This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-4, 2021
Law Of Torts
Avinash Pandey
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
07 August, 2021
Paper ID
Law of Torts, Sports Litigation, Sports Federation of India, Claim for Damages


Avinash Pandey. Law of torts and sports litigation, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Avinash Pandey (2021). Law of torts and sports litigation. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(4)

Avinash Pandey. "Law of torts and sports litigation." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.4 (2021).


The research paper talks about the relation between the Law of Torts and the Field of Sports and how important it is to establish the Law of torts in the Field of Sports. The research paper portrays the relation between Law of torts and sports litigation. The thesis includes various case laws, research papers,s and references from online articles. The evolution of sports in the country has called for proper implementation of laws for the industry and as the of Law of torts in India is still not properly established it is very hard for the sportsperson to claim for damages in a situation where they suffer injury. The transparency of the federal sports authorities in India has also not been fair and transparent as more and more frauds and scams have been disclosed in recent years. The proper establishment of the Law of torts would help the Indian judiciary as determining cases under the Law of torts would be simpler and finding out who is entitled to a claim for legal damages would also become easier. The research portrays different types of torts, cases of sports under the said torts, and the possible remedies that can be provided to the players. The research paper is on the topic of the Law of Torts and Sports Litigation. Secondary research conducted on the topic reveals that proper implementation of the Law of torts, as well as laws made by the Sports Federation of India, is required.