This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-3, 2019
Transportation Engineering
Mohit Raj, Prof. S. D. Ghodmare, Rakesh Kumar Choubey
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
04 May, 2019
Paper ID
Conventional breaker system and automated breaker system, Delay analysis, Fuel consumption, Fuel emission, Deployment cost


Mohit Raj, Prof. S. D. Ghodmare, Rakesh Kumar Choubey. Comparison of automated speed breakers with conventional speed breakers, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Mohit Raj, Prof. S. D. Ghodmare, Rakesh Kumar Choubey (2019). Comparison of automated speed breakers with conventional speed breakers. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(3)

Mohit Raj, Prof. S. D. Ghodmare, Rakesh Kumar Choubey. "Comparison of automated speed breakers with conventional speed breakers." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.3 (2019).


The latest advancement in ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) is modernizing the manner in which we see the world at a quicker rate. Automated speed breaker system is a little introductory or basic environment-friendly ITS tool or device, which utilizes modern-day instrumentality to resolve to the sole purpose of traffic calming. The methodology and it's operating are easy to adapt to, however, it also reduces modern-day issues. This technology can be beneficial or convenient in counterparts world issues like pollution, growing traffic congestion, rise in fuel consumption and outflow of gases (CO and NOx), and safety to the road or street users in a much advance and trouble-less way. The emission of dangerous gases mentioned above by the vehicles has to be minimized and counterpart. These modern lives should adopt and learn to this current technology for a healthy and sustainable living surrounding. In this research, a study on speed behavior (breakers) of different class vehicles (two wheeler, four wheeler, and heavy vehicles) on conventional breaker system and automated breaker system is done; delay on CBS, travel time for both CBS and ABS, fuel consumption and emission rates through vehicles in the heart of Goa (Panjim) and at-last deployment rate of conventional breaker system and automated breaker system was carried out, it was observed that the delay, travel time, fuel consumption and emission rate is more in CBS than that of the ABS, but the deployment cost of ABS was higher than that of CBS.