This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-4, 2018
Life Science
Dr. Heena Asif Pathan, Dr. Swati D. Wavhal
Ismail Yusuf College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
11 July, 2018
Paper ID
Caffeine, Nicotine, Brasicca, Juncea


Dr. Heena Asif Pathan, Dr. Swati D. Wavhal. The effect of caffeine and nicotine on different plants growth, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Heena Asif Pathan, Dr. Swati D. Wavhal (2018). The effect of caffeine and nicotine on different plants growth. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(4)

Dr. Heena Asif Pathan, Dr. Swati D. Wavhal. "The effect of caffeine and nicotine on different plants growth." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.4 (2018).


This study was carried out to show the effect of nicotine on different plants. For this experiment, we use two plants Trigonellafoenum-graecum & Mustard Brassica.juncea as they are fast growing plants. The source of nicotine was BEEDI (local cigarette) & KK ( pan masala). Three -three pots taken for each plants Trigonellafoenum-graecum & mustard Brassica. juncea. Trigonellafoenum-graecum for taken 3 pots one for normal, one for kk, one for beedi same is taken for mustard Brassica juncea. An equal amount of water is given on a daily basis & equal environmental condition was provided. It shows that beedi & kk enhance the growth of plants as compared with normal plants. The purpose of this experiment is to see whether coffee and cigarette can make a plant grow taller within 10 days. This experiment was done by using mung bean (Vigna.radiata L) plants and watering them daily with normal water, water mixed with caffeine and with a coffee mixture. The height of the plant was measured as a daily parameter to check the effect on growth. On the fifteenth day of germination, the plant was removed to evaluate dry weight and spectrophotometric measurement for chlorophyll content. The result of the experiment found that caffeine with low amount gives best results which can be reconfirmed by height, chl a, b, carotenoid estimation. The result indicates that mung bean grows faster in soil with caffeine. The effect of nicotine on plant growth (fenugreek seeds) by using cigarette and chewing tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive drug that is found mostly in cigarettes, cigar, chewing snuff. Cigarette and chewing tobacco contain thousands of chemical compound but nicotine is a major constituent of cigarette and tobacco, kills insect pests and used in many organic insecticides to protect plants. Our study investigated the impact of pure tobacco(chewing) and a cigarette on seed germination of fenugreek. The result showed that if we use a cigarette, the plant will grow taller” as compared to the normal plant. But there was a significant decrease in germination rate or growth at pure tobacco or at high concentration of tobacco Qualitative test perform to check the presence of carbohydrate and protein which gives a positive result. Different concentration of bidi and kk used to check their effect on plant growth. Concentration like 1% ,2% &3%. Kk shows the highest growth at 3% then 1%&least on 2%.In nicotine shows the highest growth at 3%then 2%&1%.