Volume-5, Issue-2
March-April, 2019
1. Fingerprint detection using enhanced minutiae singular point matching technique
Published by: Rozi Kumari, Puneet JainResearch Area: Electronics And Communication Engineering
Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Fingerprint pattern matching, Minutiae, FRR, FAR, ROC, EER
2. Experimental study on waste foundry sand and steel slag concrete
Published by: Chandrashekhar D. Sahare, Kishor T. Jadhao, Sohan R. Dudhe, Pallavi S. Godichore, Ashwin D. Parate, Nikeeta B. DetheResearch Area: Concrete Technology
Organisation: J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Waste foundry sand, Steel slag, Cement (OPC), Low-cost concrete, Eco-friendly, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength
3. Design and implementation of agrobot by using IoT
Published by: S. Mutharasu, Divya V., Dhivya Bharathi K., Elakkiya M. V., Janani E.Research Area: IoT
Organisation: Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tiruchengode, Tamil NaduKeywords: Arduino Uno, IoT
4. Hybrid electrical vehicle battery parameters monitoring system on smart phone through bluetooth
Published by: Sachin Katmande, Pratik Kangane, Pravin Lokhande, Vishwalata LaksheResearch Area: Embedded Automation
Organisation: Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Accelerometer sensor, Bluetooth, ATmega328, Lead acid battery
5. Advanced billing system for government departments
Published by: Ranjitha H. T., Chethana M.Research Area: Billing System
Organisation: Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Billing system, Bill payment, Bill generation
6. Recommendation of food tourism using Artificial Neural Network – A survey
Published by: Suruthi P., Varsa Sukirthana S., Raguvaran S.Research Area: Data Analysis
Organisation: KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Analysis, ANN Algorithm, Datasets, Neural Networks
7. Forward secure ID based ring signature for data sharing
Published by: Swati Khatal, Tabassum MaktumResearch Area: Cloud Security
Organisation: Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Authentication, Data sharing, Cloud computing, Forward security
8. Comparison of recovery profile of sevoflurane and propofol as induction agent in day care surgery
Published by: Robin Lohia, Dr. Meenaxi SharmaResearch Area: Medical
Organisation: National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jaipur, RajasthanKeywords: Propofol, Sevoflurane, Recovery, Daycare surgery
9. Content based Image Retrieval System using K-Means Clustering Algorithm and SVM Classifier Technique
Published by: Harleen Kaur Maur, Puneet JainResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: CBIR, SVM, Content Based Image Retrieval, Modified SVM, Clustering based SVM Technique.
10. Multi domain sentiment classification approach using supervised learning
Published by: Parineeta Jha, Sajid KhanResearch Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Technocrat Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya PradeshKeywords: Sentiment, Positive, Negative, Sentiment analysis
11. Evaluating Alzheimer’s patients' assistance systems in HCI Domain
Published by: Master Prince, Bashayer A. Alafri, Maram S. Alqueflie, Reem A. Almijmaj, Yassmeen A. AlnasserResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi ArabiaKeywords: Alzheimer patients, Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, Intuitive interfaces, User-friendly
12. Analysis of psychological variables between training under a coach and self training athletes
Published by: Dr. G. Peter Michael RajResearch Area: Physical Education
Organisation: Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Coach, Self-training athletes, Data
13. A survey on motion picture prediction using data mining
Published by: Abhishek More, Sharique Khan, Thabreez IzzudeenResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: K.C. College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Data mining, Predictive analysis, YouTube, Twitter, IMDb
14. Family impact on students’ motivation in Kanyakumari district
Published by: T. Karthika DeviResearch Area: Kanyakumari District
Organisation: University of Jerusalem, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Family, Emotional impact, Peer group, Family situation impact
15. Multifunctional robots: A review
Published by: S. B. Soumya, Seemab Sultana, S. M. Shivani, Vamaravelli Kavya, Pushpa Y.Research Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Organisation: Atria Institute of Technology, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: Multifunctional, Supervisory control, Impersonated
16. Comparative analysis of ECC and Hessian Elliptic curve based message cryptosystem
Published by: Palaka Venkata Gangadhar Naveen, Nayana Rao, Dr. R. SivaranjaniResearch Area: Cryptography
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: ECC, Hessian curve, Encryption, Decryption, Security analysis
17. Intelligent model for predicting water quality
Published by: Ashwini K., J. Janice Vedha, D. Diviya, M. Deva PriyaResearch Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Water quality, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Random forest
18. Hear global on reality index base
Published by: Pureti Anusha, Koncha Tejaswini, Mula Srilakshmi, Dhulipalla Sai kumar, Darla SrujanaResearch Area: Data Analytics
Organisation: QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Vegamukkapalem, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Photogrammetric, Image enhancement, Cascaded file, Background subtraction, Pixel transforms
19. Extraction of Neem (Azadirachta Indica) oil using blends of hexane, ethyl acetate and acetone by sonication
Published by: Priyanuj Bhuyan, Saikat Sen, Vivek BihariResearch Area: Chemical Engineering
Organisation: Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, ChhattisgarhKeywords: Neem Oil, Blends, Sono Assisted Extraction, Hexane, Ethyl Acetate, Acetone
20. Importance of healthcare dietitians’ communication skills
Published by: S. Ramesh, B. Manimegalai, Annie ValsanResearch Area: Management
Organisation: Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Communication skills, Healthcare dietitian, Nutrition
21. A non-intrusive approach for drowsy and drunk driving using computer vision techniques
Published by: Madhu, Khushboo Mishra, Shubham Karki, S. R. DhoreResearch Area: Computer Vision
Organisation: Army Institute of Technology, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Computer vision, Real-time processing, Motion detection, Facial landmark detection, Eye Aspect Ratio, Severity score
22. Open CV based border security surveillance robot
Published by: Jeevanantham R., Hemanth Thethan S, Akash K. P., S. PadmavathiResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Border security, Raspbian OS, IoT, Spy Robot, Raspberry Pi, PIR sensor
23. Machine learning approach for flight delay prediction
Published by: Neelima SahuResearch Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Flight delay prediction, Classification, Regression, Machine learning, FDP application
24. Tooling Platform – Future of software forge
Published by: Swathi NayakResearch Area: Software Engineering
Organisation: N.M.A.M. Institute of Technology, Nitte, KarnatakaKeywords: Software Forge, Software Engineering, Software Development
25. Importance of good nutrition during hospitalization
Published by: B. Manimegalai, S. RameshResearch Area: Clinical Dietetics
Organisation: Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Clinical dietitian, Nutrition screening, Nutrition tool, Nutrition assessment
26. Study on effect of rice husk ash (pozzolanic and green supplementary material) on concrete
Published by: Bhupendra Kumar, Pooja SemwalResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: Faculty of Technology, Suddhowala, Dehradun, UttarakhandKeywords: Rice husk ash, Compressive strength, Workability of concrete
27. A comparative analysis of IoT features between AWS and Azure
Published by: Prashant Dutta, Pranay DuttaResearch Area: Internet of Things
Organisation: Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd., Jabalpur, Madhya PradeshKeywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Azure, Amazon Web Service (AWS), MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)
28. Challenging role of dietitian to improve oral food intake in a post bone marrow transplant patient – A case report
Published by: K. Priya, K. Jayalakshmi, S. Ramesh, B. ManimegalaiResearch Area: Clinical Dietetics
Organisation: Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: BMT, TPN, AML, Nutrition Support, ONS
29. IoT based interactive warehouse monitoring system integrated with Android application
Published by: Hariharan P. R., Karthik Hariraj, kalpanasonika RResearch Area: Warehouse Management
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Internet of Things, Warehouse management, Cloud storage, Cloud services, Android application
30. History of dental implants, in memoriam: Dr. Per-Ingvar Branemark, the man who made people smile
Published by: AliResearch Area: Dentistry
Organisation: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, IranKeywords: Dental implants, Dr. Per-Ingvar Branemark
31. Design and analysis of hybrid fiber metal on street lamp post
Published by: Rabin P., Mahesh S., Pranav PrakashResearch Area: Composite Material
Organisation: Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Hybrid fiber metal, LY556 Epoxy and HY951 hardener
32. Application of machine learning techniques in estimation of crop yield
Published by: Keerti Mulgund, Rupa S. G.Research Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Smt Kamala and Sri Venkappa M. Agadi College of Engineering and Technology, Lakshmeshwar, KarnatakaKeywords: Crop yield estimation, Support Vectors, Least square Support Vector Machine, Data analytics, Agriculture analytics
33. Fusion of two and three colored and gray scale images using modified – Laplacian Pyramid Technique
Published by: Kajal, Puneet JainResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Image fusion, Laplacian Pyramid Technique, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
34. Graft materials in lateral window approach for maxillary sinus lift procedure before implant placement
Published by: AliResearch Area: Oral Surgery
Organisation: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, IranKeywords: Graft material, Maxillary sinus lift
35. Intelligent model to identify the duplicate products in catalog management
Published by: M. Kavitha, Akilandeswari E., P. Tamije SelvyResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Electronic commerce, Catalog, Merchant, Eliminate duplicate
36. The Future of Cyber Security
Published by: Adharsh Krishnan, M. Deva PriyaResearch Area: Cyber Security
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Cyber security, Information security, Cloud systems, IoT systems, Digitization, Cyberspace, Cyber defense
37. ATM- Security using machine learning technique in IoT
Published by: Udhaya Kumar N., Sri Vasu R., Subash S., Sharmila Rani D.Research Area: IoT
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: ATM, Camera, RFID reader, Tag, Relay, Motor, Raspberry Pi 3 deep learning, Open CV, Python, Haar cascades, CCTV, Local binary patterns, Alert message
38. Accident detection system based on Internet of Things (IoT)- Smart helmet
Published by: Kabilan M., Monish S., Dr. S. Siamala DeviResearch Area: Computer Science And Engineering
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Camera, Emergency contacts, GPS, Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Smart helmet
39. Restaurant management system Android application
Published by: Sucharita M. Samantaray, Karan Dhoke, Pranay Pawar, Rina MishraResearch Area: Computer Technology
Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Restaurant management system, Android App, E-commerce, Food ordering system
40. Decentralized secure money transfer using blockchain
Published by: Suganya T., Vignesh A., Vignesh Kumar N., Vivin Kumar D.Research Area: Block Chain
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Blockchain, Netbeans, MySql
41. The association between Myopia and near work activities in young adults in Durgapur, West Bengal
Published by: Atanu Maulik, Dr. Kavita BhatnagarResearch Area: Optometry Science
Organisation: NIMS University Rajasthan, Jaipur, RajasthanKeywords: Myopia, Refractive error, Near work activities, Retinoscope, Snellen’s chart
42. Patient health monitoring system
Published by: Siva Priya S., Shruthi M. G., Sruthi S.Research Area: Internet Of Things
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: IoT, Machine learning, KNN, Emergency
43. Drowsy driving warning and traffic collision information system using IoT
Published by: Madhan Kumar A., Kabilan M., Karthikeyan S. B., Sathiyapriya S.Research Area: Embedded System
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Haar cascade algorithm, DIP, IOT, Wi-Fi
44. Sensor design system and power adjustment of transmitter in FSO communication
Published by: Diptangshu ChattopadhyayResearch Area: Communication Engineering
Organisation: Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri, West BengalKeywords: Power, Attenuation, ASOS, FSO, Precipitation, Visibility, Atmosphere
45. Walking stick with heart attack detection
Published by: Cheedella Sai TejaResearch Area: Electronics Engineering
Organisation: Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: EGC, Heart beat, Heart attack, Bluetooth, Stick
46. License plate detection and string conversion using Haar-like cascade classifier
Published by: Ashwin B., T. Goutham, P. KalpanaResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Haar-like feature, Optical character recognition, Convolutional neural network, Tesseract, Edge features, Adaboost, Cascading classifiers, Recurrent neural network, Long short term memory
47. Role of splenorrhaphy in selected cases of splenic trauma
Published by: Dr. Gulrez Siddiqui, Dr. Ashok Kumar GuptaResearch Area: Medical
Organisation: National Institute of Medical Science and Research, Jaipur, RajasthanKeywords: Splenectomy vs. splenorrhaphy, Complication of splenectomy, Advantages of splenorrhaphy
48. Automatic speed control of a vehicle using RFID technology
Published by: D. Pavankumar, A. Selvarani, C. R. Vigneshkumar, Nimmalapalli Sri HarshaResearch Area: Elecronics
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), ECU (Electronic/Engine Control Unit), Driver assistance systems
49. Analysis of object-oriented system quality model using soft computing techniques
Published by: Anil KumarResearch Area: Software Quality
Organisation: Saroj Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Software quality model, Soft computing techniques, Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic
50. Weather adaptive traffic prediction and analysis of accidents using machine learning algorithms
Published by: S. Bharath, Dr. S. Siamala Devi, M. Guruswamy, M. AravindResearch Area: Data Analytics
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Traffic prediction, Feature selection, Classifier methods, Accident analysis
51. Exploring the relative predictive efficiencies of spatial regression models
Published by: Bhabani Shankar Das Mohapatra, Dr. E. G. RajanResearch Area: Spatial Data Mining
Organisation: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: Spatial regression, Spatial analysis, Exploratory spatial data analysis, ML method, Euclidean distance, Lagrange multiplier tests
52. Passenger service system
Published by: Abhiram P. S., Mohammed Aslam, Sreebal Anil V. A., Minnuja ShellyResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Universal Engineering College, Thekkumkara, KeralaKeywords: Flight, Passengers, Airline, Services, Air hostess
53. A text reader for the visually impaired using Raspberry Pi
Published by: C. Ebenezer Durai, A. Selvarani, S. Siva Suthan, M. Anwin KushalResearch Area: Embedded
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Raspberry Pi, OCR, Camera, Image processing, Tesseract, Voice processing, Obstacle detection, GPS detection
54. Survey on generative adversarial networks
Published by: N. Yashwanth, P. Navya, Md. Rukhiya, K. S. V. Prasad, Dr. K. S. DeepthiResearch Area: Deep Learning
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Generative Adversarial networks, Generator, Discriminator, Neural network, Deep Learning
55. Answer script evaluator: A literature survey
Published by: Sachin B. S., Shivaprasad K., Somesh T., Sumanth Hegde, Radhika A. D.Research Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering. Mysore, KarnatakaKeywords: word2vec, Deep Neural Networks, doc2vec
56. Smart helmet to detect and prevent accident
Published by: L. Sindhu, G. Swedha, G. Nandhini, S. J. Raffel, M. RashikaResearch Area: Internet of Things
Organisation: Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem, Tamil NaduKeywords: IoT, GPS, GSM, Sensors, Helmet
57. IoT based smart energy meter
Published by: Ahin Shapiro R., Dr. A Balamurugan, D. Satheesh Kumar, G. SwaminathanResearch Area: Internet of Things
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Internet of Things, Smart systems, Energy meter, Electricity board
58. Study on bamboo reinforcement concrete structure
Published by: Rajneesh Bhandari, Pooja SemwalResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, UttarakhandKeywords: Bamboo, Concrete, Reinforcement
59. Detailing aspects of the reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures retaining wall: A case study
Published by: Vipin Singh, Pooja SemwalResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: Faculty of Technology, Suddhowala, Dehradun, UttarakhandKeywords: Modeling, Analyzing, Reinforced concrete structure, D-region
60. Removal of cardiac atherosclerosis
Published by: Asif Farhan S., Niranjana E., Kaviyaa R., Prabavathi R.Research Area: Biomedical
Organisation: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology, PondicherryKeywords: Catheter, Laser, GSM, Prototype, Microcontroller
61. Share market analysis for share selection using data mining technique
Published by: Munaf Patel, Zahir AalamResearch Area: Data Analysis
Organisation: Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Linear regression, Data analysis, Correlation, Beta, Time series
62. IoT based accident detection and prevention system with android application
Published by: Johnny Antony Puthur, Dr. S. Siamala DeviResearch Area: Computer Science and Engineering
Organisation: Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Internet of Things, Accident detection, Accident prevention, Bluetooth low energy, Cloud storage, Cloud services, Android application
63. An adaptive approach to prognosticate an individual’s capability for emolument through Machine Learning
Published by: Jujjuri Goutham, T. Anitha, S. Joshua Johnson, Routhu Dhanunjay, Vemuri Susmitha, Nagavarapu SravaniResearch Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Random forest classifier, Defaulters, Mathew's correlation coefficient, Credit scoring
64. Use of housing society
Published by: Sanket Vikas Sagare, Zishan Usman Baig, Niranjan Bapuso kadam, Faique ShaikhResearch Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Algorithms, Security, Authentication, Ridges, Valleys, Authorization, Database
65. Development of particle reinforced composite by plastic and e-waste
Published by: A. Kanagaraj, C. Franciskennathamreth, M. Ajithkumar, V. Anandh, R. NagarajResearch Area: Material Science
Organisation: Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: MCC, Surface hardness, Fiber volume ratio
66. A novel prototype to secure network using malware detection framework against malware attack in wireless network
Published by: G. Jagadish, L. Jaswanth, K. Sowjanya, P. Sri Harsha, M. Nikhil KumarResearch Area: Security
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Virus and worms, Malware detection framework, Client, server, Wireless LAN
67. Enormous information for Internet of Things
Published by: P. Mounika, N. NaliniResearch Area: Internet of Things
Organisation: Saveetha School of Engineering, Kuthambakkam, Tamil NaduKeywords: Big data, Animate, Innovation, Bolster
68. Extended hybrid approach for detecting spammers on Twitter
Published by: Subash G., S. Yuvalatha, V. Lenin Kumar, G. ManimegalaiResearch Area: Network Security
Organisation: Sree Sakthi Engineering College, Karamadai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Spammer detection, Spammer detection in Twitter, Network-based Twitter spammer detection, Extended hybrid approach
69. Bunch ensemble with averaged co-association matrix maximizing the expected margin
Published by: A. V. S. N. Kaushik, D. Harsha vardhan, Dr. M. Rama Krishna Murthy, B. Sai Chaitanya, G. Nikhil DasResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Cluster ensemble, Weighted co-association matrix, Latent variable model, Cluster validity index, Margin expectation, Minimum spanning tree
70. Automatic opening and closing of railway gates and signaling in railways using IoT
Published by: Dinesh Kumar S., Prem Kumar R., Venkatesan G., Vinston Raja R.Research Area: IoT
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: IoT, Zigbee, Sound vibration detecting sensor, Arduino
71. Child in safety with localization awareness
Published by: Dhinesh Kumar M., Devaram Gnanendra Reddy, Appadi Sumanth Teja, V. JeyaramyaResearch Area: Embedded
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Safety monitoring of the child, Mobile communication, RFID module, GPS module, GSM module, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian Jessie, Python programming
72. A graphical password authentication approach for secure banking
Published by: Neha Prakash Patil, Shraddha Rajesh Patil, Dipali Vinayak Khadse, Priti Murlidhar Patil, Sudesh L. FarpatResearch Area: Malkapur
Organisation: Padm Dr VB Kolte College of Engineering and Polytechnic, Malkapur, MaharashtraKeywords: User Authentication, Cued Recall, Graphical Password Scheme, Security, Memorability
73. Simulation of grid connected photovoltaic system
Published by: Anjana PatelResearch Area: Renewable Energy
Organisation: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technical Education and Research Center, Navsari, GujaratKeywords: PV system, MPPT, Boost converter, Inverter
74. Modeling and simulation of D-STATCOM for reactive power compensation and voltage regulation
Published by: Bijal Chandrakantbhai KansaraResearch Area: Power Quality
Organisation: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technical Education and Research Center, Navsari, GujaratKeywords: D-STATCOM, VSC, Reactive power, SRF theory
75. Face attendance
Published by: Pankaj Phanse, Aditya Nitin Tilekar, Pranav Aminbhavi, Pooja Dherange, Snehal RokadeResearch Area: Pune
Organisation: AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Algorithms, Security, Authentication, Ridges, Valleys, Authorization, Database
76. Design of semi-autonomous vehicle
Published by: Ajith Narayanan K., Monish V., Pavalan E., L. Ashok KumarResearch Area: Embedded
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: ARM-LPC 2148, Semi-autonomous driving, Collision detection, Internet, Instruction, Web-server, Robotics, Embedded systems
77. Bio-medical texture characterization using DOST
Published by: Sravani Palika, K. S. N. Sarat Chandra, K. Lavanya, S. A. BhavaniResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: DOST, Frequency domain, Spatial domain, Biomedical image processing
78. Digital image steganography using LSB and pseudo-random technique
Published by: Naveen Kalia, Manit Kapoor, Dr. Naveen DhillonResearch Area: Steganography
