This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-5, 2020
Alternative Medicine
Pavithira M., Sujatha KJ, Prashanth Shetty
SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Science, Ujire, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
20 October, 2020
Paper ID
Alternate Douche, Heart Rate Variability, Healthy Volunteers


Pavithira M., Sujatha KJ, Prashanth Shetty. Immediate effect of alternate douche to whole body on autonomic and respiratory variables in healthy volunteers, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Pavithira M., Sujatha KJ, Prashanth Shetty (2020). Immediate effect of alternate douche to whole body on autonomic and respiratory variables in healthy volunteers. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(5)

Pavithira M., Sujatha KJ, Prashanth Shetty. "Immediate effect of alternate douche to whole body on autonomic and respiratory variables in healthy volunteers." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.5 (2020).


Alternate douche is the one of the therapeutic treatment in naturopathy. Douche is the most satisfactory, flexible and adaptable tonic in hydrotherapy it may be employed at all temperatures like hot, cold and alternative and degrees of pressure can also be varied depending to the conditions. The present study aims to evaluate the physiological effects of alternate douche to whole body on healthy individuals. Totally 30 volunteers were selected. (Group 1)On Day 1 volunteers were given alternate douche intervention for 20 minutes and (Group 2)on day 2 the same volunteers are allowed to stand with their feet together, hands placed by the side of the body, palms facing inward in same room for 20 minutes. Assessments were made for both the groups before and after intervention. The assessments included were blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), and respiratory rate (RR). Statistical analysis is done by using software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The level of statistical significance was determined with p≤0.05. On comparison between groups shows significant difference in HR (p<0.05). Group 1 showed statistical significant changes in HF, mean RR, NN50, LF/HF ratio, and mean HR. The present study states that alternate douche stimulates the parasympathetic dominance so it can be effective for disorder of sympathetic dominance.