This paper is removed in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Computer Engineering
Divya Gupta, Jagannath Aghav, Ashwini Chaudhari
College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Sub. Date
05 June, 2021
Paper ID
Object Detection, CNN, Preprocessing, UI


The buzz around SDLC and the ever-increasing need for testing each analytical component of a software component has incurred time losses in the entire cycle. The flaws in the design of any UI hurt the presentation and ease of access to users. Manually testing these entities might end up adding complexity, manual errors and unnecessary duration. Taking into consideration the dynamic elements of UI, this work presents a study on how the testing of these design elements can be carried out using different methods. It also addresses the technical challenges in the tasks carried out for the detection of objects and widgets in these dynamic interfaces. Motivated by machine learning concepts like Regions of Interests this work sheds light on the limitations and highlights of these methods.