Highly Indexed, Open Access

Research Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Case Studies and more


IJARIIT is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bi-monthly and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in technology and relevant fields. It is an endeavor to promote research, innovation and new ideas in various fields of technology for Journal Publication.

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Impact Factor 4.295

  • Open Access Journal
  • Double Blind Review
  • Quality Research Work
  • Widely Indexed Everywhere
  • Automated Citation
  • Descriptive Details of Papers
  • Quick Review Process
  • Track Paper Status

Call for Papers
Volume-4 | Issue-1

  • 30th January, 2018

  • Review (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification: Within 2 Days

  • Paper Publish: Immediate (after review)

  • Journal Type: Open Access
  • Publication Charges: 1800/- INR OR USD 60(for foreign authors)

  • Impact Factor for the year 2015 is 4.295


Submission DeadlinesOngoing Submissions
Online PublishingImmediate (after review)
Author Notification2 days of submission
Final Issue28st February, 2026
E-Magazine5th March, 2026
Submit Paper OnlineView Format (pdf)
If you have any questions regarding the publication of your paper then call us at: +91-8195072273 or send us you query through our contact page


  • Advanced FPGA-Based System for Real-Time Detection of Respiratory Leakage in Fit Testing Clinics
    Research Paper Submitted by: Niranjan Kumar, Sivaramireddymedam, Lokeshvarikallu
  • Impact of Ken-Betwa River Link Project, India – A Study on Sustainability Issues of The Project
    Dissertations Submitted by: Shivangi
  • Advancing Named Entity Recognition in Biomedicine and Epidemiology: A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis of Methods, Metrics, and Applications
    Research Paper Submitted by: Kuntal Pramanik, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown


Indexed in various online repositories, our system makes sure that your paper gets the maximum reach to fellow scholars

Indexed in various online repositories, our system makes sure that your paper gets the maximum reach to fellow scholars


Are there any submission charges?

No, there are no submission charges. The submission, review and plagiarism check process is free for all authors. Once your paper is approved, only then you will receive a link to pay online.

How long will take to publish my paper?

It may take between 2 days to 2 weeks for publishing. The publishing time may vary depending upon the length and complexity of your paper.

What is Fast Track Publication?

It is specifically for students who want to publish their paper quickly. Our system is AI based and as soon as you submit your paper it starts checking for Plagiarism and quality of work. This helps us provide you with an even faster publication process.

When will I get the notification?

In most of the cases you will receive a notification on the day of submission, yet, sometimes it may take 2-3 days for the same.
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