This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-4, 2019
D. K. Raidas, Dr. S. D. Upadhayay, Dr. Anjana Sharma, A. K. Choudhary, Dr. R. Khandwe
RAK College of Agriculture, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
19 August, 2019
Paper ID
Cycocel, GA3, NAA spray, PPM, Photosynthesis rate, Chlorophyll content


D. K. Raidas, Dr. S. D. Upadhayay, Dr. Anjana Sharma, A. K. Choudhary, Dr. R. Khandwe. Influence of different plant growth hormones on morpho-physiological attributing characteristics in Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata Burn F. Ex), International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

D. K. Raidas, Dr. S. D. Upadhayay, Dr. Anjana Sharma, A. K. Choudhary, Dr. R. Khandwe (2019). Influence of different plant growth hormones on morpho-physiological attributing characteristics in Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata Burn F. Ex). International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(4)

D. K. Raidas, Dr. S. D. Upadhayay, Dr. Anjana Sharma, A. K. Choudhary, Dr. R. Khandwe. "Influence of different plant growth hormones on morpho-physiological attributing characteristics in Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata Burn F. Ex)." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.4 (2019).


Andrographis paniculata, commonly known as Kalmegh, is used both in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicines because of its immunological, antibacterial and hepatoprotective properties. It is an annual herb has a high-value compound used in the treatment of various diseases. A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of RAK College of Agriculture, Sehore (Madhya Pradesh) during Kharif 2015-16 & 2016-17. Investigations were undertaken to aim to increase the growth and yield parameters of Kalmegh. Using different Plant Growth Hormones Cycocel (100, 150 and 200ppm), GA3 (100, 150 and 200ppm) and NAA (100 and 150ppm) and water spray as control to study the effect of plant growth hormones on Growth viz plant height (cm), leaf area (cm2), chlorophyll content (SPAD), photosynthesis rate (μmol CO2 mˉ ² s-¬¹) at 90 DAS and yield viz test weight (g), seed yield (kg ha-1), herbage yield(q ha-1) and leaf alkaloid content (%) of kalmegh at harvesting. The foliar spray of GA3 @ 150ppm, GA3 @ 100ppm, Cycocel @100ppm and GA3 100ppm significantly maximum plant height (47.33), leaf area (420.82), chlorophyll content (57.78) photosynthesis rate (24.78) during 2015-16 and spray with GA3 @ 100 ppm, applies the maximum plant height (46.20), leaf area (426.41) and photosynthesis rate (22.88) significantly differed from other treatments during 2016-17 respectively. The average plant height, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate were higher during 2015-16 (39.57), (51.01) and (22.75) than 2016-17 (39.41), (46.71) and (21.07) except leaf area.