This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-3, 2017
Kavita Padiyar, Dr. Sandhya Choudhary, Dr. Abhay Wankhede, Dr. V. K Swarnakar
College of Agriculture, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
28 June, 2017
Paper ID
ATMA- Agriculture Technological Management Agency, FLD- Front Line Demonstration


Kavita Padiyar, Dr. Sandhya Choudhary, Dr. Abhay Wankhede, Dr. V. K Swarnakar. Effect of Green Gram FLDs on income of the among Green Gram Growers in Dewas District (M.P.), International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Kavita Padiyar, Dr. Sandhya Choudhary, Dr. Abhay Wankhede, Dr. V. K Swarnakar (2017). Effect of Green Gram FLDs on income of the among Green Gram Growers in Dewas District (M.P.). International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(3)

Kavita Padiyar, Dr. Sandhya Choudhary, Dr. Abhay Wankhede, Dr. V. K Swarnakar. "Effect of Green Gram FLDs on income of the among Green Gram Growers in Dewas District (M.P.)." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.3 (2017).


Green gram is an important pulse crop in our country after chickpea and pigeon pea, cultivated in three different seasons’ viz., kharif, rabi and summer. India is the largest producer of green gram that accounts for 54% of the world production and covers 65% of the world acreage and it is grown on about 3.70 million hectares with annual production of 1.57 million tonnes. Green gram is grown in the Dewas distric (M.P.). the study was conducted in Dewas district, where FLD was conducted by ATMA Dewas M.P. during 2015-16, six villages and 120 green gram growers had benefited by this programme. All the beneficiaries were selected purposively for the study. The mean income of beneficiaries after FLD was Rs. 28.69 thousand which was found significantly higher than mean income of beneficiaries before FLD (Rs.15.56 thousand). Majority of the beneficiaries after FLD were in high income level category whereas beneficiaries before FLD in low level income category.