Organisation: Ramgarhia Institute of Engineering and Technology, Phagwara, PunjabKeywords: Steganography, LSB, Random-key, Image, Secret message, Stego-key, Cover image, Techniques
79. An arduino based intelligent shopping system-mechatronics approach
Published by: Dr. J. Krishnakumar, A. Aruljothi, M. Pavadharani, A. SaraswathiResearch Area: Mechatronics
Organisation: Avvaiyar College of Engineering and Technology for Women, PuducherryKeywords: Shopping, RFID tag, RFID reader, GSM, IoT
80. Review – IoT used for health monitoring
Published by: Devyani Mashale, Dr. Rupali J. ShelkeResearch Area: Embedded System
Organisation: Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur, MaharashtraKeywords: Heart rate, Blood pressure, Respiration rate, Body temperature
81. Semantic text analysis using machine learning
Published by: Bhargavi Joga, Sarath Sattiraju, Venkatesh Kandula, Narayana Murthy Kallempudi, Mandava Kranthi KiranResearch Area: Machine Lerning
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Machine learning, Web scrapping, Reference management software
82. An IoT based smart traffic control system
Published by: Bevara Atchyuth, Irugatla Sarat Kumar, Swarna Datla, Ganta Ajay RahulResearch Area: IoT
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Raspberry Pi, Web Cam, RFID, Traffic Control
83. Partial replacement of PPC with glass powder
Published by: Shubham G. Keshattiwar, Vipul Rathod, Dhiraj Wankhede, Saurabh Kurrewar, Aishwarya H. MeshramResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology, Kinhi, MaharashtraKeywords: Glass powder, Replacement to PPC, Compressive and tensile strength, Cost effective material, M 40 (Design Mix)
84. Image enhancement by averaging histogram equalization
Published by: Anurag Cherukuri, B. Ravi Kiran, Buela Rani Badugu, Ravali Sujatha Alamuri, Yashwanth AythaResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Color stretching, Histogram averaging, Remapping
85. Neuromarketing: Understanding why we buy what we buy
Published by: Yogesh Maniyar, Atif Ahmed, Yash TyagiResearch Area: Marketing
Organisation: Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Neuromarketing, Consumers, Packaging
86. Decentralized file sharing application in a global approach
Published by: K. Mohan Krishna, M. Kranthi Kiran, P. Kiran Kumar, M. Tejasmika, K. Ravi Teja Reddy, K. SandeepResearch Area: Semantic Desktop, Networking
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Resource description framework, TCP hole punching, Decentralized
87. Color detection and shade matching in dentistry
Published by: Dr. S. Mangai, A. Mathi Vadhana, A. Arshiya, P. Gomathi, M. DiwakarResearch Area: Digital Image Processing
Organisation: Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Tamil NaduKeywords: Tooth restoration, Shade detection, Image processing, Aesthetic
88. A rule based sentiment analysis in Telugu
Published by: Pravarsha Jonnalagadda, Krishna Pratheek Hari, Sandeep Batha, Hashresh BoyinaResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: SentiWordNet, SentiPhraseNet, PoS tagger
89. A review on three-dimensional performance analysis of wavy fin tube heat exchangers in laminar flow regime
Published by: Dhananjay Kumar Yadav, Amit KumarResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: Patel Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya PradeshKeywords: Plate-and-fin heat exchangers, Wavy fins, CFD
90. Controlling game using head movements
Published by: Bhavya Siripurapu, K. Rohini, P. Sumathi, A. Kranthi, Suresh KurmallaResearch Area: Neural Networks
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: TensorFlow, Mobile net, Depth wise separable convolution networks, Artificial Intelligence
91. A review on thermodynamic analysis of organic Rankine cycle with different working fluids
Published by: Sanjeev Kumar, Brijendra Kumar YadavResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: Patel Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya PradeshKeywords: ORC, EES, Simulation model, Rankine cycle, First law efficiency, Second law efficiency, Turbine size factor
92. Secure data outsourcing in mobile cloud computing
Published by: Vidhya Vijayan, Shandry K. K.Research Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: College of Engineering, Kidangoor, KeralaKeywords: Mobile cloud computing, User revocation, Algebraic signature
93. Review paper on design and development of hybrid two wheeler
Published by: Ravikumar R., Chethan M., Neeloy Debnath, Ajay P. Kumar, Prajwal L SandyalResearch Area: Hybrid
Organisation: Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Hybrid vehicle, Fabrication, Two wheel hybrid vehicle
94. Optical wireless data transmission with Vigenere cipher encryption
Published by: Pooja Patil, Sayli Wangikar, Minakshi Patil, Rajendra MohiteResearch Area: Extc Engineering
Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Optical wireless transmission, LED, Data rate, Encryption, IR sensor
95. Three-dimensional performance analysis of wavy fin tube heat exchangers in laminar flow regime
Published by: Dhananjay Kumar Yadav, Amit KumarResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: Patel Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya PradeshKeywords: Heat transfer, Fluid flow, Laminar flow, Heat exchanger
96. Thermodynamic analysis of organic Rankine cycle with different working fluids
Published by: Sanjeev Kumar, Brijendra Kumar YadavResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: Patel Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya PradeshKeywords: ORC, EES, Simulation model, Rankine cycle, First law efficiency, Second law efficiency, Turbine size factor
97. Scan and drive: An Android-based application
Published by: Rahul Sirisilla, Akshay Loke, Neel Dave, Aditya ShetyeResearch Area: Information Technology
Organisation: Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: QR code, Toll plaza, Transaction, Android application
98. SentiPhraseNet: An extended SentiWordNet approach for Telugu sentiment analysis
Published by: Abhinav Garapati, Naveen Bora, Hanisha Balla, Mohan SaiResearch Area: Natural Language Processing
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: NLP, Sentiment analysis, POS tagging, Rule based, SentiWordNet, SentiPhraseNet
99. Artistic style transfer using deep learning
Published by: P. Mounica, A. Nagaratnam, Mohammad Farzana, K. MuralidharResearch Area: Neural Networks
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Style transfer, Artistic style, Content loss, Style loss, Gram matrix, VGG16, CNN, Texture transfer, Image synthesis, Imagenet
100. Finding rising stars in co-author networks
Published by: Akil Reddy Gopavarapu, K. S. D. Sai Sowmya, B. Shanmuk Abhishek, P. Vinod BabuResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Rising stars, Co-author networks, Citations, Author order, Publication venue score
101. Text mining methods and techniques- A survey
Published by: Shitanshu Jain, Dr. S. C. Jain, Dr. Santosh Kumar VishwakarmaResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: Amity University, Gwalior, Madhya PradeshKeywords: Knowledge discovery, Text mining techniques and methods
102. Effective width of cold-formed C-section by IS:801 and comparing it with AISI:2007
Published by: Pratik Thakre, Pallavi P. Gawande, Ankur H. Akre, Sneha J. Rodke, Sachin D. Dadhey, Kushalkumar YadavResearch Area: Steel Structure
Organisation: J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Cold formed section, Primary members, Buckling of section, B/T ratio, IS: 801, AISI
103. Review on the factors influencing tourist’s impulse buying behavior in luxury restaurants in Sri Lanka (reference to Kandy city)
Published by: Jayasooriya S. S. W.Research Area: Tourism Marketing
Organisation: University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri LankaKeywords: Sri Lankan tourism industry, Impulsive buying behavior, Consumer buying behavior
104. Customer purchases in e-commerce by using big data – Literature survey
Published by: Shobhanjaly P. Nair, Abhinayaa K. S., Arthi U., Harshini S.Research Area: Big Data
Organisation: Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Kazhipathur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Big Data, Apriori algorithm, E-commerce, Social commerce
105. Qualitative data analysis on contextual advertisements
Published by: Bayyavarapu Kranthi Kumar, Dadi Sharmila, Buraga Srinivasa Rao, Gedda PoojithaResearch Area: Contextual Advertisements
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Content-based advertising, Contextual advertising, RAKE, Scrapy, Advertising
106. Developing an advanced smart parking system using IoT
Published by: Dharmana Satyanarayana, Mounika Dulla, Abhinav Andrews Giduturi, DVVR Sarat Chandra, S. PrathapResearch Area: Internet Of Things
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Automatic license plate recognition, Smart parking system, Available parking slots
107. Smart irrigation using IoT
Published by: Himavamshi, Yamini R., Vishnu Chaithanya Reddy K.Research Area: Internet of Things
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Automation, Two soil sensors, Wi-Fi, Real-time data
108. Smart mobile devices using ultrasound proximity networking model in IoT applications
Published by: Saranya S., S. Suma Christal Mary, Gayathri N., Anushree K.Research Area: Networking
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Modems, Smart devices, Transceivers, Filters, Device-to-device computing, Internet of Things, Acoustics
109. Exploring the potentials, issues, and challenges for community-based tea tourism development (with reference to Hanthana mountains)
Published by: Jayasooriya S. S. W.Research Area: Tourism
Organisation: University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri LankaKeywords: Sri Lankan tourism industry, Tea tourism, Community based tourism, Sustainable tourism
110. Harassment- The threat to engineers’ life
Published by: Mugunthan B.Research Area: Social Science
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Harassment, Ragging, Findings, College, Engineering
111. Purification of Noyyal River by using phytoremediation technology
Published by: Abarna M., D. RoopaResearch Area: Environmental Engineering
Organisation: Gnanamani College of Engineering, Namakkal, Tamil NaduKeywords: Noyyal River, Phytoremediation technology, Typha Angustifolia, Lesser Indian reed mace
112. Review on haze removal technique using advanced dark channel prior filter
Published by: Rakesh Sharma, Maninder KaurResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, PunjabKeywords: Image, Dehaze, Haze, Air-light, Contrast, Attenuation, Dark channel
113. Experimental investigation of clayey sand with plastic gunny bag as reinforcement
Published by: A. Harika, V. Jagadeesh, S. Navya Sri, P. Manikanta, Ch. Praveen KumarResearch Area: Geo Technical Engineering
Organisation: Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree and P.G. Courses (A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Clayey sand, Reinforced earth, Plastic gunny bags, Shear strength, Bearing capacity
114. Brake pad wear detection using machine learning
Published by: Chetan C. Harlapur, Priyatamkumar Kadiyala, Ramakrishna S.Research Area: Machine Learning, Automobile
Organisation: KLE Technological University, Hubballi, KarnatakaKeywords: Brake pad thickness, Stopping distance, Multivariate linear regression, Second order curve
115. Gesture based car control with gyroscope sensor and IoT based controlling
Published by: Kalaichelvan M., S. Sathiyapriya, Ch. Sai Ravi Teja, Jinka SumanthResearch Area: Microcontroller
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Remote control, IoT, Vehicle
116. Case study on LinkedIn, a media for career development
Published by: Dr. Veena C. AngadiResearch Area: HR
