This paper is published in Volume-11, Issue-1, 2025
Journalism And Mass Communication
Radhia Saidi Balozi, Francis Ng’atigwa
St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tanzania
Pub. Date
23 January, 2025
Paper ID
Print Media, Newspaper, Content Analysis, Uhuru Jumamosi Newspaper, Habari Leo Newspaper, Daily News Newspaper.


Radhia Saidi Balozi, Francis Ng’atigwa. Portrayal of Women in News and Photos in Tanzania Print Media. A Case of Uhuru Jumamosi, Daily News and Habari Leo Newspaper, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Radhia Saidi Balozi, Francis Ng’atigwa (2025). Portrayal of Women in News and Photos in Tanzania Print Media. A Case of Uhuru Jumamosi, Daily News and Habari Leo Newspaper. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 11(1)

Radhia Saidi Balozi, Francis Ng’atigwa. "Portrayal of Women in News and Photos in Tanzania Print Media. A Case of Uhuru Jumamosi, Daily News and Habari Leo Newspaper." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 11.1 (2025).


This study investigates the portrayal of women in Tanzanian print media, focusing on Uhuru Jumamosi, Daily News, and Habari Leo newspapers. It is a significant study for diverse groups including women, media owners, policymakers, and academicians. It was limited to only three newspapers such as Uhuru Jumamosi, Habari Leo, and Daily News. The study employed two theories; Stereotype Theory and Media Representation Theory which altogether framed this study. The study reviewed various literature and empirical studies to identify existing gaps. This study used a mixed-method approach as it applied both qualitative and quantitative methods at some point. Content analysis was used both as a data collection method and analysis method to examine how women are represented in news articles and photographs, particularly in economic, social, and political contexts. The study population comprised 279 newspapers for three (3) months whereby each newspaper comprised 93 units hence the sample size for the study was 36 newspapers where each comprised 12 units as a sample. The study found that Tanzanian print media, specifically Uhuru Jumamosi, Habari Leo, and Daily News, actively include women in economic coverage, with women featured in 63% of articles on economic activities. However, representation often remains stereotypical, with women depicted primarily in agricultural, small-scale business, or social service roles, limiting their portrayal to informal and secondary roles. While Daily News provides a more diverse portrayal, including women in leadership within commerce and finance, Uhuru Jumamosi emphasizes women’s achievements through special sections. Social and political portrayals generally depict women in family or support roles rather than leadership, especially in political contexts.