This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-6, 2017
Ar. Namita Kathuria
Amity School of Architecture & Planning, Amity University, Noida, India
Pub. Date
29 November, 2017
Paper ID
Internet, Pedagogy, Blended Learning, Blended learning models, Architectural Design Pedagogy


Ar. Namita Kathuria. Role of Internet in Contemporary Architectural Pedagogy, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Ar. Namita Kathuria (2017). Role of Internet in Contemporary Architectural Pedagogy. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(6)

Ar. Namita Kathuria. "Role of Internet in Contemporary Architectural Pedagogy." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.6 (2017).


The growth of technology has advanced each and every scenario in the field of the profession as well as in education. Innovation took place with the growth of the economy and another governing factor. • Our basic approach in this research would be practically defining some prospects in the field of pedagogy related to architecture and how architectural education evolved in many ways. • Pedagogical skills improvised from one generation to another which brings changes to the education. • It has been developed in a way scope of innovation with the help of innovation and technology is possible.this dissertation will be related to the architecture. • How the pedagogy is changing day by day, what is its impact on students does it a process of learning and experience the share the of the teaching and learning environment. • I would be able to express my views about architectural pedagogy should be done and what innovations it needs. • To enhance the teaching and learning environment huge exercise to be done. Means the proper set up of curriculum and management because without that the improvisation will not be as well as executed in an efficient manner. • Architecture is the study that covers practical and theoretical aspects of teaching. • Pedagogy covers many topics which are related or studied via the internet, not by any other means. Internet incorporates many things, related to architecture in the form of art, design, interior. • Architecture doesn’t exist in isolation. It exists in the context of people, place, period and philosophy.They are very distinctive on their own.