This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-1, 2020
Danveer Gautam
Hind P. G. College, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
12 February, 2020
Paper ID
Adjustment, Locality, Deaf-culture, Hard of Hearing, Adult deaf peers, Age, Gender, Severity, Qualification


Danveer Gautam. Adjustment among adult deaf peers: A case of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Danveer Gautam (2020). Adjustment among adult deaf peers: A case of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(1)

Danveer Gautam. "Adjustment among adult deaf peers: A case of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.1 (2020).


In this study “Adjustment among Adult Deaf Peers: A Case Of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow” was conducted during study M.Ed.Spl.Ed.(HI) course work since 2014 to identify the factors that may influence adjustment among adult Deaf Peer the basis of locality, basis of severity, basis of age, the basis of qualification and gender. This study deals with a review of previous work done in the field of adjustment. Many references of some related studies conducted abroad and in India. Objectives of study the adjustment among adult deaf peers studying in DSMNRU as the basis of Locality, Severity, Age, Qualification, and Gender. The hypothesis of study there will be no significant adjustment among adult deaf peers studying in DSMNRU as the basis of locality, severity, age, qualification, and gender. Delimitation of the study Taking into consideration the time and resources on the disposal of the research, the present study was delimited in terms of sample and areas of study aspects as under The study was delimited to adult deaf peers studying, The study was delimited to adult deaf peers studying, confined to the graduate, postgraduate male and female adult deaf peers studying in DSMNRU only. Research is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge. It helps in studying the problem where solutions are to be derived fully or partly from the facts. Design of the study: Survey Method is only in the abstract as logical entities that we can distinguish between matter and methods in reality they form an organic whole determine method analogously as objective determines means and content and spirit determine style and form in literature. Descriptive design- it is the study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the study. The population of the study all the adult deaf students studying at a higher level at a University level. In this study total population 42 adult students of DSMNRU, Lucknow.