This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-3, 2022
Babagana Zannah Audu, Ahmed Aliyu
Umar Ibn Ibrahim El-Kanemi College of Education, Science and Technology, Bama, Borno State, Nigeria, Nigeria
Pub. Date
09 June, 2022
Paper ID
Cost Consumption, Bakeries Energy Electricity


Babagana Zannah Audu, Ahmed Aliyu. The Cost and Consumption Pattern of Energy in Bakeries in Bauchi Metropolis, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Babagana Zannah Audu, Ahmed Aliyu (2022). The Cost and Consumption Pattern of Energy in Bakeries in Bauchi Metropolis. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(3)

Babagana Zannah Audu, Ahmed Aliyu. "The Cost and Consumption Pattern of Energy in Bakeries in Bauchi Metropolis." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.3 (2022).


The study assesses the cost and consumption pattern of energy by bakeries in the Bauchi metropolis with a view to providing information for sustainable management of the environment. The data were obtained through both primary and secondary sources. Questionnaires were designed to get the pattern of different types of energy used by bakeries. One hundred copies of the questionnaire were administered to the respondents of the bakeries identified. The totals of 40 bakeries were identified using the snowball sampling method in Bauchi state, the rate of overdependence on woodfuel by owners of bakeries is a great concern. The findings show that Woodfuel and electricity were the main sources of energy used. Thirty-eight (38) bakeries were using wood fuel while two (2) use electricity. This is due to the availability and affordability of woodfuel (N55 per bundle) than electricity (N29.8 per unit). It was found that the high cost is the main factor militating against the use of electricity for baking bread and hot-wet and cold-wet are the period with the high demand of energy for heating the ovens due to the dampness of the environment and also, are the season of the high cost of woodfuel because accessibility is difficult. It was recommended that government and stakeholders should subsidies other alternative sources of energy like solar energy in order to reduce over-dependency on woodfuel which affect the quality of the environment, also modern oven that has a chimney or other clean energy sources should be made available at a subsidized rate, these may reduce the over-dependency on forest resources as the only bank for woodfuel resources for the sustainability of the environment