This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-2, 2021
Mechanical Engineering
Atharva Anil Joshi
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
26 April, 2021
Paper ID
Toggle Lever, Ansys Workbench, Static Structural Analysis, Mesh, Span Angle Centre, Element Order


Atharva Anil Joshi. Analysis of toggle Lever with the help of FEA in Ansys, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Atharva Anil Joshi (2021). Analysis of toggle Lever with the help of FEA in Ansys. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(2)

Atharva Anil Joshi. "Analysis of toggle Lever with the help of FEA in Ansys." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.2 (2021).


The subject of this project is the analysis of Toggle Lever. Toggle lever is used in pneumatic parts which are used to restrict the air supply as well as is used to locate the cylinder parts. In this paper, we modeled a 3D geometry of the Toggle lever using Catia v5R21 and performed structural analysis on Ansys 2021 R1. We have done a comparative analysis with the structural steel material of the toggle lever. Finite element analysis (FEA) is software from Ansys that gives users the ability to automatize and design or customize simulations. FEA uses mathematical models to understand and quantify the effects of physical phenomena like forces, vibration, deformation, pressure, heat, and other physical properties affecting the simulations, thus reducing the needs of prototypes. Basically, finite elements are a method which divides the large problem into smaller one with the help of static structural in the finite elemental analysis, we can calculate deformation, stress, strain, and other values. FEA helps us to tell at what maximum and minimum value the deformation is taking place so that we can conclude at the particular value the product is going to break or bend. In this paper, static structural analysis is done on the toggle lever by changing the elemental order such as linear and quadratic are used by interchanging the span angle center which is coarse, and fine. It was observed that there was a difference in values of nodes and elements changed by corresponding linear and quadratic element order with coarse and fine span angle center. It resulted that the number of nodes was greater in quadratic element order than in linear element order. In the static structural analysis, we observed that the element order having more number of nodes gives maximum deformation, stress, strain compared to the element having less number of nodes. Thus, quadratic element order gives maximum values and accurate results as compared to linear element order.