This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-2, 2022
Archana Dnyaneshwar Rohankar, Dr. Madhuri Pachghare
Government Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
30 March, 2022
Paper ID
Prakruti, Dashvidha Pariksha, Prakruti Vinishchaya, Tridosha, Triguna


Archana Dnyaneshwar Rohankar, Dr. Madhuri Pachghare. Prakruti Parikshan – Critical Review and its Importance in Management of Disease, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Archana Dnyaneshwar Rohankar, Dr. Madhuri Pachghare (2022). Prakruti Parikshan – Critical Review and its Importance in Management of Disease. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(2)

Archana Dnyaneshwar Rohankar, Dr. Madhuri Pachghare. "Prakruti Parikshan – Critical Review and its Importance in Management of Disease." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.2 (2022).


The word ‘Prakruti’(constitution) means samya (equilibrium), arogya (health), svabhav (nature), karana, end stage of life,body constitution etc. Here Prakruti reflects the natural state of human beings an anatomical,physiological and psychological level that is permanent throughout the life.(1)The purpose of Dashavidha Pariksha (ten fold investigation methods) in Charak Samhita is to obtain knowledge regarding Vyadhi bala(strength of disease) and Rogibala(strength of patient). The Prakruti Parikshan of a person holds a first place in Dashvidh Rogi pariksha described in Ayurveda.(2) In Ayurveda three Doshas Vata,Pitta and Kapha are the basic mutually reciprocal mechanisms that are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis in human beings.Prakruti is based on Tridosha (three body humors)as well as Triguna (three functional psychic factors) based on dominance of any single or a combination of two or three doshas.(3)Every individual has a different combination and is therefore a distict entity.The individuals of specific prakruti exhibit biological variations in terms of structure, function , behaviour , individual response to internal and external environmental stimuli , susceptibility to different diseases. Prakruti Vinishchaya (prakruti analysis) helpful to physician decides to prescribe a particular medicine and recommends a certain dietary regimen which suits that Prakruti.