Optimal 4G and LTE Cellular Tower Placement Strategy
The number of cell phone subscribers is increasing use of cell phones in remote areas and to increase their coverage and to all the places it has sought to expand the network service providers. The cost of placing a cell tower, depending on the height and location, and because it can be very expensive, they have to be placed strategically to reduce the cost. Number of service providers has increased manifold in the last decade and the competition between them is an efficient algorithm for finding a strategic manner is important to place your towers. On such a brilliant connectivity in remote areas as well as extreme at an affordable cost to the service provider can ensure customers. All towers being expensive needs to be placed strategically, to reduce costs. In addition, an optimum height of the tower is to be placed wisely need to be calculated as the height of the tower not only affects the coverage of the tower, but also affects the cost of your appointment. In this context, we come across various complications. For example, the signals to reach some areas as the extent of coverage is distorted due to geographic barriers fail. Thereafter, in any area of potential tower locations to be determined. And only the best and most essential that people in the region are required to cover more and more customers with their respective optimum height is chosen. This can help (FDMA) technology. Manipulating transmission group width, long distance roaming is impossible, and it is merely a congenital mobile contact system
Published by: Rishi Sharma, Er. Anupma Dhamija
Author: Rishi Sharma
Paper ID: V2I3-1160
Paper Status: published
Published: June 3, 2016
Enhanced Integrity Preserving Homomorphic scheme for Cloud Storage
As Cloud Calculating becomes prevalent, extra and extra sensitive data are being centralized into the cloud, such as emails, confidential condition records, confidential videos and photos, firm finance data, power documents, etc. By storing their data into the cloud, the data proprietors can be relieved from the burden of data storage and maintenance so as to relish the on-demand elevated quality data storage service. Though, the fact that data proprietors and cloud server are not in the alike trusted area could locale the our sourced data at chance, as the cloud server could no longer be fully trusted in such a cloud nature due to a number of reasons: the cloud server could leak data data to unauthorized entities or be hacked. It follows that sensitive data normally ought to be encrypted prior to outsourcing for data privacy and combating unsolicited accesses. In cloud computing cloud users and cloud ability providers are nearly precise to be from disparate belief domains. Data protection and privacy are the critical subjects for remote data storage. A safeguard user enforced data admission manipulation mechanism have to be endowed beforehand cloud users have the freedom to outsource sensitive data to the cloud for storage. With the rise of allocating confidential company data on cloud servers, it is imperative to accept an effectual encryption arrangement alongside a fine-grained admission manipulation to encrypt outsourced data. Attribute-based encryption is a area key established encryption that enables admission manipulation above encrypted data employing admission strategies and ascribed attributes. In this work, we are going to scutiny homomorphic schemes for encryption and probable resolutions for their limitations.
Published by: Mashkoor Ahmad Kichloo, Mr. Parikshit Singla
Author: Mashkoor Ahmad Kichloo
Paper ID: V2I3-1159
Paper Status: published
Published: June 3, 2016
Secure Authentication Based Trust Evaluation In VANETS
Trust and its association are thrilling fields of research. The affluent works producing concerning belief gives us a forceful indication that this is a vital span of research. Belief as a believed has a expansive collection of adaptations and requests, that reasons divergence in belief association terminology. The aim of this paper is to furnish VANETs designers alongside several perspectives on the believed of belief, an understanding of the properties that ought to be believed in growing a belief metric, and visions on how belief can be computed. We commenced this paper by giving assorted definitions of belief and metrics utilized for assessing trust. We next gave a comprehensive survey of assorted belief computing ways, their comparisons alongside respect to assorted attack models and computational requirements. We analyzed assorted literatures on the belief dynamics such as belief propagation, aggregation and predictions. In the end we have endowed a serving detailing the request of belief mechanisms in security. The belief schemes gave in this discover cover an expansive scope of request and are established on countless disparate kinds of mechanisms. There is no solitary resolution that will be suitable in all contexts and applications. As arranging a new belief arrangement, it is vital to ponder the constraints and the kind of data that can be utilized as input by the network. A finished observation is that so distant, the continuing scutiny work and propositions lack completeness. There are vital subjects yet to be addressed.