Organisation: Global Institute of Management Sciences, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Social media, Career development, Application usage
117. Luminance-chrominance-gradient high dynamic range imaging with improved bitonic filter tone mapping technique
Published by: Ravi Teja Sankuratri, B. Ravi Kiran, Mohan Teja Chitturi, Pavan Kumar Rudhramahanti, Samhita RevuResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Improved bitonic filter, Luminance, Chrominance, Gradient, Tone mapping, High-Dynamic-Range
118. Land use and land cover change detection for Velachery using remote sensing and GIS techniques
Published by: S. Thangaperumal, S. Aishwarya, H. GowsalyaResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Land use and cover, Change detection, Urban growth, Remote sensing, Geographical Information System
119. IoT based crack and pollution detection using Raspberry pi
Published by: Jayachitra R., Kanusiya Devi T., Johned Blessy J., Harihara Sudan K., M. VivekkumarResearch Area: Embedded and IoT
Organisation: Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Kondampatti, Tamil NaduKeywords: Raspberry Pi, Python IDE, Sensors, Crack, Pollution
120. Agricultural mapping and statistical analysis of Thanjavur district using remote sensing and GIS
Published by: Thangaperumal S., T. Velan, J. Gnana JeevaResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: GIS, LANDSAT, ERDSAS, Urbanization, Remote sensing
121. Automatic Waste Management
Published by: Manisha Rawal, Asha Sale, Mohammad Sayed, Rohan Mishra, Hrishikesh KagdeResearch Area: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Sensors, Garbage management, Control room
122. Antibiotic Prophylaxis before dental procedures in patients at risk of Bacterial Endocarditis, a review article
Published by: Ali Forouzanfar, Hamideh Sadat Mohammadipour, Lohrasb DehghaniResearch Area: Dentistry
Organisation: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, IranKeywords: Bacteremia, Infective Endocarditis, Oral, Dental procedures
123. Analysis in the changes in Chennai-Pallikaranai Wetland
Published by: Thangaperumal S., Barath E.Research Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Deterioration, Wetlands, Biodiversity, Remote sensing
124. Facebook spam detection
Published by: Sajid Shaikh, Chaitali Jagdale, Mrunali Ghate, Sharad BabarResearch Area: Social
Organisation: MIT Polytechnic, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Facebook, Spam Detection, Caption, Spam, Secure Post
125. Automation in body control module of a car
Published by: Madhu A. R., Pradeepika R., Sandhiya P.Research Area: Engineering
Organisation: R. M. K. Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil NaduKeywords: BCM, Sunroof control, Power window, Anti-pinch, Windshield wiper, Headlight control, PIC16F877A
126. PSoC based haemoglobin measurement system
Published by: Meera N., Akilandeswari S., Revanth S., Venkata Vivek, Veera AmudhanResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Haemoglobin, PSoC, LED
127. Smart Street light system using IoT
Published by: Kiruthika M., Kaviya R., Indhuja M.Research Area: IoT
Organisation: RMK Engineering College, Gummidipoondi, Tamil NaduKeywords: Street light, LDR Sensor, PIR Sensor, Solar Panel, IoT
128. Design and fabrication (development) of e-bike
Published by: K. Sai Chandu, G.M.V Siva Kumar, Kannaji, B. Kiran Kishore, P. Rama KrishnaResearch Area: Design
Organisation: Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Narsipatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Bi-cycle , Motor (BLDC Motor with Hub), Battery, Dynamo, Throttle, LED Light
129. Maximize lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network by optimal sink deployment and sensor to sink routing
Published by: Manpreet SinghResearch Area: Wireless Sensor Network
Organisation: Adesh College of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Sink placement, Particle Swarm Optimization (FIPSO and Diffusion PSO), Lifetime, Energy
130. Bus tracking system using Android and web application
Published by: Mayur Kharat, Manoj Mishra, Sanket Panchal, Pooja Walve, Suyog KadgeResearch Area: Engineering
Organisation: Atharva College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Arduino, LED display, Wi-Fi module, JAVA JDK, ANDROID STUDIO 3.1, ASP.NET
131. Anomaly detection in code base
Published by: Sudipto NandanResearch Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Oracle India Private Limited, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Anomaly detection, Regression results, Isolation forest, Principal Component Analysis
132. Twitter sentimental analysis
Published by: Mandar Menjoge, Vedant Bhawalkar, Mazhar Sayyad, Jainam GosaliyaResearch Area: Social
Organisation: MIT Polytechnic, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Sentiment analysis, Apache storm framework, Preprocessing, NLP, K-means clustering, Porter stemming algorithm
133. Fire monitoring system using RF module
Published by: Vedashree J., Abinaya S., Ganesh Babu C., Muchenedi Hari KishorResearch Area: Embedded
Organisation: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode, Tamil NaduKeywords: Open-source platform, Flame sensor, Lab-VIEW
134. Forensic Criminology
Published by: Barani ManikantanResearch Area: Role of Forensic Science Under Law
Organisation: CMR Law School, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Forensic, Criminal justice, Judicial approach
135. 3D reconstruction of regular objects from multiple 2D images using a reference object
Published by: Krishna Sai Joga, K. Kavya Sree, Navya Spandana, G. Gowri PushpaResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Object detection, SURF, Dimensional analysis, Pixel per metric, 3D reconstruction, Structure from motion
136. Secure distributed cloud service using trusted third party
Published by: Hari Kumar P., Chandra Sekar S., Dinesh Kumar V., Gopikrishna G.Research Area: Cloud Computing
Organisation: SRM Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Data integrity, Cloud storage, Cloud security, Hadoop file system
137. A study on impact of stress levels among students using random forest algorithm
Published by: Pinninti Kusuma, Dokkari SivaResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Data mining, Random forest, Generalized anxiety disorder, Knowledge
138. Neonatal incubator monitoring system using IoT
Published by: Vignesh T. C., Jai Kumar S., Hari Krishna R., Krishna Raj M.Research Area: Information Technology
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Health, Monitoring system, Nenotel patients, Incubator alert messages
139. Deforestation: A quantitative analysis using remote sensing and GIS
Published by: Thangaperumal S., k.Jaya Surya, Anbin B. BervinResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Deforestation, Remote sensing, Mapping, Forest degradation
140. Impact of CSR Spending on firm’s financial performance
Published by: Grizel MenezesResearch Area: CSR
Organisation: Christ University, Bangalore, KarnatakaKeywords: CSR Spending, Financial Performance, EPS, ROA, Net Profit
141. A study of groundwater quality and mapping using GIS techniques in Kodungaiyur, Chennai
Published by: S. Thangaperumal, S. Monica Shree, D. P. Noel Bhuvana RaniResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Groundwater, Quality, GIS, Image interpretation, Thematic, Spatial distribution, Attribute database, Water quality Index
142. Towards privacy preserving content based image retrieval in cloud computing
Published by: M. Meena, C. S. Kavya, K. Balaji, M. Kishore, P. Suman KumarResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Cloud Computing, Searchable Encryption, Image Retrieval, Local Search, Earth Movers Distance
143. Any time medical assistance and medicine vending machine using machine learning
Published by: Sivasubramaniyan S., Srivarshini M., Deepthi P. S., Dr. Janarthanan P.Research Area: Healthcare Using Computer Science Technology
Organisation: Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Medical equipment, Patients, Drugs/medicines
144. A study on stress and its management among young adults- An empirical study
Published by: P. Sai Dheeeraj Reddy, P. Venkata Subbu PadminiResearch Area: Business Administration
Organisation: Sree Vidyanikethan Institute of Management, Tirupati, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Stress, Younger minds, Generation, Ideologies
145. Footings resting on a trench of waste glass material
Published by: Athira C. H., Binil GopinathResearch Area: Ground Improvement
Organisation: St. Thomas Institute for Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, KeralaKeywords: Bearing capacity, CBR, Plate load test, Trench, Waste glass
146. Characterization of municipal sewage sludge and reprocess as fertilizer at Jijiga University sewage treatment plant
Published by: Udhaya Kumar, Ismail Mahamud MahamedResearch Area: Environmental Engineering
Organisation: Jijiga University, Jijiga, EthiopiaKeywords: Municipal sewage sludge, Screening, Fertilizer, Nutrients, Community, Treatment technology
147. Achieving secure file download by traffic and energy saving encrypted search technique and generate key image using BVCS
Published by: Jeshima Firdouse R., Shivani G.Research Area: Cloud Computing And Security
Organisation: Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: BVCS, Traffic efficiency, Energy efficient, FAH Algorithm, AES Algorithm
148. Studies on optimization of fermentative hydrogen production by an isolated strain
Published by: Manikkandan T. R.Research Area: Bio Fuel
Organisation: Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil NaduKeywords: Biohydrogen, Facultative bacteria, pH, Temperature, Fermentation time
149. Design and analysis of velocity profile of air in engine inlet manifold
Published by: Josbin C Mathew, Dharmadurai R., Ajay Krishnan P., Mohammad Shabeeb P. K., Dr. P. ManiiarasanResearch Area: CFD Stimulation
Organisation: Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Intake manifold, Plenum, Volumetric efficiency, Computational fluid dynamics
150. Classification of attack types for intrusion detection system using machine learning algorithm: Random forest
Published by: Dasari Sree Lalitha Chinmayee, C. Visishta, Garbhapu Navya, Sajja Ratan KumarResearch Area: Network Security
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Bheemunipatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Classification, Intrusion detection system, KDD dataset, Evaluation metrics
151. Fault detection monitoring and controlling of induction motor using Zigbee
Published by: Niraj, Tejas Borde, Prasad MulumkarResearch Area: Electrical
Organisation: Universal College of Engineering and Research, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Fault detection, Zigbee
152. Android mobile hacking using Linux
Published by: Arulpradeep S. P., Vinothkumar P., Nilavarasan G. S., Sai Harshith Kumar S., Naveen P.Research Area: Android
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Kali Linux, Android, Back-doors, Meter-preter, Metasploits , Apache2 server, Payload, MSF-venom
153. Artificial Lampyridae Classifier (ALAC) for coronary artery heart disease prediction in diabetes patients
Published by: B. Narasimhan, A. MalathiResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Soft Computing, Fuzzy logic, Machine learning, CAHD, Diabetes, Artificial neural network, Applications of soft computing
154. Development of conducting organic polymer film by R. F. plasma polymerization
Published by: Mukesh NigamResearch Area: Plasma Physics
Organisation: Lakshmi Narain College of Professional Studies, Gwalior, Madhya PradeshKeywords: R.F.Power, Polymer, Capacitively coupled, Doping, PolyAcetylene
155. College bus tracking system
Published by: Sangavi K. A., Vinitha N., Vimala R., Ramesh A.Research Area: Electronics And Communication Engineering
