This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-2, 2019
Social Development
Anjali Kumari, Tanvi Nagrale, Tripti Pragyan Mohapatra, Anand Prem Rajan
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Pub. Date
06 April, 2019
Paper ID
Old age people issues, Importance, old age homes


Anjali Kumari, Tanvi Nagrale, Tripti Pragyan Mohapatra, Anand Prem Rajan. Old age people problem’s and their importance in everyone’s life, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Anjali Kumari, Tanvi Nagrale, Tripti Pragyan Mohapatra, Anand Prem Rajan (2019). Old age people problem’s and their importance in everyone’s life. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(2)

Anjali Kumari, Tanvi Nagrale, Tripti Pragyan Mohapatra, Anand Prem Rajan. "Old age people problem’s and their importance in everyone’s life." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.2 (2019).


The old people population is huge and becoming issue day by day because of human health issues. These individuals are challenged with various physical, mental and social changes that challenge their feeling of self and ability to live joyfully. Numerous individuals experience isolations and sorrow in seniority, either because of living alone or because of the absence of close family ties and diminished associations with their way of life of the source, which results in a failure to effectively take an interest in the public works. With progressing age, it is unavoidable that individuals lose association with their companionship systems and that they th ink that it is progressively hard to start new bonds and to have a place with new systems. The present examination was led to explore the connections among dejection, depression and friendliness in older individuals.