This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-4, 2020
Psychiatary And Mental Health
Reena Dogra
Sister Nivedita Govt. Nursing Institute, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
20 July, 2020
Paper ID
Descriptive, Assess, General Well Being, Psychological Distress


Reena Dogra. A descriptive study to assess the general wellbeing and psychological distress of leprosy patients in selected leprosy centre at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, shimla (H.P.) India., International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Reena Dogra (2020). A descriptive study to assess the general wellbeing and psychological distress of leprosy patients in selected leprosy centre at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, shimla (H.P.) India.. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(4)

Reena Dogra. "A descriptive study to assess the general wellbeing and psychological distress of leprosy patients in selected leprosy centre at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, shimla (H.P.) India.." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.4 (2020).


Background of the study: Throughout its history, leprosy has been feared and misunderstood. For long time leprosy was thought to be a hereditary disease, a curse, or a punishment from God. Before and even after the discovery of its biological cause, leprosy patients were stigmatized and shunned. For example, in Europe during the Middle Ages, leprosy sufferers had to wear special clothing, ring bells to warn others that they were close, and even walk on a particular side of the road, depending on the direction of the wind. Problem statement: A Descriptive Study to Assess the General Wellbeing & Psychological Distress of Leprosy Patients in Selected Leprosy Centre, I.G.M.C.Shimla,(H.P). Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the general well being of the leprosy patients, to assess the psychological distress of leprosy patients, to find the association between general well being and psychological distress with their selected demographic variables. Materials and methods: A Quantitative approach and non-experimental descriptive design was adopted to accomplish the main objectives of the study. The study was conducted in leprosy center, I.G.M.C.Shimla. The target population of the study was all leprosy patients of leprosy center, I.G.M.C.Shimla. The total sample size was 100 leprosy patients selected by convenient sampling technique, The tool was constructed to assess the general well being & psychological distress of leprosy patients. Analysis and interpretation: Most of the patients (78%) had some well-being risks. The majority of the patients (71%) had moderate psychological distress. The highest general well being was in the physical domain and the least well being was in social domain among leprosy patients. Conclusion: Type of family, duration of suffering from illness, had significant association with the general well-being and psychological distress.