Organisation: Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Kondampatti, Tamil NaduKeywords: GPS, Arduino UNO, Wi-Fi module
156. Non-destructive testing by liquid penetrant testing and ultrasonic testing – A review
Published by: C. Chris Roshan, Raghul C., Hari Vasanth Ram, Suraj K. P., John SolomonResearch Area: Non-Destructive Testing
Organisation: Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (Deemed to be University), Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Transducers, Non-ferrous, Non-magnetic, Magnetic particle technique
157. Accident detection and rescue information system
Published by: K. Ramamohan Reddy, M. Lavanya Latha, B. Mallikarjuna ReddyResearch Area: Electronics and Communication
Organisation: Audisankara Institute of Technology, Nellore, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Arduino, GPS, GSM, Vibration Sensor
158. Event detection and identification using social media data stream
Published by: Uday Pradip Patare, Abhishek Gajre, Ankita Mahajan, Pradnya Patil, Y. S. DeshmukhResearch Area: Information Technology
Organisation: Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon, MaharashtraKeywords: Event detection, LDA, HITS, Twitter
159. Performance analysis of Vortex tube refrigeration system
Published by: Jitendra Patil, Saurabh Murkute, Ketul Chauhan, Abhishek Dahake, Yogendra Borje, Shinu Philipose, Anmol Arora, Md. Hasan AkhtarResearch Area: Mechanical
Organisation: S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Vortex Tube, Design of vortex tube, Thermoelectric module
160. Women protection system using microcontroller and Android application
Published by: Gayatri Sanjay Chopade, Pramod Rodge, Pournima Fulwade, Pranit BandkarResearch Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering, Thane, MaharashtraKeywords: Conductive belt, Microcontroller, Bluetooth modem
161. Particulate emission control and direct carbon dioxide capture
Published by: A. Kanagaraj, M. Hariharan, R. Ajith, S. Nandha Kumar, P. DeepanResearch Area: Mechanical
Organisation: Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Atmosphere, Particulate emission, Electrostatic precipitator, Direct air capture
162. An approach to develop a smart and intelligent wheelchair
Published by: Naveen Kumar K., T. Swetha M. E., B. S. Sai Kumar, K. RahulResearch Area: Embedded C
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Flex, Voice controller, Accelerometer
163. Food adulteration prediction using data mining algorithms
Published by: J. Sathyaleka, R. Sangeetha, R. Ramya, S. Prince Sahaya BrightyResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Naive Bayes, Decision tree
164. Bus detection for blind people using RF transceiver
Published by: Sunil Kumar S., M. Krishnaraj, A. Jeevarathinam, A. Rahul RajResearch Area: Information Technology
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: RF module, System integration, Engineering design, Blind, Detection
165. The graphical secret code in internet banking for improved security transaction
Published by: P. Jebaselvi, Dr. C. K. GomathyResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University, Enathur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Password, Web Service, Privacy transaction, Secret code transaction, Service sector secure transaction, Internet banking, Graphical secret code
166. Electrocardiography signal interpretation system using filters with FPGA
Published by: Hannah Maria John, N. G. Elakiya, A. Deepika, K. Priya, S. L. BharathiResearch Area: Signal Processing
Organisation: Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: DWT, XSG, ECG
167. Multibanking system
Published by: Sudharshana Rajendran, Harshavartini D., P. S. SmithaResearch Area: Service Composition Of Bank Transactions
Organisation: Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Multibanking, Single interface, Integrated system, Dynamic service composition, Service-oriented architecture, Service Composition
168. Kulumi- The diary app
Published by: U. K. Adithya, Karthigeyan S., M. Guru VenkateshResearch Area: Application
Organisation: RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Kulumi, Slambook, Moments
169. BOT kitchen
Published by: Shaifali Phogat, Pranav Kapur, Dr. M. Uma DeviResearch Area: Internet of Things
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: IoT, RFID
170. Using various materials as a partial replacement of cement
Published by: Shubham G. Keshattiwar, Siddharth S. Tode, Shubham M. Menewar, Akshay H. Shirbhate, Akshay Khadse, Girish V. Mahalle, Aishwarya H. MeshramResearch Area: Yavatmal, Maharashtra
Organisation: Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology, Yavtamal, MaharashtraKeywords: Glass powder, Silica flumes, Fly ash, Sugarcane bagasse ash, GGBS, Rice husk ash, Paper pulp ash replacement to PPC, Cost-effective material
171. The impact of parent brand on the brand extensions on the purchase decision in the food industry
Published by: Anoushka L ShyamanoorResearch Area: Marketing
Organisation: Christ University, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Parent Brand, Brand Extensions, Parent Brand Consumption, Parent Brand Visibility, Awareness of Brand Extensions, Purchase Decision of Brand Extensions, Performance of Brand Extensions
172. Deposition of CaO (lime) on rocks near the temples submerged in the waters of Lonar crater, Maharashtra, India
Published by: Raju D. Jadhav, Harishchandra B. MaliResearch Area: Maharashtra
Organisation: Independent ResearcherKeywords: Lonar crater, Deposition of CaO on rocks, Submerged temples in waters, Debris of rocks
173. Remote operated car body cover – A literature review
Published by: Syed J. M., M. V. GudadheResearch Area: Production Engineering
Organisation: Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Amravati, MaharashtraKeywords: Car cover, Battery, DC motor, Semi-automatic
174. Effect of cutting conditions on surface roughness and cutting forces in hard turning of AISI 4340 steel
Published by: Rishi SharmaResearch Area: Manufacturing
Organisation: Abhilashi Group of Institution, Mandi, Himachal PradeshKeywords: Hard turning, Cutting conditions, Surface roughness, Response surface methodology
175. Survey of mobile social network middleware: Data dissemination, routing and forwarding, and social awareness
Published by: Abraham Teklu, Ajeet Singh, Aynishet AlemuResearch Area: Mobile Social Network
Organisation: Assosa University, Asosa, EthiopiaKeywords: Data dissemination, Routing and forwarding, Social awareness
176. Advanced image enhancement (brain tumor) DWT-SVD method using CNN
Published by: Abubakkar Sithik, Dr. G. RanganathanResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Gananmani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil NaduKeywords: CT-scan, DWT-SVD, CNN
177. Temperature-humidity monitoring using PLC and HMI
Published by: Sneha Kamble, Rushikesh Sagar, Vaibhav MasenwarResearch Area: Automation
Organisation: Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Programmable logic controller, Human-machine interface, Proximity sensor, HTS711, IF2OF2 analog input-output module
178. Cloud based data storage by securing it through face recognition mode
Published by: Nadar Steffy Felicia Inbamani, Kumar P.Research Area: Cloud Computing
Organisation: Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: AES, DES, CLOUD, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
179. Smart industry automation
Published by: B. Raakesh, S. Lakshmanan, K. Gowtham, R. Rajitha Jasmine, S. Dinesh KumarResearch Area: Information Technology
Organisation: R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: IoT, POC, Industry 4.0
180. Purification and properties of three novel monocot lectins from the family Zingiberaceae
Published by: P. Sathyapriya, S. ArvinthResearch Area: Plant Molecular Biology
Organisation: UPASI Tea Research Foundation Tea Research Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Monocot lectins, Rhizome, Seeds, Tubers, Zingiberaceae
181. Impact of celebrity brand endorsements on buying behaviour towards luxury brands
Published by: Rini AnandResearch Area: Marketing
Organisation: Christ University, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Celebrity endorsements, Buying behaviour, Consumer perception, Brand image
182. Role of community in enhancing the learning level of Government school Children: My experience in Mayurbhanj district, Odisha
Published by: Lokesh Prasad DashResearch Area: Education
Organisation: CARE India, Bhubaneshwar, OdishaKeywords: Government school Children, Learning level, CARE India
183. Student feedback prediction using machine learning
Published by: Nilesh Singh Sengar, Kartik Chourey, Shraddha Bajaj, S. AbinayaaResearch Area: Information Technology
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: NLP, NLTK, Random forest algorithm
184. Deep learning architectures for crime occurrence detection and prediction
Published by: Arnav Singh Bhardwaj, Divakar K M, Ashini K A, Devishree D S, Sheikh Mohammad YounisResearch Area: Computer Science And Engineering
Organisation: S. J. C. Institute of Technology, Chikkaballapura, KarnatakaKeywords: Predict crimes, Data mining techniques, Decision trees, Post-processing
185. Bioavailability enhancers: An overview
Published by: Tulasi Iswariya, Shivani GuptaResearch Area: Pharmacy
Organisation: Gitam Institute of Pharmacy, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Oral absorption, Bio enhancers, Improve bioavailability
186. Characterization of hybrid thin films for application in the field of solar cells – A response to climate change
Published by: C. S. A. RajResearch Area: Thin Films
Organisation: Arul Anandar College (Autonomous), Karumathur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Hybrid thin films, Renewable energy, Photoconductivity, Climate change
187. Customer satisfaction survey of quick-service restaurant with special reference to subway: A study in Navi Mumbai
Published by: Arpita Pandey, Saritprava DasResearch Area: Primary Research
Organisation: ITM Business School, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Customer satisfaction, QSR, Fast-food
188. Test case recommendation system
Published by: Sudipto NandanResearch Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Oracle India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: Test case selection, Singular value decomposition, SVD, Recommendation system, Latent factor collaborative filtering, Alternating least square
189. Linear programming problem applications in engineering curriculum
Published by: Dr. N. Ramya, Indira SinguluriResearch Area: Operation Research
Organisation: Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Scientific approach, Optimization problems, Decision making, Research techniques
190. Seismic base shear variation between regular and irregular RCC structure in various zones by STAAD.PRO
Published by: R. Arun, K. Suhana, L. Saicharan ReddyResearch Area: Design Project
Organisation: Sir Vishweshwaraiah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalle, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Staad.Pro, Static Load Analysis, Auto Cad Plan
191. Crime scene prediction and analysing its accuracy with frames using deep neural network
Published by: Devishree D. S., Divakar K. M., Ashini K. A., Arnav Singh Bhardwaj, Sheikh Mohammad YounisResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: S. J. C. Institute of Technology, Chikkaballapura, KarnatakaKeywords: Crime scene, Neural Layer, Convolutional, Tensorflow
192. Tracking the prisoner location and escape prevention
Published by: Venkateswararao P., Vengatesh D., Vetrivel R., Haresh R., Ajay Karthik B.Research Area: IoT
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Prisoner Location, IOT, RSSI, GPS, Latitude, longitude, Neurostimulator.