Published by: Meenu Setia, Mrs. Parul Dua
Author: Meenu Setia
Paper ID: V2I3-1158
Paper Status: published
Published: June 3, 2016
Statistical Analysis of Part of Speech (Pos) Tagging Algorithms for English Corpus
Part of speech (POS) Tagging is the procedure of allocating the portion of speech tag or supplementary philological class signal to every single and every single word in a sentence. In countless Usual Speech Processing presentations such as word intellect disambiguation, data recovery, data grasping, analyzing, interrogating, and contraption clarification, POS tagging is imitated as the one of the frank obligatory tool. Categorizing the uncertainties in speech philological items is the mystifying goal in the procedure of growing an effectual and correct POS Tagger. n this paper we difference the presentation of a insufficient POS tagging methods for Bangla speech, e.g. statistical way (n-gram, HMM) and perception established approach. A supervised POS tagging way needs a colossal number of annotated training corpuses to tag properly. At this early period of POS-tagging for English. In this work we craft an earth truth set that encompasses tagged words from sampled corpus. We additionally investigated the presentation of POS taggers for disparate kinds of words.
Published by: Swati Tyagi, Gouri Shankar Mishra
Author: Swati Tyagi
Paper ID: V2I3-1157
Paper Status: published
Published: June 3, 2016
Hybrid Call Security System using Encryption & Steganography
— Most of the users use internet for various voice or video calling applications. Also many companies utilize these applications for their corporate calls (inbound/outbound business calls) with the users outside of their network. To achieve the goal of voice communication security, a number of audio security and audio processing algorithms are in use individually or in a combination to provide the effective voice security. Hacking attacks on these applications can cause great losses to the user security which can lower the number of active users and so the business popularity. In the proposed voice call security model, we have proposed a hybrid approach using compression, encryption and steganography to enable to highest level of security in the voice calling while adding the minimum possible delay in the voice packets delivery. Our proposed framework focuses on the security of voice communications, which can take place over a wired phone, cellular connection or internet. The proposed framework consists of three major components to secure the voice communications over internet or intranet i.e. band pass filter, cryptography or steganography. The voice signal would be decomposed using band pass filters, followed by application of cryptography on all of the bands. All of the signal components after decomposition and encryption would be combined and placed in another voice signal using steganography method. This framework have designed to provide multi-layer security to the sensitive voice calling channels between the VVIP, VIP and other important personal of the nation. The results have proved the effectiveness of the system. The system had been tested for its security level, possibilities of breaching attacks, accuracy, noise (WGN) reduction, compression levels, encryption levels, elapsed time and many other aspects. The proposed framework has proved to be effective in all situations related to the voice communication security.
Published by: Manmeet Kaur, Samreen Sekhon Brar, Namrata Chopra
Author: Manmeet Kaur
Paper ID: V2I3-1156
Paper Status: published
Published: May 31, 2016
Smart Routing for WSN for the Energy Balanced Routing over Hierarchical Deployments
The data aggregation is the method of combining the data streams coming from multiple nodes. The data aggregation methods reduce the routing decision cost implied by the routers or nodes in the path. The data aggregation can be proven to be efficient in the terms of energy efficiency or transmission efficiency. The proposed model is entirely based upon the data aggregation and data forwarding technique. In this research project, we have tried to develop the new era aggregation model for the wireless sensor networks. The proposed model is intended to enhance the energy efficiency by improving the aggregation model for the sensor networks to enable the efficient delivery mechanism for the data. The WSNs are the directed graph networks, where the data is being sent into the similar direction of base transceiver station (BTS). Because the data in the directed graph networks flow in a particular direction, it always made the aggregation method efficient. The proposed model aggregation model is based upon the smart amalgamation of heuristic and greedy algorithm based aggregation. The greedy allows the algorithm to cover any number of data streams for the aggregation, whereas heuristic is responsible for the group formation before going for the aggregation. The multiple aggregation groups are produced by using the heuristic approach in the proposed model. So in this thesis, we have proposed and implemented the smart heuristic and greedy based hybrid aggregation and data transmission algorithm. The proposed model has shown its effectiveness in the case of aggregation and data transmission. The proposed model has proved its efficiency in the form of network load, route persistence, energy consumption and latency. The proposed model has proved it better than the previous approaches on the basis of the above listed performance parameters.
Published by: Namrata Chopra, Manmeet Kaur
Author: Namrata Chopra
Paper ID: V2I3-1155
Paper Status: published
Published: May 31, 2016