controllers to control and automate the farm processes. DHT-22 sensor is used to measure the temperature and humidity in the field, and a resistive soil moisture sensor module is used to measure the moisture content of the soil. All the sensor relays are interfaced with the ESP32 controller. The sensors collect data from the field and transmit the data to the micro-controller. All the sensor devices are connected to the internet through the ESP module. After successful completion of sense, the data will be processed and stored in serve for future reference. After completing the analysis of the data, the threshold values will be set for controlling purposes. In this implementation, the threshold value is set for the soil moisture value. When the threshold value is met, the solenoid valve is turned on to irrigate the field. The end-user can also turn on the solenoid valve by using the Blynk application.

Published by: Devashish Agarwala, Vanishree K.Research Area: Internet Of Things

Organisation: RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: IoT, Smart Agriculture, Cloud

Research Paper

289. Research paper on Eating Disorder – Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa

Learning about eating disorder may very sensitive have to focus on psychology of human being about there thought process. It classified based on “feeding and eating disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder(DSM-5), it represent the mental health of person. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa these are two sort of eating disorders. They m