This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-4, 2019
Community Health Nursing
Midhun Ashok, Taj Mohammad
Rohilkhand College of Nursing, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
26 July, 2019
Paper ID
Malnutrition, Protein energy malnutrion, Under five


Midhun Ashok, Taj Mohammad. A study to assess the knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding protein-energy malnutrition in selected area of Gwalior with a view to develop health education module, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Midhun Ashok, Taj Mohammad (2019). A study to assess the knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding protein-energy malnutrition in selected area of Gwalior with a view to develop health education module. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(4)

Midhun Ashok, Taj Mohammad. "A study to assess the knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding protein-energy malnutrition in selected area of Gwalior with a view to develop health education module." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.4 (2019).


A descriptive survey was carried out to assess the knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding Protein-Energy Malnutrition in selected urban areas of Gwalior. The study was conducted by Mr. Midhun Ashok, II year M.Sc. (N) the student in Gwalior Nursing College, Gwalior in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of Science in Nursing of Jiwaji University of Health Sciences, Gwalior. The Objectives of the study To access the knowledge of mothers of under-five children on Protein-Energy Malnutrition. To identify the relationship between the knowledge of mothers of under-five children with selected Socio-demographic variables. To develop the Health education module. Methodology The study was based on Rosenstock’s and Becker’s health behaviour model. The data was collected by a descriptive method, 150 mothers were selected from the urban slum area by a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using a structured interview schedule for a period of 4 weeks. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Major findings of the study The majority of the mothers (38%) were belonging to the age group of 26-30 years. Eighty-four percent of mothers were illiterates. Eighty-four percent of mothers were coolies. The majority of the mothers were House-wives (35.33%) The majority of the mothers had a monthly family income of Rs. 3001-5000/- (37.33%). Nearly half of the mothers (42%) had the family size as six and above. The mean overall knowledge score of mothers regarding Protein Energy Malnutrition was 12.91 and S.D.=3.11. Hundred and two mothers (68%) had a low knowledge score and 48 mothers (32%) had average knowledge. The X2 value showed that there was a significant relationship between the knowledge of mothers with their education and family monthly income, and hence the research hypothesis H2 and H4 were accepted. The insignificant relationship was found between the knowledge of mothers with their age, occupation and size of the family. The related research hypothesis H1, H3and H5were rejected. The study findings revealed that the majority of mothers were illiterates. Hence there is a need to educate the mothers regarding correct feeding practices and that helps in preventing Protein Energy Malnutrition. Background of the study India's children still languish in malnutrition in spite of a lot of progress in terms of food production, procurement, and food security. One of the most dominant problems declining the quality of life of most Indian citizens is malnutrition. Protein-Energy Malnutrition has been identified as major public health and nutritional problem in India. It not only leads to childhood morbidity and mortality but also leads to impairment of physical and possibly of mental growth of those who survive. Protein-Energy Malnutrition is a global problem. Nearly 150 million children under 5 years in the world and 70 - 80 million in India suffer from protein-energy malnutrition, nearly 20 million in the world and 4 million suffer from severe forms of Protein-Energy Malnutrition like Kwashiorkor and marasmasMalnutrition begets infection and infection begets malnutrition, both are common among poor children, Protein-Energy Malnutrition is found to account for about four million deaths in children. It is still the first killer disease 54 percent, followed by acute respiratory infection 20 percent and diarrhea 18 percent from the global perspective. Studies have pointed out the significant role of women's education in infant and child mortality, widespread women's education is an important determinant factor in unusually low mortality and yet low-income regions and it has been noted that similar set of relationship has been noted with regard to women's education and child's nutritional status. Special efforts have to b made to reach mother's, since they are the most unreached at present.