193. Net metering based bi-directional power flow system and power quality improvement using multilevel inverter
Published by: Himanshi SikarwarResearch Area: Renewable Energy
Organisation: Government Mahila Engineering College, Ajmer, RajasthanKeywords: MLI, H-bridge, SM, SG, AMR, Net meter
194. Construction of predictive modelling for cardiac patient using probabilistic neural network
Published by: Nivetha P., Keerthi S., Kamalesh S.Research Area: Machine Learning
Organisation: Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Cardiac detection, PNN, GLCM, Feature extraction, K-means cluster, Machine learning
195. P2DB-chat
Published by: Kesavan S., Charles R., Raja Prithya P., Rajavel V., B. KirubaResearch Area: Decentralised
Organisation: Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Malumichampatty, Tamil NaduKeywords: Decentralized applications, Dapps, IPFS (Interplanetary Filesystem), P2P network, Peer-to-Peer, P2DB-chat
196. Replacement of fine aggregate by using glass material in concrete
Published by: Ratilal Narayan Patil, Dr. S. L. Patil, Chetan Pandurang Patil, Suvarna Namdev Patil, Pratima Tedgya Valvi, Puja Vishwas GadeResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: Shrama Sadhana Bombay Trust's College of Engineering and Technology, Jalgaon, MaharashtraKeywords: Compressive strength, Durability, Split tensile strength, Waste glass concrete, Workability, Economy
197. Aerodynamic optimization of passenger vehicle
Published by: Hussain Ezzy, Mohammed Zain M., Dr. N. PrakashResearch Area: Automobile Engineering
Organisation: Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Drag Optimization, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vehicle Aerodynamics, Wake Effect, Hatchback
198. Mathematics in financial market
Published by: Yash DroliaResearch Area: Mathematics
Organisation: NMIMS Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: computational finance, Mathematical Finance, measure theory, sobol sequences for random numbers, poisson processes
199. Identification of novel compounds to treat Alzheimer’s disease
Published by: Kusumitha Shrinivasan, Swarnali Sarkar, Anand Prem RajanResearch Area: Neurobiology
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyloid precursor protein
200. EPOT- Earning Point On Time
Published by: Ranjani M., Dinesh Kumar T., Saranya P., Vetrichelvi V. N., Nagajothi S.Research Area: Android Application
Organisation: Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Malumichampatty, Tamil NaduKeywords: Job searching, Part-time job, Full-time job, Service-based job, EPOT, Earning point on time, Android app
201. Framework for enhancing privacy of files in web using random key generation technique
Published by: Anjana K., Kumar P.Research Area: Cloud Security
Organisation: Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: AES, Cloud, Key Generation
202. Implementing Li-Fi protocols
Published by: Nikhil Bajirao Belhekar, Anurag Sanjay Autade, Vishakha Sanjay Dhamdhere, Abhishek Ramesh DarekarResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Dynamic pricing, Dynamic Resource Allocation, Li-Fi, Smart car parking, VLC
203. Railway trail defense structure based IoT
Published by: R. Senthil Kumar, I. Kirubakaran, A. Loganathan, K. Janani, Pyndaplang KharkongorResearch Area: Automation
Organisation: Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, TamilnaduKeywords: Raspberry Pi-3, IoT, Ultrasonic Sensor, PIR Sensor, Webcam Monitoring, GPS
204. College bus tracking system
Published by: Arun S., Shibu J., Vennila S., Kalaiselvi T., Mugundhan V.Research Area: Computer Science and Engineering
Organisation: Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Malumichampatti, Tamil NaduKeywords: College Bus Tracking System, Depot, GPS, PhoneGap
205. Online voting system using blockchain
Published by: Santhosh Kumar T. P., Lakshmi Shree R., Sridhar D., Sachin M., Velusamy A.Research Area: Web Application
Organisation: Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Blockchain, EVM, SHA256 algorithm
206. Arduino based smart street light system with accident avoidance in U-turns
Published by: Rushikesh Bharatrao Choudhery, Shraddha M. Bute, Akash M. Nikam, Nividita R. Bhujade, R. S. SawantResearch Area: IoT
Organisation: Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology, Yavatmal, MaharashtraKeywords: LED (Light Emitting Diode), IR (Infrared Sensor)
207. Comparative analysis of lasers in optical communication system
Published by: Satnam Singh, Puneet JainResearch Area: Optical Communication System
Organisation: Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, PunjabKeywords: Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSEL), Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence (PRBS), Continuous Wave (CW) Lasers Directly Modulated (DM) Laser
208. Prognostication of breast cancer using data mining and machine learning
Published by: Shriya D. Narvekar, Ameya Patil, Jagruti Patil, Saniket KudooResearch Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, MaharashtraKeywords: C5.0, Confusion matrix, F1 score, WPBC dataset, Xgboost, Breast cancer
209. Automotive control system using CAN protocol
Published by: Surekha P. Gaikwad, Atmeshkumar S. PatelResearch Area: Electronics And Communication Engineering
Organisation: Matsyodari Shikshan Sanstha's College of Engineering and Technology, Jalna, MaharashtraKeywords: CAN (Controller Area Network), ECU (Engine Control Unit), Temperature sensor, Fuel level sensor, RPM sensor, Ultrasonic Sensors
210. Decentralized secure money using blockchain
Published by: Dr. S. Gunasekaran, Dr. G. Ravi Kumar, S. Nirmal Balaji, Gokul R., R. Mahilan, Pooja M.Research Area: Blockchain Technology
Organisation: Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Transaction, Security, Data integrity, Anonymity, Peer-to-peer computing Ethereium
211. Optimization of generation-specific buying plan for premium lingerie brand
Published by: Vinosha B., Nithyaprakash V.Research Area: Retail Management
Organisation: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil NaduKeywords: Forecast quantity, End of month stock, Actual sales quantity, Absolute deviation
212. Analysis and prevention of suicides using World Health Organization (WHO) data
Published by: Ronanki Bharath, Janaki S., Bhanu Narra, Rishabh Gupta, S. RamaResearch Area: Data Analytics
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: WHO Data, Prediction, Fbprophet, Suicide, Linear Regression, Random Forest
213. Eliminating the redundant data for side channel in cloud
Published by: C. V. Usha Kiran, C.Reddineelima, B. Lijitha, K.Somesh, G.VenugopalResearch Area: Computer Science and Engineering
Organisation: Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dandapalle, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Cloud Storage, Side Channel, Data Deduplication, Privacy
214. Application of 8D methodology for productivity improvement in assembly line
Published by: Pradeep S., Ganesh Kumar S., Karthik R., Sai Suraj A., Gopi Kishore S.Research Area: Manufacturing Methodology
Organisation: Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Productivity improvement, 8D methodology, Value stream mapping, Cause and effect diagram
215. A survey on empowering women in the workplace special reference to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Published by: ShivaniResearch Area: Management
Organisation: Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, HaryanaKeywords: Women Empowerment, Leadership, Kurukshetra University
216. Smart route potential generation by using insolent plate system combined with cosmic panel
Published by: N. Mohamed Asif, K. MaheswaranResearch Area: Electronic and Electrical Communication
Organisation: M.I.E.T Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil NaduKeywords: Insolent Plate, Cosmic Panel, Power Generation, Alternative Energy, Renewable Energy, Flywheel, Belt Drive
217. E-Cycle
Published by: Rahul Bodar, Shrikishan Agarwal, Brijen VasaniResearch Area: Mechanical/ Mechatronics
Organisation: SVKM’s NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: E-cycle, E bike, electric cycle
218. Fully automatic solar based grass cutter using AT89S52 microcontroller
Published by: Ankita Ambatwar, Nikhita Nakhate, Dhanashri Shinde, Shubham DhargaveResearch Area: Electronics Engineering
Organisation: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: Solar panel, Battery, Grass cutter, Ultrasonic sensor, Motors, 8051 series microcontroller
219. Smart glove for hand gesture recognition
Published by: Bhavana Madabathula, Geethika Dantuluri, Alekhya Sripada, Gompa Haasini, Anusha VangalaResearch Area: IoT
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Flex, IMU, Bluetooth TTS, DOF
220. Drowsiness detection with driver assistance for accident avoidance based systems
Published by: Vikas Chauhan, Sanjay Patel, Prudhvi Chowdary, Dharshen R. S., Sai Siva Reddy, A. Mohammed ArifResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Drowsiness detection, Advanced driver assistance system, Driving-system design, Eyes Detection, Face Detection
221. Measurement of VO2 in sedentary healthy females: A normative study
Published by: Dr. Aishwarya S. Rangari, Dr. Subrat Samal, Dr. Snehal SamalResearch Area: Cardio-respiratory
Organisation: Shri K R Pandav Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur, MaharashtraKeywords: VO2, Aerobic capacity
222. Augmentation of information management protection in hybrid clouds
Published by: Dr. R. PoorvadeviResearch Area: Cloud Computing
Organisation: Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University, Kanchipuram, Tamil NaduKeywords: Cloud Vendor, Hybrid Cloud, Information Process, Service Level Agreement, Identity And Access Management, Cloud Service Provider, Service Provisioning
223. Utilization of waste plastic in fly-ash bricks
Published by: Etaveni Madhavi, Darshak Sai Ginjipelli, Kadavaluru Uday kumar, Gachu Shekar, Lavudya ApoorvaResearch Area: Concrete Materials
Organisation: St. Mary's College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, TelanganaKeywords: Plastic Waste, Flyash, Compressive Strength, Water Absorption
224. Offline speech recognition on android device based on supervised learning
