This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-6, 2019
Education and Assamese Literature
Dr. Montu Kumar Borah
Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Pub. Date
05 November, 2019
Paper ID
Children’s Literature, Inductive, Deductive


Dr. Montu Kumar Borah. Using children’s literature across the curriculum at primary and secondary level: A study on Assamese children’s literature, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Montu Kumar Borah (2019). Using children’s literature across the curriculum at primary and secondary level: A study on Assamese children’s literature. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(6)

Dr. Montu Kumar Borah. "Using children’s literature across the curriculum at primary and secondary level: A study on Assamese children’s literature." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.6 (2019).


The literature specifically designed and produced for children is the Children’s Literature and it has a significant need in developing children’s imagination, creativity, natural as well as emotional development. Every child is dreamer, the dreaming can be enhanced over by the children's literature in the textual format, Picture or as an audiovisual format. Such children's specific contents are usually applied in the course curriculum for the children and it plays a great role in the homologous extension of the aim to enhance children’s creativity as well as the imagination, because all of our children may not have enormous access of children literature. Using Children’s literature across the curriculum mitigates any kind of disparity to children in terms of thinking, imagining and dreaming about each world phenomenon. The Assamese Children Literature is very rich in terms of content, number and fruitful composition. Such literature has been added by the bodies of course curriculum with a motto to enhance children’s motivation towards new thinking again and again. It is usually applied at the juncture or before that age group, they able to cultivate inductive and deductive reasoning. It is a realistic agent to enhance rethinking on any fantasy and its road to reality. In this article, some crucial angles are taken for an account and studied accordingly.