This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-4, 2017
Legal Educaton
C. S Priyanka Maheshwari
Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University, Rajasthan, India
Pub. Date
23 August, 2017
Paper ID
Earth, Environmental Jurisprudence, Hinduism, International Legal instruments, Supreme Court.


C. S Priyanka Maheshwari. Environmental Jurisprudence – A Journey from Vedic Culture to Supreme Court, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

C. S Priyanka Maheshwari (2017). Environmental Jurisprudence – A Journey from Vedic Culture to Supreme Court. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(4)

C. S Priyanka Maheshwari. "Environmental Jurisprudence – A Journey from Vedic Culture to Supreme Court." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.4 (2017).


Human civilized societies can flourish only when there is consistency and harmony among the various members of Earth community. Earth jurisprudence is the part of legal philosophy and of human governance and it is based on the idea that welfare of each member of community is based on the welfare of the earth as a whole. It seeks the relevancy of Earth community. One such area of its working is environment. The basic sense of environment protection is intrinsic in our ancient texts. At international level it is a concept, not more than a century old, but in Hinduism it was included in the ancient texts. As a result of international and national judicial interventions many principles have evolved potentially applicable to all member nations of international community in respect of protection of all aspects of environment. International legal Instruments have played a vital role in fostering environmental law , environment conservation and sustainable development . A number of treaties have been signed in order to achieve it. Various and numerous provisions are enshrined in our Constitution in order to prevent and protect environment. It is a Fundamental Right as well as a duty has also been casted upon the persons to preserve and conserve it. Our judiciary by passing various remarkable judgments and elucidating various principles has deeply and actively involved in achieving the targets of environmental Jurisprudence.The environmental jurisprudence is expanded enough through setting of committees, laying down principles and by creative and innovative thinking of various courts and judges.