This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-2, 2020
Mathematical Physics
Rajat Saxena
The Orbis School, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
07 April, 2020
Paper ID
Pi, Irrational Numbers, Quark, Physical Universe, termination


Rajat Saxena. Irrational Numbers in the Physical Universe, and its effects on length, time and mass: Introduction to Physical Irrational Numbers, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Rajat Saxena (2020). Irrational Numbers in the Physical Universe, and its effects on length, time and mass: Introduction to Physical Irrational Numbers. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(2)

Rajat Saxena. "Irrational Numbers in the Physical Universe, and its effects on length, time and mass: Introduction to Physical Irrational Numbers." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.2 (2020).


If we want to extend the length of a body (without stretching it), what can we do? We can simply add an element of desired length and extend that body. Keeping this in mind that to extend the length of the body we can add elements. Now, let’s take a body of length pi, which is 3.1415 m (first 4 places). Now let’s write this distance as sum of elements: 3 m + 0.1 m + 0.04 m + 0.001 m + 0.0005 m . . So as we go ahead the decimal places, we can see that the length of the elements which we are adding are getting smaller and smaller, and as we know in our physical universe, the smallest particle to exist is a quark, hence it will be our smallest element which we can add. And as there are no particles beyond quark hence the number will end at moment the diameter of a quark is reached, as the diameter of a quark is 〖10〗^(-18) m, hence all irrational numbers will terminate at the eighteenth place. This is true only for the bodies in the physical world. These numbers behave like constants or rational numbers, but they are fundamentally irrational. Similarly we will find the termination of irrational numbers when they represent mass and time.