Published by: Reeta Bandhu, Nikhil Kumar Singh, Betawar Shashank SanjayResearch Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, MaharashtraKeywords: Natural language processing, Speech recognition, Offline application, Voice commands, Screen overlay
225. Cloud based employee attendance management system using NFC and Face Recognition
Published by: Ankit Rana, Vipul Pugaokar, Akshay Sawant, Arti GoreResearch Area: Computer Engineering
Organisation: Saraswati College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Attendance management system, Face Recognition, Cloud Computing, NFC, Web Portal
226. A research paper on: Automatic switching of relays according to set limits of voltage on distribution side
Published by: Jitendra Laxman Lohar, Ganesh Ghashiram Chawla, Kshitij Pramod khachane, Shivdas Santosh Gai, Shubham Gajanan KachareResearch Area: Power Distribution (Single Phase)
Organisation: Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte College of Engineering and Polytechnic, Buldana, MaharashtraKeywords: Microcontroller Atmega328, Over voltage, Under voltage, Buzzer, LCD display
227. Machine learning algorithms for intrusion classification
Published by: Alapati Avinash, Alla Haripriya, B. SandeepResearch Area: Computer Science And Engineering
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Bheemunipatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Intrusion, Anomaly detection, NSL-KDD dataset
228. Design development of women’s casual wear (travel jacket)
Published by: Pragatheswari, Nithya Prakash V.Research Area: Design Development
Organisation: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil NaduKeywords: Travel, Jacket, Emotional design, Women, Pleasure, Happiness, Fun
229. Video transmission using Li-Fi
Published by: Senthamizhselvi R., Raghul S., Karthikeyan B., Nandha Kumar G.Research Area: Communication
Organisation: SRM Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Video transmission, Li-Fi, Micro controller, Data rate, Quality
230. Developing a neuro-fuzzy based framework for labour productivity assessment
Published by: Anushya Bharathi, Dr. G. Chitra, S. VaidyanathanResearch Area: Civil Engineering
Organisation: Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Labour productivity, Neuro-fuzzy system, Activity study, Expert system, Resource optimization
231. Diagnosing the obstructive sleep apnea from encountered multi parameter values
Published by: Navin R., Palur Sai Vivek, Pulu Gulla Lakshmi Vineeth, V. Sathya Narayanan, D. Padmapriya M. E.Research Area: IoT And Embedded Systems
Organisation: Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis, SAHS, Sleep studies
232. Preliminary screening of suitable clones for manufacturing green tea from the existing released clones in northeast India
Published by: Bhupen DekaResearch Area: Tea
Organisation: Tocklai Tea Research Institute, Jorhat, AssamKeywords: Green tea, Catechin, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, Antioxidants, CTC (Curling Tearing Crushing), Orthodox, Cambod, Industry released
233. Factors to be considered for location selection for affordable housing
Published by: Sarvesh S. Nerurkar, Swati SakpalResearch Area: Construction Management
Organisation: MIT College of Management, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Affordable housing, Right budget, Appropriate land parcel, Profitability of the developer
234. Outcome Based Education, need for the hour- NBA
Published by: S. Nithya PoornimaResearch Area: Education
Organisation: BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru, KarnatakaKeywords: CO-PO Mapping, Outcomes, Rubrics, Attainment
235. To find out correlation between the temperament and the parameters of a smile: A photographic study on visagism
Published by: Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D. Pathak, Dr. M. B. Wavdhane, Dr. Devika M. KalaskarResearch Area: Dentistry
Organisation: Government Dental Hospital and College, Aurangabad, MaharashtraKeywords: Esthetics, Personality, Smile design, Visagism
236. Quality improvement in carbon bush machining
Published by: Kamatchi T., Kishore S., Bhuvanesh M., Karthikeyan M., Arun Senthil Kumar A.Research Area: Six Sigma
Organisation: Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC, Carbon Bush, Quality Tools
237. Design and development of wheel spray pump
Published by: Akash Manoj Holam, Bharat Maruti Kadwaikar, Manish Mahendra Pawar, Abhijeet Gurunath Naik, Rahul Damodar BelekarResearch Area: Automobile Engineering
Organisation: Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology, Ambav, MaharashtraKeywords: Cost, Nozzles, Pump, Spraying time, Reduced human efforts, Back pain
238. Implementation of ROS-I on industrial robot simulation environment
Published by: Prasanth T.Research Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil NaduKeywords: ROS-I, Rviz, Moveit
239. Software defect prediction
Published by: Sree Abirami S., Umavathi R., Benula L., Mathiyalagan P.Research Area: Journal
Organisation: Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Kernel PCA
240. Event management and social media marketing
Published by: Namratha J., Dr. A. Thiruchelvi, Natasha J. Research Area: Tourism Management
Organisation: Anna University, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Event management, Event managers, Events, Event management organizations, Social media and social media marketing, Promotion, Brand awareness
241. Anticipating thyroid disorders using data mining techniques
Published by: S. Sai Vasavi, S. Shruthi, S. Sai Sri Harshini, VNVLS SwathiResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: CVR College of Engineering, Pocharam, TelanganaKeywords: Classification, D tree, Information mining, REP tree, Thyroid disease, WEKA
242. Importance of use of sanitary napkin during menstruation cycle
Published by: Garima WadhwaniResearch Area: Social Issue
Organisation: Cognus Technology, Jaipur, RajasthanKeywords: Napkin, Mensuration, Female, Care, Awareness
243. Elimination of cylinder head valve guide wrong fitment
Published by: Deepak Sekar, Mohan Y, Mithun CResearch Area: Manufacturing
Organisation: Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Cylinder Head, Valve Guide, Poke-Yoke
244. Analysis of David Fincher as an Auteur
Published by: Mayank ShuklaResearch Area: Film
Organisation: Amity School of Communication, Noida, Uttar PradeshKeywords: Auteur Theory, Camera Angle, Camera Movement, Camera Positioning, David Fincher, Alien 3, Se7en, Fight Club, Panic Room, Zodiac, Gone Girl
245. Air and water quality monitoring system
Published by: Aditya Pradeep Kavathekar, Swastika Anil Jadhav, Krutika Gajanan Gaikwad, Pooja Pramod Pataki, Kartik K. NikamResearch Area: IoT
Organisation: Sanjay Bhokare Group of Institute, Miraj, MaharashtraKeywords: IoT, Sensor, Air, Water, Quality, NGO, Government
246. Effective student attendance system
Published by: Tejashri Mansur Desai, S. G. Bavachkar, Aditya Jayant Desai, Hemangi Suresh Salunkhe, Sumitra Rajendra Teli, Pravin Chandrakant PatilResearch Area: Collage Managment System
Organisation: Sanjay Bhokare Group of Institute, Miraj, MaharashtraKeywords: Admin Model, Teacher Registration, Assistance Registration
247. Attacks and threats in Wireless Sensor Networks
Published by: G. V. Pavan Nikhil, Anisetti Kalyan Rahul, Chikoti Akash, Prathik Reddy, K.ManikandhanResearch Area: Networks and Communication
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Security, Attacks and challenges, Security mechanism
248. Product aspect ranking and its application
Published by: Thirunagari Lakshmi Narasimha Vedavyas, Vanam Udayram, Kateeb Shaik Sharukh Mastan, V. EthirajuluResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Product aspects, Aspect ranking, Aspect identification
249. An experimental study on partial replacement of perlite powder and GGBS with cement in ternary blended concrete
Published by: K. N. Lakshmaiah, G. Devika, D. Harish Babu, N. V. NarayanaResearch Area: Structural Engineering
Organisation: Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous), Guntur District, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Perlite powder, GGBS, Blended concrete, Compressive strength, Tensile strength
250. Ensure the securities in IoT for smart home monitoring system
Published by: Kaviya S., Divya Lakshmi R., Jenifa G.Research Area: IoT
Organisation: KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: IoT tecnique, Intrusion detection, DES, RSA
251. A research paper on control of an elevator in case of failure of rope holding the inside cage
Published by: Rushikesh Rajendra Khadilkar, Jayesh Totaram Bharambe, Ajinkya Goroba Keskar, Eshwar Rajendra DhandeResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: PES Modern College of Engineering, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Elevator, Rope, Safety, Brakes, Sensors, Solenoid, Controller, Cage
252. Comparative study on the working of two non-governmental organizations in India – Make A Difference (MAD) and Latika Roy Foundation (LRF)
Published by: Kusumitha Shrinivasan, Meenakshi Jaikumar, Dr. Anand Prem RajanResearch Area: Public Relations
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: National, Regional, Impact, Structures, Functioning
253. Design scheme for copyright management system based on digital watermarking and blockchain
Published by: Orisi Pravallika, K. Soma Sekhar, CH. Seshadri RaoResearch Area: Ieee
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Copyright management, Digital watermarking, Blockchain, DHA, QR code, IPFS, BST
254. Optimization of CNC turning process parameters for surface roughness of AA3003 using ANN Tool on MATLAB
Published by: Krishan Kant Sharma, Kanaram Choudhary, Himanshu Prabhakar, Laxmikant Prajapat, Rohan Pradhan, Ravi Choudhary, Vijay Kumar JangidResearch Area: Mechanical Engineering
Organisation: Sri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, RajasthanKeywords: Optimization CNC Process Parameters, Artificial Neural Network Tool, MATLAB
255. Analysis of speech recognition techniques
Published by: Pranit Gadekar, Mohmmad Hilal Kaldane, Dipesh Pawar, Omkar Jadhav, Anita PatilResearch Area: Artificlal Intelligence
Organisation: Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: LPC, LPCC, MFCC, Hidden Markov model, NLP, NLU, NLG
256. Kinesics of engine assembly line using lean management
