This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-6, 2020
Nandini Priyadarshini Mishra
Sister Nivedita Govt. Nursing Institute, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
29 December, 2020
Paper ID
Effectiveness, Planned Teaching Programme (PTP), Knowledge, Prevention, Swine Flu


Nandini Priyadarshini Mishra. Study to assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on knowledge regarding occurrence and management of Swine Flu among the urban community of age group 15-55 Years of Boileauganj, Shimla in the year 2015., International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Nandini Priyadarshini Mishra (2020). Study to assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on knowledge regarding occurrence and management of Swine Flu among the urban community of age group 15-55 Years of Boileauganj, Shimla in the year 2015.. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(6)

Nandini Priyadarshini Mishra. "Study to assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on knowledge regarding occurrence and management of Swine Flu among the urban community of age group 15-55 Years of Boileauganj, Shimla in the year 2015.." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.6 (2020).


Swine flu is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the swine influenza virus (H1N1, H3N2, and H3N1) causing millions of deaths across the world. People show symptoms of high-grade fever, aching muscles, decreased thirst, anorexia, rapid breathing, sore throat, dry cough. It may manifest mild illness or in some people it may result in life-threatening conditions like pneumonia, acute bronchitis, worsening of chronic conditions, respiratory failure, and death. The severity of effects depends on individual factors such as the specific strain of the swine flu, age, general health status, and presence of co-existing conditions such as cancer or diabetes. The five most affected nations were the United States, Russia, Turkey, China, and India. The first swine flu virus in India was reported in May 2009. The effect of pandemics can be lessened if the preparation is made ahead of time. Swine flu can be prevented by vaccination, the use of masks and gloves while handling infected pigs, vaccination, and quarantining of infected pigs. The main aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the Planned Teaching Programme on the knowledge regarding occurrence and management of Swine Flu among the urban community of age group 15-55 years of Boileauganj, Shimla in the year 2015. Evaluative approach was adopted using the descriptive design. The sample size was 30 people of Urban people of Boileauganj, Shimla. They were selected using a convenience sampling method. Ethical approval was taken from the concerned departments. The structured tool consisting of socio-demographic variables and knowledge questionnaire was prepared with extensive search from various sources and validated by various experts. After conducting the pre-test, Planned Teaching Programme was administered to the participants. Then post-test was conducted using the same questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the acquired data was done by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Result: The results of the present study reveal that in the pre-test people having correct answers were 50.40% and incorrect answers were 49.60%. After administering the planned teaching program, the people with correct answers were 74.60% and the incorrect ones were 24.40%. The study findings showed that the mean post-test knowledge score was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score. Hence, it can be concluded that the planned teaching program was effective in improving the knowledge of the urban community of Boileauganj.