This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-2, 2019
Automobile Engineering
Akash Manoj Holam, Bharat Maruti Kadwaikar, Manish Mahendra Pawar, Abhijeet Gurunath Naik, Rahul Damodar Belekar
Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology, Ambav, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
04 April, 2019
Paper ID
Cost, Nozzles, Pump, Spraying time, Reduced human efforts, Back pain


Akash Manoj Holam, Bharat Maruti Kadwaikar, Manish Mahendra Pawar, Abhijeet Gurunath Naik, Rahul Damodar Belekar. Design and development of wheel spray pump, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Akash Manoj Holam, Bharat Maruti Kadwaikar, Manish Mahendra Pawar, Abhijeet Gurunath Naik, Rahul Damodar Belekar (2019). Design and development of wheel spray pump. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(2)

Akash Manoj Holam, Bharat Maruti Kadwaikar, Manish Mahendra Pawar, Abhijeet Gurunath Naik, Rahul Damodar Belekar. "Design and development of wheel spray pump." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.2 (2019).


In the agricultural sector generally, the farmer uses the traditional way that means spray carried on back and spraying crop. This becomes time consuming, costly and human efforts is a major concern, these problems can be overcome by using mechanically operated wheel spray pump. It facilitates the uniform spread of the chemicals, it is capable of spraying chemicals at the desired level, precision made nozzle tip for adjustable stream and capable of throwing foggy spray as per requirement. In our project we use the slider-crank mechanism to convert rotational motion into a reciprocating motion to operate the pump, thus the pesticide is spread through the nozzle. This work gives a continuously foggy flow of pesticide at the required pressure and height. A special arrangement is implemented in this project to adjust the pressure as high or low. We also use two wheels at the back of the frame to balance the complete assembly. By using the wheel spray pump, spraying time and human efforts reduce and results in cost reduction.