This paper is published in Volume-2, Issue-6, 2016
Arts and Science
DR. K. Gomathi
J. J. College of Arts & Science(Autonomous)- Pudukkottai, India
Pub. Date
26 November, 2016
Paper ID
Job related variables, Demographic Variables.


DR. K. Gomathi. A Study on Work Value Perceptions of Women Employees in Indian Postal Department with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu State., International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

DR. K. Gomathi (2016). A Study on Work Value Perceptions of Women Employees in Indian Postal Department with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu State.. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2(6)

DR. K. Gomathi. "A Study on Work Value Perceptions of Women Employees in Indian Postal Department with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu State.." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2.6 (2016).


Women established an identity of their own and created a space for them in education and work sphere. Educational institutions started training women to enter new arenas enabling them to move away from traditional roles. Families began expecting women not only to continue with higher education, but also to pursue any interest they may have in the profession. And, naturally, after spending so many years in education and obtaining professional degrees, they became interested in using the knowledge acquired productively. As a result, modern Indian women have made inroads into different professions that were unthinkable to women in the past. The number of women in the profession is increasing and they are making substantial progress toward parity with men. Today, in India, one can find more and more women in familiar as well as unfamiliar places - as heads of giant organizations, at the controls of aircrafts, in parliament, in judiciary, as police officers, doctors, engineers, teachers- the list is never ending. By tradition and throughout history, Indian women were expected to fulfill roles that defined them in relation to others only, – the kinship identities. But increasingly contemporary women establish independent identities and move beyond the identities of daughter, wife and mother. The present study has made an attempt to study the work value perceptions of women employees in Indian Postal Department.