This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-2, 2022
Wadha Saif Ahmed
American University of Ras Al Khaimah, Ras Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Pub. Date
26 April, 2022
Paper ID
Challenges, Collaborative Learning, Empowering learners, Building communities, Active Learning, Proximal Development, Collective Efficacy, Confidentiality, Anonymity, Teachers Need, Motivation, New Skills, New Practices, New Strategies, New Technologies, and New Learning Styles, Blending learning.


Wadha Saif Ahmed. Exploring challenges in implementing hybrid learning in cycle two public girls' schools in the United Arab emirates, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Wadha Saif Ahmed (2022). Exploring challenges in implementing hybrid learning in cycle two public girls' schools in the United Arab emirates. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(2)

Wadha Saif Ahmed. "Exploring challenges in implementing hybrid learning in cycle two public girls' schools in the United Arab emirates." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.2 (2022).


Purpose: The challenge of integrating cooperative learning in online learning environments presents challenges for both learners and educators. This mixed-methods study will explore Implementing Hybrid Learning in Cycle Two Public Schools in the UAE. The focus of the study will be on the challenges teachers face in delivering effective online instruction, in hopes of discovering ways in which teachers may more effectively plan and implement collaborative learning in online learning environments. Design Methodology approach: Research will take APA style. The survey will provide the basis for developing in-depth questions to explore both the online learning environment and collaborative learning more fully. The survey will be published through various technology platforms. Upon completion of the surveys, the results will be coded and analyzed using Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). The researcher will then conduct targeted interviews to gain more information. Findings: Teachers Need More Training, Motivation for Training, Fear to Change, Everything Takes Time, New Skills, New Practices, New Strategies, New Technologies, and New Learning Styles, Blended Learning as Efficient Tool to Address Current Education Problems, Blended Learning Cannot Be Changed by an Online Learning, Student Motivation Suffers from Too Much Online Learning, Blended Learning Problems Are Technical Issues and Increasing Role of Parents in the Learning Process. Originality: There are a few studies that examine the exploring challenges in hybrid learning. Moreover, most studies focus on challenges and collaboration between students. Finally, there is no study has been conducted on the challenges in hybrid learning in C2 public girls' schools in the United Arab Emirates.