Published by: Rajesh Kannaa T. J. N., Damian LaffreyResearch Area: Total Quality Business Management
Organisation: Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Kinesics, Assembly line, Lean management
257. Monitoring healthcare system using IoT
Published by: Chinta Prudhvi Kiran, Mandava Omkar Chowdary, Dr. A. MuruganResearch Area: IoT
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Vital signs, Remote device, Bluetooth technology, SQL yag, Java servelets
258. Eradication of hydraulic anamolies using smart sewer inspection robot
Published by: P. KavithaResearch Area: Electronics And Communication Engineering
Organisation: MAM School of Engineering, Siruganur, Tamil NaduKeywords: Sewage, Cleaning, Blockages, Robot, Detection, Rotating. Pipelines
259. Location based reminder application
Published by: Babeetha S., Sundar A, Dharshini K, Ajitha GResearch Area: Android Development
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Location based reminder system, LBS, GPS
260. The scope and market of alternative medicine and India’s potential to become a global distributor
Published by: Pragati Gupta, Anjika ShuklaResearch Area: Global Herbal Market
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Herbal medicine, Market potential, Market share, India, Export
261. Affordable eye care services: A case study on Aravind Eye Hospitals
Published by: Nripendra Mishra, Anand Prem RajanResearch Area: Social Entrepreneurship
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Case study, Affordable eye care, Aravind Hospitals
262. Automated essay scoring using machine learning
Published by: Aarnav Singh, Daksh PantResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Automated, Essay, Scoring, Linear, Regression, Model, Quadratic, Weighted, Kappa
263. Design and fabrication of automatic and multifunctional pneumatic machine
Published by: Jhunjhun Kumar MishraResearch Area: Pneumatic System
Organisation: Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Design and modeling of components, Designing components of pneumatic system, Fabrication of pneumatic sheet metal clamp making machine
264. Dynamic double tail comparator proposed having low-voltage low-power using 180nm technology
Published by: Sapna Balayan, Anshu GuptaResearch Area: Electronics And Communication
Organisation: Mody University of Science and Technology, Adawala, RajasthanKeywords: Dynamic clocked comparator, Double-tail comparator, High-speed Analog-to-Digital converters (ADCs), Low-power analog design, Super Source Follower (SSF), Instrumentation Amplifier (IA), Pseudo-Differential Amplifier (PDA)
265. Aquaculture monitoring and control system: An IoT based approach
Published by: Preetham K., Mallikarjun B. C., K. Umesha, Mahesh F. M., Neethan S.Research Area: Aquaculture and Agriculture
Organisation: Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, KarnatakaKeywords: Aquaculture, Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Round Trip Time (RTT)
266. Raid hailing services guardian system
Published by: Seema B. Hegde, Vinay Kumar G., Srinidhi Patil, Subrahmanya M.Research Area: Engineering
Organisation: Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, KarnatakaKeywords: Cognitive agent, Child lock, Driver profile, Behaviour analysis, Cumulative performance evaluation
267. Dominating electrons,causes of earth’s magnetic field
Published by: Einstein KannanResearch Area: Physics
Organisation: Independent ResearcherKeywords: Ionization, Stirred electrons
268. SBT to assess the impact of BDA on customer’s online behaviour
Published by: D. Madhu, Dr. T. Hanumantha ReddyResearch Area: Data Mining
Organisation: Rao Bahadur Y. Mahabaleswarappa Engineering College, Bellary, KarnatakaKeywords: Structural Balance Theory, Hybrid collaborative filtering, Singular Value Decomposition, Recommendation system
269. Disease detection using image processing
Published by: Naresh Mali, Shreya Nalawade, Saurabh Singh, Shweta Babar, Swapnil ShindeResearch Area: Image Processing
Organisation: Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Malaria, Dengue, Image processing
270. Nap detection and alert system using OpenCV
Published by: Bapathu Ramakrishna Reddy, Bitragunta Lakshmi Durga Pratyusha, Chakicherla Bala Sai Vagdevi, Annapureddy Venkata Ajaya Kumar Reddy, Ajay Rahul HariResearch Area: Transportation
Organisation: NRI Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Face Detection, Locating Eyes, Eye-Aspect Ratio, Security, Drowsiness
271. Development of a cabin crew utility application (JEDZENIE)
Published by: M. R. Ranjith, Vignesh V. NairResearch Area: Aviation
Organisation: Regional Institute of Science and Management, Thiruvananthapuram, KeralaKeywords: Aircraft, Cabin crew, Passenger, Food order
272. An exploration of the indian women writers
Published by: Dr. S. Bharathi, G. VadivelmuruganResearch Area: English
Organisation: IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram, Tamil NaduKeywords: Sufferings, Emotion, Relationship, Problems
273. Altered particle swarm optimization based attribute selection strategy with improved fuzzy Artificial Neural Network classifier for coronary artery heart disease risk prediction
Published by: B. Narasimhan, Dr. A. MalathiResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Soft computing, Attribute selection, Feature selection, Artificial Neural Network, Classification, Mathew’s correlation coefficient, Particle swarm optimization
274. D2D Smart Billing System
Published by: Pushkar P. Saraf, Arati D. Khanolkar, Akshada S. Pawar, Uddhav B. Ghodake, Snehal J. Salokhe, Dr. G. A. PatilResearch Area: Computer Science and Engineering
Organisation: D. Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur, MaharashtraKeywords: Raspberry Pi, LCD, hybrid mobile app, web app, productivity, time, supermarket, malls, QR, Barcode, scanner
275. Load rebalancing for distributed file systems in clouds
Published by: Harsh Vardhan Pawar, Aditya Sinha, Richa Sharma, S. BabeethaResearch Area: Cloud Computing
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: Chunk, DHT, MapReduce
276. Old age people problem’s and their importance in everyone’s life
Published by: Anjali Kumari, Tanvi Nagrale, Tripti Pragyan Mohapatra, Anand Prem RajanResearch Area: Social Development
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Old age people issues, Importance, old age homes
277. Designing homes for senior citizens
Published by: Adarsh Manoj SamaniResearch Area: Construction Management
Organisation: MIT College of Management, Pune, MaharashtraKeywords: Senior citizen home, Designing, Designer's perspective, Design standards
278. MAAK – A smart security device for women and children’s safety
Published by: Madhav, R. Ambrish, J. Karthick, G. Raghav, Mythili ShankarResearch Area: Information Technology
Organisation: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil NaduKeywords: GPS, Sensors, IoT, Android Application, Package-SMS
279. Development and evaluation of polyherbal foot care cream
Published by: Ashitosh Chandrakant Edake, Aditya Vishnu Deokar, Onkar A. Dindore, Rajkumar B. Dhule, Pooja Dhavne, Kirti DhanakeResearch Area: Pharmacy
Organisation: D. S. T. S. Mandal's College of Pharmacy, Solapur, MaharashtraKeywords: Foot care, Polyherbal cream, Aqueous extract, Ethanolic extract, Antimicrobial
280. Implementation of TTL based packet marking for IPV4
Published by: Kolipakula Yuvanaga Venkata Manishankar, Samayamanthula Navyasainarayana Datta, D. Nagasai Shanmuka Sreenivas, K. ManikandanResearch Area: Computer Science Engineering
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM), Deterministic Packet Marking (DPM)
281. Buck boost flyback converter to fed LED’s
Published by: K. Sarath Bhushan, T. Mahesh, Y. Suresh, M. Divya JyothiResearch Area: Power Electronics
Organisation: KKR and KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Integrated converters, Power LEDs, Long lifetime converters, Street lighting
282. A literary review of MANET security
Published by: Nitika Sharma, Dr. Rashmi PopliResearch Area: MANET Security
Organisation: J. C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, HaryanaKeywords: MANET, Security, Attacks, Ad-Hoc Network
283. Intelligent helmet for bike safety
Published by: Sanket Patil, Raju Kavaldhari Yadav, Mudra DoshiResearch Area: Bike Safety
Organisation: Universal College of Engineering, Mumbai, MaharashtraKeywords: Intelligent helmet for bike safety, IR sensor, Alcohol sensor, LCD, Buzzer
284. Optimizing the level of pressmud compost for bhendi
Published by: K. N. N. Arvindh Ramnathan, Dr. P. Poonkodi, Dr. A. AngayarkanniResearch Area: In Sivapuri Chidambaram
Organisation: Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil NaduKeywords: Bhendi, Pressmud compost, Nutrient uptake, N, P and S
285. A novel approach for active safety system
Published by: Devaharsha Meesarapu, V. V. Sai Rama Datta, G. Sai Krishna ChaitanyaResearch Area: Automotive
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Camera, MMW-Radar, Python, OpenCV
286. Geofencing for disaster information system
Published by: Diksha Kewat, Vaishnavi Tonpe, Kiran Baxani, Dr. Sanjay SharmaResearch Area: Computer Science
Organisation: New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management, Thane, MaharashtraKeywords: Geofencing, KNN, Disaster management, Google API
287. An energy efficient approach for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks based on sink mobility
Published by: Baljinder Singh, Amit Verma, Manit Kapoor, Dr. Naveen DhillonResearch Area: Wireless Sensor Network
Organisation: Ramgarhia Institute of Engineering and Technology, Phagwara, PunjabKeywords: WSN, Mobile sink, Energy efficient
288. The future of food preservation: Nanotechnology
Published by: Pragati Gupta, Anjika Shukla, Ujjawal Sharan, Anand Prem RajanResearch Area: Food Nanotechnology
Organisation: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil NaduKeywords: Nanotechnology, Food, Preservation, Ingredients, Biosensors
289. Prediction of Pneumonia using deep learning
Published by: A. Raghavendra Reddy, G. Sai Ravi Teja, D. Sai Tej, P. Vinod BabuResearch Area: Deep Learning
Organisation: Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra PradeshKeywords: Pneumonia, Deep learning, Classification, InceptionV3, Convolution neural networks, Prediction, Django