This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-4, 2021
Civil Engineering
Shreyas Anil Patane, Gavrav Pandurang Bavdhane, Dhiraj Pradip Joshi, Omkar Sunil Chavan, Sanika Kandalekar
Vivekanand Education Society Polytechnic, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
03 July, 2021
Paper ID
Cold Mix technology, Emulsion, Aggregate, Anti-striping Agent, Rubber Waste


Shreyas Anil Patane, Gavrav Pandurang Bavdhane, Dhiraj Pradip Joshi, Omkar Sunil Chavan, Sanika Kandalekar. Cold mix technology using granite waste and rubber waste in road construction, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Shreyas Anil Patane, Gavrav Pandurang Bavdhane, Dhiraj Pradip Joshi, Omkar Sunil Chavan, Sanika Kandalekar (2021). Cold mix technology using granite waste and rubber waste in road construction. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(4)

Shreyas Anil Patane, Gavrav Pandurang Bavdhane, Dhiraj Pradip Joshi, Omkar Sunil Chavan, Sanika Kandalekar. "Cold mix technology using granite waste and rubber waste in road construction." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.4 (2021).


Hot Mix Asphalt is used as a paving mix for many decades in road construction. In India, 90 percent of roads are constructed by bituminous pavements only. Certain Imitations associated with hot mix asphalt using are Re emission of greenhouse gases from hot mix plant, that down of plants during the rainy season, problems in maintaining the paving temperature when hauling stances are more, There for to overcome the disadvantages of hot mix asphalt there is an increasing trend for using cold mix design with bitumen emulsion all over the world because of several advantages such as elimination of heating of hinder and aggregate while producing mixes, this helps in protection of the environment and energy conservation.