This paper is published in Volume-9, Issue-2, 2023
Geotechnical Engineering
Md. Kamran Kaleem
Engineering College Bharatpur, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Pub. Date
01 September, 2023
Paper ID
Shyorana Village Soil, Compaction, Red Stone Dust, Egg Shell


Md. Kamran Kaleem. Comparative study of compaction characteristics of Shyorana village soil, Bharatpur using red stone dust and eggshell powder, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Md. Kamran Kaleem (2023). Comparative study of compaction characteristics of Shyorana village soil, Bharatpur using red stone dust and eggshell powder. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 9(2)

Md. Kamran Kaleem. "Comparative study of compaction characteristics of Shyorana village soil, Bharatpur using red stone dust and eggshell powder." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 9.2 (2023).


Soil stabilization is a crucial technique in civil engineering to enhance the mechanical properties of soil for construction purposes. This study investigates the potential of utilizing red stone dust and eggshell waste as additives for the analysis of compaction characteristics of Shyorana village soil in the district of Bharatpur Rajasthan. Red stone dust, a byproduct of stone-crushing activities, and eggshell waste, generated from culinary and food processing industries, both pose environmental challenges in terms of disposal. This research aims to address these challenges by assessing their effectiveness as stabilizing agents while promoting sustainability. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of varying proportions of red stone dust and eggshells on soil properties. Standard proctor tests were performed on soil samples treated with different combinations of red stone dust and eggshells. The results were compared with untreated soil to determine the improvements in dry density. The findings demonstrated that the incorporation of red stone dust led to increased compaction indicating enhanced load-bearing capacity and reduced susceptibility to deformation. Moreover, the combination of red stone dust and eggshell exhibited synergistic effects, further enhancing the overall stabilization efficiency. In addition to the technical performance, environmental considerations were also addressed. The utilization of waste materials like red stone dust and eggshells offers a sustainable solution by minimizing their disposal as waste and reducing the demand for conventional stabilizing agents. This approach aligns with the principles of circular economy and promotes eco-friendly construction practices.