This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-3, 2018
Information Technology
T.R. Chamara Denipitiya, E.A.I Udayakantha
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Pub. Date
04 June, 2018
Paper ID
File manager assistant, File manager, Natural language interface file manager, Artificial intelligence, Natural language processing, File and task management, Windows PowerShell


T.R. Chamara Denipitiya, E.A.I Udayakantha. FTPal: Natural language interface assistant for PC file and task management, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

T.R. Chamara Denipitiya, E.A.I Udayakantha (2018). FTPal: Natural language interface assistant for PC file and task management. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(3)

T.R. Chamara Denipitiya, E.A.I Udayakantha. "FTPal: Natural language interface assistant for PC file and task management." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.3 (2018).


FTPal is a natural language interface PC application that can be used to do certain file and task management related computer operations efficiently and conveniently. It is possible to perform these operations by using scripting languages such as Windows PowerShell, but it is a somewhat difficult task for ordinary computer users if it is possible to perform these computer operations by using simple English language commands it would solve most of these issues. Therefore, FTPal was developed using natural language techniques to address these issues and reduce the effort needed to write certain shell scripts. After commanding the FTPal application in simple English, FTPal is able to interpret and execute all the requested commands. The FTPal application is useful for businesses organizations to manage files and tasks efficiently which may lead to increase of revenue by reducing the time needed to do certain file management related tasks. As well as it is useful for people with less technical knowledge to perform file management tasks. It is possible to use this same concept to reduce the effort needed for other programming languages as well. The ultimate goal of this application is to provide an easy environment to perform file and task management related tasks efficiently and conveniently without using any programming languages.