This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-2, 2020
Puspanathan Subramaniam, Dr. Parilah Md. Shah
National University of Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, Malaysia
Pub. Date
14 March, 2020
Paper ID
Learning strategies, Linguistic knowledge, Communicative skills, Lexical knowledge


Puspanathan Subramaniam, Dr. Parilah Md. Shah. The effective vocabulary learning strategies employed by ESL learners in rural setting, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Puspanathan Subramaniam, Dr. Parilah Md. Shah (2020). The effective vocabulary learning strategies employed by ESL learners in rural setting. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(2)

Puspanathan Subramaniam, Dr. Parilah Md. Shah. "The effective vocabulary learning strategies employed by ESL learners in rural setting." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.2 (2020).


The Malaysian Education Blueprint (2015-2025) is formulated to ensure every child acquire linguistic knowledge and communicative skills adequately to compete in the modernized arena. In the Malaysian context, 21st-century learning strategy has been given the utmost importance in the educational system as it is a platform to have students become proficient users of the second language. However, the lexical knowledge among Malaysian students is at an unsatisfactory level whereby the vocabulary learning strategies have not been prioritized in the learning process. This study is intended to unveil the effectiveness of vocabulary learning strategies that students can employ to enhance their lexical knowledge. To achieve the aims of the study, a simplified questionnaire was used to retrieve the quantitative data. Approximately 61 pupils from the Chinese vernacular schools in Sungkai, Perak with satisfactory language proficiency from the rural primary schools in Batang Padang District were selected as participants in this study. The findings of the study indicated that varied preferred learning strategies have been employed in learning vocabulary. The number of students represented by the percentages showed a significant increase that portrayed students’ admit to learning vocabulary. In a conclusion, Nation (2001) emphasized on noticing the words to be learned would be a preferred strategy simply by jotting the words down in the notebook or word card and constantly repeating the words for a deeper understanding of the words.