
Recent Papers

Automatic Irrigation System Based On Volumetric Soil Moisture Content Detection

In the field of agriculture, use of the proper method of irrigation is crucial. To have it done with reduced human intervention and still ensure proper irrigation is a challenge. We have developed an automatic irrigation system which switches the pump motor ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content of the soil. The soil Moisture Sensor module is used to detect the moisture of soil and infer to the volumetric presence of moisture present in the soil and if there is water on the sensor. We would use this module and insert it into the soil and then adjust the on-board potentiometer to modify the sensitivity. The sensor would give us the output logic HIGH when the moisture is higher and LOW when it is lower than the threshold value set by the potentiometer. The Soil Moisture sensor measure the volumetric water content in the soil, indirectly by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant or interaction with neutrons, as a substitute for the moisture content. We will preferably design soil moisture sensor using Arduino. An Arduino code will be used which will read the amount of moisture present in the soil and accordingly send information from the moisture sensor to the phone via the GSM module.

Published by: Anirudh Itagi, Nidhish Meherotra, Utkarsh Shukla, Dipak Singh, Prof. Deepika Rani Sona

Author: Anirudh Itagi

Paper ID: V3I3-1252

Paper Status: published

Published: May 15, 2017

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Research Paper

Stochastic Economic Load Dispatch Using Pareto Distribution with Multiple Fuels Local Convex By Bacterial Foraging Optimization

In this paper, Stochastic Economic Load Dispatch problem with Multiple Fuels is solved using Pareto distribution with local convex optimization by bacterial foraging approach. Bacterial foraging optimization is swarmed intelligence technique used to solve the problem of the power system. The algorithm is based on the group foraging behavior of Escherichia coli (E-coli) bacteria present in the human intestine. This social behavior of E-coli bacteria has been used to solve optimization problems. This paper presents a BFO to solve Economic load dispatch (ELD) problems. The result is obtaining from test system with seven generating units. In this paper performance of the BFO is compared with Particle swarm optimization (PSO). The result clearly shows that the proposed method gives a better optimal solution as compared to the other methods.)

Published by: Akshay Rana, Shavet Sharma, Amandeep Thakur

Author: Akshay Rana

Paper ID: V3I3-1250

Paper Status: published

Published: May 15, 2017

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Hybrid Recommendation Model With Nearest Neighbor Classification Based Collaborative Approach

The e-commerce product ranking models are designed to handle the very large volumes of the data involved in the database. Formally, the multifactor ranking models are incorporated over the online portals, which are capable of producing the multivariate lists. The product lists are prepared on the basis of various features, which include the popularity, accessibility and trust based factors which are associated with the e-commerce products for the realization of the content-based filtering over the e-commerce portals. In this paper, the multivariate and multifactor ranking algorithm has been proposed in order to solve the problems related to the low entropy, duplication and unbalanced feature analysis. The proposed model design is entirely based upon the popularity, visitor density, number of customers and security analysis based factors of the e-commerce pages containing the product lists. The multifactor values are organized in the different columns containing the different kinds of information, which are converted to the normalized and compatible values to create the data uniformity. The proposed model offers the collaborative index based product ranking model over the dense e-commerce databases. The proposed model has been designed to use the collaborative filtering based upon the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. The proposed model has been undergone the various experiments for the performance evaluation based upon the time complexity, resource utilization and other similar factors.

Published by: Ramandeep Sharma, Samarth Kapoor

Author: Ramandeep Sharma

Paper ID: V3I3-1238

Paper Status: published

Published: May 15, 2017

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Design and Implementation of Fir Filter Using Retiming Technique

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter can be designed by provision of specifications which are for a particular application requirement. An efficient FIR filter is designed using register reduction retiming technique. Also, an optimization environment is designed such that filter components of post retimed circuit such as adder and multiplier are upgraded depending on the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design metrics such as area, speed and power. In conventional cut-set retiming of FIR filter, higher critical path delay and latency occurs due to unwanted pipelining. They require higher clock period. So overcome, FIR filter it’s designed using Novel node – splitting and Node merging techniques. These schemes reduce the critical path delay by 50% and latency by 60%. In this paper node merging method is simulated and its performance parameters such as power, delay, critical path, latency, clock period and number of registers are analysed. In Data Flow Graph (DFG) retiming of digital circuit is used to reduce the propagation delay and critical path. The reduced propagation delay in turn reduces pipeline overheads. Thus, cut-set retiming can be made more efficient without increasing the register complexity and latency. The FIR architecture for node merging has to be designed and its performance is to be analysed. The proposed FIR filter using retiming technique are simulated using MODELSIM 10.1b and power analysis of the proposed work is done using Xilinx ISE 9.2i. In this proposed work the layout will be developed using AARON 9.03 tool.

Published by: R. Dhivya, Dr. P. Brindha

Author: R. Dhivya

Paper ID: V3I3-1237

Paper Status: published

Published: May 15, 2017

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Designing and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communication System Based on Advance STBC

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is an emerging technique for high data rate wireless communication systems over frequency selective channels and can be considered as one of the most promising techniques for future wireless system. However, it is well known that OFDM-based systems are sensitive to the inter-carrier interference (ICI) generated by a carrier frequency offset (CFO), which degrades the error probability performance for both single-antenna OFDM systems. Moreover, in a multipath fading environment, performances of OFDM system in a wireless channel are severely degraded by random variations in the amplitude of the received signals as well as by the presence of inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier-interference (ICI) which also limit the OFDM system performance. Recently, Alamouti STBC has gained much attention as an effective transmit diversity scheme to provide reliable transmission with high peak data rates to increase the capacity of wireless communication system. In this research work, an advanced method for STBC-OFDM is proposed. The advancements which is done to the existing method is remapping of complex data after STBC encoding and serial to parallel conversion of complex data. This modification actually doubles the length of the data. At the receiver end again demapping of data is done which halfs the data length. This procedure helps in reduction of chances of error in the signal. The main objective of proposed method is to reduced the BER and SER in STBC-OFDM system. For each simulation, blocks of 1024 symbols are simulated. The proposed system is simulated with two transmitter antennas, two receiver antennas. We have used channel conditions, which have two independent paths with path delays in seconds and average path gains = [0 - 20] dB. The performance of the proposed method is compared with that of existing STBC-OFDM system using BER and SER. MATLAB R2013 has been used as an implementation platform to simulate the proposed method. Wireless communication toolbox and generalized MATLAB toolbox is used for the same.

Published by: Shubham Tyagi, Rajesh Kumar

Author: Shubham Tyagi

Paper ID: V3I3-1234

Paper Status: published

Published: May 15, 2017

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Review Paper

Review on Structural Software Testing Coverage Approaches

With the aim of discovering software bugs (blunders or different deformities) the test procedures incorporate the way toward executing a program or application, and confirming that the software product is fit for utilize. To assess at least one properties of intrigue the software testing includes the execution of a software part or framework segment. In this paper we review the different software testing and its methods.

Published by: Monika Thakur, Sanjay

Author: Monika Thakur

Paper ID: V3I3-1244

Paper Status: published

Published: May 15, 2017

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