This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-6, 2018
Mechanical Engineering
Pratibha Kale, Santosh R. Wankhade
Yadavrao Tasgaonkar College of Engineering and Management, Karjat, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
27 November, 2018
Paper ID
Vibration, Fatigue, Analysis, FEA


Pratibha Kale, Santosh R. Wankhade. Effect of waviness in the bearing on the life of rotating element, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Pratibha Kale, Santosh R. Wankhade (2018). Effect of waviness in the bearing on the life of rotating element. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(6)

Pratibha Kale, Santosh R. Wankhade. "Effect of waviness in the bearing on the life of rotating element." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.6 (2018).


Rotating structures or more general structures with constant but otherwise arbitrary velocity are important elements of machinery as rotor shafts and blades of the propellers, helicopters or the wind turbines. Vibrations in such structures require special attention. The vibrations may cause a reduction in the life cycle of the rotating elements. But it must be noted that some vibration frequencies can be acceptable for the rotating element to sustain its life cycle. Sometimes, the vibrations may not have any impact on the life of the rotating element. That is the reason this study is undertaken. This project intends to study the impact of vibrations on the life cycle of the rotating elements when the vibrations are due to waviness in the bearing. One of the main objectives of the project is to study the frequency at which the elements can be rotated with waviness in the bearing without affecting the life cycle of the elements. In this project, the 3D model of the bearing and rotating elements is modeled in modeling software and analyzed in ANSYS. Then the vibration frequencies for which the rotating element will sustain its life is analyzed using Vibration and Fatigue analysis in ANSYS. Then for that frequency, an experimental analysis is conducted for evaluating the rpm of the rotating elements.