This paper is published in Volume-2, Issue-5, 2016
Dr. Ankita U. Mandpe, Dr. G.H. Kodwani, Dr. Meera .A. Aurangabadkar
Govt. Ayurvedic College Nagpur, India
Pub. Date
21 October, 2016
Paper ID
Agni, Bhasmakarog, Pitta prakopa, Hyprethyroidism.


Dr. Ankita U. Mandpe, Dr. G.H. Kodwani, Dr. Meera .A. Aurangabadkar. A Comparative Study of Lakshanas and Samprapti of BhasmakRog w.s.r to Hyperthyroidism, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Ankita U. Mandpe, Dr. G.H. Kodwani, Dr. Meera .A. Aurangabadkar (2016). A Comparative Study of Lakshanas and Samprapti of BhasmakRog w.s.r to Hyperthyroidism. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2(5)

Dr. Ankita U. Mandpe, Dr. G.H. Kodwani, Dr. Meera .A. Aurangabadkar. "A Comparative Study of Lakshanas and Samprapti of BhasmakRog w.s.r to Hyperthyroidism." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2.5 (2016).


Agni is the fundamental concept of Ayurveda, which has described an important factor of Digestion and Metabolism in our body. Agni converts Food in the form of Energy, which is responsible for all the Vital Functions of our body. According to Ayurveda, रोगाः सर्वेपि मंदाग्नौः.............॥ all diseases occurs due to Mandagni except Bhasmaka Rog. It occurs due to Agni vruddhi which response to Kshudda vriddhi, Dhatu ksheenta with various Pitta prakop Lakshanas, hence Bhasmaka Rog directly effects on Metabolism. In human body, Thyroxin Hormone also plays an important role in Metabolism. If level of this hormone increased, results to increase Appetite, Sweating etc. This high level of thyroxin called Hyperthyroidism and its symptoms are same as Pitta Prakopa Lakshana. So the question arises whether there is any correlation between Bhasmaka Rog and Hyprthyroidism? What are the Lakshanas and Samprapti of both conditions? With the present article, we are trying to study the Lakshana and Samprapti of Bhasmaka Rog with special reference Hyperthyroidism.