This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Mithun S. Gowardhan
Christ Hospital, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
17 May, 2021
Paper ID
Origin of the Universe, Origin of Life, Laws of Universal Neutrality, Theory of Stability, Universal Neutrality, Fundamental Forces, Survival and Existence, Universal Point of View (UPV)


Mithun S. Gowardhan. Origin of Universe and Life with the Theory of Stability and Law of Universal Neutrality, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Mithun S. Gowardhan (2021). Origin of Universe and Life with the Theory of Stability and Law of Universal Neutrality. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)

Mithun S. Gowardhan. "Origin of Universe and Life with the Theory of Stability and Law of Universal Neutrality." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).


There must be a single cause or purpose behind the origin of the universe, the time dilation we observe and the origin of life on earth as well as the single minute activity we see in this universe. The world is chasing for decades these big questions. Hereby trying to explain reasonable answers to all these questions. To explain these questions I have taken all the proposed theories and laws under consideration in all of my thought experiments and the result I have found correlates to all the proposed formulas in different fields of science. The theory of stability and universal law of neutrality explains the valid answers to all these questions. With the help of these laws and the theory proposed, The field of science will be more close to the universe and this will eventually help mankind to build a better world in the future with revolutionary changes in all the fields of science.