This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-2, 2017
Embedded Systems
Patawala Amatulla Hakimuddin, Bansode Navanath Pandurang, Bhong Yogesh .P, Zadbuke Ashwini .S
S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
25 March, 2017
Paper ID
IOT, Ph Sensor, Wifi, Conductivity Sensor.


Patawala Amatulla Hakimuddin, Bansode Navanath Pandurang, Bhong Yogesh .P, Zadbuke Ashwini .S. IOT Based Water Management System for Smart City, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Patawala Amatulla Hakimuddin, Bansode Navanath Pandurang, Bhong Yogesh .P, Zadbuke Ashwini .S (2017). IOT Based Water Management System for Smart City. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(2)

Patawala Amatulla Hakimuddin, Bansode Navanath Pandurang, Bhong Yogesh .P, Zadbuke Ashwini .S. "IOT Based Water Management System for Smart City." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.2 (2017).


During the past decade, water needs have increased unpredictably in India. Increasing demand of water supply has become a major challenge for the world. Wasteful usage of water, climatic changes and Urbanization has further depleted the resource. Conservation and management of the resource must be given utmost importance. In this paper, we present an IoT design for water monitoring and control approach which supports internet based data collection on real time basis. The system addresses new challenges in the water sector -flow rate measuring and the need for a study of the supply of water in order to curb water wastage and encourage its conservation. We also measure the quality of water distributed to every household by deploying pH and conductivity sensors. The traditional water metering systems require periodic human intervention for maintenance making it inconvenient and often least effective.For shortcoming of the existing models for a ubiquitous usage of wireless systems for smart quality monitoring and communicate data wirelessly.