This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-3, 2017
Computer Networks, Adaptive Applications
Arjun Mohabey, Mayura Kulkarni
Mitaoe, Alandi, Pune, India
Pub. Date
04 May, 2017
Paper ID
Traffic Light, Idling Time, Human Efforts, Time Slice Allocation.


Arjun Mohabey, Mayura Kulkarni. Design of Independent Traffic Light System to Automate Flow Adaptive To Traffic, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Arjun Mohabey, Mayura Kulkarni (2017). Design of Independent Traffic Light System to Automate Flow Adaptive To Traffic. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(3)

Arjun Mohabey, Mayura Kulkarni. "Design of Independent Traffic Light System to Automate Flow Adaptive To Traffic." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.3 (2017).


Traffic is a flow of motor vehicles or any other means of transportation on pavements. A clear and concise statement of our problem is traffic lights are often unintelligent, flow density of traffic is high and unpredictable, and a cost friendly solution to reduce idling time at traffic signal and minimise human (traffic cops) efforts is needed; This paper presents simple independent traffic light systems deployed on the roads which can process signal timings in according to rate of traffic flow from a particular pavement. The system would intelligently decide time slice allocation for every road at a junction with help of sets of sensors and algorithm which you calculate the size of the most efficient time slot for that square. This idea can also be extended to railway crossings and toll plazas, letting the rail pass safely and giving car driver idea of idle time to take any other task or break respectively