This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Artificial Intelligence
Renuka N., Devaraju B. M.
RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
28 May, 2021
Paper ID
Artificial Intelligence, Authentication System, Eye Blink, Morse code, Personal Identification Numbers.


Renuka N., Devaraju B. M.. Morse code based Secured Authentication System using Eye Blink through Haar Cascade and Facial Landmark Algorithm, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Renuka N., Devaraju B. M. (2021). Morse code based Secured Authentication System using Eye Blink through Haar Cascade and Facial Landmark Algorithm. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)

Renuka N., Devaraju B. M.. "Morse code based Secured Authentication System using Eye Blink through Haar Cascade and Facial Landmark Algorithm." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).


Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) are widely used for user authentication and safety for security reasons. Users must enter a physical PIN to use PIN-based password authentication, which can be susceptible to password cracking or hacking. This model includes a real-time application for gaze-based PIN input, eye recognition and tracking, and a smart camera for Morse code PIN identification. To overcome the existing limitation, we proposed a security system in two features, one is PIN authentication using eye blinks PIN entry with Morse code, and other one is provides a safer password entry alternative. Finding the eye blinks through the Morse code, in which numbers are represented in points and dashes, which will be used to make the password authentication and creating the PIN is referred to as eye blinks-based authentication. Enhancing the conventional PIN entry by adding eye-blink based PIN entry with Morse code to provide an additional level of security is the motivation behind this work.