This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-2, 2018
Android and Web Devlopment
Akshay Umesh Zade, Shubham Madhukar Shiwarkar, Khushali Chandrakant Umate, Anushree Arvind Kawley, Payal Narayan Telrandhe, Bhagyashree Bhoyar
Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering, Technology & Research, Wardha, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
19 March, 2018
Paper ID
PUC (Pollution under Control), RC (Registration Certificate), Advance Digilocker, Document Verification


Akshay Umesh Zade, Shubham Madhukar Shiwarkar, Khushali Chandrakant Umate, Anushree Arvind Kawley, Payal Narayan Telrandhe, Bhagyashree Bhoyar. Advance Digilocker, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Akshay Umesh Zade, Shubham Madhukar Shiwarkar, Khushali Chandrakant Umate, Anushree Arvind Kawley, Payal Narayan Telrandhe, Bhagyashree Bhoyar (2018). Advance Digilocker. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(2)

Akshay Umesh Zade, Shubham Madhukar Shiwarkar, Khushali Chandrakant Umate, Anushree Arvind Kawley, Payal Narayan Telrandhe, Bhagyashree Bhoyar. "Advance Digilocker." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.2 (2018).


This document offers a standardized mechanism to issue government documents to license holders in digital format and store them. This allows government-issued documents to be moved to electronic form and make it available for real-time access in a set of “digital repositories”. You may not need to carry physical document such as license, PUC, RC Book, Insurance. By using advance login (Using fingerprint) and Adhar card Scanning, it will get an image of the finger and then it determines the pattern in an image, matches the pattern in pre-scanned images. The document verification will be done by OCR (Optical Character Recognition). It will scan vehicle-related documents electronically and will convert images of a text to the characters. Reduce administrative overhead of Govt. departments and agencies and make it easy for the residents to receive services.