This paper is published in Volume-9, Issue-2, 2023
Nutrition and Dietetics
Jashlin Anna James
Mount Zion Medical College Hospital, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
Pub. Date
04 August, 2023
Paper ID
Eating Behavior, Body Mass Index, College Students, Healthy Foods


Jashlin Anna James. Eating Behavior among College Going Girls and its Impact on Nutritional Status, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Jashlin Anna James (2023). Eating Behavior among College Going Girls and its Impact on Nutritional Status. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 9(2)

Jashlin Anna James. "Eating Behavior among College Going Girls and its Impact on Nutritional Status." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 9.2 (2023).


College students are at risk of making poor dietary choices that can cause significant health problems. The present study was done to assess the eating behavior among college-going girls, calculate their BMI & assessment their nutritional status, assess the relationship between stress and eating behavior, and conduct awareness on healthy eating patterns and healthy diet options. The study comprises 200 subjects in the age group of 18-25 years in Thrissur district. A specially designed questionnaire was formulated to elicit the anthropometric details, dietary pattern analysis, stress, and physical activity of the selected subjects. The questionnaire form was distributed among the samples through an online platform. The data obtained from the survey and the correlation between BMI and Eating Behavior, stress, and eating behavior were analyzed using Microsoft Excel Office. The study showed that most of them had regular meals and prefer healthy foods daily thus their nutritional status was normal. But when the relationship between stress and eating behavior was analyzed the majority of the students had the tendency to eat less and had unhealthy food while they are stressed in academics. Hence, an awareness class about the healthy diet was conducted based on the result of the data obtained from the survey method.